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Chapter 26 Chapter 24 The Mechanics of the Secret

blurred world 松本清张 6854Words 2018-03-22
It was past two o'clock in the afternoon, and there were few tourists in Sumida Park.Doi was walking on the embankment road, the luxuriant woods on the side of the road covered the road, and the leaves of the cherry trees had turned yellow. There is Sensoji Temple on the other side of the Sumida River, and Asakusa Sanchome, where "Tori House" is located, is on the other side of Sensoji Temple. Doi once had a long talk with Waipu at "Tong's House", so he had the opportunity to look at his face carefully from the front.In Doi's memory, the face of Mrs. Teranishi Fumiko and Ueura's face that he had seen in magazine photos emerged, as if he heard Uaipu's voice and saw Mrs. Fumiko's fluent handwriting.

"I have been serving Mr. Teranishi for three years, and I think it's time to retire... It turns out that I am a person who doesn't care about details, so when Mr. Teranishi is in the field, I can still be a secretary at any rate. But I can't do it when Mr. , Lu is not the material to be the prime minister's secretary. I can't do it anymore!... I am too tired, and my husband understands this, so I was allowed to take a long vacation smoothly." . . . You have listened well to the sagacious advice of a woman three years older than you. . . . I find this isolation more and more unbearable, trying to suppress it with reason, but I cannot get rid of the pain in my heart.This is the first time I have tasted the pain of an ambiguous relationship that cannot be confessed to others. This is the first time in my life... I love you sincerely, but a person like me does not even have the freedom to love, it is so chilling , After thinking about it, I just feel anxious.

Please come to K at two o'clock.If I'm late, please wait for me, I'll be there in twenty minutes at the latest! ! ——"K" means wood, which means "Pauli House"?The place where two people meet will not be a hotel.This kind of local political and financial circles and reporters gathered together, with too many eyes and ears.Of course, they can't go to second-rate hotels and restaurants either, their self-esteem won't allow them to go to such places. "Tong's House" is just the right place for their tryst.This is a small, unobtrusive "waiting" restaurant, with apartments behind it, that would have been mistaken for an ordinary residence if there were no weeping willow branches hanging from its walls.The location is remote and there are few people coming and going. Even Doi got lost in a taxi.In order to meet Waipu, Doi had been to this restaurant.At that time, Doi thought, why do people like Waipu go to such a poor restaurant?I get it now.As a tryst place, here is the best.Doi recalled that when he came here last time, the female boss did not come out to receive her. From this, it can be inferred that Waipu often came to this house.The thirty-five or six-year-old waitress seemed no stranger to Waipu.The entire "Tong House" seems to use only one or two waitresses, which is too convenient for a tryst place.

Doi remembered her scribbled note: Please come to K, please!I took the time to write these, and burn them right away. A flock of white birds flew over the Sumida River.Behind Doi was an elderly couple walking slowly. The unusual relationship between the two of them has continued for two years.Waipu neither burned nor tore up Mrs. Wenzi's letter, let alone discarded it casually, but preserved it solemnly. Why?To keep as a souvenir of love?No, Waipu only regards it as a "tool" for profit.Mrs. Wenzi, who is three years older than Waipu, is innocent. Her letters are filled with love for him, and she expresses her bitter love for him infatuatedly.Waipu Zhuolang trampled on her affection.

Doi now understands that Waipu suddenly resigned from Teranishi Masaaki's job as secretary and returned to Kazuhiro's "Oriental Development", and then immediately traveled to Chile. It was because Waipu felt that the relationship with Mrs. Fumiko was a painful torture and wanted to end it by running away. .No!Judging from her love letters, it doesn't look like a frank breakup. She has always expressed her determination not to be separated until death.So, Waipo went to Chile to escape her?Waipu said that he was "tired".Are you tired of having a secret love that you can't let others know about?The slightest hint of such a romantic incident will cast a dark shadow on the future of a faction leader of the Constitutional Party, Teranishi Masatake, who will be elected as the "next prime minister".Waipu must be feeling exhausted from exhausting his energy in this torturous love affair!But Mrs. Wenzi didn't realize Waipu's true meaning, thinking that Waipu's fatigue was caused by busy work.Si Xi, who didn't know the inside story, also thought that there was something wrong with Waipu's health, and advised him to go to the hospital for treatment.

