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Chapter 21 Chapter 19 At Narita Airport

blurred world 松本清张 7570Words 2018-03-22
The taxi in which Doi was traveling was stopped at a checkpoint in front of Narita Airport around 7 p.m. Saturday night.Doi did not take the bus from Hakozaki to the airport, but took a taxi to Narita Station on the Keisei Electric Railway.This is to avoid people seeing off Waipo. "Is it a gift?" Doi didn't have anything on him.The security officer asked the driver to open the back compartment of the car, but there was no luggage. "What time did it take off?" "The JAL flight to Los Angeles at twenty twenty." "Do you have your ID card?" Doi handed over the subway season ticket and business card, which only read "Office Adam Hotel Room 135".

"What kind of office is it?" "Working on shorthand." "shorthand?" "It's shorthand for quickly recording someone else's speech." Doi imitated the movement of writing with his hands. The security guard seemed to have something to ask, so he pondered for a moment and said, "Okay then." Then he returned the season ticket and business card to Doi. He arrived in front of the airport building.Under the light of the taxi's headlights, mobile players holding protective panels and wearing combat uniforms appeared on both sides of the road from time to time.Behind them stood a brown delivery vehicle.

There are many people in the airport lounge.There are also flights to Europe taking off at the same time.The crowd of passengers and send-offs gathered around the check-in counter. Doi looked at the counter of JAL, but there were no familiar faces.He sat on a chair by the window.Outside the window, the lights of the airport are arranged like a decorative lace. Every Saturday at 8:20 p.m., the Japan Airlines flight connects with the Pan Am flight from Los Angeles to San Diego. Yesterday afternoon, Doi received a quick postcard from Waipu. If everything is urgent, please don't send it away.If I leave quietly, I will lose to you, so I bid farewell.It is scheduled to take the 2020 Nippon Flight tomorrow and arrive in Los Angeles. I will write to you after I transfer to San Diego. Good health!

There was not much time until the time of departure, and Doi, who had not seen Gaipu and saw him off, took out the postcard from his pocket, the time was correct, maybe he was late. What does "A Midsummer Night's Dream" by Waipu Takuro want to explain?In a corner of the check-in counter where he could see all the airlines, Doi was thinking about this question that was lingering in his mind again.Is this Waipu's joke?Writing such a fictional story in old-fashioned shorthand notation itself seems like a joke, but judging from the fact that Waipu handed over "A Midsummer Night's Dream" together with the key to the bank's rental safe, there seems to be a connection between the two. There is another connection.It seems that "A Midsummer Night's Dream" has slightly revealed the contents of the documents in the safe.

According to Masako Saeki's interpretation, the story of "A Midsummer Night's Dream" was suddenly interrupted, and the ending was not written. It seems that the pen was put down during the event.This instead makes it authentic. If it is a fictional novel, it should have a complete structure of succession and transformation. Of course, it can also be considered that the "author" Waipu felt difficulties in writing and simply stopped writing. The departure time of each flight was approaching, and the flow of people poured into the lobby, forming a human vortex, and the voice of the English broadcast announcement sounded.The hall has the air of tension and haste typical of airports.There are a couple of men and women walking past with a large travel bag with wheels; a crowd chatting and laughing with the people who saw them off before boarding; Young people gathered in a circle and talked endlessly; there were bearded foreigners and Japanese who could only see their eyes shining; American couples holding hands; French women in jeans with disheveled hair; An Indian woman in a yellow dress with a sash on her shoulders. "

"Ah, isn't this Mr. Doi?" A small man emerged from the crowd and stopped him.The wrinkled and smiling face is Hachiro Nishida, a reporter from "Yinai Shibo". "Ah!" Doi straightened up. "Long time no see." Nishida, who was holding a schoolbag in his left hand, raised his right hand in a soldier's salute to Doi.A row of chairs was full of people, and Doi stood up to give up his seat to Nishida, who said repeatedly: "No, don't move! Don't move." Standing there bent forward. A few years ago, Doi and Nishida were able to meet frequently in Nagatacho and Kasumigaseki. At that time, Doi was a reporter for a large "inside newspaper".Because he is a novice and unfamiliar with the situation, he often wanders around blindly. He has received enthusiastic guidance from Nishida, and when he encounters unfamiliar places, he will personally take him to the door.

