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Chapter 11 Mr. Fei's Hedgehog Head

fairy tale book in drawer 两色风景 4519Words 2018-03-22
1 Mr. Fei has a characteristic that no one will forget after taking a look at him, that is his striking prickly hair.Mr. Fei's head is of a huge size, with spikes of fangs and claws, it's really hard not to leave a deep impression on people. Mr. Fei has had a hedgehog hair since he was a child. He loves his hairstyle deeply, so he hasn't changed it for so many years.Mr. Fei's hair is relatively hard, and it feels like a steel brush to the touch.Worthy of the name "Hedgehog". On a leisurely afternoon, Mr. Fei was wandering around on his bicycle with nothing to do.Mr. Fei is a happy bachelor who likes to spend his time freely.

When passing by a pet store, Mr. Fei stopped his bicycle in a strange way, put the bicycle away, and walked in. This is the only pet shop in Tianma Town. The only woman in the shop, Ms. Wang, greeted Mr. Fei with a smile on her face. She is also the only employee—the owner. "Does sir need any pets?" Miss Wang said with a smile on her face. "Just take a look." Mr. Fei said. Ms. Wang then followed Mr. Fei's pace and enthusiastically introduced all kinds of pets in the store. Cats, cats and dogs seemed to know about the customers, and they showed their cutest and most charming side to attract Mr. Fei's attention.

In a corner of the pet shelf, there was an inconspicuous small cage, inside which was an inconspicuous little animal. Mr. Fei noticed it. "This is...?" Mr. Fei asked. "This is a little hedgehog, female." Ms. Wang said. Mr. Fei took a closer look, and it turned out to be a hedgehog, with a gray body, curled up into a small ball as if afraid of getting hurt, and its pointed nose trembled. "I didn't expect hedgehogs to be sold in pet stores," Mr. Fei said. "Yes, she is the only hedgehog we have here. In fact, hedgehogs are also very cute." Ms. Wang said, "But, ours is very shy, so it is like this every day."

Mr. Fei tapped on the cage lightly, and the little hedgehog wrapped herself up tighter as if frightened. At the same time, she exposed her eyes and glanced at Mr. Fei. This was incredible, the little hedgehog who was timid just now suddenly jumped up happily.She put her two paws on the cage, as if thinking about it, she yelled at Mr. Fei eagerly. Mr. Fei was surprised that he was so popular with small animals, but soon he found that the object of the little hedgehog's call turned out to be his own hair. Mr. Fei couldn't laugh or cry. Ms. Wang covered her mouth and smiled: "Maybe it's your hairstyle, sir, she mistook it for her own kind."

Mr. Fei also laughed. "Sir, are you interested in buying?" "Sorry, I just came to see..." "It's okay, you are welcome to come often." "thanks……" 2 That night, Mr. Fei couldn't sleep well, because his scalp was always itchy, and it was still itchy after washing it three times in a row. It was so itchy that he scratched and scratched again and again. Mr. Fei fell asleep very late. Just after he fell asleep, an incredible thing happened. Mr. Fei's hair moved by itself! As if alive, that thick thorn hair slowly detached from Mr. Fei's scalp and crawled from the bed to under the bed.Mr. Fei, who was sleeping soundly on the pillow, did not realize that he had turned into a bald head at all.

After the hair slipped to the ground, eyes, nose, mouth, and limbs slowly emerged... Mr. Fei's hedgehog head really turned into a hedgehog! The hedgehog looked apologetically at the owner on the bed, and then ran out of Mr. Fei's house. In the dead of night, the hedgehog was running on the deserted street, following the smell left by Mr. Fei during the day, he ran all the way to the pet shop.He passed through the iron gate and entered the store through the small opening for animals. Most of the animals in the pet shop were also asleep, but after all, animals were naturally alert. As soon as a strange smell invaded, pet dogs barked immediately.

The hedgehog didn't care about it, and went directly to the cage of the little hedgehog girl that Mr. Fei had been hanging around during the day. The little hedgehog girl also woke up, and she expressed surprise at Mr. Fei's hair-turned hedgehog through the cage. "Hi." She said excitedly. "Hi, too," said the haired hedgehog. "When I saw you during the day, I felt that you were my kind, but I didn't expect you to be!" "Hehe... I seem to realize that I am actually a hedgehog only after I saw you." "But I didn't expect you to come out so late."

"You are the only hedgehog here, can't you talk to other animals? I think you are very lonely, so I want to come to accompany you." "...Thank you..." The little hedgehog girl burst into tears, "What's your name?" "My name is... Aza." The haired hedgehog named himself. "My name is Needle." The hedgehog girl's name also fits her appearance, "It is said that this name is the same as the heroine of a famous movie." "Well, I just saw that you have star quality." Aza said. "hehe……" "It's hard to be trapped in a small cage, isn't it? Shall we go out to play?" Aza said.