In the letter, Mrs. Wenzi belittled herself as a shallow woman. In fact, it was not love that blinded her eyes, but wishful love that made her unable to imagine that this love brought him mental distress.Did Waipu really worry about his relationship with Mrs. Wenzi?From the books kept in the safe, there is no mention of breaking up between the two people.All kinds of questions appeared in Doi's mind again. Waipu kept these love letters in the bank safe, which was beyond the imagination of Mrs. Wenzi.Originally, Waipu wanted to use this love letter as a tool to obtain huge benefits.What does he want?Is it status?money?Or a career?Maybe it is to prepare as your own defensive weapon in case of danger?Apart from these, there will be no other purpose.If so, Saurang Waipu is a villain, the most insidious and despicable villain.

Dark gray clouds floated in the sky above Asakusa Park, and lead-colored waves appeared on the surface of the river.On the road by the river, a group of high school students ran over shouting loudly.Doi sat blankly on the bench in the park, full of thoughts. Why did Waipu appoint me as the agent of the safe to keep the love letters?His tenure in Chile is only two years, and two years will pass soon. Wouldn't it be fine to keep the love letter in the safe during this period?The reason Wai Pu said was that "in case" might happen in the distant foreign life, and his prophecy was fulfilled.Before leaving, he repeatedly explained that you can freely dispose of the contents of the safe in "just in case", what is the intention of this?

"Let's handle the documents in the safe deposit box rented at the bank freely." This is what Gaipu entrusted to himself in front of the boarding gate at Narita Airport. Waipu himself didn't know, let alone let others understand his state of mind when entrusting this bundle of love letters to others, but he simply reminded that "it's a pity to burn it" and "the determination to burn the treasured treasures is very important. Such words as "not easy to get off" seem to imply this kind of meaning, that is, let Doi handle this "preserved rare treasure" freely.Doi gradually understood that Waipu allowed himself to carry out his unrealized plan!

Doi thought again, he and Waipu are just the relationship between Dongtai's junior and senior alumni, and they don't usually communicate much, why did he choose to entrust himself with keeping the "love letter" and implement the uncompetitive plan?Perhaps, Wai Pu is a person who doesn't care about politics, and he himself was born in the "All Gongdou" of Dongda University.There are only people in the political and business circles around Waipu, and they will not understand Waipu's feeling of "it's a pity that rare treasures are turned into ashes", so let Waipu choose himself as the most suitable candidate!When and where did you choose yourself?That might be the ballroom lounge of the O Hotel.That day, Doi was standing in the queue for "Supporting Congressman Masaki Kawamura". Gaipu saw Doi and walked up to him:

"I haven't seen you for a long time." "I feel like it's been thirteen or four years, and it's been a long time." "I want to catch up with you in a few days." Doi still remembers the conversation very clearly.Did Waipu identify himself as the "transferr" the moment he saw himself in the queue?In Wai Pu's opinion, it is best to leave the safekeeping and handling of secret letters to juniors who are familiar with but rarely interact with each other.He must have heard that he ghost-wrote the "books" and "speeches" of congressmen.He might have thought that although Doi lived a life against his own conscience, he despised these politicians and still maintained the only self-respect and conceit of a person from the "All Gongdou" background.