In the impression of many congressmen and secretaries, Xi Tian's reputation is not good.Laughing at him, he will only pester him for money with exaggerated "information", which is as annoying as a fly.His hammer-flattened face and short stature also contributed to people's bad impression of him. He is a reporter from the old "Yinai Shibo" who was a member of the Tokyo branch of the local newspaper.Like a crow that is out of the flock, there is no backer, so I have to smile at the "customers" of the congressmen, bow to please, and beat the autumn wind.The congressmen's secretaries regarded him as a lowly villain, and the other "Insider" reporters also looked down on him.

Fifty-year-old Nishida often wears an old suit on his short body, and leather shoes with frayed heels on his short feet.Nishida has two children, the eldest daughter is in middle school.His life is poor, but everyone not only does not sympathize with him, but ridicules and even makes fun of him. Another reason Nishida is scorned is that he wrote poems for the fan poetry magazine "Monsoon".People talk about him, and people who are not young still write that kind of frivolous, childish and shallow "poems". "Monsoon" is a fan poetry magazine, and Nishida bears more than half of the printing costs, which is one of the reasons for his poverty. Most of the "Dongren" are young people in their twenties.Nishida, who still retained his interest in literature in his youth, proclaimed himself the leader of the literary youth, and squeezed out money from his modest family budget to run a magazine. Each issue of "Monsoon" has only three pages and two pages.This shabby doujinshi matches well with Nishida himself.

The Nishida in front of him was still in the usual ragged clothes, Doi turned his eyes elsewhere.As far as the eye can see, people's trousers and tops are all new clothes made of British materials. Xiang Tui feels ashamed for Nishida from the bottom of his heart. "Doi-kun, who are you sending?" Nishida asked with a smile.He was missing one of his front teeth.He is poised, seemingly oblivious to Doi's elegant attire. "Come to see off Mr. Waipu Saurang." "Mr. Waipu?" Nishida made a sound after saying that, as if he remembered something. "Is it the one who used to be Mr. Teranishi Masatake's secretary?"

"Yes, do you know Mr. Waipu?" "No, I haven't met. However, he is a well-known secretary, so..." It seems that the reporter of "Yinnei Bao" who is a soft-spoken person like Xitian is not close to Secretary Waipu. "I heard that Mr. Gaipu resigned as Mr. Teranishi's secretary, right?" Nishida already knew about this situation. "I have successfully returned to Mr. Hejihiro's side. This time, I am going abroad today as the leader of the 'Chile Oriental Development Company' founded by Mr. Hejihiro." Seeing Nishida's puzzled expression, Doi added:

