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Chapter 22 Chapter 20 Disposal of Corpses

blurred world 松本清张 5969Words 2018-03-22
The long Congress has finally come to an end, with the session dragging on until mid-August. Prime Minister Katsura Shigenobu has gone abroad for his scheduled meeting with the US President and his visit to Europe.There are more than three months left in his term of office, and the "ceremony" of abdication to Teranishi Masaki will be held in autumn.No one in the Gui faction has raised any objections to this matter.The 73-year-old Prime Minister once revealed to newspaper reporters that he no longer misses the political power.However, there are rumors in the society that there is a secret agreement between the Gui faction and the Sixi faction, saying that Sixi served as prime minister for two years, and then handed over the power to the Gui faction to take turns in power.

Itakura, the party's third-largest faction, withdrew to oppose the collusion.The Itakura faction found it difficult to gain political power by relying solely on its own faction, so it entangled the "anti-mainstream faction" and exerted pressure on the Gui faction and the Terasai faction.The purpose is to be able to serve as four cabinet members from Ben Nili when Sixi forms a cabinet. The biggest difficulty for the Itakura faction is internal disunity.The "Reform Club" organized by the backbone of the faction Shangshanzhuang Pingren also caused Itakura's headache.Because of the recent activities of the "Renovation Club", one day the Itakura faction will split.Some sources said that the day when the Kamisanjo Ping faction raised its banner is not far away. In order to prevent the split, when the new cabinet was established, the positions of cabinet members were allocated to the "renovation club". This is Itakura's strategy.Itakura's wooing strategy for the "Reform Club" is also reflected in the fact that he personally led the cadres of his faction to attend the "support meeting" held by Masaaki Kawamura.

The Teranishi Shogi faction, which is in conflict with the Itakura faction, is secretly working to disintegrate the Itakura faction. His goal is the "Reform Club" in Shangshan.The lace news in the newspapers spread the wind that Teranishi, who is about to take power, is planning to distribute the position of minister to the members of the "Renovation Club" when organizing the next team, and uses this method to plan to split the Itakura faction.This activity has been carried out in secret. After Prime Minister Gui returns to China, the political situation will start to move, and it will reach its peak in October this autumn.The newspaper published a photo of the visiting Prime Minister Gui shaking hands with Teranishi Masaaki who was seeing him off at the airport, and laughed and said: "The Teranishi family has already put on the air of being the new prime minister."

At about eight o'clock in the evening, Kenzo Nabeya was slightly drunk after drinking beer, and was woken up by his wife when he was taking a nap. "A call from Mr. Kawamura?" Nabeya turned over and said, "Leave him alone, nothing serious will happen. Tell him he can't wake up." "However, sir's voice is a little unusual." "..." "It's different from the usual tone, it's like panting after running." Nabeya opened his eyes, "What date is it today?" He thought for a moment whether the political situation had changed suddenly.

"It's August 20th, isn't it just after the Ghost Festival?" Kyushu is the Ghost Festival in August. Nabeya stood up and picked up the receiver. "Oh, Nabeya-kun." Kawamura's voice seemed to have a tone of pounce. "I'm sorry, come quickly." The tone was low, and there was an urgent voice. "What's the matter with you?" Nabeya felt that something unusual had happened. "You can't talk on the phone, anyway, please come here immediately." Although the voice was small, the tone was excited. "where are you now?"

"In my house, it's an apartment." A long time ago, Nabeya heard from information dealer Hachiro Nishida that Masaaki Kawamura bought a newly built apartment near Arisugawa Park in Minami Azabu.For some reason, Kawamura didn't tell Nabeya about it.Later, after Kawamura's wife moved into this apartment with their two children, Nabeya visited twice and met Kawamura's wife.Kawamura's house is on the fourth floor of the apartment. There is a Japanese-style living room and a Western-style living room, two living rooms and two Western-style living rooms, two bedrooms, a kitchen, a dining room, and a balcony. It is a luxurious French architectural style. It was bought for 110 million yuan. "

"Where's the wife?" "I'm not at home. I brought my two children back to my hometown the day before yesterday. The electoral district invited her to play for about ten days, so I can take a sea bath." Kawamura coped with it with a guilty conscience. "Then go right away," Nabeya said. "Wait a minute." Kawamura's panicked voice sounded from the receiver. "Come in through the back door of the apartment when you come, okay?" "back door?" "It's a little trouble coming from the main entrance." Kawamura's voice trembled.

