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Chapter 6 Kikyo's Daughter

Huaxiang Town 安房直子 6003Words 2018-03-22
"Daughter of Kikyo" Xinji seems to have seen the flower essence of Kikyo! No, it is indeed flower essence. true, She is the daughter of Kikyo, who is gentle and graceful, and is almost as purple as the kimono. When the carpenter Xinji married his wife, everyone in the neighborhood was surprised.The daughter-in-law is white, has a good figure, and has wet hair, which matches the purple kimono very well.And the sound is nice too.That laughter is like a bird in spring. Everyone was thinking, how could such a man marry such a good wife?How should I put it, Xinji is a lazy guy who is too lazy to be lazy.It has been five years since I came out of the country, and I haven't done any serious work. I either drink or sleep all day long.Where did such a man find such a good girl?People whispered.Among them, some people deliberately went to the house of Shinkichi in Dazain for a half-joking look.Xinji smiled and said:

"It was chosen by the mother in the mountain." This is the truth.Xinji's mother lives alone in the mountains.Living in a small house, while plowing a small field, he could only think about his son who ran away from home rashly.Then one day, she sent Shinji a text: "Hurry up and marry a wife, you kid! It's better to have a daughter-in-law in the mountains. There is a nice girl, I sent her to you. " At dusk ten days later, when Xinji was still lying there drinking, the door creaked open. "Sorry." There was a sound like a bird.With a sudden glance, there was a girl with a pale face standing on the threshold.

"Your mother in the mountains please entrust me. From today on, let me live with you!" As soon as the girl finished speaking, she set up her wooden clogs and walked into the house without waiting for Xinji to reply. Xinji was taken aback: "Hey, this is too sudden..." He got up and was about to tidy up the room in a hurry, but the girl had already taken out the sleeve string from the sleeve pocket of the kimono and tied the sleeves up.Then, after putting away the rest of the wine that Xinji drank, he dusted the room with a duster, and after sweeping off the dust with a broom, he began to vigorously wipe down the low-legged dining table.While wiping, the girl said:

"Your mother in the mountains asked me. She told me to clean Xinji's room, wash her clothes, and let Xinji eat delicious meals. Let Xinji go to work in a happy mood." Xinji stood in the middle of the room blankly, listening to her.So that's what happened, this is indeed what my mother did.But how could my mother know where I live?Since leaving home, I haven't even written a letter... Xinji was thinking wildly, because he was a little drunk, Xinji didn't want to think about it anymore.He sat down at the low table and asked: "So, you made me dinner too?"

The girl smiled and nodded.Xinji immediately cheered up.It had been years since anyone had cooked for him.He fidgeted and asked: "What will you do?" The girl suddenly took out a bowl from her right sleeve pocket.It is a big red bowl.And it has a cover.The girl put the bowl on the low table with a "boom" and said: "If it's the flavor of the mountains, I'll do anything." Then, the girl went to the pool to wash rice and chop vegetables.When it was dark, the room was already filled with fragrance, and after a while, a steaming hot dinner was placed on the short-legged dining table.

Rice, boiled vegetables[17] and dried fish. Because with such a little material, it is impossible to make any delicacies from mountains and seas, but everything is very delicious.The rice is cooked soft, and the cooking is neither salty nor bland.Xinji is satisfied.It's very different from dinner when you live alone!The girl held the red bowl that had just been placed on the low table with both hands, and gently placed it in front of Xinji: "Drink the soup while it's hot!" Xinji was stunned, looking at the girl's face.Hasn't this bowl been placed here since just now?Just as I was about to open my mouth, I touched it with my hand, and the red bowl was hot!It's as hot as it was served fresh!Shinji was taken aback and opened the lid of the bowl.Suddenly, a gust of heat came out, and the bowl contained the miso soup[19] of angelica[18] from the mountain soil.Shinji rolled his eyes.She was so surprised that she couldn't even make a sound, and only heard the girl say quietly:

"This is my dowry. Let me use this bowl to make you something from the mountains every day!" Xinji took a big breath of the scent of the earthy angelica, and thought of his mother in the mountains again. There is no pattern on the red bowl, only the inside of the lid is painted with foxtail[20].The foxtails in autumn are so painted that they almost pop out, and the hot water drops of the soup are still on the white tassels, which is as beautiful as a dream. In this way, from this day on, Xinji and his wife started their lives as two people. The daughter-in-law is extremely diligent.In the morning, Laoqing woke up early, cooked the meal, packed the box, and woke up Xinji:

"Get up quickly! The meal is ready. Today is a good weather, and work must be going well!" With such a call, Xinji could no longer sleep late.Get up, put on clothes, wash your face and eat a good meal, the daughter-in-law lifts the package containing the lunch with both hands: "Then go to work in good spirits!" sent him out the door. There was no other way, Xinji could only go to work with the foreman.In this way, he gritted his teeth and did a day's work. In the evening, Xinji returned home and saw that the house was filled with the smell of food.The young daughter-in-law always tied the long sleeves of the purple kimono behind her back with an obi, and greeted Shinkichi with a big smile.

