Home Categories fable fairy tale The Complete Works of Greek Mythology and Stories Ⅰ
The Complete Works of Greek Mythology and Stories Ⅰ

The Complete Works of Greek Mythology and Stories Ⅰ


  • fable fairy tale

  • 1970-01-01Published
  • 47484

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Chapter 1 Chapter 1 Prometheus

The sky and the earth were created, and the waves of the sea lapped against the shore.Fish are playing in the water and birds are singing in the air.There are many animals on the earth, but there is not a single advanced creature with a soul that can dominate the surrounding world.At this time Prometheus was born, a descendant of the ancient gods exiled by Zeus, the son of Iapetus, born of the mother Gaia and Uranus.He is smart and wise, knowing that the seeds of the gods are hidden in the soil, so he picked up the soil, moistened it with river water, mixed it, and molded it into a human shape according to the appearance of the ruler of the world, that is, the god.In order to give life to the clay figurine, he ingested two characters, good and evil, from the souls of animals, and sealed them into the human chest.Among the gods, he had a girlfriend, Athena, the goddess of wisdom; she marveled at the creation of the son of Titan, so she blew on the half-soul clay figurine, making it spiritual.

Thus the first men arose in the world, and they multiplied, and soon formed a great multitude, and spread everywhere.But for a long time, they didn't know what to do with their limbs, nor did they know how to use their god-given soul.They don't see, hear but don't hear, just like the figures in a dream, walking around aimlessly, but don't know how to play their own role.They did not know how to quarry stone, burn bricks, and cut down trees to make rafters, and then build houses out of these materials.They are like ants, living in a hole in the earth without sunlight, unable to notice the winter and spring and summer solstice; they do everything without a plan.

So Prometheus came to help his creation.He taught them to observe the rising and setting of the sun, the moon and the stars; he invented numbers and writing for them, so that they could calculate and exchange ideas with words; Take the reins to pull a cart or serve as a mount.He invented the boat and the sails and made them sail the seas.He is concerned with all other activities in human life.In the past, sick people didn't know how to use medicine to cure their illness, and didn't know how to apply ointment or take medicine to relieve their pain. Many patients died miserably due to lack of medicine and medicine.Now, Prometheus taught them to concoct potions to prevent various diseases.In addition, he taught them divination, dream fulfillment, interpretation of the flight of birds and various omens displayed by sacrifices.

He guided them to explore the minerals in the ground, and let them find ores and mine iron, gold and silver.He taught them the art of farming and made their lives more comfortable. Not long ago, Zeus banished his father Cronus and overthrew the ancient deity family, from which Prometheus was also born.Now Zeus and his sons were the new masters of heaven, and they began to notice the newly formed human beings. They demand that humans respect them as a condition for protecting humans.One day, in Mecone, Greece, the gods met and negotiated to determine the rights and duties of human beings.Prometheus was present as the defender of humanity.At the meeting, he tried to keep the gods from imposing harsh sacrifice conditions because they promised to protect mankind.The son of the Titan god decided to use his wisdom to deceive the gods.He slaughtered a large bull on behalf of his creation and asked the gods to choose only the part they liked.He cut the sacrificed bull into pieces and divided them into two piles.One was filled with meat, viscera, and fat, covered with cowhide, and topped with beef belly; the other was full of beef bones, artfully wrapped in beef suet.This pile is bigger than the other pile.Zeus, the all-knowing and omnipotent father of the gods, saw through his tricks, and said: "Son of Iapetus, noble king, my good friend, how unfairly you divided the sacrifices!" Prometheus believed more and more that he had deceived Zeus, so he smiled secretly and said, "Noble Zeus, the eternal ancestor of the gods, you can choose as many as you wish!" Stretch out your hands for the snow-white suet.When he peeled off the suet and saw that it was all bare bones, he pretended not to realize that he had been deceived until now, and said angrily: "I see, son of Iapetus, you have not forgotten your deceit." Trick!"