"..." "When you come, try to be as unobtrusive as possible." "I'll go right away." "please!" Nabeya had his wife wear a lapel shirt and defense green trousers, the most unobtrusive outfit. "Is there something urgent for Mr. Kawamura?" His wife asked Nabeya. "I don't know, that guy seems to be in a panic!" Nabeya left the house wearing an old hiking hat.I got on the train at Higashi-Matsubara Station on the Keio Teito Line, got off at Shibuya, and hailed a taxi. Nabeya kept thinking about Kawamura all the way.Maybe it's the relationship with Oribe Satoko, she came back from Hawaii very early.Whenever Nabeya asked Kawamura about her situation, he muttered listlessly, and it seemed that there was no good result.Kawamura has always been confident in his "manly charm", but this time he was fooled by Oribe Satoko.

Oribe Satoko has a lover, and he is a big figure in the financial world who provides political funds to Masayoshi Teranishi and then withdraws handling fees.She wouldn't pay attention to little people like the Second Congressman Kawamura. Nabeya knew that Oribe Satoko had returned from Hawaii.Since that time, Nabeya has not been to the "Olibe Club".Kawamura's flustered voice on the phone, did Kawamura cause any trouble for Oribe Satoko's reckless behavior?You messed up and couldn't deal with it, so you asked me to wipe your ass? — No, there may be other problems. After Nabeya heard that Kawamura bought a newly built apartment in Minami Azabu, he conducted an investigation behind Kawamura's back.Sure enough, Kawamura took 100 million yuan from Iwata Ryoe in the name of political funds.Kawamura has received money from Ryoe Iwata several times.She used her husband's inheritance to run the hotel "Koukaso" in Nishi-Shinjuku.This middle-aged widow was completely fascinated by Masaaki Kawamura, who was younger than her.She can't even remember how much political funds she provided to Kawamura, and Kawamura tried her best to hide it from Liangjiang.

Why did Kawamura call himself in such a panic?Whether: The "Innovation Club" allocated him a place to participate in the "Sixi Cabinet" established this autumn?Nabeya thought that the young Kawamura Masaaki would not suddenly be given the post of Minister of State.No matter how enthusiastic Teranishi Masaaki was about wooing the "Renovation Club", there was someone older than Kawamura, Kamiyamasohei, who had never been a decent minister yet! Nabeya arrived near Arisugawa Palace Memorial Park in Minami Azabu.Surrounded by a dense forest, the walls are lined with streetlights along the ramp, lighting the windows of buildings and residences along the way.The apartment Kawamura lives in is an eight-story chocolate-colored building.

