Home Categories Internet fantasy Arthas: Rise of the Lich King

Chapter 24 Chapter Twenty-Four

Arthas wondered how long they had traveled in the ancient and potentially deadly nerubian kingdom beneath the frozen surface of Northrend.When he finally flung himself into the light after his long journey, blinking like a bat left in the sun, Arthas remembered only two things.One is to hope that I can rush to protect the Lich King in time; the other is to be deeply grateful to get out of that ghost place. Apparently the old kingdom of Nerub was once a beautiful place.Alsace's imagination of this place had been somewhat vague before, but he never expected it to be like this: the blue and purple paintings were vivid and unforgettable, and the intricate geometric patterns marked the different rooms and passages.These are as beautiful as ever, yet like a preserved rose; though still lovely to look at, it has long since lost its life.As they strolled on, there was a strange smell in the air.Arthas couldn't identify the smell, couldn't even classify it.The smell was pungent and stale, but not unpleasant, at least to a man accustomed to carrying hordes of the rotting dead.

Maybe it was a shortcut, as Anub'arak had promised, but blood flowed with every step.Not long after they entered, they were attacked. They emerged from the darkness.At least a dozen spiderlike creatures rushed down, screaming angrily.Anub'arak and its soldiers greeted it head-on.Arthas hesitated for a moment, and joined the battle with his army.The spacious cave was filled with the screams of the nerubians, the piercing growls of the undead, and the painful cries of the necromancers who were attacked with venom by the nerubians. Some ferocious zombies were trapped by the sticky and tough spider webs, and they could only wait helplessly for the Nerubians to chop off their heads with their jaws or cut their abdomens to dig out their internal organs with their dagger-sharp legs and claws.

Anub'arak came like a nightmare.With a horrifying hollow roar in its piercing mother tongue, it swoops forward to bring destruction upon its former subjects.Swinging from side to side, its legs seized the unfortunate victims, piercing their bodies with its claws, and tearing off their limbs with its pincers.For a moment, screams filled the stale air, and even Alsace, who had long been accustomed to this, couldn't help being moved by it, and swallowed with difficulty trembling. The encounter was fierce and brutal, but the nerubians eventually retreated back into the shadows from which they had come.A few of them fell, the unfortunate arachnoid creatures twitching their eight long legs violently until they finally curled up dead.

"What's going on with all this?" Alsace panted and turned to Anub'arak and asked. "These nerubians are your kind. Why are they still fighting us?" "During the Spider Wars, many of us died and were resurrected to serve the Lich King," Anub'arak replied. "But these warriors," he pointed at one of the corpses with a forefoot. "I have survived and continued to fight stupidly until now, trying to liberate Nerub from the natural disaster." Arthas looked down at the dead nerubian. "Stupid indeed," he muttered, holding up a hand. "They fought hard while they were alive, but they could only bow their heads and obey orders after death."

And so he was at last back in the dim daylight of the world above him, gulping the cold, fresh air.His army had grown stronger, too, and the creatures who had recently died were now at his command. Alsace pulled Invincible and stopped.He was shaking so badly that he just wanted to sit down and take a few breaths of fresh air, but the putrid stench of his army soon turned the air into a foul smell.At this moment Anub'arak walked past him and stopped to look at him mercilessly for a moment. "There is no time to rest, death knight. The Lich King needs us. We must serve." Arthas cast a quick glance at the crypt lord.

There was something faint in its voice—is it resentment?Anub'arak's allegiance simply because it had to?If it had a chance, would it turn against the Lich King instead?More importantly, will it be an enemy of Alsace? The Lich King's power is waning -- and so is Arthas.If they are too weak... The death knight looked at the back of the crypt lord, took a deep breath and followed. Arthas didn't know how long they had walked against the wind in the thick snow.He was so weak that he almost lost consciousness on horseback for a moment.Then he woke up suddenly, horrified by it, and forced himself to hang on.He can't be shaken, at least not now.

They climbed to the top of a mountain, and Arthas finally saw the glacier in the valley - and the army waiting for him.Arthas was heartened to see such an army assembled to fight for him and the Lich King.Anub'arak left behind many warriors, and now they are gathered here, silently preparing for battle.Far below, close to the glacier, more figures rolled in. Although it was too far to see, Arthas knew who they were.He held his breath and looked up. Here lies the Lich King, buried deep in the glacier, imprisoned in his prison as Arthas saw in the vision.A nerubian ran towards Anub'arak and Arthas and briefly reported the situation, while Arthas listened indifferently.

"You came just in time. Illidan's forces have taken positions at the bottom of the glacier, and they—" Alsace suddenly cried out, feeling an unprecedented pain, and his eyes turned bloody.Now that he is so close to the Lich King, the pain he can feel from that powerful being has increased a hundredfold. "Arthas, my champion. You are here at last." "Master." Alsace replied in a low voice. He closed his eyes tightly and pressed his fingers on his temples. "Yes, here I come, master. I am right here." "My prison, that is, there is a crack above the Frozen Throne, and my power is constantly draining from there." The Lich King continued, "This is why your power has weakened."

