Home Categories Internet fantasy Well of Eternity

Chapter 15 Section 12

Well of Eternity 理查德·A·纳克 4469Words 2018-03-12
Hellbeasts roam the enchanted forest.When the breath of magic became heavier, their suction cups stretched higher and higher.Hunger and duty drove them, making them roar, as if to vent their urgency. But when one of the hellbeasts tried to leap over the fallen tree, a branch from another tree bent down and entangled its legs.Another Hellbeast was on the move and found its paws suddenly stuck in the muddy ground.A third felbeast was struck by a sprouting thorn bush, and the razor-sharp spikes dug into the fiend's hard flesh, causing it agony. The forest came back to life and began to defend itself and its owner.The five huge monsters began to falter, but they did not give up.The giant claws tore apart the branches that entangled them, ripping them from the trunk.Another Hellbeast dragged its companion back to the hard ground when it was about to sink.Hunger and anger make hellbeasts who are injured by thorns try to avoid it, but this will make them bleed everywhere.

Hounds do not reject their prey... "Teacher! What is he?" The demigod Cenarius looked at his student, and there was no blame in his fiery eyes: "The hounds you mentioned...they followed you here." "Following? Impossible! There's only one left, and he's—" Brox interjected, his guttural voice uncomfortable: "These hellbeasts, they're dark magic. I see, if they drink enough magic, they can go from one to many." "A good friend and a competent guardian," Cenarius said, noticing the dense forest in front of him again. "He has older and more powerful magic, which only makes him more susceptible to evil influences."

The orc nodded and said, "Now that one has become many." He instinctively touched his back, but his beloved tomahawk was not there. "I don't even have a weapon." "You'll be equipped in no time. Find a branch as long as a battle-axe. Come with me, Malfurion." Brooks quickly followed orders.He gave Cenarius and Malfurion a thick trunk, and Cenarius told him to place the trunk in front of Malfurion. "Kneel before it, my student, and you kneel too, champion. Malfurion, put your hands on this trunk, and Brox's palm on yours." When they did After that, the Lord of the Forest ordered: "Now, warrior, think of nothing but your weapon. Only your weapon! Time is of the essence. Malfurion, you must let go of your weapon. Mind, let his thoughts flow into yours. I will give you further guidance when the time comes."

The night elf did as he was told.He cleared his mind, as his teacher had taught him earlier, and established a connection with the orc.Immediately a powerful force entered his mind.Malfurion resisted the power at first, but he became calm instead.He took Brox's ideas and made the weapon he wanted take shape. You see the weapon, my student?Cenarius' voice comes, can you feel it, its look and lines? Malfurion did feel it.He also felt the relationship between the orc and the weapon, not just a simple tool, but a true extension of the warrior. Put your hands on the wood and keep the image in your mind.Transform it into the shape you want as you naturally think.

The night elf's fingers began to run along the trunk, and Brox's hand rested on top of his.Suddenly, the wood softens and changes shape. At his guidance, an ax with a blade appeared, made entirely of oak.Looking at the axe, Malfurion was very satisfied.To be able to create such a solid ax that is almost identical to the one he lost when he was hunted back in the first place is awesome. Malfurion was nervous for a while, but only orcs should be nervous, and he shouldn't be.So quickly pushed back this emotion.He focused all his attention on the last point—the curved handle and sharp edge.

Mission accomplished, Cenarius interjected, come back to me. Night elves and orcs are separated from each other.They stared into each other's eyes, just for a moment.Malfurion wondered if Brox had experienced some of his thoughts.But the green-skinned creature didn't seem to respond. Between the two of them lay a glossy re-creation that Brox craved.But Malfurion wondered if such a weapon would stand up to a blow. The King of the Forest stretched out his hand, and suddenly the ax came across between them.Cenarius studied the weapon carefully with his golden eyes. "Let it protect its master forever. Let it fight for life and justice forever. Let it help its master become strong, and let the master make it strong."

