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blurred world


  • detective reasoning

  • 1970-01-01Published
  • 228603

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Chapter 1 translator's words

blurred world 松本清张 1064Words 2018-03-22
The original title of the book is "The Lost Map".The author Matsumoto Qingzhang is no stranger to Chinese readers.Many of his novels have been translated and introduced.This book has been serialized in Japan's "Asahi Shimbun" since July 1982.At that time, it was circulated in the society that a certain politician and his wife were used as models to write. In August 1983, it was published as a book by "Xinchaosha", and it was reprinted several times within three months.It has been made into a movie by Shochiku Film Company, directed by Nobayashi Eitaro, and the main roles in the play are played by top Japanese stars Katsu Shintaro, Iwashita Shima, Matsuzaka Keiko and others.

In Japan, writers have to take risks when writing novels with realistic political themes.Since the publication of the book (translated into Chinese) in the 1960s, Matsumoto Seicho has been deeply involved in life, collecting information, and continuously writing some novels on political themes with sharp ideas.In particular, this book profoundly exposes Japan's treacherous political situation and the inside story of the intrigue among parties, exposes the greedy, vicious and shameless deeds of the upper ruling class, and strongly criticizes the nature and nature of conservative politics in capitalist society. Corruption of social structures.

This book mainly describes a certain period after the war in Japan. The leader of the largest faction of the ruling Constitutional Party, the leader of the party, and the prime minister of the government, Shigenobu Katsura, planned to "relinquish" the positions of president and prime minister to the leader of the second largest faction in the party in the fall of that year. Zhengyi.So inside and outside the constitutional party, all kinds of politicians, chaebols, congressmen and their secretaries, reporters, intelligence dealers, courtesans, mistresses, police detective eyeliners, and underworld violent elements became active.

In fact, the "concession" was a behind-the-scenes transaction. Masahide Teranishi paid a large sum of money to Gui Shigenobu. How much was the amount?According to the person in the book: "Five or six billion, it's too little!" Sixi received the support of a powerful consortium and gave a huge loan. The interest was granted to certain economic fields at home and abroad through legislative procedures after taking office.While everything was going smoothly, Takuro Uura, Teranishi's secretary in charge of liaising with the financial world behind the scenes, suddenly resigned and went to South America.Before leaving the country, he gave the key to his personal safe in the bank where he kept secret documents to Nobuyuki Doi, a junior classmate of his in college.He died mysteriously in a car accident after arriving in South America.

When Nobuyuki Doi was studying at the University of Tokyo, he participated in the "extreme" student movement. He was a leftist theorist with a strong pen.Things have changed, and in order to make a living, he drafts speeches for members of Congress, and even composes political comments of various tendencies in accordance with customer order requirements.But after all, he has not been in this filthy political sea for a long time, and the ideals of his youth have not been completely wiped out.After he was entrusted by Waipu, he was surprised when he saw the documents that Waipu kept secretly.His conscience made him reject the agreement to write "The Great Man--The Biography of Sixi Zhengyi" on behalf of others.This aroused the suspicion of Sixi faction.They tried every means to get the secret documents that Waipu handed over to Doi, and they did not hesitate to use the power of police detectives and the underworld.These secret operations were again obtained by the scheming counselors of the Gui faction, and the desperate Doi was killed by the thugs.This secret document fell into the hands of the Gui Clan, the real opposition faction in Sixi.

On the eve of the "democratic" election within the party, Masaki Teranishi had to issue a statement that he would not run for president.So Gui Shigexin continued to be re-elected as the president of the party and the prime minister of the government. During the translation process, we made some deletions appropriately. October 1985
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