"But what's going on here?" Did someone attack him? Arthas did not see the oncoming enemy, and he undoubtedly arrived in time—"The runeblade, Frostmourne, was once sealed together in this throne. I pushed it out of the ice, and let it To be able to come to you...and bring you to me." "And it succeeded." Arthas couldn't help taking a breath.The Lich King was imprisoned in the ice prison and could not move, so he must have completely relied on the power of will to get the great sword out of the ice and give it to Arthas.Now he thought back to the block of ice that held Frostmourne, the jagged slits that seemed to have splintered from a larger piece of ice.Such a powerful force...all to bring Arthas here.

Step by step, Alsace was led here.Guide him, control him... "You must hurry, my champion. Kil'jaeden the Demon Lord created me, and now he sends men to destroy me. If they get to the Frozen Throne before you , then everything is over. The natural disaster will no longer exist. Quick! I will give you all the power I can." Suddenly, a cold feeling penetrated Arthas' body, calming his anger and pain, and calming his thoughts.The power was vast and intoxicating... stronger than any power he had ever known.So, this is why he came here. Drink this icy energy and harness the power of the Lich King for your own.Arthas opened his eyes, and his vision became clear.The runes on Frostmourne shone as if reborn, and a layer of cold mist oozed from the blade.Arthas grinned violently. He held the rune sword tightly and raised it high. His voice was clear and loud, echoing in the bitterly cold air.

"The Lich King gave me another vision. He restored my powers! Now I know what to do." Arthas pointed Frostmourne at the toy-sized figure in the distance. "Illidan always looked down on the Scourge, but that's it. He tried to break into the Lich King's throne room, but he was defeated. Now it's time for him to experience the fear of death too. It's time to end The game is over...and we're going to get it done." With a defiant growl, he swung Frostmourne over his head.The sword groaned, longing for more souls. "Fight for the Lich King!" Arthas yelled, charging down on his foe. He wields Frostmourne with such an almost random movement that it feels like a god.Every soul it draws adds to his power.Let the arrows of the blood elves cover the sky, and it will be as soft as snowflakes.They are like stubbles of wheat that fall in flakes under the sickle.For a moment, Arthas surveyed the battlefield.Where was the guy he had to kill? He hasn't seen any sign of Illidan yet, might he have already entered—"Arthas! Arthas, you bastard, come and fight me!" The voice was clear and loud, full of hatred.Arthas turned around. The Prince of Elf is just a stone's throw away.His gold and red clothes were as bright as blood on the pale and merciless snow.He stood tall and proud, with his staff planted on the snow in front of him, and he stared straight at Alsace.Magical power crackled around him. "That's all for now, butcher." The corners of Arthas' eyes twitched slightly, that's what Cirvanas called him.He clicked his tongue lightly and sneered at the elf.When he was a young prince, Kael'thas looked so powerful and learned.Arthas recalled the scene when Kyle caught Arthas and Jaina kissing, and Arthas, who was a boy, knew he had an advantage over the older and more powerful mage. Arthas was no longer a boy. "I have to admit, I was kind of surprised to see you reappear after you disappeared so cowardly in our last encounter, Kyle. Don't feel bad about me taking Jaina from you, you gotta Let go of your burden and look forward. After all, there are still so many joys left for you to enjoy in this world. Oh, wait...it seems that there is nothing left." "Arthas Menethil, you go Die!" Kael'thas roared, shaking with rage. "You took everything I held dear. All I have left is vengeful rage." He didn't waste time dispelling his anger, but raised his staff.The crystal inlaid on the head of the staff sparkled, and a crackling fireball appeared in his other hand, shooting towards Arthas. In the blink of an eye, sharp shards of ice rained down on the death knight.Kael'thas