"You are back, you have worked hard." When she said this, Xinji's chest was warm, and there was an indescribable feeling of happiness. That incredible bowl is sure to be served at dinner time.In the bowl, there is either cress[21] miso soup or clear soup.It doesn't have to always be soup, either.Sometimes it is boiled bamboo shoots, mixed with bracken[22], or white sashimi filled like petals and transparent like river fish.As soon as he opened the lid of the bowl and saw such a thing, Xinji couldn't help swallowing a mouthful of saliva.Then, pour soy sauce on the lid of the bowl with the foxtail pattern, squeeze wasabi, dip the sashimi into your mouth.After taking a bite, he said:

"You brought a good thing!" The daughter-in-law nodded: "Please cherish this bowl! No matter how great you become in the future, no matter how rich you are, please cherish this bowl. If you don't cherish this bowl, I have to go back to the mountains." Shinji nodded repeatedly. In this way, spring has passed, and summer has passed. In autumn, Xinji has another joy.The things in the red bowl became more delicious.The delicacy in the mountains in autumn comes out of the bowl every day.Let’s just talk about mushrooms, there are Tricholoma agaricus [23], Mushrooms [24] and Brick Red Tough Umbrella [25].Sometimes, steamed pine mushrooms [26] and so on are served, which surprises people.It's much more than that, sometimes it's a bowl full of white tofu mixed with crushed walnuts, sometimes it's beautifully colored chrysanthemum mixed, and sometimes it's bright yellow chestnuts boiled in sugar water.And every time at this time, Xinji would think, what a warm and good tableware the bowl is!This bowl looks good no matter what it is filled with.The daughter-in-law looked at Xinji with satisfaction.

