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Chapter 27 Chapter 25 Anatomical Results

blurred world 松本清张 5770Words 2018-03-22
One noon for two weeks. Around one o'clock, Masako Saeki told Doi that Mr. Ueda from Dongfang Development had called. "Mr. Doi? I'm Ueda from the General Affairs Department of the 'Touhou Development Corporation'." A man's voice came. "It's the first time I met you... The ashes of Mr. Waipu, the vice president of 'Chile Oriental Development' have been brought back." "Ah, what time is it?" "Six days ago." "Six days ago? When will the farewell ceremony be held?" Doi picked up the note and pencil. "I'm really sorry, the funeral is a communal funeral, and it was held in XX Temple four days ago."

"..." Doi dropped the pencil. "Mr. Doi should have been notified in time, but the Widow of Waipu wanted to limit it to the inside of the club as much as possible. So there were very few people who participated, and Mr. Doi was not notified. I'm sorry." Doi was momentarily speechless. "There is something I want to discuss with you. Mrs. Waipu wants to meet with you. Is it possible?" Doi was shocked.He immediately thought of Mukoshima Bank's safe.Mrs. Waipu wanted to see her because of this!Can't think of anything else going on. "Okay." Doi felt that his mind was in a mess, so he agreed. "When?"

"Madam said, it's better today or tomorrow. I'm sorry to bother you in your busy schedule, but can you spare some time?" Doi picked up the schedule on the table and looked at it. "If it's today, I've always had time, and I have appointments tomorrow and the next two days." Doi said that it was an excuse to say that something will happen within two or three days from tomorrow, but he wanted to know earlier what Mrs. Waipu was going to talk about. "Then what about after four o'clock today?" "I can do it, where should we meet?"

Doi wants to pay homage to the remains at the Gaipu family. "It's best to be her home, but there are still visitors who express their condolences. Madam hopes to meet you in the lobby of your hotel." Doi felt uneasy.He thought: Why didn't they tell him about taking back the ashes from Waipu?When Takuro Gaiura went to Chile, he went to Narita Airport to see him off. Everyone present had noticed the intimacy that Gaiura showed to him on the spot, and Kazuhiro and his wife had also seen it. The funeral held by the "Oriental Development" General Affairs Department and the temple is a communal funeral, and the participants are all "internal" people. Doi does not think that he is qualified to belong to the scope of that "internal", but why should he adopt such a "secret" method? What about the same action as a funeral?Doi felt that this incident was directly related to the cause of Waipu's death.Because Waipu Takuro committed suicide, a "secret funeral" was held.

Waipu's ashes were brought back by his wife in Chile.Maybe he was still alive when he went to the hospital for emergency treatment?He was even alive when his wife flew to the hospital in San Diego?Maybe left some words for his wife before dying?Doi thinks that if there is a will, it must be about the bank safe, so Mrs. Waipu is eager to meet the safe agent herself? However, after Doi thought about it, there was a big contradiction in these conjectures, because Gaipu clearly stated before going to Chile that the contents of the safe “cannot be told to his wife”.Those love letters must never be shown to her. ——Actually, handing over those things to her can relieve my mental burden a lot.

Doi was wondering what to do if she asked about the safe?It should be resolutely denied, but I am worried about what will happen to my face when she keeps asking? Doi was upset and felt that time was passing slowly.The room was silent, except for the rustling of Saeki Masako's pencils translating shorthand symbols in the next room and the sound of flipping books.In order to calm his mind, Doi sat on the reception sofa and reread the picture postcard sent by Uaiura. …The fruit shops are overflowing with cherries, apples, melons, apricots, lemons, papayas, walnuts, and other fruits, and Spanish is heard everywhere.After spending two years in a country that stretches like a narrow belt from south to north, I must learn Spanish from now on.well, bye!

——When Doi casually read this letter, he suddenly discovered a question: Can a person who is about to commit suicide come up with the idea of ​​learning Spanish?Doi also denied the idea that the cause of Waipa's death was suicide.Waipu's wife was coming, and she would tell the details of her husband's death, so we just had to wait. Doi continued to smoke one after another, but his thoughts fluctuated and he couldn't calm down.Open today's morning newspaper casually, and continue to read the unfinished news reports. Under the political column on the second page, there was a headline "Rep. Kawamura of the Constitutional Party belongs to the Katsura faction", and Doi was immediately attracted by it.