"I am Mr. Waipu's junior student." "Oh, is that so? Then Mr. Waipu is also from the law department of Dongda University?" "He is a senior who is ten years earlier than me." Nishida apparently understood the reason why Doi sent him off to Waipu. Doi always thought that Nishida came here to get some information from the councilors who sent off Waipa, but his appearance was a bit abnormal. "Mr. Nishida also came to give it away?" Doi still asked. "No, I'm here to greet you." Nishida shook his sparsely haired head. His winter grass-like hair was long on the sides and curled according to the artist's pattern. "meet?" When Doi wanted to tell him that this was the boarding hall, Nishida shifted his gaze to the big wall clock on the hall wall. "There is still one hour before the arrival time. Because I have nothing to do, I came here to see, and I just met you." "yes." "What time does the flight to Chile leave?" "The flight to Chile is not direct, and we have to change planes in Los Angeles. The departure time of the Japan Airlines flight is 20:20." "Then there is not much time." Xi Tian looked at the big clock again. "It's almost time to take off, why can't you see the people wearing gold badges seeing off the Waipu family?" Nishida turned his head near the Japan Airlines counter. "Ah, ah, I understand." Nishida suddenly shouted loudly. "Everyone must be in the special waiting room, because they are all big shots." Nishida smiled, showing his jagged front teeth. Doi also understood. "There are four or five special waiting rooms. I don't know which waiting room Waipu and the group of people seeing off are in. The information desk in the special waiting room is probably at the end of the shopping street. I remember it is called 'Abby It's next door to Ang's restaurant. Let me find out for you." Nishida wanted to go there, but Doi hurriedly stopped him. "Mr. Nishida, please don't worry. I don't want to enter the special waiting room. I plan to say goodbye here when Mr. Uaipu comes over." "Actually, I just came back after inquiring about the number of the special waiting room." Nishida closed his eyes. "I'm very interested in the person who saw me off, so I want to go to that special waiting room to have a look." "..." "By the way, to relieve boredom, please take a look at this." Nishida hastily opened the old folding leather bag, took out a thin booklet-like thing from it, and handed it to Doi. "It was printed three days ago." Doi saw that it was not a booklet.The cover is a woodcut dark brown abstract painting, with "Monsoon" highlighted in bold letters, and "Fanzine" printed underneath. "Here are my boring poems. Take a look. It starts from page 20." Nishida said excitedly. "I must read it!" "See you later." Nishida's worn-out suit quickly passed through the crowd and disappeared into the shopping street inside the airport. It is estimated that Nishida wanted to get into the special waiting room because he wanted to talk to the congressmen there.Doi felt that the distance between the back of Nishida, who was good at drilling, and the "Monsoon" magazine he had just handed to him was too great. He was an incredible person! Doi opened "Monsoon" and turned to page 20. Hachiro Nishida on the path by the pool The white path stretching by the pool, Among the many people walking by from afar, I recognized her beautiful figure. Her smiling eyes looked at me, Just for a moment. She seems to know my mind, A message brought across the crowd with a smile. The breeze blew across the water, flashing golden scales, It disappeared in an instant. I'm just a laid-back young man, The embarrassing situation prevented me from pouring out my heart to her. Time has passed thirty youths, What separates us is still the secular door, Only the girl left me with the smile of that year, Still as radiant as a spring rose. Going around in the corridors of the House of Representatives and the Guild Hall, grabbing congressmen and secretaries and handing out unseemly "information", or publishing "care advertisements" in the name of publishing "care advertisements", Nishida Hachiro and this Are these poems from the same person? ... No matter how the poem is written, it can't be regarded as well written, but this kind of innocent boyish purity and lyricism saved Xi Tian from a poor life.He knew that he was despised by others. For him, "poetry" purified this humiliating emotion and became the pillar of his life.Therefore, he would rather cut the cost of living than run "Monsoon" bleakly. Since Doi started his career as a ghostwriter, some people have said that he is "beautifully dressed", "shaking up" and so on.There is a hint of jealousy here.Doi has an aversion to these people, and sometimes deliberately takes a challenging attitude.However, although Nishida Hachiro's appearance is poorer than others, he has never treated himself with such envious and jealous eyes, but is upright and consistent.Doi realized that "poetry" is indeed the spiritual pillar of Nishida.Nishida Hachiro's pure and simple "poetry" gave him a sense of fulfillment in life, and even a sense of holiness in religious belief. Hachiro Nishida made his way back through the throng.With a wrinkled smile on his face, he hurried back, still panting. "I know, Mr. Waipu's special waiting room." He said with his face close to Doi. "It's No. 6. There are thirty chairs. It seems to be the largest room. I found out from the information desk that the location is there." Nishida pointed to the narrow hall between the entrance of the shopping street and the check-in counter. "Thank you!" Doi only looked in that direction and didn't want to move. Nishida felt a little surprised. "Aren't you going there?" "Mr. Nishida, thank you. I'll wait here for Mr. Gaipu." "Is it?" Nishida felt a little puzzled, but nodded as if sensing Doi's mood. "Then I'll go and see it alone. I'm interested to see what kind of people are there." "yes?" "I'll tell you when I understand." "Mr. Nishida, have you asked clearly about welcoming people?" "Ah, what about picking up someone? There's still plenty of time, see you later." The short man of Miantian disappeared through