Doi stood up from the bench.At this time, a suspicion suddenly arises: Could Waipu's death be a suicide under the cover of a traffic accident? It is difficult to distinguish between a death caused by a mistake while driving a motor vehicle and an intentional suicide. The "Chile Oriental Development" report stated that when Waipu was running on the highway at a speed of 100 kilometers per hour, he crashed into a tree beside the road due to a driving error.In fact, no one can judge whether it was a driving error or suicide.In the "Chile Correspondence" sent by Waipu from Santiago, there is not a word of unclear meaning, and the beautiful scenery of South America and the lyricism of the desolate desert are described in a fresh style of writing, without any hint of suicidal thoughts.But judging from the current situation, many mysteries can be solved only by calling it "suicide".Waipu repeatedly emphasized that "unexpected events" and "in case" may occur to him.Doesn't that suggest suicidal thoughts? Perhaps the "wicked man" Waipu betrayed Mrs. Wenzi's pure love and felt deeply pained!Not only that, but he also deceived Masaki Teranishi, and failed the trust of his benefactor and Hisahiro, so he must have been condemned by his conscience! If this is the case, going to Chile quietly without any explanation to Mrs. Wenzi means ending the "extramarital love" with her, apologizing to her husband and benefactor, and committing suicide. It is a difficult confession, and, on purpose, he traveled across the oceans, to a foreign country where no one would notice, and made a self-discipline of conscience discovery. Doi's heart was beating violently, and then gradually calmed down.New doubts arose in my mind.If Waipu couldn't bear the harshness of his conscience, why would he say it was a "pity" to burn the love letter, and transfer the "freedom of disposal" to himself, as if he intended to make himself the executor of his scheme?This is also contradictory to what Doi thought just now that Waipu's death came from atonement.If it was a sincere apology, Waipu should have burned all the love letters that would become evidence before leaving for Chile, but he did not do so, which shows that Waipu is still a bad person. How exactly do you explain the "bad guy" Waipa and his suicide?It's really puzzling!What Doi understood was only the huge "burden" that Waipu had left for himself. Doi began to think about how to deal with the important and troublesome "documents" that were still in the bank safe. The owner of the "document" was dead, and as an agent, he should have given it to his wife, but of course he couldn't do that, because it was a secret that Waipu repeatedly asked his wife not to know.That would cause her great grief, and it was not right to torture her. The second way is to return the letters to the person who wrote them, which is a step that should be taken, but it cannot be done.Doing so can only bring a greater blow to Mrs. Wenzi!Madam thought that these letters and notes no longer existed, and if these things suddenly appeared, and from the hands of a third party, her shock and fear can be imagined. Mrs. Wenzi always believed that Waipu was obedient to her love."You have always obeyed my word," she wrote in the letter.Madam believed that Waipu would obey her words of "burn it immediately after reading it, and tear it up".The best thing to do is, give it to her directly.But Doi didn't know his wife, and there were many Teranishi family members, and all the secretaries were there. He had never been to Teranishi's house before, and if he went suddenly now, he would definitely be suspected.It's not easy to do things like this. So should I send it to my wife in a "pro-invited" package?This will save trouble, but what might go wrong before it gets to her?At this time, the Sixi family with many people and hands, seeing the "personal" package sent by the wife from an unknown person, they will be vigilant, and may order the scholar or maid to open it, and even suspect that there are explosives in it, then Send it straight to the police station without packing it! Just burn those secret letters!This is the smartest way to deal with it. The "secret" will be buried in the dark forever, and no one will be hurt again. After Doi made up his mind to burn the letter, his mood calmed down instead.With a relaxed mood, he walked across the Azuma Bridge from the park, and then took the subway to Shibuya at Asakusa Subway Station.At this time, a new question flashed in my mind. ——If Waipu's death in a car accident in Chile was a suicide, why didn't he burn the love letter beforehand, but left it in the safe?Therefore, it is not sufficient to just take Waipu's words of "burning it is a pity" as a reason to preserve the letter.Waipu, who intends to commit suicide abroad, does not need to keep Mrs. Wenzi's love letter "in order to realize a certain ambition". Waipu not only stores these "evidence" in a safe safe, but also appoints himself as an agent. There is also a contradiction here.At this