was a master of magic, far faster than anyone Arthas had ever met.Arthas barely held up Frostmourne, barely blocking the incoming fireball in time. Those crushed ice, however, are much simpler.He swung his massive runeblade overhead, the blade's edge drawing to the icy edge like a magnet to iron filings.Arthas sneered and swung the sword over his head, throwing the shattered ice back.Kael'thas' speed caught him off guard, but he wouldn't make the same mistake twice. "Think twice before attacking me with ice, Kaizi." Arthas said with a smile.He wanted to piss off the mage and make him act recklessly.Self-control is the key to manipulating spells, and if Kyle gets angry, he will undoubtedly lose the battle. Kyle narrowed his eyes and let out a low growl. "Thank you for your advice." Alsace gripped the reins, ready to gallop his horse towards his opponent.However, at this moment, the snow below suddenly flashed a bright orange light and then turned into snow water, causing Wudi to stumble and slip.Arthas jumped off his horse, letting Invincible trot away, now that he had changed his mind.Arthas held Frostmourne in his right hand, and stretched out his left hand.A mass of green energy swirled in his flat palm to form a dim sphere, and then shot towards Kyle like an arrow from the string.The mage gave way in the opposite direction, but the attack came too quickly.His face was pale, and he put his hands on his heart and staggered back.Arthas grinned, the mage's drained life energy billowing towards him. "I took your woman," said Arthas, still trying to provoke the mage.Even though he knew, and maybe Kyle knew, that Jaina had never been the elf's woman. "I held her in my arms late at night, savoring her sweet kiss. Kaizi, she—" "She hates you now," Kael'thas replied. "You were disgusted by her, disgusted by her, Arthas. All her affection for you is now hatred." Arthas felt a strange tightness in his chest.He realized he hadn't thought about how Jaina thought of him now.Whenever thoughts of her crossed his mind, he did his best to drive them away.is this real?Jaina did—a huge ball of fire exploded in his chest, and Arthas let out a gasp, pushed back by the force of the explosion.Flames engulfed his body, and it took Arthas a moment to regain consciousness and resist the spell.The armor gave him great protection, though the heat of the flames was still painful to the skin.However, Alsace was surprised that he would be so defenseless.A second fireball followed, but this time he was prepared, meeting the onslaught of flames with his own deadly frost. "I destroyed your home... defiled your precious Sunwell and killed your father. Frostmourne blew his soul out. It will never come back, Kyle .” "You are very good at slaughtering noble old men," Kael'thas said sarcastically, and the counterattack made Arthas feel an unexpected sting. "At least my father faced you on the battlefield. What about your father, Arthas Menethil? How brave it is to kill a defenseless father, as he throws his arms around his—” Arthas rushed forward, striding forward, and Frostmourne struck down on his head.Kael'thas raised his staff to parry, but in just a second, it was broken by Frostmourne's sword.But this momentary delay has given Kyle an opportunity, and he drew a gleaming weapon.It was also a rune sword, its red light complementing the ice blue of Frostmourne.The blades of the two swords met, and the two pushed and pressed hard.Their eyes met, and Kael'thas sneered. "You recognize the sword, don't you?" Yes, Arthas knew the sword's name and its origin. Felo'melorn, Flamestrike, was once the sword of Dath'Remar Sunstrider.He is the founder of the elf dynasty, the ancestor of Kael'thas.The sword's antiquity is almost indescribable.It has witnessed the outbreak of the War of the Ancients and the birth of the Highborne.Arthas smiled smugly.Flamestrike will also witness another event; the severing of the Sunstrider's bloodline. "Oh yes. I saw it snap in two under the sword of Frostmourne, moments before I killed your father." Physically speaking, Arthas was stronger, not to mention the power of the Lich King surging through him.With a roar, he pushed