After being married for more than a year, Xinji has become a hardworking person from the bottom of his heart.My body has also become stronger, my complexion has improved, and I don't drink much alcohol. Xinji brought a big lunch box to work with the foreman every day. At noon, when everyone opened the lunch box, they counted that Xinji had the most and the best food.Because of this, Xinji worked harder. Moreover, after eating a bowl of mountain food every day, Xinji's wrist became incredibly dexterous.No matter whether it is sawing or planing, no one among the partners can compare with Xinji.This made the foreman fall in love with Xinji, and he kept assigning him new jobs, saving a lot of money.So one day, Shinkichi bought a new piece of kimono material for his wife. "How about wearing a kimono of a different color once in a while?" But the daughter-in-law shook her head: "It's hard to be kind to you, but I like purple ones best." After finishing speaking, the daughter-in-law put the materials in the closet intact.Xinji was a little disappointed.After that, Xinji bought belts, shawls and clogs of various colors, but none of them made his wife happy. "It's hard to be kind to you, but I like purple ones best." Shinji is disappointed again. Then several months passed, and Xinji said to his daughter-in-law: "The sashimi of sea bream [27] is sold in the fish shop, and I want to eat some sea fish once in a while!" The daughter-in-law went to buy sea bream silently.The next day, Xinji said this: "Next time, I want to eat high-quality mutton [28]! I'm tired of eating chestnuts boiled in sugar water." Then, he said something like this: "What do you say about the things in the mountains, they also have an earthy smell! Mushrooms and yams are okay to eat once in a while, but if you eat them all the time, you will get tired of them!" Whenever this happens, the daughter-in-law still does what Xinji said, but with a desolate expression on her face.Gradually, that incredible bowl was no longer used. So, the bowl that seemed so clean and beautiful at first, in Xinji's eyes, turned into a dilapidated and rustic tableware.One morning, before going to work, Xinji said: "Go buy a new bowl next time! Buy a beautifully painted bowl with a pattern on the outside!" After hearing this, the daughter-in-law was so surprised that she couldn't even speak.Just staring at Shin-gil with wide-eyed horror.Then, at last, he said in a hoarse voice: "Have you forgotten... what I said before?" Xinji pretended not to hear, and left the house. Then, when he got to work, he started to work as usual, but for some reason, he couldn't use his wrist any more that day.No matter whether I had lunch or smoked cigarettes, I just couldn't continue my work.To cheer himself up, he tried humming again, but the plane was not slippery, and the hammer was too heavy.The bleak face of his daughter-in-law appeared before Xinji's eyes. (I shouldn't have said that...) So, he missed home. In the evening, as soon as he finished his work, Xinji hurriedly packed up his tools and rushed home.Walking on the street, blown by the autumn evening wind, all the faces of my daughter-in-law appeared in front of my eyes.Please cherish this bowl!He remembered what his wife had said at that time.The long sleeves of the kimono on the daughter-in-law's body, which were tied tightly behind her, floated in front of her eyes.Xinji couldn't help but ran up.Running, running, running so hard that I was almost out of breath, and finally opened the door with a "creak", but the house was as dark as a cave.There was no light either.No supper scent either. "Hey, I'm back!" Xinji yelled loudly.However, there was no sound at home.Shinji entered the house.He looked around the house with only one room, but there was no sign of his wife. "I'm in a nightmare!" Xinji thought.But he sat down on the tatami, and when he heard the tinkling of the wall clock, he seemed to have just woken up from a beautiful dream. Everything is the same as before.Before the daughter-in-law came, the house was always so dark and deserted... "It's back to normal." Xinji muttered.Then he inadvertently glanced at the low-legged dining table, the bowl was still there.Isn't that the big shiny red bowl that was left there... (Did you forget?) Xinji walked to the edge of the low-legged dining table, and gently picked up the bowl with both hands. The bowl was cold and light.Open the lid, it's empty inside.Only the foxtail pattern on the back of the cover stands out.Shinji stared at the pattern in fascination. For some reason, he always had the feeling that the more he looked at it, the more it looked like the scenery at dusk in the mountains.The red paint is reminiscent of the sunset glow in the sky.The round bowl cover is reminiscent of a big sunset... In the past, there was such a dusk!Xinji thought.The back of his mother, carrying a basket and walking on the road covered with foxtail, appeared in front of his eyes.He remembered how he was when he was a child, running all the way and following his mother.White foxtails swayed overhead, and the sun smelled everywhere... At this moment, he felt as if the tassels of foxtail on the bowl lid were shaking slightly.Shinji was taken aback and rubbed his eyes. "Hehehe." From behind the foxtail ears, there was a bird-like laugh. "Hey!" Xinji couldn't help shouting at the bowl cover. "Where is it?" So, the daughter-in-law's voice laughed "hehehe" again. "here!" Indeed, it came from the picture of Setaria.Xinji gently touched the picture of foxtail with his index finger.From that hand, there was a feeling of fluffy tassels.Then, there was the sound of the wind and the cry of a crow. He took a breath, and his chest was filled with the breath of the autumn mountains. "Ah!" When Xinji shook his head violently and closed his eyes, he was already standing in the sunset of his hometown.A large patch of foxtail rustled in the wind. This time it was really a dream, Xinji thought.While thinking, he walked on the track of foxtail. It was a well-traveled, nostalgic trail.Going forward along that path, there is a small river, a bridge, and a stone wall after crossing the bridge. After climbing up eight stone steps that are about to collapse, it should be my home.Xinji strode forward.As he walked, he called his wife's name from time to time.Then, there will be a bird-like sound of "hehehe".You thought it was coming from the right side of the path, but