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Chapter 8 chapter eight

Winter Veil is the most festive day of the year for Lordaeron Palace.Muradin has always been an excellent ambassador, and he brought the traditional customs of the dwarves to the people of Lordaeron.Winter Veil has grown in popularity over the years, and this year it looks like it has taken hold. The festive mood was set a few weeks ago when Gianna entertained the crowd with a theatrical display of vine-lit statues.Jaina was told she could stay here all winter if she wanted.Although for a wizard who can teleport, Dalaran is not far away.Something is changing quietly, subtle and profound.Jaina Proudmoore is no longer just the daughter of the ruler of Kul Tiras, no longer just a friend.

She is gradually being regarded as a member of the royal family. Arthas noticed this when her mother took Jaina and Kalia to try on the Winter Veil ball gowns.In the past, there were guests in the capital for the Winter Veil Festival, and Lian never mixed her and her daughter's costumes with those of the guests. Likewise, Tenaris now often invites Jaina to accompany Arthas when he takes Arthas to listen to popular petitions.She sat on the king's left, Arthas on the right. She has almost reached the status of the king's heir. Yes, Alsace thought, he thought it was a logical conclusion.isn't it?He remembered what he said to Kalia many years ago: "I think we all have our own responsibilities. You have to marry the man appointed by the king, and I have to marry the man the country needs."

Jaina will be who the country needs.Jaina, he thought, was someone he needed, too. But why does he feel so uneasy? It snowed on the eve of Winter Veil.Arthas stood before a large window, looking out at the frozen lake of Lordamere. The snow started falling at dawn and didn't stop until an hour ago.The sky was like black velvet, dotted with stars like tiny ice diamonds.Under the moonlight, everything is charming and peaceful. A soft little hand was placed in his. "Pretty, isn't it?" Jaina said softly.Arthas nodded, not looking at her. "And there's plenty of ammunition."

"what?" "Ammunition," Jaina repeated. "For snowball fights." He turned around at last, and suddenly caught his breath.He hadn't seen the gowns Gianna, Callia, and his mother wore to tonight's dinner and ball before, and was struck by her beauty.Jaina Proudmoore looks like a Snow Maiden. Her shoes seemed to be carved out of ice, her white gown was rendered in a very pale blue, and the silver headband reflected the warm light of the torch.She's just heartbreakingly cute. But she is not a sculptural Frost Queen, she is soft and lively, with long golden hair hanging down to her shoulders, her cheeks are flushed from his gaze, and her blue eyes are bright with joy.

"You look like... like a white candle," he said, "all white and gold." He took a strand of her hair and twisted it around his fingers. She grinned. "Yes," she said with a smile, reaching for his hair. "The children must be blond too." He froze. "Jianna, you..." She chuckled, "No. Not yet. But we can't have kids." child.The word stung him.She was talking about their future children.His mind flew to the future, Jaina became his wife, their children lived in the palace, his parents died, and he himself became king.The weight of the crown weighed on his head.On the one hand he longs for it.He loved Jaina by his side, and holding her in his arms at night, and the smell and smell of her, and her laughter—clear as a bell, sweet with the scent of roses.

He still likes...but what if he's wrong? It occurred to him that so far they had been child's play.He thinks of Jaina as a partner because she's been his since he was a kid, even though their game is more "adult" now.But he was suddenly shaken in his heart.What if this is true?What if he really loves her and she loves him?If he's not a good husband, not a good king...if... "I'm not ready," he blurted out. She frowned. "Of course we don't want a baby now." She squeezed his hand tightly, as if trying to dispel his worries. Arthas let go of her hand suddenly and took a step back.She frowned even more in confusion.

"Alsace? What's the matter?" "Jianna...we're all too young," he said quickly, his voice rising a little. "I'm too young, and there's some... I can't... I'm not ready." She paled. "You haven't... I thought..." He felt like a felony.On the night they became lovers, Gianna asked him.are you ready?She said so.As long as you are ready, he replied like this, and he thought so too... He really thought he thought so at the time... Alsace stepped forward to hold her hand, desperately trying to express what was flashing in his mind idea. "I still have too much to learn, too much training to complete. Father needs me.

Uther still has a lot to teach me, and... Jaina, we've always been friends.You have always understood me so well.Can you understand me again now? Can we still be friends? " Her bloodless lips moved, but no words came out.Her hands were unresponsive, and Arthas gripped them anxiously. Jaina, please, please understand me...even though I don't know why. "Of course, Arthas." Her voice was mechanically monotonous. "We've always been friends." Everything from her posture and expression to her voice expressed pain and shock.Arthas, however, was relieved by her words.everything will get better.Maybe she will be sad for a while, but she will understand soon.

They know each other well.She would see that he was right, it was too early. "I mean... not forever." Alsace felt the need to explain. "Just for now. You still have work to learn...and I'll distract you. Antonidas will be mad at me." She said nothing. "This is the best. Maybe, when time passes, we can be together again. It's not that I don't...but you..." Arthas took her in his arms.Jaina was rocky at first, and then Arthas felt her relax and wrap her arms around him.They stood in the hall for a while, Arthas burying his face in her long, bright blond hair.There is no doubt that if they can have children, it must be like this hair.Maybe they'll have kids.