Kael'thas back, trying to throw him off balance.However, the mage quickly recovered and stood on his feet with dancing deftness.He wielded the Flame Strike in his hand, never taking his eyes off Arthas for a moment. "I found it and reforged it." "The interface of the broken sword is the most vulnerable, elf." Alsace began to circle around, waiting for the moment when Kyle showed his weakness. Kael'thas laughed. "A human sword may be so, but an elf's is not. A sword reforged with magic, hatred, and vengeance is not. No, Arthas, the Flamestrike is stronger than ever - and so am I, and so are the sin'dorei.We are stronger for being broken once - stronger for purpose in our hearts.The goal is to see your demise! " The attack came as fast as lightning.A moment before Kyle was standing there yelling, and the next thing Arthas was fighting for his life.Frostmourne slammed into Flamestrike, and the sword blocked it.It seems that what the elf said is true, or else it would be hell.Arthas jerked back, feinted his sword and swung Frostmourne with a sweep.Kyle flew out of range of his attack, then turned to fight back, with force and speed that surprised Arthas.He was forced to step back, one step, two steps, and then suddenly slipped and fell to the ground.With a roar, Kyle rushed forward, wanting to give him a fatal blow.However, Arthas remembered his training with Muradin many years ago, and the trick that the dwarves were best at came to mind. He curled up his legs suddenly, and then kicked Kael'thas with all his strength.The mage snorted, flew backwards and fell into the snow.Panting for breath, the death knight got up, raised Frostmourne with both hands, and slashed down with his sword. Flamestrike is already there.The two swords collided tightly again.Kael'thas' eyes were burning with anger. However, Arthas is better at fighting with weapons, he is stronger, and no matter how proud Kyle is of the way of reforging Flame Strike, Arthas' weapons are more powerful after all.Frostmourne pressed slowly and relentlessly against Kael'thas' throat, and Arthas knew it was inevitable. "...She hates you." Kyle whispered softly. Arthas roared, his eyes blurred with anger, and he slashed with his sword with all his strength. Cut deep into the snow and frozen ground. Kael'thas has disappeared. "Coward!" Arthas yelled, though he knew the elven prince couldn't hear it.The bastard teleported away again at the last minute.Anger would cloud his judgment, he had to extinguish the anger in his heart, it was so stupid to be so enraged by Kael'thas. Curse you, Jaina, meddlers. "Invincible, come to me!" Alsace shouted loudly, noticing that his voice was trembling.Kael'thas isn't dead yet, but he's gone, so nothing else matters.He turned his horse's head, entered the battlefield again, and rushed towards the master's throne room. Crowds of enemies rolled in, but they couldn't stop Alsace from rampaging like a bamboo, even though there were so many ants, it didn't matter.Called by Arthas, the fallen soldiers came back to life and turned to attack their former companions.The undead army is like a raging tide, ruthless and unstoppable.The snow beneath the glacier's spire was drenched with blood.Alsace looked around, and there were still a few last few people who were stubbornly resisting.All blood elves—but no sign of their master in sight. Where is Illidan? A quick flash caught his attention, and Arthas turned around, growling under his breath.Another dreadlord.The creature's back was turned to him, its black wings outstretched, its goat's hoofs sunk into the snow. Arthas held up Frostmourne. "I have defeated your kind, dreadlord," he snapped. "Turn and face me if you dare; or go back to the void, daemon coward." The figure slowly turned around.His head had huge horns, and his lips curled into a smile.His eyes were covered with a ragged black eye patch, and there were two green lights shining at the position of the eyes. "Hello, Arthas." His voice became deep and sinister, but the kaldorei's body changed even more.The same light purple color like lavender, also engraved with tattoos and scars.But his legs, wings, horns... Alsace immediately understood