Home Categories fable fairy tale what's in a pomegranate

Chapter 19 Xue Qianyu

what's in a pomegranate 吉葡乐 2141Words 2018-03-22
Rain, gray. The air was filled with the smell of fallen leaf mold.I don't know when the sky will clear up.That melancholy and tense mood is like a bean that has no choice but to swell in the rain. If it is not given sunlight and oxygen, it will be broken. Fluttering... The rain fell on the umbrella and flowed down the umbrella ribs. Chacha. Chacha. The sound of boots in the rain. The cotton skirt in one hand is also trendy.There is no dry and warm place, and I am most afraid of rain. If it is not because my mother is sick, I will not come out in such weather. Walk through a pedestrian street, turn left, and you will arrive at the pharmacy. It is a well-known Chinese medicine store nearby. My mother believes in Chinese medicine.But today I was completely disappointed. The door of the pharmacy was closed tightly, and there was no mercury light shining from the window like before.

The rain has no intention of stopping. A layer of autumn rain and a layer of cold. A gust of wind was wrapped in the rain, the umbrella was tilted, and a layer of water vapor rushed towards my face, and I couldn't help shivering.I held my umbrella and walked aimlessly on the street, and the sky was getting dark.The street lamp "swish!"——It turned on in vain in an instant, and a layer of light reflected on the road.The car passed by, flying up a small mist, which appeared a bit blurred in the light. I continued walking, and there were so few Chinese medicine stores.I was thinking about my mother's illness, and my heart was anxious and uneasy.

The road also seems to be against me on purpose, making me feel unfamiliar. Will I get lost in a city where I've lived for years? But it's true. There was no one on the street. (very strange!) There is a storefront in front, with a red lantern hanging, emitting a warm light in the rainy night.I hurried over, the rain splashed from my feet... Clap, clap—— The sound of walking spread far away, as if someone was chasing after me, which made me feel very frightened. The red lantern didn't seem far away from me, but in the end I almost ran for a long time, and the hem of my skirt was wet by the rain before I came to this store.

Ah, I'm not only overjoyed.It turned out to be a Chinese medicine store.There is a locust tree at the door, a big black shadow carried in the dark night, and a lantern is hung on one of its branches. The plaque written in traditional Chinese characters is vaguely visible under the dim light: Xueqianyutang I walked up to it, and it was a big black-painted wooden door, ah, it's really strange, it's very retro decoration style.Whatever it is, I touched a brass ring on the door and started clapping. After a long time, the door creaked - opened! A woman in white smiled slightly at me:

"Come in quickly." "Uh-huh." A scent of herbs penetrated into my heart, and I said: "Excuse me, is the doctor here...is there?" "I, that's me!" The woman in white pointed herself, bent her eyes, and smiled slightly.I liked her immediately, even though she was young and didn't look like she had any medical experience. I told her about my mother's illness. While she nodded, she seemed to be analyzing my mother's condition from my narrative.When I finished speaking, she turned around behind the counter lightly, as if her feet were not touching the ground.

Take straw paper and spread it on the counter.Then she turned around to take the medicine, weighed the dose on the small scale, and then her little hands were like two fluttering butterflies, grabbing one by one, and after a while, all kinds of medicine were evenly distributed on the paper, and she wrapped them up one by one, Finally, fasten it with a straw rope, and put it all in an oiled paper bag. I withdrew the money and gave it to her, and rose to leave with gratitude.He turned his head and glanced at the words on the plaque.I suddenly realized something and said: "Xue Qianyu is you, right?"

The woman in white nodded slightly and smiled. She reached out and pointed me in the right direction.Sure enough, I returned home quickly in that direction, and my mother was still lying on the bed.I hurried to the balcony and built a small briquette stove to decoct medicine for my mother. The medicine was gurgling in the casserole, and wisps of white air were floating in the humid air.I like the taste of traditional Chinese medicine very much. It is antique and has a proper soothing effect.I fanned the fire again with a fan.Let the soup inside be collected, and finally I poured out a small bowl and put it on a small stool aside to wait for it to cool.

Mother called me from the house: "Xiao Xin, which doctor caught this medicine, it smells so good." "Xue Qianyu, a very strange family." "Xue Qianyu..." The mother murmured: "I used to raise a pigeon named Xue Qianyu. It was a pure white pigeon, but it died later. I buried it under the locust tree behind our old house." "Ah, yes." I absent-mindedly agreed, mother just loves to raise pigeons. It's really strange, since my mother drank a few doses of decoction snatched from Xue Qianyu, her body has recovered completely.As if he had never been sick, he climbed five floors without being short of breath.Even better than before.

The sky also cleared up like it understands people's mood. The water-drenched world is unusually quiet like a woman who is tired from crying, the trees are reflecting light, and the joyful heart is like the bean that swelled in the rain, and now it can't help sprouting, and a few green leaves have emerged. I want to take my mother to see the red leaves on the mountain not far away, so as to find some creative inspiration for myself.But the mother packed the clothes by herself and insisted on going back to the countryside. "I'm really worried about those pigeons." Mother brushed her gray hair back with her hands and said.

"What's there to worry about, isn't it entrusted to my brother and sister-in-law to take care of it?" I crossed my arms on my chest, and it was really hard for me to understand how my mother cared about the pigeons. My mother has loved keeping pigeons all her life. She said that pigeons are psychic, and they will fly back by themselves no matter how far they fly. I couldn't beat my mother, so I finally made up my mind to go back with her. Before entering the village, a flock of fluttering pigeons fell from the sky like a white cloud. They came to pick up their mother.As soon as the mother raised her arm, a pigeon flew up.I also tried to raise my arm, and a pigeon flew up immediately. I tried my best, lest I would scare the pigeon away.

My mother smiled happily when she looked at me, and the wrinkles at the corners of her eyes turned into two chrysanthemums—my mother was getting old.Thinking that it is these lovely pigeons that can really bring happiness to my mother in her later years, I feel sore. I came to the back of our old house. I used to play here when I was young. A pagoda tree was planted when I went to school in the city. I didn’t expect it to grow so tall after four or five years. Most of the dense oval leaves on it have turned yellow, trembling slightly in the wind, and when the wind blows quickly, some will rustle down. At this time, a pure white pigeon flies over, cooing. Then, it fell lightly among the leaves, like a snow-white lotus blooming on the tree. "Xue Qianyu!" The mother said sadly: "This pigeon is too similar to Xue Qianyu." At this time, the pigeon flapped its wings, flew down, and circled around my mother and me... The moist air is suddenly filled with a smell of Chinese herbal medicine, which penetrates into the bottom of my heart. It is so calming and makes people's mind pure.
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