"Rep. Masaaki Kawamura of the Constitutional Party issued a statement yesterday that he has left the 'Innovation Club' he belongs to and joined the Guieihui. The Guieihui is a faction organized by Prime Minister Gui. So far, the number of Guieihui has reached 150. " Doi was very surprised.In November of this year, the next political power will be handed over from Prime Minister Gui to Masayoshi Terasai.Under such circumstances, why did Masaaki Kawamura not join the Terasai faction but join the Gui faction instead?After thinking about it, I think the reason is money.Gui Pai is used to buying people's hearts with money.The "Innovation Club" headed by Shang Shanzhuangping has been shouting to overthrow money politics. I really did not expect that Kawamura turned to the faction of Prime Minister Katsura who was the target of his attack.

Representative Kawamura's speech was ghostwritten by Doi.Although his speech was insincere, which is a vice of congressmen, but Kawamura's doing so was too blatant. Itakura Tusuke, the founder of the "Innovation Club", and the leading cadres of this faction all attended Kawamura's "support meeting". They praised the young Kawamura to the utmost. Sir is the hope of our party and someone who will be the prime minister in the near future."These are all tricks made by the Itakura faction in a minority position in order to maintain their own power.Even so, Kawamura broke away from the "Reform Club" of the Itakura faction and openly defected to the Gui faction regardless of his faith. This behavior is too disregarding of personality.

It has been decided that Shigenobu Katsura will give up the positions of prime minister and party president in November this year. Why does the Katsura faction want to recruit Masaaki Kawamura to expand the power of the faction?Is it to show that there is still strength after the "abdication", in an attempt to overwhelm others with power?Public opinion has not yet commented on this.It seems that the Gui faction wants to take turns governing, and the abdication itself is a prelude to it.From this, it can be concluded that there is a secret agreement between Gui Shigenobu and Teranishi Masaki, and it will definitely be the Gui regime in the next round.