what was going on.So, that's why Illidan became so powerful. "You look quite different, Illidan. I guess the Skull of Gul'dan is a little out of your league." Illidan threw back his horned head and let out a dark, resonant laugh. "On the contrary, I've never felt better. In a way, I have today to thank you, Arthas." "Then excuse me and get the hell out." Alsace's voice suddenly became cold, no longer humorous. "The Frozen Throne belongs to me, demon. Get away now, and don't come back if you stay far away, otherwise, I will definitely wait for you here." "We are our masters, boy. My master wants to destroy the Frozen Throne, so it seems that we can't be happy." Illidan replied, raising the weapon that had fought against Arthas.His strong hands with sharp black nails grasped the middle of the weapon and danced it back and forth with seemingly careless grace.This action made Alsace's confidence slightly shaken.He just had a fight with Kael'thas, and if that cowardly elf hadn't teleported away at the last minute, Arthas would have been the winner.But that battle had also drained his energy, and Illidan's movements showed no sign of fatigue. Illidan also noticed his opponent's embarrassment, so he laughed even harder.He played a few extra tricks on purpose, showing off the amazing dexterity with which the unusual blade worked in his hands.Then he pulled away, ready to fight. "Let's end it here!" "Your subordinates have either been cut into pieces, or have been taken under my command." Arthas pulled out Frostmourne, the runes on the sword shone brightly, and a mist curled around the hilt.The fire light behind Illidan's blindfold was brighter and greener than before, and when he saw the rune sword, the light spot condensed slightly. If this demonized Kaldorei has a magical weapon, Arthas's weapon is not inferior. "Your ending is nothing more than one of the two." "I doubt it," said Illidan sarcastically. "I am stronger than you know, and my master made your master! Come on, lackey! I will deal with your poor slaves after I have dispatched my minions first." of--" Arthas rushed forward, Frostmourne glowing in his hands and moaning, longing for Illidan's death as much as his master.The elf didn't seem at all frightened by the surprise attack, raising his double-bladed weapon in the most leisurely motion to parry.Frostmourne had severed many mighty ancient swords before, but this time it struck the gleaming green metal with a clang, followed by a screeching sound as the blades met. Arthas fought on, and Illidan gave him a smug smile, which made Arthas worry again. Illidan really changed after absorbing the head of Gul'dan, at least he became stronger than before.Illidan let out a low, raspy laugh, then pushed hard.Arthas was forced to stagger backwards, falling to one knee and struggling to fend off the oncoming demon. "It's a great feeling to turn defeat into victory," Illidan growled. "If you can fight well, death knight, maybe I will reward you when I strike." Arthas had no time for his insults.He gritted his teeth and concentrated on parrying the stormy attack.Illidan's weapon danced faster and faster, like a swirling green light.Arthas could feel the demonic energy emanating from the blade, just as he knew Illidan could feel the chilly darkness emanating from Frostmourne. Suddenly Illidan disappeared, and Arthas threw forward due to inertia and lost his balance.He heard the flapping of wings, and Fly turned to see Illidan already in flight, hanging high above Arthas' reach, his great skinned wings billowing in a gust of wind. They looked at each other.Arthas held his breath, noticing that the battle just now had no effect on Illidan.His muscular lavender body was glistening with sweat.Arthas stood still, holding Frostmourne steady, ready to meet Illidan swooping down to launch a new offensive. However, Illidan's next move was unexpected.Laughing, he raised the weapon with both hands—slicing it in two in a series of swift movements.Now he held a warglaive in each powerful hand. "Look at the twin blades of Azzinoth!" said Illidan contentedly, as he soared upwards, the blades whirling and dancing in his left and right