Home Categories foreign novel time seeker

Chapter 35 wild irish

time seeker 凯特·汤普森 2535Words 2018-03-21
"Egeas?" he cried. "What's the matter?" Aegas was standing behind him, at the place he had seen just now, but Gigi was very sure that Aegas was not there just now. "Why didn't I see you there just now, my eyes must be playing tricks on me." Gigi said. "really weird," "Your head doesn't seem to be the same as that of a normal Muggle," said Argeas. He continued walking up the hill, Gigi following behind.The steep Eagle Cliff stands in front of it, surrounded by overgrown forests, without a breath of wind, everything is quiet.Suddenly, there was a creepy cry from the cliff, the hair on Brian's neck stood on end, and he growled uneasily.This is the first time Gigi has heard it howl.

"What's that?" he asked Aegas. "It shouldn't be leprechauns, they can't climb such a high mountain." They move on.The hair on Brian's neck stood on end, but there was no sound from behind the rock.At the edge of the woods, the path led off in the direction of Coleman's Cave.Aigas turned around and asked Gigi, "Where did you smell the smoke?" Gigi knows the woods in her world very well.He often comes here, just to breathe the fresh air and enjoy this mysterious territory by himself.But the woods here made him shudder, and he wasn't sure he would want to go into them.

"I think I smelled smoke on the way," he said, "but now I think maybe I didn't smell anything at all, it was just my hallucination." "Muggles always do when it comes to leaks." Aegas said, "Let's go." He walks through the woods with Gigi.The sun slanted in through the branches, casting mottled shadows on the mossy ground.Brian remained vigilant.Gigi realizes that although Aegas seems to be calm on the surface, he is actually cautious.As they passed a blackthorn tree, a small flock of quail cooed like little alarm clocks in the bushes.Other than that, everything was silent except for their light footsteps.After a while, Aegas asked again, "Is it near here?"

"I don't know. I think it will be a little farther." After walking a few hundred meters, Jijila grabbed Aegas's arm and said, "I think this is it." "OK," Aegas stopped and looked around, "I'll go in and take a look." "Drill into that world?" Gigi asked. "It won't be too long, and I won't be able to check the loophole without going through the time membrane." He handed the violin to Gigi, "You and Brian are safe here." "OK." Gigi agreed. "Remember not to talk to the goat."

"Talk to the goat?" Gigi didn't understand, but Aegas had disappeared into the hazel forest without a sound. Where did he go? Gigi hoped that Brian wouldn't be too nervous, and now it lay down again, but it didn't rest, its ears were pricked up, and its eyes were fixed on the direction of the cliff, as if something might appear there at any time.Gigi sat down on a mossy rock, the weather was dry but the moss was wet, but he didn't want to get up and sit again.He had a terrible feeling that something was watching him. He put the piano case on the ground, not daring to take out the piano and play it, because that would expose himself too much.Damp moss stained his jeans, but he stayed where he was.

"Brian, you're doing well," he said softly, trying to break the eerie silence.Brian responded with a low growl from his throat.Suddenly, Gigi had goosebumps all over her body, and Brian was also staring at the woods—there was something in the woods. Gigi let out a sigh of relief. "That's a goat, Brian," he said.He had encountered wild goats on this hillside, and they were a threat to other farmers, but Gigi was not much afraid.Ibex are always running around, whether it's surrounded by walls or fences, or on protected grass.Some of the milk sheep raised by Helen and Hillary ran away to the wild goats and never came back.Whenever Gigi sees wild goats, she thinks of them. She wonders if these goats are far away from the comfortable life of the farm and wander around with the wild goats.

But is this wild goat the same as the sheep in his own world?It was only sure to be different from the ones he had encountered.Those goats always avoided the crowd, and occasionally a few broke into people's sight, and they always disappeared quickly without a trace.But this sheep came towards him, and it was the biggest sheep he had ever seen. Bryan's screams did nothing to embolden him.Apparently, it too was terrified by the sheep and could only hide behind Gigi, trying to protect her with hysterical roars.The sheep didn't pay attention to it at all, and kept walking. Gigi stood up.The goat stopped 20 meters away, and it showed a very happy and even humorous expression, as if it had encountered something happy.Gigi hoped that wasn't a sign of something to pay.He had seen many horns, but never such a big one.The pair of horns were thick and heavy, longer than his arms, and felt dangerous.

He would have felt safer if he could hide behind a boulder or a tree, but he couldn't move or even look around for an escape route.He was stunned by the goat's yellow eyes, with their vertical, narrow pupils, sly and dangerous, and a little gleeful.Brian had long since dropped his pride, given up the fight, and retreated behind Gigi. "I know you," said a low, magnetic voice.Gigi didn't know if the sound came from the air around her or a hallucination in her own head. "I've seen you here before." Just as Jiji was about to answer, she suddenly remembered Aegas's instruction before leaving: don't talk to the goat.

"Maybe not here," said the Goat, "it's on the other side, isn't it?" Gigi remained silent.The goat's expression didn't change in any way, but there was a smile in its words: "I understand, your mind is full of nonsense about Aegas Ogg. They always do." "Cunning man," said the goat's disembodied voice again, "they can't be trusted. He's made up a time-leaking tale, hasn't he?" Gigi tried hard to control himself so that he didn't answer. The goat frightened him, but it didn't seem to have any intention of harming him.

"Has he slipped away?" the voice went on. "I bet he's off to scam other young men again. Your Eggas Ogg is a wild Irish lad who plays with his violin and charm Add little magic to deceive people." Gigi feels a little tired.He didn't want to hear such a vicious attack, and wanted to defend Aegias, but the soft, deep voice attracted him to listen. "Tired?" asked the goat. "It's too warm in here, isn't it?" Gigi's thoughts drifted away.The green moss, the smell of water, the mottled tree shadows, the warm sunshine, the soft voice, everything is like a dream.He closed his eyes, listening and smelling like this, it felt like he was dreaming.But something moved between him and the sun, a shadow he could feel in his eyes and on his skin.

He struggled to open his eyes, and found that the one standing in front of him was no longer a goat, but a monster with horns on its head, two long legs standing apart, about the height of a tree, staring at him. "Egeas!" he yelled with all his might.Brian finally worked up the courage to stand beside him, screaming and biting.Slowly the thing shrunk and became a sheep again, standing there watching them, still as calm and confident as before. "Do you know who I am?" the voice asked. Gigi felt that his energy was being drained, and he was confused by the voice again. "Do you want to learn about real magic in the world?" Covering his eyes and ears with his hands, Gigi hummed in the shade of a song his mother had taught him 24 hours earlier. Something grabbed his wrist, he gritted his teeth, covered his eyes and ears tightly, and resisted with all his strength. "Gigi." The voice sounded very close to him, and he peeked through his fingers secretly, and it turned out that Aegias had returned.
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