The Gui faction knew that this approach would irritate the Itakura faction, so why did they bring Kawamura into their own faction?This is because the "Renovation Club" is a "branch" of the Itakura faction.Itakura faction will definitely be very indignant about Gui faction's despicable practice of buying people's hearts with a lot of money.Masaki Kawamura may have received a considerable amount of "reward" from the Gui faction, right?Is it seven million yuan?Is it ten million yuan?Originally, Masaaki Kawamura was regarded as a promising stand-out among the members of the second generation of parliamentarians. In the future, he will be strongly criticized and cast aside. Knowing that there will be such consequences, but going to Chuancun, who belongs to the Gui faction, is there an urgent need for a batch of money? The phone rang.Doi jumped up as if awakened, and picked up the earphones. "I am Waipu's wife, are you Mr. Doi?" It was the voice I heard when I saw Gaoura off at Narita Airport. "I'm Doi, are you in the hall?" "yes." "I'll come to you right away." "Sorry." Doi took out the prepared incense package from the drawer. Waipu's wife stood with her head down in front of the reception sofa on the left side opposite the hall.Although he was not wearing mourning clothes, he was wearing a black suit.Doi walked up to her. "I'm Doi." He whispered and bowed. "Thank you that time!" She put the black bag in front of her with both hands and made a deep bow. A woman sits with three men on a couch in the back, watching them while smoking a cigarette.Mrs. Waipu and Doi walked into the coffee room and chose a table in a corner.Doi once again bowed deeply to her. "I don't know how to express my condolences. I couldn't believe it when I heard the news of your husband's death from Mr. Eastern Development. I still feel this way." "My husband was taken care of during his lifetime, thank you very much." The two sat down after bowing to each other several times.Doi saw Waipu's wife from the front for the first time, and her face without makeup turned pale.Doi took out the incense bag from his coat pocket and put it on the table. "Please come to the coffin! I should have gone to the mansion to burn incense before the coffin. I'm sorry! I'll pay homage at the mansion later." Doi whispered. He even said that "Eastern Development" did not inform him to attend the farewell ceremony, but only expressed his apology for not being able to attend the funeral.Waipu's wife took the incense bag respectfully, put it in the bag, and handed the post of "Thank you for the funeral" to Doi for those who participated in the farewell ceremony. Next to "Funeral Chairman Wahiro" is the words "Mourner Setsuko Gaigura". The waiter brought tea. "Even I myself still can't believe that your husband died. I can understand your pain." Doi saw the name of Setsuko Gaiura on the post "Thank you for the funeral" and saluted her again. "Yes, it was the last time I saw his healthy figure when I went to Narita to see him off. If I hadn't seen him after parting, I still felt that I was still alive and healthy somewhere in Chile. This dreamy feeling has always remained in me. In my heart. But when I got to the hospital in San Diego and saw that he was indeed dead..." Setsuko Uaiura lowered her head suddenly, and hastily took out a handkerchief from her bag, suppressing the grief welling up in her heart and sobbing.Doi also lowered his head and waited silently.Her trembling shoulders gradually stabilized.Setsuko wiped her eyes with a handkerchief, blew her nose, and raised her head. "Excuse me!" Her eyes and the tip of her nose turned red. "...When I went to the hospital there and saw the body in the coffin, I realized that Waipu was really dead and left this world." After hearing Mrs. Waipu's narration, Doi dispelled the thought that maybe he was still alive when his wife rushed to the San Diego hospital. A vast night sea appeared in Doi's mind. "... When Waipu was driving on a suburban highway in San Diego, he knocked down a tree on the side of the road. The car was a Bendiac that he bought not long ago, and the front engine of the crashed car had sunk into the back seat. The company My husband showed me the wreckage of the car, and also the scene. The tree that was knocked down was a thick linden tree, which was peeled off as if it had been hit by a shell.” "..." "The road here is a straight line, a place that can be seen at a glance. There is no other vehicle in front, so there is no possibility of making a mistake due to overtaking. It can only be concluded that the accident occurred while driving while dozing off." "..." "Due to the serious chest injury, he died immediately, so there is no painful expression on his face, and it is completely peaceful like sleeping." Setsuko Gaiura remembered her husband's face when he died, and couldn't help sobbing. Looking over Setsuko's hair, I saw the corners of the restaurant built in the style of an ancient palace.The rockery in the courtyard is dotted with colorful flowers and plants, and foreign men and women stand on the corridor to watch the scenery of the courtyard.The scenery outside the window is leisurely, and the quiet and peaceful background further sets off the deep grief of this woman. Doi was silent.Because I'm not familiar with it, I don't know what to say to comfort me.He was at a loss for Setsuko who was crying in front of his eyes.The people around secretly looked at this side. Doi thought, did she come here to mourn her deceased husband in front of her husband's junior schoolmates?No, it's not.The relationship between me and Waipu is not familiar enough for her to come here and tell me about it.Even I have never been to Gaoura's house, and I only saw Setsuko for the first time when I was seeing him off at Narita Airport.Gaipu may have narrated to his wife the things about the younger generation Xueyou, but just these can make Setsuko come here to pour out his feelings?Nor is it.Setsuko probably came here for another thing, the safe at the Mukoshima Bank.She knew that I was its agent and asked for the key to the safe? ... Doi was uneasy.At this time, Setsuko Gaiura raised his head. "Sorry, I couldn't restrain myself." "Your grief is understandable." Doi said. "I'm sorry for wasting your time in your busy schedule! I have something to report to you, so I came here specially... I burst into tears before I had time to talk about the business, I'm sorry!" "Where?" Of course what she was going to talk about might be about the death of Waipu, but the serious words of "report" caught Doi's attention. "Wai Pu told me that you are his very close friend." "I have been taken care of by my senior senior, Mr. Waipu." What did Waipu say