time, Doi began to believe that Waipu's death was caused by a driving error. Waipu plans to return to China in two years.After two years of isolation, the passion between the two has completely disappeared, and the relationship with Mrs. Sixi can be ended naturally.Therefore, I asked Doi to act as an agent for the safe before returning.Waipu believed that as long as there was no instruction from Chile, Doi would never look at the contents of the safe. It was already half past four when Doi returned to the Adam Hotel office in Akasaka. "Come back!" Saeki Masako got up to greet him. "Is there a call?" "Yes." Saeki Masako brought the notebook.A total of four items were recorded.One of them was a phone call from Mr. Nishikori's secretary, Shotaro Hataka. "Miss Saeki, where did Mr. Hataka get the call from?" "He didn't say." "It may be from Mr. Nishikori. Please call Mr. Nishikori's office in the guild hall." "Understood." Masako dialed the first member of the House of Representatives Hall and asked the switchboard to pick up Mr. Nishikori's office. "Excuse me, is Secretary Hataka here? This is Nobuyuki Doi's office." While talking, Changzi handed the microphone to Doi. "Ah, Mr. Hataka? I'm Doi. I heard that you called, but I'm not at home. I'm sorry." "Hello! I seem to be urging you, sorry! How is the manuscript entrusted to you going?" "..." "Hi! Hello! It seems that you are very busy and worried about whether you can finish it on time, so I want to ask." "..." "Hello! Hello! Can you hear me?" "...Mr. Hatanaka, I want to apologize to you for this matter, so I want to meet you." "What, apology!" Hataka shouted. "What's going on here? It won't be a long delay!" "It's not to postpone the time, but to decline." Uncle Zuo Chang who was beside him was stunned. "Hey, Mr. Doi, is it true that you said you would refuse?" Shotaro Hataka's exclamation sounded through the earphones. "I'm so sorry!" Doi seemed to bow his head to the headset. "Why... Mr. Doi, where... is there such an unreasonable thing. Come on, what's going on?" Secretary Hatazhong stuttered anxiously. "To be honest, my health is failing. So although I promised once, but now I am not sure to complete the manuscript within the agreed time. I am really sorry!" "Anyway, I'll go to your place right away." Hataka put down the microphone without waiting for an answer from here. Saeki Masako stared at Doi sitting on the chair with wide eyes.Doi thought: ——After knowing the truth of the matter, I can no longer write the book "The Great Man-The Biography of Masaki Terasai".Although I'm sorry for Masaki Teranishi, in the "materials" handed over by Shotaro Hataka, "Masaki Teranishi's success today is inseparable from the help of Mrs. Wenzi, a virtuous insider. Madam has a very elegant upbringing, but is very She is easy-going, and everyone who has met her leaves a good impression... The help of the chaste and cheerful Mrs. Fumiko is an important factor in making Masaki Teranishi's success today. The wife is honest and considerate to her husband..." How can such words be written? Get out, that would be shameless.Although I believe that Mrs. Wenzi's love for Pu is "innocent and pure"... Mrs. Wenzi is a victim, and Teresi himself is a victim without knowing the truth. Now that he knows the truth, he even wrote the hypocritical "The Story of Masayoshi Teresa", which is a cruel mockery to the two of them. Saeki Masako brought black tea.She looked at Doi who was sitting there silently, and asked cautiously. "Are you going to decline Mr. Hataka's request?" It was a timid tone. "Ah." Doi replied in a low voice. Changzi wanted to ask a few more questions, but was afraid that Doi would be unhappy, so he retreated to another room. The phone rang, and it must be Shotaro Hataka.It doesn't take much time to get here by car from the House of Representatives. "I'm Hataka." Said on the phone. "In the hall..." "Please come to my office." Doi said to Hataka. Doi felt that the conversation was likely to be uncool, so he felt out of place in the tea room in the lobby full of guests. "I'll go out for a while." When Saeki Masako packed up the shorthand on the table and was about to go out, he met Secretary Hataka at the door. Hataka, who entered the room, had a strange expression on his face.He is a man with the physique of an athlete, always smiling and kind to others. "I was rude on the phone just now." Doi lowered his head. Hataka sat directly opposite Doi with his legs spread apart, and smiled forcefully while taking out a cigarette. "It's too sudden!" Hataaka said after taking a puff of cigarettes, but there was still a smile on his face. "That phone call was a shock! Mr. Doi, how about you try to find time to arrange it?" "I'm very sorry! It's just..." "It's only now that you say these words, what do you want me to do! You have already promised." "very sorry!" "To be honest, our old man has already told Mr. Teranishi about this. I heard that Mr. Teranishi knows that you wrote this article, and has great expectations for you!" "Is it