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Four Seasons Piccolo

Four Seasons Piccolo


  • fable fairy tale

  • 1970-01-01Published
  • 19377

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Chapter 1 Piccolo for Four Seasons: Spring

Four Seasons Piccolo 漪然 1096Words 2018-03-22
Mom, the green scarf I threw by the river last year was picked up by the willow tree! ... A small pen tip, dipped in the morning snow, draws a tender yellow spring in the sun. I want to pick a willow leaf, make a green boat, put it in the blue pond reflecting the sky, and compete with the white clouds. I want to pick a peach blossom, make a pink boat, put it in the golden river reflecting the sunset, and sail away with the sunset. However, it is still raining outside the window... So, I used a small piece of paper to make a white boat, put it into the stream formed by the rainwater, and let it go with the silver raindrops to find a piece of colorful land!

Rustle... rustle... rain, lightly, thinly, sprinkled on the stone road - sprinkled on the small wooden bridge - sprinkled on the small flowers, grass - sprinkled on the roof of my house. Brother, don't go running outside now!The sky and the earth are whispering, do you know that? I believe that Tiantian must also be a child who loves to paint, but also a little careless, like me.Look, last night he must have knocked over his palette again - when he got up early in the morning, his hands and body were still covered with reddish and golden yellows that he hadn't had time to wash off... In the early morning, the light brown mountains have not yet been awakened by the sun, and the cuckoo, who loves to sing, also sleeps in the wet bushes and only occasionally utters a murmur or two.In this hazy silence, suddenly, a green flute sounded sharply——

I don't know which naughty child picked off a blade of grass that had just grown by the mountain road and made it into a flute. Spring, but smiling, accepted his song. The sky in March is so high and so light, who tied it with a string so that it would not fly away? ——Let's go fly a kite!Then you will know the answer. The wind in March loves to dance on roofs and clouds. Who put colorful clothes on it and put wings on it? ——Let's go fly a kite!Then you will know the answer. Where did spring bring us warm air? I know this secret, it's hidden in my mother's washtub—when children all over the world puff up their cheeks and blow and blow, the hot air in their mouths is packed into the spring wind.

Where did spring bring us bright flowers? I know the secret, it's hidden in my mother's washtub--when all the soap bubbles are shining, falling and falling, the seven colors of the sun melt into the spring earth! Sister, will you take me out to play tomorrow? Don't worry, don't worry!It won't rain... Hey, guess who ate up all the clouds in the sky? Grandma is always very busy. Every day, she takes scissors and cuts out many new patterns on colored paper. The swallow is always very busy. Every year, it uses its tail to cut out a new dress for the spring. Ants, ants, why do you always love to crawl around in the corner?Did you mistake the sunlight coming through the gap in the wall for a drop of honey?

Sister, why do the petals fly? Don't say it, don't say it, I know! They are going to bring spring to the sky without flowers! How I want to be a spider!In this way, I, too, can weave myself a little silver hammock among the winter jasmine bushes. One by one, the notes at the bottom of the water are dreaming of a green ballad about the future. A night of drizzle... Under the morning sun, all the flowers in the garden are scrambling to open the door, showing off their pearls and diamonds. ——Hey, why do you still close the doors and windows, little white flower? Shh... Last night, a little beetle came to my house to shelter from the rain, and she hasn't left yet.See how sweetly she sleeps under the scented sheets!

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