As he spoke, the ax was surrounded by a halo of blue light.This blue light implanted the oak, adding radiance to Malfurion's creation. The demigod Cenarius handed the ax to the orc: "It is yours and will serve you well." The orc's eyes widened, and he fiddled with the gift to test its quality. "The balance, it's perfect! It feels like a part of my arm! But it breaks—" "No." The King of the Forest interrupted him. "It is Malfurion's masterpiece, and it was blessed by me just now. You will find that it is stronger than any ordinary axe. You can believe that I."

As for the night elf, he didn't even touch the ax because he didn't want such a thing.Although Hellbeast is not afraid of magic and spells, he still believes that if he masters the spell, it is much stronger than such a weapon.He has already figured out how to make good use of his talents instead of wasting them. So the three of them were ready to face the incoming enemy. Those recent nightmares have always haunted Rhonin, and they are still playing tricks in his flesh.Hellbeast - the vanguard of the Burning Legion has come to the dwelling place of mankind.Could those fiery devils with horns be far behind?

Krasus had already infected the red-haired mage with fear.He didn't know what would happen once he interacted with the past.As they know, those seemingly possible victories will lead to what the future will lead to.Out of concern for life and the protection of loved ones, Ronin is best off doing nothing. But when the first hellbeast rushed into the swamp, the noble thought was instantly out of his mind. As the demigod Cenarius went to meet the Hellbeast, there was thunder and lightning in the sky.His stomp shook the ground and cracked it slightly.He put his hands together and let out a shining light.

Between his hands, he unleashed a little sun-like thing in front of the demons in the front row.Perhaps the demigods were just testing their opponents, or underestimated their resilience, and the hellbeast stretched its tentacles forward, entangled with Cenarius' talisman, and sucked his magic in an instant. Hellbeast hesitated for a moment, glowing... There was only one place, but suddenly there were two. They leaped at Cenarius, clawing at him, trying to drain his magic.Cenarius grabbed a hellbeast with his hands, and it struggled frantically, biting Cenarius' arm desperately.But another Hellbeast clamped its shoulders, and its tentacles reached Cenarius' body.The three of them fought frantically while retreating.