"The cage is locked..." Needle was puzzled. "Don't be afraid." Aza approached the lock. He inserted a spike on his body into the keyhole, and fiddled with it while listening to the sound. The structure of the lock was very simple, and it snapped open in a short while. "You are amazing!" Needle admired. "I saw human beings do this before, so I learned it. Let's go." Aza said to the needle. The two hedgehogs left the pet shop happily.The cats and dogs behind them barked even more fiercely. Of course, to a large extent, they were envious of the freedom of the needle.

3 Aza and Needle played all night in the park.They played various games, chatted about various topics, and picked pine nuts for supper. The needles had never been so happy. It was getting dark, and when an old sweeper appeared with a broom, Aza said to the needle, "We should go back. My master has to go to work during the day. If I don't go back, he won't be able to go out." Needle smiled and said, "Well, I will be worried if my master can't see me. She is very kind to me." "See you next time." "Goodbye, thank you for playing with me." Needle thanked Aza for his friend.

The two hedgehogs parted ways and went back to their respective homes in different directions.Aza ran against the clock, and he was familiar with Mr. Fei's schedule. When Aza came home, Mr. Fei's alarm clock was only a minute away. Aza quickly climbed onto Mr. Fei's bed, and he lightly covered Mr. Fei's naked head like a wig. After a while, he miraculously changed back to the original hedgehog head, without any life at all. sign. The alarm clock rang, and Mr. Fei got up. He yawned and walked to the bathroom. While brushing his teeth, Mr. Fei saw his dirty hair, which was full of dust, and there were fallen leaves and pine nuts mixed in it. Mr. Fei couldn't figure out how he could sleep like this. Mr. Fei went to work after re-washing his hair.When walking in the company, he greeted his colleagues heartily as usual. "Morning." Seeing the head of the department approaching, Mr. Fei said hello reflexively.In fact, their relationship is not good. "Haven't you gone to take care of your hair yet?" The supervisor was annoyed.He thought Mr. Fei's hedgehog hair was an eyesore. "It should be said that I don't plan to go." Mr. Fei replied quickly.Anyway, the company doesn't stipulate that employees can't wear this hairstyle. Mr. Fei is proud of his hedgehog head. 4 Aza and Needle's nightly activities lasted for a week.During this week, Aza turned from hair into a hedgehog every night, then went to look for needles, and hurried back during the day.No surprises. This day finally had an accident. Because Zhenzi said that today was her birthday, Azabi stayed with Zhenzi for an extra half an hour, and he even picked dew-stained flowers to give to Zhenzi, and Zhenzi was very happy. Azar came home late because of this.On this day, Mr. Fei was on the morning shift temporarily, so he got up half an hour earlier. The first thing Mr. Fei did when he woke up was to open his eyes, and the second thing he did was to think. What he thought about was: why his scalp was chilly. It doesn't feel right when it rubs against the pillow. Mr. Fei cautiously raised his hand to touch his head. After touching his head, he frantically ran to the bathroom to look in the mirror, and then yelled, waking up everyone in the building, and the neighbors kept cursing. Mr. Fei knew that many people would lose their hair when they got older, but he didn't expect that he would be able to thank so thoroughly!Not a single strand of hair is left behind!He even thought of the plot where Monkey King shaved all the emperors and ministers of a certain country into bald donkeys in a certain episode. Mr. Fei attaches great importance to his hair, now it's over, he has no face to go out, he is in a hurry, he can't be late today, but what should we do? Finally, he remembered that he once wore a wig in a play when he was in college.That wig should still be there.Mr. Fei rummaged through boxes and cabinets at the fastest speed, and finally the sky paid off. Mr. Fei put the wig on his head, and it felt quite comfortable, soft and smooth. Although the wig was not a prickly hair, he couldn't care less about it. He regretted the untimely death of his hair while rushing to work. Surprisingly, Mr. Fei's new hairstyle was well received by the company.From the time he entered the door, colleagues praised him: "Old Fei, do you have a new hairstyle? It's very good." Mr. Fei's original annoyance was gradually healed after being praised several times.He suddenly felt that this was pretty good. Although he was bald, he discovered another charm of himself. Besides, Aza, he knew he was late on the way home. He couldn't imagine how the master would face the eyes of the world. He scolded himself from the inside out in his heart. He felt that half of himself was hair, so he He should have fulfilled his due responsibilities, but now he is dereliction of duty. When Mr. Fei came home, Aza hid under the bed and watched him with guilty eyes. He unexpectedly found that the master was in a good mood, and he had a new hairstyle on his head!Aza was stunned for a long time and realized that it was a wig, but he was still jealous for a while. At night, after Mr. Fei fell asleep, Aza quietly climbed onto the bed. He quickly fused with Mr. Fei's scalp and turned back into hair. The optimistic Mr. Fei was already mentally prepared to spend the rest of his life on different wigs. Unexpectedly, when he woke up, his hair returned to its original owner. Which one is dreaming today. 