the crowd again. Doi still couldn't figure out whether Xitian's going to the special waiting room No. 6 was out of concern for him or for himself.Nishida would take every opportunity she could to sell her "information" from hearsay. There are more and more people in the airport hall.The departure time of flights to various countries followed one by one, and the Japanese and English broadcasts became more frequent.The loudspeaker blared, "Passengers on JAL to Los Angeles, please get on board."At this moment, Nishida squeezed out of the crowd again and hurried back. "In the special waiting room No. 6, the send-off people gathered around Gaipu-kun for the last toast under the leadership of President Kazuku. We will be here soon." Nishida said anxiously. "I ran into such a scene as soon as I entered the door, so I didn't see it right. But I saw clearly that there were four councilors including Fukushima Toshiro, Nakajo Taki Kanichi, Sawa Toshio, and Furuhashi Kyosaburo, all of whom were members of the Hachiki Society. 'member." The "Boshuhui" is a friendship group between Tera Nishi Masahide faction and his patrons, the financial circles. Three of the four famous people named by Nishida were former ministers. "There are also 12 congressmen's secretaries, and there seem to be leaders and employees of the Eastern Development Company. There are a total of twenty people, and I don't know any of them. I haven't seen the leader Masatake Tera Nishi. The time for abdication is approaching, maybe Get busy with it," Nishida said. At this time, a group of about forty people walked towards the Japan Airlines counter one by one.In the front is Zuo Lang Waipu, followed by his wife and two daughters who are about to graduate from high school, and behind them are a group of men wearing badges.Some wear gold congressman badges, some wear red bean-colored congressman secretary badges, but most of them wear orb-red badges with the words "Eastern Development" bulging out. The congressmen present today are all from the Sixi faction.Doi had heard that they had been taken care of by Waipu, and that when assigning cabinet positions to Sixi faction, Secretary Waipu would propose to Sixi.Although Masayoshi Teranishi did not come to see off his former secretary today, the ex-Cabinet staff member may have to come to see him off because of his affection.For the members of the "Boju Association", seeing off Ueura is still a sign of support for the powerful supporters and Hisahiro. Among the passers-by was a gentleman in his sixties with a full head of white hair and a stout body like a wooden box.This is the president of Dongfang Development Company, the financial tycoon He Jiuhong who has seen photos in the newspapers.Kazuhiro's young wife also came to see him off. Nishida Hachiro left without knowing when. "Ah!" Waipu smiled happily when he saw Doi approaching. "I came here specially to see you off, thank you! Actually, you don't have to come to see me off!" "Since I received the postcard, why not come. Congratulations." "Thank you!" Waipu stretched out his hand, and Doi held it tightly. "This is my wife." Waipu introduced the slender woman with sloping shoulders behind him to Doi. "My husband used to mention you often. Thank you for your care." A woman with a slender face and round eyes.The daughter who is in the third grade of high school next to me also has the same eyes. Because there were people around, Doi did not dare to tell Uaipu that he had read A Midsummer Night's Dream. "President," Gaipu introduced to Kazuhiro, "this is Nobuyuki Doi, a student from the lower class of the university." He Jiuhong glanced at Doi, but nodded silently.It seems that there is no such thing as Waipu's introduction. "It's time to go, there's no time." While speaking, the staff of Dongfang Development Company gave Waipu's briefcase and bag to the entourage.The entourage is the staff of "Chile Oriental Development Company" who came from San Diego to contact the head office and meet the vice president of Waipa. The people who send off say their last farewell. "Take care!" "Safe trip!" Everyone said. Shouted to Waipu who was standing at the boarding gate: "Long live!" Waipu raised his head, walked up to Doi as if he suddenly remembered something, put his hand on Doi's shoulder, and led him a little further away. "Doi-kun!" Waipu whispered. "The documents in the bank safe are at your disposal!" Doi heard Waipu's unexpected words, and raised his head to stare at his face. "Free handling?" "Hmm." Waipu smiled. "But, was that after Mr. Waipu sent instructions from Santiago?" Waipu repeated the meaning of "free handling" with his eyes. "The processing of the documents should wait for your instructions." "I'm considering the case that this instruction cannot be issued." "What does it mean?" "Didn't I say that in Asakusa before? In a foreign country, you may suddenly get sick or encounter some kind of accident..." "Before you leave, please don't say anything unlucky." "I said this after thinking about the various situations, and it may be unnecessary worry." Considering the problem carefully may be a habit developed after serving Masaki Tera Nishi. Doi remembered what Gaiura had said in the small restaurant "Kiriya" in Asakusa, and he was full of doubts and couldn't understand it. He said that when an "accident" happened in Chile, he asked me to open the safe without waiting for instructions.How do I know that an "accident" happened to him? The documents in safe No. 2674 that "even my wife can't read" are not only "readable" by Doi, but also given the authority to "handle freely". What is the significance of this? What kind of behavior does "processing" refer to?Although there were many questions, Doi was unable to answer them one by one, because the send-off people were waiting there.They watched with puzzled eyes the scene where Gaipu walked up the escalator and then turned back and whispered to Doi. "understood!" Doi answered absent-mindedly. The JAL flight to Los Angeles took off on time at 20:20.Doi stood there watching the plane twirling over the dark Narita forest and disappearing into the eastern night