hands.Arthas realized that he was equally dexterous with his hands. "Two magnificent warblades that can be wielded as one deadly weapon...or, as you can see, as two. This was once the beloved weapon of a Doomguard, a powerful demonic officer, and I killed him. That was ten thousand years ago. How long have you fought with your sword, man? How much do you know about it?" These words were intended to make the death knight nervous, but on the contrary, they cheered him up. Illidan may have held the weapon longer - but Frostmourne and his souls are bound together.Not so much a sword as an extension of his own body.He knew this when he first saw Northrend when he first came to see it.When he first saw it, he was sure that the sword was waiting for him, that there was a connection between them.Now he felt Frostmourne trembling eagerly in his hand, as if to prove that their swords were of the same heart. The magic blade shines brightly.Illidan fell straight towards Arthas like a stone.Roaring, Arthas swung Frostmourne upward to meet the falling demon, never before swung the runeblade at his foe with such confidence.He felt the sword cut deep into his flesh, just as he expected.Arthas yanked a deep gash across Illidan's body, and it was satisfying to hear the ex-kaldorei's screams of pain. Yet the bastard wasn't down yet.Illidan flapped his wings wildly, barely keeping himself suspended in the air.Under Arthas's shocked gaze, his body seemed to become dark and contorted... as if it was made of billowing black, purple, and green smoke. "This is what you brought me," Illidan cried, his already heavy voice now deepening, and Arthas felt a tremor in his heart.The billowing black smoke condensed into the devil's face, making his eyes even brighter. "This gift—this power, will completely destroy you!" Arthas fell to his knees, and a scream escaped from his throat.Blazing green flames spread along his armor, searing his flesh, dimming even the blue flash of Frostmourne.Amid his own screams of pain, he heard Illidan laugh.Then, the fel flames poured down on him, and Arthas fell forward panting.When the flames died down, the death knight saw Illidan swoop down to take his life.At this moment, he felt the ancient runeblade still clenched in his hand, encouraging him to rise up and fight. Frostmourne belongs to him, and he belongs to Frostmourne, and they are invincible with their swords united. Just as Illidan raised his double blades to strike, Arthas raised Frostmourne and stabbed upwards with all his strength.He felt the runeblade's connection to him, felt it eat into flesh, drive deep into Illidan's body. Illidan fell heavily to the ground, blood gurgling from his naked body, melting the snow around him, and there was a long hissing sound.His chest heaved up and down with his panting, the double blades he had boasted about before were now useless, one blade flew out of his hand, and the other was still in his hand, but he was unable to hold it tightly.Alsace stood up, the fel flames thrown by Illidan had not been completely extinguished, causing his body to sting slightly.He stared at Illidan for a long time, as if he wanted to engrave this scene in his heart.He wanted to deal a final blow to the demon, but decided instead to let the relentless cold of the North kill him.At this moment, burning with burning desire in his heart, he turned and looked up at the tower-like spire. He stood there blankly for a while, swallowing hard.For some reason, he knew that a sea change was coming.Then, Arthas took a deep breath and walked into the cave. Alsace walked down the winding tunnel almost in a trance, step by step into the depths of the ground, as if some kind of force pulled his legs forward.It was silent here, and no one would stand up to stop him from going deep into this place. However, rather than hearing it, he could feel some kind of heavy sound of power.He continued down, feeling that the call of power was bringing him closer to his destiny step by step. Ahead was a gloomy pale blue light.Arthas headed for it, almost running.At the end of the tunnel was a huge cave, which Arthas could only describe as the Throne Hall, and he couldn't