next time it was coming from the left.And the next time, he laughed under a distant zelkova[29]. "Where is it hidden?" Xinji squatted down, looking for his wife.He pushed aside the foxtail on the right with both hands, and looked inside.I saw the edge of the purple kimono flicker. "I found it!" Shinkichi reached out and grabbed his wife's kimono, but the kimono snapped off, leaving only a purple bellflower[30] flower on Shinkichi's hand.Xinji was taken aback, and his daughter-in-law's laughter sounded from behind him.Turning my head, I saw another blooming platycodon flower on the side of the road.Only then did he realize that platycodon flowers were blooming all over the mountains and plains, and they were exactly the same color as his wife's kimono.Hua's laughter was exactly the same as that of his daughter-in-law. Xinji strode forward. Walk and walk, through the river, through the stone wall.From under the stone wall, he saw the yearning roof of his own house. "Mother—" Xinji couldn't help shouting, but he was afraid of being laughed at, so he held back.It's not a seven or eight year old child anymore!It has been five years since he ran away from home, and he has not sent a single penny for living expenses, nor written a single letter, how could such an unfilial son open his mouth to go home... While hesitating, he climbed up the eight stone steps, beside the dilapidated little house, bellflowers were blooming all over. (Speaking of which...) Xinji thought. (The bellflower is my mother's favorite flower. During my absence, my mother planted so many bellflowers by herself...) Shinji is fascinated by flowers. When the wind blows, the platycodon flowers sway together.While shaking, while laughing. Hehehe, it really was that voice.He thought he heard laughter in the room too.Xinji remembered his wife.He hurried to the door of the house, pushed the door open with a "creak", and saw that the house was dark.The daughter-in-law, who was wearing a kimono the color of Kikyo, was standing straight in the dark kitchen, looking over here. At that moment, Xinji seemed to see the flower essence of Kikyo!No, it is indeed flower essence.Indeed, she is the gentle and graceful daughter of Kikyo, who is as purple as the kimono. (So ​​this is ah!) Xinji thought.Mother sent her favorite platycodon flower as her daughter-in-law!Then, let me remember the mountains, in order for me to work hard, let me eat so many dishes from the mountains... (I'm so sorry...) Xinji sat down on the horizontal frame of the door and muttered.Kikyo's daughter smiled lonely.Xinji looked up at the pale face tremblingly, and said: "Let's go back together! Let's go back to town together and start over!" The daughter-in-law bowed her head: "I can't go back. I am with your mother, and I will stay here forever. Your mother is always concerned about you. When she sees mushrooms, she wants Xinji to eat them; when she sees chestnuts, she wants Xinji to eat them; someone else sent them Carp, I will say that Xinji likes to eat fresh carp slices. I have been nagging like this all day. That’s why I gave you this bowl! It will make you a great carpenter, and you can eat it every day until the day you return to the mountains You have to go up to the delicious food in the mountains. Therefore, you must come back! Until the day you come back, you must cherish this bowl!" This bowl...?Xinji looked down, and at some point, Xinji had already sat on the worn out tatami.There was a low-legged dining table in front of me, and the red bowl was placed on the low-legged dining table with the lid open.On the lid of the bowl, white foxtails are clearly drawn.Looking up, he was in a dark room in the courtyard. There was no one in the house except him. The wall clock slowly pointed to 6 o'clock. Notes: [17] Cooked dishes: a type of Japanese cuisine.Boiled, stewed, or stewed dishes. [18] Soil angelica: also known as solitary, Araliaceae perennial herb.About 2m high.Small white flowers bloom in summer.The shoots in spring and the tender stems in the mound are edible and grow in the mountains. [19] Miso Soup: A soup made by dissolving soybean paste into the soup and adding various ingredients. [20] Setaria: also known as miscanthus.Gramineae perennial herb.1-2m high.Leaves are thin and pointed.In early autumn, flower spikes with a length of 20-30 cm grow from the top of the stem.Longer than the sunny place in the mountains.One of the seven autumn herbs. [21] Cress: Umbelliferae perennial herb.About 40cm high.Pinnately compound leaves.Bushy, umbel-shaped white florets bloom in summer.The new leaves are fragrant and edible.One of the seven herbs in spring.Grows in paddy fields and wetlands. [22] Bracken: Pteridaceae perennial fern.In early spring, shoots curl into fists from prostrate rhizomes.Three rounds of pinnate compound leaves, egg-shaped triangle, more than 1m long.Young leaves are edible.Longer than the mountains. [23] Tricholoma clumps: A type of mushroom.About 10cm high.In autumn, it grows in clusters in forests such as scorpion and oak.The cap is black at first, and turns grayish brown after opening.edible. [24] Fungi: A type of mushroom.About 5cm high.Clusters grow on stumps of dry or felled beech trees in autumn.Mushroom umbrella diameter 3-8cm.The surface is reddish brown.The whole body is covered with mucus.edible. [25] Brick Red Tough Umbrella: A type of mushroom.The mushrooms are brownish brown, about 5cm in diameter.Growing in groups on the stumps of broad-leaved trees.edible. [26] matsutake mushroom: also known as matsutake mushroom.10-30cm high.The diameter of the mushroom is 10-20cm, the surface is dark brown, the meat is thin, and it is fragrant and delicious.In autumn, it grows on the ground of red pine forest and Japanese boxwood forest.edible. [27] Sea bream: Also known as plus-grade fish and bighead fish, it is produced in the deep sea and is mostly crimson.delicious.In Japan, it is mostly used for congratulations and happy occasions. [28]Yamko: A Japanese pastry made with bean paste, sugar and agar. [29] Zeech: Ulmaceae deciduous tree.About 30m high.Bark taupe.The leaves are alternate and elliptical.Light yellow-green florets bloom in spring. [30] Campanulaceae: Platycodonaceae perennial herb.About 60cm-100m high.Alternate leaves.The lower part is slightly white. Five-petal blue-purple bell-shaped flowers bloom at the front end from July to September.
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