to his wife? "I haven't told anyone about this matter. Only five or six leading cadres, including President Hejiu, know about it. It's about the autopsy results of Waipu's body..." "The results of the autopsy?" Doi asked. "Yes, the cause of death was a traffic accident, but the police there did an autopsy at the hospital anyway. That was two days before I got there." "The cause of death was a chest impact. The impact was so strong that the front engine was pressed into the rear seat. They said that the steering wheel pressed into Waipu's chest, squeezing the heart and lungs to pieces. Of course the person died immediately. This is the anatomist. I was told by the company's translator. The results of the autopsy also revealed unexpected facts." "what is that?" "Wai Pu has cancerous lesions on his body." "What, cancer?" Doi almost shouted. "It's stomach cancer. The cancer cells have metastasized to the liver and lungs. It's so serious that even surgery before death won't help." Mrs. Waipu had gradually calmed down and was talking calmly.Then he took out an envelope from the bag and put it in front of Doi. "This is the doctor's diagnosis of the cancer focus, and this is the manuscript translated by Mr. Chilean Oriental Development." Doi took out the medical certificate from the envelope, his hands were shaking. "On the side of the greater curvature of the stomach, there are large and small mucosal islands with depressions, hypertrophy of the lymph nodes above and below the greater curvature, the lesser curvature, and the pylorus. According to the Boermann classification, it is a type IV advanced cancer that does not belong to the Boermann type III, and the surrounding lymph node metastasis can be seen The lungs are deformed due to severe injury. The bronchial wall and blood vessel wall are thicker than normal, and the white mesh structure in the hilum is clearly visible, which is retrograde lymphatic metastasis from the hilum. It can be considered as cancerous thoracic pancreatitis. The Gleason's sheath of the liver is enlarged and white, which is presumed to be that the cancer cells diffusely infiltrated the Gleason's sheath from the hepatic hilum... No spleen metastasis was seen." Doi repeatedly read this "anatomical diagnosis".Although it is a translation, it is estimated that the translation was reviewed by a Japanese doctor in Chile, and the medical terms are used properly. "It's really unexpected!" Doi said after returning the "diagnostic certificate" to Setsuko Uaiura. "Was the madame completely ignorant of this before?" "I don't know at all. Because Gaipu never said anything." Setsuko looked at the "diagnosis certificate" and replied. "I don't have any symptoms?" "I didn't know it at the time, but in retrospect, I still have a feeling." "What's the situation?" "Waipu felt very tired in the past two or three months, and kept saying 'too tired! Too tired!" "..." "But he himself believes that this is brought about by heavy work. He became Secretary of Teranishi three years ago. The secretary of such a big politician is busy with affairs, and it is a labor-intensive task. With the changes in the political situation, Teranishi The husband is getting busier, and the burden of secretary work is also increasing, so Waipu's hard work is also increasing." Doi remembered that Mrs. Wenzi's "love letter" also wrote about Waipu's "fatigue". "I thought it was fatigue caused by heavy work. I told Waipu several times to go to the hospital immediately," said Waipu's wife. "But, no matter how I persuade him! He always said that he was too busy, and he kept procrastinating and refusing to go to the hospital. Now that I think about it, Waipu might be afraid of going to the hospital. After receiving a doctor's diagnosis and careful examination, he found many problems..." Setsuko Waipu grieved narrated. "Waipu's complexion is getting worse and worse, but I still believe what Waipu said, thinking it's simply because of his busy work. At that time, it would be good if we combined these clues with the symptoms of cancer." "I regret so much that I didn't know anything in the past!" Waipa's wife suddenly cried out in pain, and Doi was stunned, looking up at Setsuko's face in fear.Her "remorse knows nothing" was referring to her husband's cancer. "If he had noticed his pain early, he would have been forced to take him to the hospital for an operation. Maybe it was too late for the operation, but he died in a car accident and only found out about his cancer after an autopsy. This is so pitiful. My heart will never be able to I'm relieved." Setsuko tattooed the handkerchief on her knee sadly. "Mr. Waipu," Doi repeated the question he had just asked. "Is he asymptomatic like normal cancer patients?" "I don't think so. If he felt that way, he would have gone to the hospital right away. Gaipu didn't do that. She asked Mr. Teranishi for a long vacation and returned to Mr. Kazuhisa. She volunteered to go to Chile. If Gaipu feels this way If you feel sick, you won’t go to Chile, which lacks modern medical equipment.” Instead of going to the hospital, Takuro Ueura left for far away Chile in a hurry... From Setsuko's subconscious words, Doi suddenly had a new analysis. Setsuko Gaiura went back, but never mentioned her late husband's safe.It seemed that she might not have known about it, and indeed she had come here only to report her husband's autopsy results to Doi. Doi believes that Waipu committed suicide.He was sure that he had cancer, and the "unexpected events abroad" he repeatedly hinted at referred to this. "Unexpected events" refer to cancer deaths?Or does it mean suicide before death?It may be understood as referring to both, but now it seems that it refers to suicide. If Waipu went to Chile to commit suicide, why didn't he dispose of the love letter in the safe and left?Or back to the original question. It is an undeniable fact that Waipu is a villain.He deceived Mrs. Wenzi, took advantage of her pure love, and plotted his own future interests. He kept Mrs. Wenzi's letters like treasures for personal gain.He threatened Sixi Zhengyi with this, and pushed Mrs. Sixi, who was once passionately in love, to the bottom of the cliff. This man suffered from an incurable disease, and he lost the opportunity to use the letter as a "weapon". He left all the "materials" as "inheritance" to the agent.He also said to the chosen agent, Doi, "you are free to deal with it", and its true meaning is to "fulfill his insidious plan for him". Ueura Setsuko left for a long time, but Doi was still sitting on the sofa in the hallway.Others might have thought he was waiting for someone, when his mind was a frightful mess.
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