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Chapter 8 trumpeter on stage

Life is like a stage, the curtain opens and falls, make-up is applied and removed, fake and real are true and colorful. The trumpeter never left the stage.It is a movable stage, wherever the stage goes, the trumpeter will be brought there.Therefore, for the trumpeter, this is a very appropriate statement. Every year, they travel all over the world, holding many performances and concerts in various places. Every time they go to a place, they will invite famous local actors to perform on stage.That time in Paris, I actually invited Mimi and Jean. They played the piano very well. A set of tunes specially written for them.The trumpeter was fascinated, thinking that their performance would be greatly welcomed.

Sure enough, at the end of the concert, the audience cheered for their wonderful performance.At this time, the trumpeter stood quietly in an inconspicuous corner, puffed his cheeks, and blew the trumpet for Mimi and Jean's reappearance, and the cheerful drumming could not drown out his trumpet. This is the only thing the trumpeter can do.  When there is no performance, the life of the trumpeter is very lonely, and the stage manager will order him to do some trivial things to pass the boring time.Especially when it comes to renovating the stage, the trumpeter has more to do.Once, the trumpeter was in charge of blowing the trumpet on the hour to gather the renovation workers for dinner.

Workers walked past him in groups of three and five, and the trumpeter could tell something from their eyes and actions.The lonely life made him learn to find joy in any small fragment of life. An elderly crippled workman was always the last to stagger past, smiling at the trumpeter.The trumpeter felt very gracious and warm. The lame old man said the trumpeter had melancholy eyes and pretty lips, and would be a very famous trumpeter. The lame old man is a little slow, but he has a high level of craftsmanship. He can make the worn-out floor shine again.When the trumpet player was feeling lonely, he went to the lame old man.He knows a lot of things off stage and has repaired many kinds of broken floors, not just broken ones.The local rich people also invited him to their luxurious houses.

"Have you never left this stage, brat!" "No." "Then you must have performed many times?" "No, I've never acted." "Why? You play the trumpet very well!" The trumpeter blushed and buried his head very low. The old man laughed loudly: "Is it a girl?" Every year on Christmas Eve, when Santa Claus and reindeer are still on their way, the trumpet players will go to a distant country to perform.When they first arrived there, they invited the most famous dancer there, she has a pair of shiny black eyes, under the illumination of the stage lights, they will glow with onyx luster.The long black hair is tied into a tall Chinese bun, which is extremely elegant.When she performed on stage, the trumpet player stood not far behind her and blew the trumpet. At that moment, he felt very happy.

As she began to dance, the trumpeter stood in the background, watching intently.When she danced to the end and performed an arabesque, the trumpet player became inexplicably worried that she might fall.He clearly saw her slightly wrinkled forehead.The trumpet player couldn't help poking his probe forward.God, there's a little bump on the floor she's standing on.The sound of the piano lingered softly on the whole stage, and the trumpet player was so anxious that she could hardly stand it anymore.That dance actually took the longest time, the trumpet player was in a hurry, and took two steps in three steps, stepped forward and held the girl's little hand.At that moment, the audience burst into thunderous applause.

The girl looked gratefully at the trumpeter and kissed his golden eyelashes. The trumpeter couldn't remember what the next program was. He has since looked forward to the Christmas Eve show every year. The lame old man continued to mend his floor. "Do you hide behind a wonderful stage and watch the world perform?" "On this stage, she kissed my eyelashes, and I felt my heartbeat, and that's all I have." "But that girl doesn't know." "Looking at the world and playing the trumpet quietly, one person can be wonderful, because this stage once belonged to me at a certain moment."

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