5 Aza did not expect that Mr. Fei's aesthetics would change in just one day. Although I don't know the reason, but the hair came back after all.Mr. Fei thought, then, why not take this opportunity to formally change the hairstyle. So Mr. Fei walked into the beauty salon, chatted with the barber for a long time, and then decided on a new look for himself. The barber cut and sprayed on Mr. Fei's back. Half an hour later, Mr. Fei's prickly hair was gone, replaced by a lean crew cut, very masculine and healthy.Mr. Fei is very satisfied.Colleagues in the company also praised Mr. Fei.Everyone is sick of the hedgehog head. Every night after that, Mr. Fei slept soundly and did not notice any missing hair after waking up. Mr. Fei's hair grows very fast, but Mr. Fei has never had a prickly hair. He changes all kinds of novel hairstyles to nourish his life. If it wasn't for the hedgehog head, Aza wouldn't be able to appear. I haven't seen Aza's needle for more than a month, thinking that Aza hates his friend.The resurgent loneliness covered her more intensely than before, and she didn't think about eating and drinking, and quickly lost weight and fell ill. 6 One day two months later, Mr. Fei with a handsome and loose hair rode his bike around the streets again, passed by the only pet shop in Tianma Town again, and walked into the shop again by a strange ghost. "Hi, hello." Mr. Fei greeted Miss Wang who hadn't seen him for a long time. "You are also good." Miss Wang was still kind, "Why are you here today?" "I don't know." Mr. Fei scratched his scalp, "If I said that my head suddenly felt itchy when I passed by your store, so I thought I should come in and have a look, would you laugh at me?" Ms. Wang smiled and bent over: "We are not a barber shop here." "Is that little hedgehog okay?" Mr. Fei remembered the needle. "Not good." Ms. Wang became depressed, "I don't know why, her spirit has been extremely bad recently, she just lay down without eating or drinking all day, if this continues, I'm afraid..." Mr. Fei's head suddenly started to itch more and more. Mr. Fei scratched his head repeatedly and said, "Let me see her..." When Mr. Fei's face touched the cage, the half-dead needle suddenly became energetic. Like last time, she grabbed the cage and yelled at Mr. Fei's hair, shouting: "Aza! Aza! Listen! Do you want me to talk? I miss you so much!" Mr. Fei suddenly felt that his hair was wet from the rain, and he became more and more confused. "I think that Zhenzi may have made friends a while ago." Ms. Wang suddenly said to Mr. Fei. "Ok?" "I once woke up in the middle of the night and saw that the cage was empty... But she would come back during the day, and she would still have leaves and pine nuts on her body..." Ms. Wang smiled, "To tell you the truth, I'm still very tired. Believe in fairy tales, I think she just went out to play, and she must have a good friend with her." "So you've been listless recently, is it because good friends don't come to see her anymore..." Mr. Fei said thoughtfully. Miss Wang's mention of leaves and pine nuts reminded him of something. "She has been sluggish for a long time, and it was only when she saw you just now that she regained her energy. Strange, you are no longer a hedgehog." Miss Wang said. Mr. Fei suddenly had a feeling of enlightenment. He stroked and stroked his hair, looked at the frowning needle and Miss Wang in front of him, and said slowly, "Do you have mousse here..." "Why do you want this?" Miss Wang was curious as she handed it to him. "I also think my behavior is very stupid..." Mr. Fei put mousse on himself facing the glass window, and then stood up all his hair one by one, forming a very spectacular thorn!Hedgehog!head! "Okay. If that's the case... come out and see your friends." Mr. Fei said to his hair. Like a hat being blown off by the wind, Mr. Fei's hair trembled and fell to the ground, turning into a black hedgehog.Miss Wang screamed. The needle broke through the cage excitedly, and she rushed towards Aza. The bald Mr. Fei smiled wryly, rubbed his scalp and said to Miss Wang, "It's ugly, isn't it? But it's not in vain, your hedgehog is fine." Ms. Wang looked at Mr. Fei and smiled. She said, "I think it's very handsome." (Written on August 23, 2007)
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