Zeus was deceived and decided to take revenge on Prometheus.He refuses to provide man with the last thing necessary for life: fire.But the son of Iapetus was very clever, and immediately thought of a clever way.He took a thick and long fennel stalk, carried it close to the approaching sun chariot, stretched the fennel stalk into its flame and ignited it, and then returned to the ground with the flickering fire, and soon the first pile The firewood was burning, and the fire burned more and more vigorously, and the flames soared into the sky.Zeus was furious when he saw the flame rising in the world. Seeing that he could not take the fire away from humans, he quickly came up with new disasters to punish humans so as to offset the blessings brought by fire to humans.He ordered Hephaestus, the god of fire, who is famous for his craftsmanship, to build a stone statue of a beautiful woman.Athena also lost kindness to Prometheus because she gradually became jealous of him. She personally put the stone statue in shining white clothes, covered it with a veil, put a wreath on its head, and put a golden ribbon on it.This golden headband was also made by Hephaestus.In order to please his father, he made it carefully, and the blond headband was exquisitely shaped, and the belt was decorated with animal figures with different expressions.Hermes, the messenger of the gods, taught the language skills to this charming and charming figure; Aphrodite, the god of love, endowed her with various seductive charms.So Zeus injected vicious water into this beautiful image, and he named her Pandora, which means "woman with all talents", because the gods gave her a gift that endangered mankind.He sent the young woman down to earth, and the gods, who were roaming freely on earth, were amazed at the incomparably beautiful woman.She came directly to Epimetheus, Prometheus' younger brother, and asked him to accept the gift Zeus gave him.Epimetheus was kind and had no suspicions.

Prometheus had warned his brother not to accept any gift from Zeus on Olympus, but to return it immediately.Epimetheus, however, forgot this warning, and gladly received the young and beautiful woman.It wasn't until later, when he had suffered, that he realized that he had brought disaster on.Before that, mankind obeyed the warning of Prometheus, so there was no disaster, no hard work, and no tortured disease.Now, the girl holds the gift in both hands, a large, tightly closed box.As soon as she walked in front of Epimetheus, she suddenly opened the lid of the box, and the disaster inside flew out like a puff of black smoke, and quickly spread to the ground.At the bottom of the box was hidden the only good thing: hope, but Pandora closed the lid before it flew out according to the warning of the All-Father, so hope was locked in the box forever.Since then, all kinds of disasters have filled the earth, sky and sea.Diseases spread among men day and night, raging, and silently, because Zeus did not let them make a sound.All kinds of fevers are rampant on the earth, and the god of death is running wildly in the world.Then Zeus took revenge on Prometheus himself.He delivered this enemy into the hands of Hephaestus and two servants who were nicknamed Kratos and Pia, which means force and violence.They dragged Prometheus to the wild mountains of Scutia.Here he was bound by strong chains to the cliffs of the Caucasus Mountains, and descended into the terrible abyss.Hephaestus was reluctant to carry out his father's orders, because he liked the son of the Titan very much, he was his relative, his peer, the descendant of his great-grandfather Uranus, and the descendant of the gods.However, the two rough servants who carried out the cruel order gave him a good reprimand for saying many sympathetic words.Prometheus was chained to the precipice, and he hung upright, unable to sleep, unable to bend his weary knees. "No matter how much you whine and lament, it is useless," Hephaestus said to him, "for the will of Zeus is unshakable, and these gods, who have recently wrested power from others, cannot It’s very cruel.” The prisoner was sentenced to be tortured forever, at least thirty thousand years.Though he cries aloud, and calls upon the wind, the river, the sea, and the earth, mother of all, and the sun that watches over all, to bear witness of his pain, yet his spirit is unbreakable. "Whoever learns to recognize the invincible power of certainty,"

He said, "You must bear the pain of fate." Zeus repeatedly threatened him, asking him to explain his ominous prophecy, that is, "a new marriage will bring destruction to the king of the gods", ① but he never Open your mouth.Zeus kept what he said, and every day he sent an eagle to peck the liver of the bound Prometheus.How much the liver is eaten, it quickly returns to its original shape.He had to endure this painful torture until someone voluntarily sacrificed himself for him in the future. ① refers to the marriage with the sea goddess Thetis.His son is more powerful than his father.

The day has finally come for the unlucky Prometheus to be relieved of his misery.Heracles came here one day, after he had been hung on the rock for so long a miserable time, in search of the Hesperides.Seeing the eagle eating poor Prometheus' liver, he took out his bow and arrows, and shot the cruel eagle from the suffering man's liver.Then he loosened the chains, freed Prometheus, and led him off the cliff.But in order to meet Zeus's conditions, Hercules left Chiron, a centaur and half horse, on the cliff as a substitute.Although Chiron could ask for eternal life, he was willing to sacrifice his life in order to save Prometheus.In order to fully implement Zeus's sentence, Prometheus must always wear an iron ring with a stone from the Caucasus Mountain on the ring.In this way, Zeus could proudly claim that his foe was still chained to the cliffs of the Caucasus Mountains.

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