Mr. Teranishi?" "Yes." Hataka stared at Doi and said forcefully. Doi understands that Masaki Teranishi doesn't know himself, this is Hataaka's deception, it's a trick.As long as Si Xi's name is mentioned, he will immediately submit!After Hatanaka mentioned Teranishi's name, Doi was shocked by another meaning. "Up to now, I am the only one who knows the secret of Madam Terishi!" Doi felt sad for Terishi who had never met. If Nishikori had already told Teranishi that he was going to ghostwrite "The Great Man-Masaki Terasai", he would feel even more unacceptable to accept this job.When Nishikori saw Doi lowering his head, he misunderstood that things had turned around, so he said with a smile: "Mr. Teranishi is eagerly looking forward to the completion of Mr. Doi's manuscript, and our old man is also very happy. The old man said that he wants to introduce Mr. Doi to Mr. Teranishi after the manuscript is completed." Hataka's words were also a lie to make Doi change his mind.It is implied here that Doi's future is hopeful if he meets Teranishi.Although this was just a nonsense of Hataaka's mouth, Doi's determination to refuse was strengthened after hearing these words. "What's the reason?" Hearing Doi's answer and seeing his unwavering expression, Hatanaka's smile disappeared like an ebbing tide, and a fierce look appeared in his eyes. "The health is really bad, and I'm not sure to carry out the agreement." Doi bowed and said apologetically. "What's wrong?" Hataka stared at Doi in disbelief. "It's tiredness, mental and physical fatigue. In this case, the mind is not clear, and the problems of thinking cannot be summed up." "However, with the information I provided you, it doesn't take a lot of brains to connect those information and write them together!" "No, once you write without your own ideas, the article cannot be completed. The materials are very good, but the materials are only references after all!" "It's not about writing a thesis. You don't need to think so rigorously. This is a biography. It's fine to write an article praising the protagonist." "My body is really not sure to complete it in this situation." "Mr. Doi, how should I explain to the old man?" "I am so sorry!" "This is not a child's game. I can't report to the old man that the person who accepted the commission refused for some reason." "..." "Mr. Doi, do you have other reasons for changing your mind? If you can tell me the truth, I can get the old man's understanding!" "It's really bad." "That kind of lie that can't even fool a child is not acceptable! I can't confess it. To be honest, you have been pressured by the anti-Sixi sect, right?" Hataka gradually showed a domineering attitude, and was suspicious randomly. "No matter where, no one put pressure on me." "You have always used ghostwriting for gentlemen as a career..." Seeing that Doi had not changed his original intention, Hataka Shotaro revealed a vicious face, raised his shoulders, straightened his strong chest, and shouted contemptuously. "...You are in the ghostwriting business, so the secretaries of gentlemen from various factions have come to ask you to write various things. The biography of Mr. Teraishi that our old man asked you to write has naturally leaked out. People put pressure on you after knowing the news. That's all I can think of!" "There is absolutely no such thing. I have nothing else to say." "Look, can't you open your mouth?" Hataka said cruelly. "Because, what I have accepted is now dodging, so I have to apologize!" Doi put his hands respectfully on his knees. "Hmph! Let me say one more thing. It's the people from Gui who didn't let you do this, right?" What he said was unexpected again. "I know who it is." Seeing that Doi didn't speak, Hataka thought he guessed right, so he spoke more vigorously and showed a rascal face.Hataka Shotaro was born into a violent group in the Nishikori Ukichi electoral district, and many people know him as a person. "These guys from the Katsura faction!" Hatazhong continued. "They are very dissatisfied with Chief Gui's transfer of power to Mr. Teraishi, and they are exerting pressure on the chief. However, the chief has already stated publicly that he will give way to Mr. Teranishi this autumn and cannot change it. These guys are righteous , When they heard that "The Great Man-Si Xi Zhengyi" was going to be published, they were annoyed and reached out here. Isn't it?" "Totally wrong!..." "You used to be a member of 'All Together'. I heard that you participated in the occupation of the Yasuda Lecture Hall. Then you turned into a ghostwriter and sold yourself to the 'enemy', right? You are such a bad-natured person, so you took The money is at the hands of the Gui Sect. I will never deal with people like you again from now on!" "Sorry." Hataka Shotaro glared at Doi, then suddenly overturned the chair and stood up: "You gotta remember, 'All in One' guy! I can't forget what you did to me!" Doi opened the door. "I'm sorry, I don't even serve tea!"
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