help but hold his breath when he saw the universe inside. It was a steeple with a blue-green luster, like ice but not ice, towering high and spiraling upwards, as if trying to pierce the dome of the cave.Right at the top of that tower sits the Lich King's Frozen Hell.A narrow path coiled around the steeple, leading him up.Until now, the energy bestowed by the Lich King still filled his body, making him tireless, but as he climbed higher and higher, those unpleasant memories rushed to his face like mosquitoes and flies.Just a few words, scenes and pictures, as if in front of your eyes. "Remember, Arthas. We are paladins. Vengeance cannot be considered a duty to us. If we allow our rage to turn bloodthirsty, we shall become no more than orcs." Jaina... oh Jaina... "No one seems to be able to refuse anything from you. Especially me." "Don't say no to me, Jaina. Never say no to me." "Never, Arthas. Never." He went on, striding relentlessly. "We know too little to kill them like animals just out of our own fear." "Son, this is trouble. Go, leave this sword here and resign yourself to fate... We'll find another way to save your people. Let's go, and we'll figure it out when we get back." Step by step, go higher and higher.The black wings flickered from his memory. "I will give you one last prophecy. Remember, the more eager you are to destroy your enemies, the sooner you will send your people into their hands." These old memories tugged at him, fighting for his heart, but there was another sight, another voice whispering encouragement to keep going, stronger and more convincing than any other. "My warrior, the nearer you are, the nearer will my time of freedom come...and with it you will be raised in true power." He climbed up, keeping his eyes on the peak and the huge dark blue ice block for a moment.Inside, imprisoned was the man who had led Arthas on this path in the first place.It was getting closer and closer, and when it was only a few steps away, Arthas stopped.He stared at the looming figure for a long time, and the mist rising from the huge ice block made it even more blurred. Frostmourne shone brilliantly in his hands, and Arthas saw two indistinguishable blue lights flashing from the depths of the ice in response. "Return the sword to the sheath," the deep, piercing voice yelled deafeningly in Alsace's head. "It's all about success. Let me out of prison!" Arthas took a step forward, then a second, and finally galloped, Frostmourne held high in his hands.Everything was for this moment, he unconsciously let out a loud roar from his throat, and then slashed down with his sword with all his strength. Frostmourne slammed down, and the huge cracking sound echoed endlessly in the cave.The ice cracked in response, and huge pieces flew everywhere.Arthas raised his hands to shield himself, but he was unharmed by the flying fragments. Fragments fell from the imprisoned body, and the Lich King let out a loud roar, raising his hands to the sky. Painful sighs and crackling sounds echoed each other, and it was unclear whether it was from him or from the cave.The sound was like thunder, making Alsace cover his ears and retreat.It seems like the whole world is falling apart.All of a sudden, the Lich King's armored figure was released like the ice prison, and scattered all over the ground under the shocked gaze of Arthas. There was nothing in it—no one. Only that set of armor, cold and dark, fell to the ground piece by piece.The empty helmet slid all the way to Alsace's feet before stopping.He looked down at it for a long time, and there was a shudder in his heart. All this time... he's been chasing a ghost.Does the Lich King really exist?If not - who pushed Frostmourne out of the ice?Who wants to be set free?Could it be that he, Arthas Menethil, was the one who was imprisoned on the Frozen Throne from beginning to end? Could it be that the ghost he's been chasing...is himself? These questions may never be answered.But one thing is certain, since Frostmourne was made for him, so is this armor.He was holding the spiked helmet with Jia's fingers, and lifted it up slowly and firmly.Then, Arthas closed his eyes, and put the helmet on his pale head. He was startled suddenly, his whole body tensed, and he felt the spirit of the Lich King enter his body.It was cold and powerful, sweeping across his body unstoppably like a wave, piercing through his heart, making it hard for him to breathe and his blood trembling.