"I'm not trying to make a clean break," he said softly, "just..." "It's all right, Arthas. I understand." He stepped back, put his hands on her shoulders, and looked into her eyes. "You understand?" She smiled. "Honestly? No. But it's all right, you'll understand, I understand." "Gianna, I just want to make sure it's good for both of us." I don't want to screw this up.I can't screw this up. She nodded, took a deep breath and calmed down, smiling at him.It was a sincere and sad smile. "Come on, Prince Arthas. It is time for you to escort your friend to the ball."

Arthas made it through that rough night, and so did Jaina.Tenaris kept looking at him strangely, but Arthas didn't want to tell his father... at least not yet.During the intermission of the ball, Alsace looked out the window at the snow-capped lake, reflecting the silver moonlight, and wondered why all the bad things happened in winter. Lieutenant Admiral Aedelas Blackmoore's expression was not particularly pleased, although the audience before him was the venerable King Tenaris and Prince Arthas.In fact, he looked like he was desperately trying to slip away. He has had bad luck in recent years, both physically and in terms of encounters.Alsace still remembered the handsome and energetic general, although he was a little drunk, at least he didn't get into trouble because of it.But now it's different.Blackmoore's hair was a little grizzled, his body was fat, and his eyes were bloodshot.Luckily, he was still sane.Tenaris believed so strongly in moderation that all things should be done in moderation, and if Blackmoore had come drunk, the king would not have seen him at all. Blackmoore is here today because he screwed up.And it's serious.Thrall, his proud orc gladiator, had somehow escaped from Durnholde during a fire.At first Blackmoore tried to suppress the news, and sent his own people to hunt down the orcs on a small scale.But how could such a huge green orc be kept secret forever.Once the paper can't contain the fire, rumors start to spread.Some say his rivals let the orcs go free in order to win the game; others say a jealous mistress took revenge on him; Doomhammer himself; others say dragons masquerading as human beings who set fire to fire with one breath. Arthas recalled Thrall's thrilling performance in battle, and he remembered wondering at the time whether it was wise to train and educate an orc. Upon hearing the news of Thrall's escape, Tenaris immediately summoned Blackmoore. "It's bad enough to train an orc for gladiatorial competitions," Tenaris began, "but teach him military strategy, teach him to read and write... Lieutenant General, I have to ask you, the Light is here What on earth are you thinking?" Arthas couldn't help smiling when he saw Aedelas Blackmoore huddled in front of him. "You assured me that all funds and materials would be directed towards increased security, and that your orc pet was under strict guard," Tenaris continued, "and now, instead of staying safe in Dunhoe How is that possible?" Blackmoore frowned, "Of course, Thrall's escape is a misfortune. I believe you can understand my feelings." This is Blackmoore's counterattack.Tenaris is still sad that Doomhammer escaped from under his nose.But this pushback is not wise.Tenaris frowned and continued. "I hope this isn't the tip of the iceberg. Lieutenant General, this money is the blood of the people and it's there to protect them from harm. Do I have to send a representative to make sure it's earmarked?" "No! No, no, it's not necessary. I'll list every penny for it." "Yes," Tenaris said with mock mildness. "You have to do this." Finally, Blackmoore bowed respectfully and slowly retreated down the hall.Tenaris turned to his son. "What do you think of the situation? You've seen Thrall fight." Arthas nodded. "He's nothing like any orc I've ever seen. I mean... he's big and he's fierce. But he's obviously smart and well-trained." Tenaris stroked his beard and thought for a while, "There are still a few groups of orcs in exile, and they may be as depressed as the orcs we imprisoned. If Thrall finds them and teaches them what he has learned, it will be a good thing for them." It would be very bad for us." Arthas sat up straight, which was exactly what he expected. "I've been training hard with Uther." That's the truth.Arthas could not explain to others, nor to himself, why he and Jaina broke up.So he could only devote himself to training, and practiced hard for hours a day until he was sore and exhausted, and he was no longer able to recall Jaina's voice and smile in his mind. That's exactly what he wants, isn't it?She has accepted it.Why is he always sleepless at night, thinking painfully of her body temperature and appearance.He even tried sitting and meditating for hours on end, trying to distract himself. Perhaps only by focusing on fighting, on learning how to receive and channel the Light, would he be able to free himself from thinking about her.Although it was himself who proposed to break up. "We can hunt down those orcs, and Bisar will find them first." Tenaris nodded. "Uther told me about your efforts, and he's pleased with your progress." He made up his mind. "Well, then, go inform Uther and get ready. This is the first time you've put in a real effort." battle." Alsace managed to restrain himself from cheering excitedly.He suppressed the joy in his heart, and at the same time noticed the mournful and melancholy expression on his father's face.Maybe, just maybe, killing the troublesome greenskins would make him forget, the pained look on Jaina's face when he said goodbye. "Thank you, my lord. I will make you proud." Despite the regret in Tenaris's blue-green eyes, he smiled at his son, who was also grieving. "Son, that's the least of my worries."
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