sky.As soon as Waipu's figure entered the cabin, the councilors who came to see him off and their secretary left the airport first, and then he and his wife, Hisahiro, urged Waipu's wife and daughter to go back.The staff of the Eastern Development Company also followed them. Since Doi listened to the story of "A Midsummer Night's Dream" dictated by Saeki Masako, he paid attention to Mrs. Kazuhisa's expression.It seemed that the age difference between her and her husband was more than 20 years. She was indeed young and beautiful. She could not tell that she was over 40 years old, and she still had the charm of a woman in her prime.It is not surprising that such married women have secret love affairs with other men.Because my husband is the president of "Oriental Development" and the leader of the financial industry, he is busy all day long, often on business trips, and also participates in other social activities.These situations are indeed completely consistent with the situation of Z and his wife "she" in "A Midsummer Night's Dream", and there is no slight difference. However, Doi secretly observed Mrs. Kazuhisa's expression, but there was no emotional fluctuation at all.Not only did she not cry, but she always kept a bright smile, which made people feel that she was just one of the send-off crowd. Doi went up the escalator at the exit and arrived at the bus stop leading to Hakozaki in Tokyo in front of the airport building plaza.The Kazuhiu couple, his Eastern development staff and members of parliament have disappeared.Doi, who was waiting behind the bus line, accidentally looked at the taxi stand and saw a small man leaning against the wall of the building. Oh, what is Hachiro Nishida doing there?He wants to take a taxi?The fare from Narita Airport to Tokyo is 12,000 to 3,000 yuan, which is too wasteful.Doi stared at him while thinking, Doi moved his eyes to the taxi stand, and saw a man and a woman standing beside the taxi. The driver was putting three large packing boxes and two bulging shopping bags into the car compartment. inside.Nishida, who was standing by the wall of the building, stared at the couple.The lights of the airport were shining on the couple, and they could be seen very clearly.The woman was wearing a red sweater, with a travel bag presented by Japan Airlines on her shoulder, and an alligator leather handbag in one hand. Doi had never seen such a pale face.The man's face and figure were not unfamiliar, he was an acquaintance who was often seen in the first member of the House of Representatives Hall, and he was the secretary of Constitutional Party member Maruyama. They managed to cover the back of the car and walked slowly in front of the bus stop.Then the light shone through the window, illuminating the man's face again. Doi got on the bus bound for Hakozaki.When the car was about to leave, Hachiro Nishida jumped into the car in a panic, found an empty seat at the back, sat down, and looked around.He suddenly found Doi, immediately stood up and grabbed the ring in front of Doi and said: "Oh, Doi-kun!" Just then the bus moved, causing Nishida's short body to lean sideways. "Ah, Mr. Nishida." Doi had to pretend that he had just met him. "Have you bid farewell to Mr. Waipu without incident?" "Yes, send it away." "Those celebrities are here, it must be a grand occasion!" "It's lively...Mr. Nishida has received guests!" The face of the secretary who led the woman into the taxi immediately appeared in Doi's mind. "Got it, but..." Nishida looked at the passengers around Doi, bent down and said in a low voice, "I have something to tell you, please come to my seat." There happened to be an empty seat next to Nishida's seat in the back. "Doi-kun, I came to the airport to meet a man named Masazo Arikawa who came back from Hong Kong. He is the first secretary of Councilor Koichi Maruyama." Nishida whispered in Doi's ear. "It's a greeting, but it's just watching from the side. The other party didn't find me." "..." Doi silently looked at Xi Tian. "The female companion with the crocodile leather bag is not his wife, but this one from Arikawa." Nishida gave a thumbs up. Doi thought of the woman in the red sweater. "What do you think his female companion is?" Nishida made a face.But there seemed to be a deep meaning in his expression. "Is it a barmaid or something like that?" "No!" Nishida shook his head. "Today she is dressed so fancy, but she usually dresses plainly. She looks young, but in fact she is almost forty years old. She is a single female clerk working in a dignified institution!" Isn't it common for middle-aged MP secretaries to return from Hong Kong with spinster clerks?Doi saw that Nishida exaggerated this kind of common accident, and deliberately pulled himself to the side of the seat, speaking in a soft voice, and felt that he was still the same oily old man.Going around in the assembly hall, exaggerating small things into top-secret information, and whispering in the ears of the members, this is Nishida's usual method.Nishida looked at Doi and said artificially: "Should I tell you or not?... If I tell the truth, you will be interested." In order to arouse Doi's interest, Nishida rubbed his hands in a mysterious manner. "Then I'd like to hear it. I won't tell anyone. Tell me and listen." In fact, Doi wasn't very interested, but he said such things in order to cope. "Well, yes." Nishida looked at Doi's profile. "Your mouth is tight, I can tell you..." He was about to speak, but then shook his head left and right. "No, I won't talk about it. It's not that I don't believe you. It's better to wait a little longer, because the matter is very important." "Really? The affair between the congressman's secretary and the company's female clerk is so important?" "Doi-kun! I came to Narita Airport specially to confirm the two people who came back from Hong Kong. Don't you think it's a big deal?" "..." "I collected materials in the Nagatacho area, you can also tell that the woman is not an ordinary company clerk!" When Nishida spoke up to this point, he folded his arms and remained silent.
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