"Ouch!" About 50 meters away from the apartment, the driver stared ahead, "It seems that something happened!" Nabeya stood up from the seat cushion and stared ahead, seeing the intense red warning lights of the patrol car going on and off.A policeman with a flashlight measured the ground with a tape measure and drew a line with chalk, and a taxi was parked nearby.The driver told the police something in an agitated tone.The police were standing in the middle of the road with a crowd surrounding them, apparently there had been a traffic accident, but no ambulance was in sight. "Just get here." Nabeya said to the driver and got out of the car. Nabeya entered from the back door of the apartment, and went to the corridor on the fourth floor without taking the elevator. The three housewives living in this apartment stood in the small hall in front of the elevator shaft, talking face to face in low voices.Masaaki Kawamura's Room 426 is the most spacious place on the left at the end of this corridor.To go to Nabeya from the stairs, you have to pass the place where the housewives are standing and talking.In order to wait for the housewives to leave, he looked out from the landing window above the stairs.There is the Taipingkou sign on the top and Qichuan Park on the bottom, which is a night scene.There is a dense grove of trees and a long wall outside. There is a ramp along the wall, and the street lights on the ramp are very clear. The voices of the housewives were so low that Nabeya could not hear what they said.He waited for three minutes, and they still showed no sign of separating.Nabeya couldn't wait any longer, so he had to turn his head to go to the corridor, when the four housewives who lived here came out from the elevator that came up. "Good evening!" They greeted each other with the three people in the small hall, and the seven people got together and started a new whisper.Nabeya reckoned that their conversation would not end soon, so he put on his mountain hat, lowered his head, and walked slowly behind the housewives.Then I heard them talking. "I heard that when crossing a pedestrian crossing in such a hurry, I accidentally got hit by a car!" "Oh, how dangerous!" "It is said that he died in the car that was taken to the hospital." "Where are you from?" They were probably talking about a traffic accident on the road in front of the apartment.Nabeya learned from their conversation that the person hit by the car was dead. Nabeya went to No. 426 and knocked on the door gently.Masaaki Kawamura opened the door to reveal his face. "Ah, ah, just in time!" Seeing Nabeya heaved a sigh of relief, Kawamura immediately took off the chain on the door, invited him inside, and then closed the door tightly and locked it.Nabeya has been here twice, the house is spacious and luxurious, and the furniture is also very particular, which is very different from the councilor's dormitory in Akasaka. Kawamura invited Nabeya to the gorgeous living room.Nabe House looked around, just as he said on the phone, his wife was not at home, he was alone, and the room was quiet.Sitting on the sofa, Kawamura was not only listless, but also a little nervous and afraid. "You don't look good?" Nabeya said after taking a look. "Hmm!" Kawamura suddenly covered his face with his hands and fell down on the table, shaking his shoulders and began to sob. Nabeya was stunned.Kawamura is an excitable person. During campaign speeches and speeches to the fan club, he would cry whenever he was excited. These were just performances, but the tears now seem to be real. "Nabiya-kun, save me." Kawamura screamed desperately. "What's going on?" Nabeya was confused. "Ah, if people find out, I will be ruined. Not only will I be attacked by the opposition, but I will also lose the next election." Kawamura trembled with grief. "Calm down, I don't understand what you said suddenly." Nabeya said as if he had become his uncle. "Nabaya-kun," Kawamura raised his head.Bright eyes without a single tear: "Ryoe Iwata had a traffic accident!" "What?" Guoya felt as if thunder was ringing in his ears, and a tragic image immediately flashed in his mind. "So, the person who was hit by a car in front of this apartment is..." "It's Liang Jiang!" Kawamura said sadly. "Yange may be dead...if others know that the victim is the woman who came to me..." Masaaki Kawamura said in a panicked tone. "My wife will lose her temper, and there must be trouble. If everyone in the apartment knows that Liangjiang is looking for me, then what should I do. It's over, it's over!" He covered his face again. "Oops!" Nabeya asked, looking at Kawamura who was there in fear. "Did you just say that Liangjiang may be dead? If the police go to the hospital to check the victim's belongings, they will immediately find out her identity?" "No, she's careful about this. When she came here, she didn't bring any business cards or printed materials with 'Xianghuazhuang' on her, so she wouldn't know her identity." "It's not the first time for Liang Jiang to come here." "Well. I stayed here overnight the night before yesterday, and my wife returned to my hometown the morning before yesterday." Kawamura said with an embarrassed expression. "Liangjiang knew that my wife was not at home and insisted on coming here, so I had no choice but to listen to her. She went back early the next morning. If I had known this would happen, I should have rejected it outright." Lah!" Kawamura kept regretting. Nabeya can't figure out whether Liangjiang is coming or Kawamura took advantage of his wife's absence to find her. "Nabiya-kun, save me!" Kawamura screamed again. "Mr. Masaaki, what should I do to save you?" Nabeya asked. "If Liang Jiang dies, the car accident will be published in tomorrow's newspaper and the servants of "Xianghuazhuang" will also ask the police station, which will be troublesome. So you have to go to the police station immediately and explain The victim is someone you know, Liangjiang was taken from the hospital and taken to 'Xianghuazhuang'." "..." "Please. This is the only plea to you in my life." Kawamura clasped his hands together. Kawamura's late father was also a complete egoist, and his son inherited Lao Tzu's lineage.But he did not have the qualifications of his father, so he had to make cunning entreaties to the private secretary. "There's nothing I can do about you!" Nabeya said. "Oh, you agreed." Kawamura's face immediately brightened. "Thank you! Thank you!" Kawamura immediately stood up from the sofa and kowtowed to the secretary. "She's dead..." Kawamura said to himself.Nabeya was very angry at Kawamura's selfish behavior, and wanted to scold him severely, but now he has to take care of his desperate situation first. "In this case, I can't come