他闭着眼睛,却看到了,看到了如此之多——阿尔萨斯看到了那个兽人萨满耐奥祖的一切、看到了他的所知、所见以及所为。一时间,阿尔萨斯害怕起来,他担心自己会被这力量完全压倒。到头来,巫妖王蒙骗他来到这里,是为了给自己的灵魂寻找一个鲜活的肉体。阿尔萨斯竭力振作起来,准备为争夺自己身体的控制权拼命一战。 然而没有发生半点争斗,有的只是包纳与融合。在他四周,洞穴继续崩析坍塌,但阿尔萨斯却半点未曾留意。他的双眼在眼皮下面急速转动着。 他动了动嘴唇,开口说道。 他们……开口说道。 “现在,你我合二为一。”阿尔萨斯梦境中蓝白分明的世界变得模糊起来,纯净的冷色调变幻着成为木料、炉火与火炬的温暖光泽。他已经如言所为,追忆了自己的一生,过去发生的一切,回顾了自己走过的历程。那令他坐上这冰封王座,进入这幽深梦境的历程。 然而看起来这梦境尚未结束。他仍然坐在这精雕细琢的华丽长桌尽头,占据了这虚幻大厅中大部分空间的长桌。 而那两个对他的梦境满怀兴趣的人也还在那里,注目着他。 坐在他左边的那个兽人虽然上了年纪,但依然强大有力。兽人审视着他的表情,然后笑了起来,牵动了脸上涂绘的白色骷髅。而在他的右边,那个病怏怏的男孩看起来比阿尔萨斯陷入回忆之前状况更糟糕了。 男孩舔了舔干裂失血的嘴唇,吸了口气似要想说些什么。然而那兽人却首先开口打破了沉默。 “还多得是呢。”他允诺地说道。 一幕幕景象挤满了阿尔萨斯的脑海,它们彼此交相重叠,过去与未来的场景纠缠着絮绕在一起。一支骑乘战马的人类军队,他们携带着暴风城的旗帜,与一支骑乘嗥叫恶狼的部落突击队……一同战斗,却不是彼此厮杀。他们缔结同盟,一同与天灾作战。场景猛地一换,现在人类与兽人正在相互攻击——还有亡灵,它们喊着口令,依着自己的思想与兽人、样貌奇怪的牛人、以及巨魔并肩作战。 奎尔萨拉斯——尚未毁灭?不,不,他和麾下大军留下的死亡之痕依然存在。 但这城市正在得以重建……现在这些景象更快地涌入他的脑海,混乱无序,令人眼花。他已经无法分清过去和未来的界限。另一幕景象中,骷髅巨龙正在一座阿尔萨斯前所未见的城市上空散布着毁灭——那地方炎热干燥,挤满了成群的兽人。而——啊,对,现在轮到暴风城承受这些亡灵巨龙的攻击了……尼鲁布人——不,不,不是尼鲁布人,不是阿奴巴拉克的属民,而是它们的近亲。是的,那是一个沙漠亚种。在它们麾下,长着狗头的巨大生物和黑曜石制作的战争傀儡大步踏过闪亮的黄沙。 一个阿尔萨斯熟知的徽记出现了,那是洛丹伦的L标志,上面刺着一把长剑。 然而却是用红色而非通常的蓝色涂绘。 这徽记又变幻成白色背景上的一团红色火焰。那火焰如有生命一般闪耀着吞没了背景,下面显露出一片广阔水域……一片海洋的银波…………洋面之下暗潮涌动。尽管晴空万里,平静的大海却如在暴风雨中一般翻腾起来。他听到一声振聋发聩的巨响,其中依稀可辨出某种可怕的笑声,又仿佛一个海底世界被猛拽离原位,朝着万世不见的天日隆隆升起时的发出尖啸……绿色……幽绿昏暗、怪诞可怖的图景在阿尔萨斯脑海一隅狂舞着,他想要仔细看清的时候,它们忽又消失不见了。只在那一瞥之下——犄角?是鹿?is a person? 难以辨明。那身影流露出希望,但正有某种力量想要摧毁它……山岭仿佛活了过来,迈着巨大的步伐,把挡在面前的一切无情地碾碎。整个世界都在这巨大的脚步声中颤栗。 Frostmourne.至少他倒是熟知这个。阿尔萨斯将这把剑掷向空中,它翻滚着飞向另一把剑。那是一把难看却强大的长剑,可怕的剑锋上嵌着一个骷髅图案。 这把剑,“灰烬使者”,并不是一把普通的剑那么简单,正如霜之哀伤一样。两把剑当空相击——阿尔萨斯眨眨眼睛,又晃了晃头,所有杂乱无章的景象,无论激动人心还是令人沮丧,都统统消失不见了。 兽人轻笑起来,脸上的白色骷髅涂绘也随着扭动。他曾经叫做耐奥祖,有着洞悉一切的能力。尽管阿尔萨斯不太明白适才所见的涵义,却毫不怀疑它们都会真实发生。 “还有的是呢,”兽人重复说了一遍。“但前提是你要沿着这条路继续走下去。”死亡骑士慢慢地将他苍白的头颅转向那个男孩。这个病怏怏的孩子还以他一个清澈得难以置信的凝视。一时间,阿尔萨斯感到内心深处一阵涌动。无论如何——那个男孩都不会死去。 而那意味着……男孩微微一笑,病痛似乎消褪了几分。 阿尔萨斯艰难地说道。“你……就是我。你们都是……我。但你……”他的声音轻柔温和,又带着几分惊诧和怀疑。“你是我心中残存的火花,抗拒着冰寒的入侵。你是我人性的最后残余,是怜悯、爱心、悲恸……以及珍惜。你是我对吉安娜的爱,对我父王的爱……是构成昔日之我的全部元素。不知为什么,霜之哀伤没能将其抹杀。我曾想要把你逐出心扉……但我没能做到。我——做不到啊。” 男孩碧绿的眼眸明亮起来,他颤抖着嘴唇,对另一个自己报以一笑。他的脸上恢复了血色,皮肤上的一些脓疮就在阿尔萨斯眼前消失不见了。 “你现在明白了。无论如何,阿尔萨斯,你没有抛弃我。”男孩的眼中盈满希望的泪水,他的声音比适才更为有力,却又因激动的心情而颤抖。“这不会是无缘无故的。阿尔萨斯·米奈希尔,你罪孽深重,但心中尚有一丝善念。若不是这样……我就不可能存在,哪怕是在你的梦中。” 他滑下座椅,慢慢朝着死亡骑士走去。 阿尔萨斯站了起来,他们彼此对视了一会。男孩和男人,那都是他自己。 男孩伸出手臂,就像一个活生生的孩子寻求着慈父的拥抱。“还没到不可回头的时候。”他轻声说道。 “是的。”阿尔萨斯轻声说道,痴痴地注视着那男孩。“还没到。” 他抚摸着男孩脸颊的曲线,把手慢慢移向那小巧的下巴,然后轻轻托起那张欣喜的脸。他朝自己报以一笑。 “但不能回头了。” 霜之哀伤应声落下。男孩尖叫起来,他为这背叛而震惊,痛苦的叫喊声就如厅外怒啸的狂风。一时间,阿尔萨斯看着他站在那里,没入胸膛的利剑几乎和他的身体一样大小。与自己的眼睛相对视的时候,阿尔萨斯感到心中传来最后一阵后悔的颤动。 然后那个男孩消失了。他的心中只剩下狂风席卷大地的辛酸哀号。 It's... unbelievable.等这个男孩逝去之后,阿尔萨斯才真正意识到,这最后一丝人性的挣扎是多么可怕的负担。他感到轻松有力、得以净化。如同被洗涤一清,就像艾泽拉斯将要面临的那样。他的全部弱点、柔情、踌躇自省——现在都统统消失了。 现在,只剩下阿尔萨斯和霜之哀伤,这符文剑正因夺取了阿尔萨斯最后一丝灵魂而欢心长吟。还有那个兽人,他正咧在绘着骷髅的脸得意大笑。 “对!”兽人欣喜若狂地大笑道。“我知道你会作出这样的选择。长久以来,你都在和最后一点点善良与人性抗争,但现在到此为止了。那个男孩令你止步不前,可现在你终于自由了。”这个衰老的兽人站起身来,动作就像年轻人一样轻快麻利。 “我们本是一体,阿尔萨斯。我们就是巫妖王。再也没有耐奥祖,再也没有阿尔萨斯——只有这一个伟大光荣的存在。凭借我所知的一切,我们能够——” 透胸而过的长剑令他瞪大了双眼。 阿尔萨斯上前一步,把饥渴地闪耀着光华的霜之哀伤往前一送,更加深入地刺进这个梦中人物的身体。他曾是耐奥祖,然后成为巫妖王,而很快,他将化为乌有,半点不留。阿尔萨斯伸出另一只手环腰搂住兽人,把嘴唇凑近他绿色的耳朵。这个动作几乎可以说有些暧昧,夺人性命的举动总是如此暧昧,也总会如此暧昧。 “不。”阿尔萨斯在耳边说着。“不是我们。没有人能对我发号司令。我已经从你那里得到了我需要的一切——现在这力量属于我,也只属于我。现在只有我了。我才是巫妖王,而我已经准备好了。” 兽人在他怀里颤抖着,被这背叛所震惊,然后消失了。 茶杯突然从吉安娜手中坠下,摔得粉碎。她倒抽一口冷气,一时难以呼吸,感觉这个潮湿灰暗冬日的酷寒如刀子般刺骨。艾格文就在一旁,她干枯的双手握住吉安娜的手。 “艾格文——我——这是怎么了?”她的声音沙哑而痛苦,突然间热泪盈眶,心中一阵刻骨伤痛,好像失去了……什么……“这不是你的幻觉。”艾格文严肃地说。“我也感觉到了。至于那到底是怎么回事——唔,我相信我们会弄明白的。” 希尔瓦娜斯吃了一惊,就好像眼前这个巨大的恶魔给了她当头一击。当然,他可永远不敢这么做。瓦里玛萨斯眯起他闪亮的眼睛。 “我的女王?这是怎么了?” 是他。 向来都是他。 希尔瓦娜斯握紧拳头,又把手松开。“出了点事。和巫妖王有关的事。 我——感觉到了。”他们之间不再有所联系,至少不在受他操控。但或许还有所残留,令她得到警告。 “我们的计划需要加快进度。”她告诉瓦里玛萨斯。“我确信,现在时间宝贵。” 长久以来,他一无所知。他呆着这王座之上一动不动,在梦境中等待着。他静若磐石,因而身上结起一层薄冰。但这绝非牢狱,不,只是第二层皮肤。 那时他不知道自己在等着什么,但现在知道了。他已经走出了最后一步,这旅途始于多年以前,那日他的世界中第一次蒙上黑暗的阴影,当他看到那个年轻的暴风城王子为他父王的死而恸哭。 这历程引领着他横越艾泽拉斯,来到诺森德,来到这冰封王座的露天之下。令他发掘内心最深处的自我,令他做出选择,杀死了那些阻拦他的无辜众人,也毁灭了自己的一部分灵魂,令他之所以为自己的那一部分。 阿尔萨斯,巫妖王本尊,独享这无上的荣耀和力量。他慢慢睁开眼睛,眼皮上的冰晶碎裂落下,就如凝结成冰的眼泪。覆住他银白长发和苍白皮肤的华丽头盔之下露出一个笑容。随着他苏醒过来,缓慢地改变着姿势,更多冰晶纷纷落下。这些都是那层寒冰之茧的碎片,而现在他再也用不着了。因为,他已经醒来。 “天灾开始!”
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