They never did that!Luo Ning has never encountered hell beasts himself, but he has studied their corpses and collected a lot of information about them.He had heard queer tales of hounds breeding themselves, and that the hellbeast's self-breeding was difficult and slow only when enchanted.It must be an ancient magic used by the demigods and the forest itself... Its power is so powerful that the hell beasts are made more terrible by it... Rhonin began to tremble, knowing that magic had always been his best tool.Indeed, he can fight with weapons, but now he has no weapons, and Cenarius may not be able to give him one now.In addition, to deal with these people, his swordsmanship is far from good.Ronin needs a magic. When Cenarius brought Krasus and Ronin to his domain, Ronin found himself unable to cast any spells.The King of the Forest casts a spell on Rhonin's mind, thereby restraining the power of the two "guests".However, when Cenarius realized that danger was approaching the three of them, Rhonin felt the magic was lifted.The demigod had no intention of harming the mage, he did so out of concern for his forest and his domain. Despite not following Krasus's recommendation, Rhonin wondered how much he would gain when he regained his power.Of course the demons will always salivate at his magic, just as they do with the magic of many mages, many of whom have been sucked up in the future battle against the Burning Legion. The hell beasts approached Rhonin, getting closer.Ronin clenched his fists tightly and prepared a spell in his mouth. However, he did nothing. Cenarius encountered two paired felbeasts, and the other two rushed towards Brox.Brox yelled at the two guys, making one of them tremble slightly.The orc took advantage of the momentary hesitation and desperately choked his opponent. The magic ax stuck deep into the hell beast's front claws, and cut off three hell beast's toes, as easily as cutting air.The filthy green blood splashed from the Hellbeast's body and flowed on the grass, corroding the blade like acid. The wounded hell beast let out a scream and fell to the side, but its accomplice continued to charge, crashing into the orc.Brox struggled to stand up, trying to use the handle of the ax to break out of the encirclement.He drove the ax hard into the chest of the leaping beast. The hell beast began to pant heavily, but it didn't slow down at all.It was on top of Brox, and its huge body almost crushed Brox. On the night elf's side, the hellbeast was eagerly approaching him with its tentacles.Malfurion concentrated, trying to think as Cenarius thought.Cenarius had taught him to see nature as a weapon and a companion. Malfurion reawakened the arrival of the demigod in his mind, creating a whirlwind that quickly surrounded the huge hellbeast.The hellbeast's powerful tentacles swayed desperately, searching for magic.But Malfurion's spells were fused with the power of the wind, so the hellbeast found hardly any mana to drink. With a wave of his right hand, the night elf asked the surrounding trees for extra leaves.He only wanted the strongest leaves, but they had to be many and fast. These guardian trees give their all, dropping hundreds of leaves from their towering canopies.Malfurion kept feeding freshly fallen leaves into the whirlwind. In this whirlwind, the hellbeast is pushed forward, reluctantly away from its prey.Malfurion took every step, always trapping the daemon in the center of the whirlwind. The leaves are constantly pouring into the whirlwind, spinning faster and faster, and the number is also increasing.At first, the hell beast didn't pay attention to these leaves, because they were not hindered much.But when a sharp leaf edge cut its nose, blood flowed out. The enraged demon beat the offending leaves vigorously, but unexpectedly, many wounds appeared on its palms, legs, and torso.The whirlwind was now a hundred times stronger, and the edges of the whistling leaves were like sharp blades, cutting the devil every where it went.Green slimy sap spilled from the demons' bodies, soaking their fur and blurring their vision. Cenarius and the beast that attacked him continued to fight.The devil's ghostly howls and wolves' howls just set off the shocking roar of the king of the forest.He grabbed the forefoot of the Hellbeast itself, which came to his door, and easily twisted his bones.The demon screamed wildly, and the tentacles were in pain, and they loosened, swinging wildly there. With the threat temporarily lifted, Cenarius focused on the other hellbeast.There was a strange darkness in his face, and there was anger in his eyes.Suddenly, a ray of light appeared and enveloped the demon.The greedy hell beast stretched its tentacles towards the light again, eagerly sucking on it. But it wasn't a wizard's magic he was drinking.Now a terrifying blue aura surrounded Cenarius, and he quickened the pace of his attack, pouring out magic, the magic the Hellbeast craved—but, so fast, so fast that the Hellbeast couldn't drain it all. The hell beast was gradually filled, and soon it was like a cloth bag full of water.It seems that it is about to split, and it can no longer control the energy it sucks in. The hellbeast exploded.On the swamp, stinky pieces of meat were scattered everywhere like raindrops. So far, Luo Ning is lucky, no hell beast has come to trouble him.He was still in the middle of the swamp, and he hoped that the power of the circle of gods would allow him not to think about whether to use his abilities. Rhonin saw Brox and Hellbeast fighting fiercely, and the orc was about to be crushed.Even though he had two opponents, the seasoned warrior fought as hard as he could.However, when he continued to observe Brox, a terrible idea appeared in the mind of the human mage.If there was no way for him and Krasus to return to their time, then both sides of the fight had better be killed, the sooner the better.In this way, there will be no further changes in history.Orc can't be counted on, as he too was thrown into this era as well.As he watched Brox's back, Ronin began to think of another spell.People in the middle of a fight have no way to pay attention to others, and their vigilance against other dangers will also be reduced.Krasus would have said that this was the right decision.Not just demons, Brox is a threat to existence. But his hands trembled, and the spell formed in his mind receded, and Ronin felt ashamed.Brox's Clan has become valuable allies.The orcs are now fighting not only for themselves, but also for others, including mages of course.Every word Krasus said urged Ronin to act quickly, but the more he looked at the orcs and the dark night,
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