forward to take the body to the 'Xianghuazhuang'. In doing so, the police will know that I am your secretary, and your name will be exposed." "That's not good, absolutely not!" "If the interviewing reporter hears the news from the police, they will find out about your relationship with Liangjiang, and they will make a big fuss." "You try to prevent this from happening, otherwise people like Takehei Nakajima will be very happy and distribute a lot of materials to the electoral district. Then the next election, I will definitely lose the election." Although there was an air-conditioned room, beads of sweat oozed from Kawamura's forehead. "If I don't go to the police station or hospital, there is a way to send Ms. Liangjiang to 'Xianghuazhuang'." "Is there such a good way?" "Call 'Xianghuazhuang' and tell the maid that the female boss is in a traffic accident and is currently living in a certain hospital. Then people from 'Xianghuazhuang' will go to the hospital." The moment Nabeya said to call "Xianghuazhuang", Kawamura seemed puzzled, and then a smile appeared on his lips. "There is such a good way, I'm so confused..." Kawamura muttered. "Why didn't you think of such a simple solution. Such a simple thing, really..." "You are too flustered," Nabeya looked at Kawamura with pity. "Mr. Zhengming, hold your breath!" "Hmm, um!" Kawamura seemed to be telling himself, and nodded deeply. "Don't panic, I can't even remember such a simple thing, what's wrong with me? Be calm! Be calm!" Kawamura said to himself, and couldn't help laughing happily. "Nabaya-kun!" Kawamura shook the secretary's hand, smiling all over his face. "Thank you, thank you, saved!" "No, no, just wish everything goes well." Nabeya's emphasis on "everything" is a sarcasm for Kawamura's ability to keep such an important secret from his wife.But to what extent can Kawamura, who is in a state of excitement, realize it? "Nabaya-kun, where are you going to call 'Xianghuazhuang'?" This is Kawamura's concern, and he wants to take "precautionary measures" as soon as possible. "It's best to call here. Call elsewhere and you may be overheard. It's safe and fast here." "You won't use your name, will you?" "I won't do that kind of stupid thing, using anonymous reporting." "This is good! Let's call now." "What's the phone number for 'Xianghuazhuang'?" Nabeya went to the telephone and turned around to ask Kawamura.Kawamura answered as skillfully as if giving his home phone number.Nabeya dialed halfway, then put down the microphone again. "What's the matter?" "No, I don't know which hospital Liangjiang is in yet." "..." Kawamura's face was covered with sadness again. "At the scene in front of the apartment, the police are checking. Go there and find out the hospital that sent Liang Jiang. Maybe they are still there." Nabeya said. "What's going on in front of the apartment?" Kawamura asked with concern. "There are a lot of people. When I got here, in the small hall in front of the elevator, I saw the ladies who came back from the scene talking together. Did these ladies see Liang Jiang when he came here the night before yesterday?" "..." "The ladies were watching my back as I passed the corridor to get here!" "Nabeya, please call the Azabu Police Station!" "To the sackcloth?" "Ask the traffic department there, and you will know the hospital that sent Liangjiang away. You don't need to ask the police in front of the apartment." "right!" Nabeya felt that Kawamura's ability to think of these things showed that he had calmed down.Find the phone number and call the Azabu Police Station.The traffic section replied that the victimized woman had been sent to Mae-oka Hospital in Minami Azabu 1-chome, and that she had died. "Liangjiang is still dead!" Nabeya said while putting down the microphone. At this time, Kawamura's eyes flashed a gleam of joy, but he was afraid that Nabeya would see through him, so he immediately put on a sad look. "Poor! Namo Amitabha! Namo Amitabha!..." Namo put his hands together. Kawamura lowered his head and once again covered his face with his hands.However, the expression under his hands showed a relieved expression of "the root of the disaster has been broken this time". Nabeya speculated that Kawamura received more than 200 million yuan in total from Iwata Ryoe.Liang Jiang completely obeyed Kawamura and gave him his deceased husband's inheritance without hesitation. Since then, the management of "Xianghuazhuang" has also been affected.The middle-aged widow made up her mind to sacrifice the hotel to post money to Kawamura.Even if she knew that Kawamura bought the apartment with her own money, she was reluctant to break up with Kawamura.Poor Liang Jiang took the opportunity of Kawamura's wife not at home and came to spend the night quietly.If this infatuated behavior continues, I don't know what kind of chaos will happen.Trouble is inevitable, so, for Kawamura, Liang Jiang's death in a traffic accident is like lifting a heavy burden from his body, which immediately relieves his mood. Kawamura dialed the number and handed the microphone to Nabeya: "Connected to 'Xianghuazhuang'." Nabeya took the microphone from Kawamura. "This is 'Xianghuazhuang'." It seemed to be the voice of a maid. "Ah, good evening!" Nabeya swallowed and said. "Is the lady boss at home?" "out." "Where have you been?" "Who are you?" "I am the Azabu Police Department." "What?" The maid seemed taken aback. "We want to know where the proprietress is going." "When I went out, I said I was going to a friend's house in Yokohama." "When are you coming back?" "It's scheduled to stay there tonight and come back tomorrow morning." "What's the name of that friend?" "I didn't ask." Sure enough, Yoshie Iwata did not mention going to Kawamura's apartment.To her, it was stealth, and of course it was a lie.It was enough to ask here, and Nabeya felt relieved. "Please listen carefully. A woman like your proprietress was seriously injured in a traffic accident." "what?" "The hospital is Mae-oka Hospital in Minami Azabu 1-chome." "Hello! Hello!" cried the maid. "Listen clearly, it's Mae-oka Hospital in Minami Azabu 1-chome, come here immediately!" "Yes Yes." Hearing the maid's frightened voice, Nabeya put down the microphone. "It's over..." Nabeya let out a long breath. "Thank you, I'm saved." Kawamura hugged Nabeya's shoulders. "Thank you for helping me through the biggest crisis!" The enthusiastic tone was not the usual exaggeration, but out of the truth. Kawamura brought whiskey from another room, and it looked like he was going to have a toast. "But Nabeya-kun, there is one more thing to ask you." Kawamura said rubbing his hands. "What's up?" "There's something for you to deal with."
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