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Chapter 37 Part II Tasin-18

learn by doing I took a swig of champagne and walked up to the man, all with a big smile on my face. "Hi," I said, "I'm Rebecca Bloomwood from Money Success Magazine." "Hi," he said, turning to me, holding out his hand, "I'm Derek Smeez from Endwich Bank. This is my assistant Erica." Oh my god! I can't speak, I can't shake his hand, and I can't run away.I'm stuck there with my whole being. "Hi!" said Erica, giving me a friendly smile. "I'm Erica Parnell." "Oh," I replied after a while, "hello."

Please don't recognize my name.Please don't recognize my voice! Please! "So, you are a journalist?" She looked at the sign on my chest, frowned, and asked, "Your name seems very familiar." "Really?" I replied reluctantly, "Maybe... maybe you've read some of my writing." "It should be!" She casually took a sip of champagne, "We have all kinds of financial magazines in the office, and some of them are really good." I felt the blood in my body gradually circulate again.It'll be fine, I reassure myself.They have no reason to doubt me at all.

"You journalists have to be know-it-alls," Derek said, already giving up trying to shake my hand and taking a swig of champagne instead. "Yes, we do," I replied with a smile. "We understand all areas of personal finance—from banking to trusts to life insurance." "So how do you acquire this knowledge?" Derek Smeets asked. "Oh, we learn by doing." I replied calmly. You know what? This thing is so much fun, I'm relaxed now.You don't even know who I am! I murmured in my heart.You have no idea who I am! And Derek Smeez himself isn't scary at all.He is actually quite a friendly and kind person, like a loving elder.

"I've often thought," said Erica Parnell, "that they should make a paper about the bank and put it on the wall for reference." She gave me a expectant look, and I nodded emphatically. "Great idea!" I said, "That must be great." "You should really meet some of the troublesome people we've dealt with, some of whom have absolutely no economic sense. Am I right, Derek?" "You're going to be taken aback," Derek said, "totally dumbfounded. You'll be blown away by the tricks those people use to delay paying their debts; they'll go to any lengths just to avoid talking to us face-to-face! "

"Really?" I made a look of surprise. "You won't believe it!" said Erica. "Sometimes I don't know..." "Rebecca!" came a loud voice behind me, and I turned to see, to my surprise, Philip grinning at me with a glass of champagne in his hand.what is he doing here "Hey!" he said, "the Publishing meeting was canceled, so I figured I'd better stop by in person. How's it going?" "Wonderful!" I took a sip of champagne. "This is Derek and Erica...this is my editor-in-chief, Philip Paki." "Endwich Bank, isn't it?" said Philip, looking at the plate on Derek's chest. "You must know Martin Colringer, then."

"Sorry, we're not from the head office." Derek smiled softly, "I'm the manager of the Fulham branch." "Fulham!" said Philip, "fashionable Fulham." Just then, alarm bells went off in my mind.Boom-boom-boom! God, I have to do something, say something quickly, and change the subject.However, it was too late.I was like a tourist standing on top of a hill, watching helplessly as two trains collided in the valley below and there was nothing I could do. "Rebecca lives in Fulham," said Philip. "What bank are you a client of, Rebecca? You may be a client of Derek!" He laughed at his own words, and Derry K also smiled politely.

However, I couldn't laugh. I stood there blankly, watching Erica Parnell's face slowly sinking.Gradually she realized what was going on.She stared into my eyes and made a cold sweat run down my spine. "Rebecca Bloomwood." She changed her tone entirely. "I think I know the name. Rebecca, do you live in Burnie Road?" "Wonderful!" said Philip, "how do you know?" and he took another swig of champagne. Shut up, Philip! Shut up, Philip! I'm screaming in my head! "So you do live on Burnie Road?" Erica's voice was still sweet, but more aggressive.Oh God, Philip is looking at me now, waiting for my answer.

"Yes." I mumbled, feeling my cheeks burn. "Derek, do you know who she is?" Erica said happily. "This is Rebecca Bloomwood, one of our clients. I remember you talked to her on the phone the other day, didn't you?" Her voice hardened. "The one whose pet dog died suddenly." There was a silence.I dare not look up at Derek Smeez's face.I dare not look up at anything but the floor. "What a coincidence!" said Philip. "Would anyone like some more champagne?" "Rebecca Bloomwood," said Derek Smeez.Why is his voice so erratic. "I can not believe it!"

"Yes." I swallowed all the champagne in my glass in despair, "Haha! The world is so small. I have to go, I have to interview a few more..." "Wait!" Erica's voice was sharp as a dagger. "We'd like to make an appointment to talk to you, Rebecca. Is that so, Derek?" "Indeed," Derek Smeez replied.I looked up and met his gaze—and I was suddenly frightened.Derek in front of him is no longer a kind elder, he has become a stern proctor who has just caught a cheating student. "What we mean," Derek added, smugly, "is if your legs are safe and you don't suffer from terrible ailments anymore."

"What does that mean?" Philip asked eagerly. "By the way, is your leg okay?" Erica also asked sweetly. "It's okay," I murmured, "it's okay, thank you." Stupid bitch! "That's all right," said Derek Smeez. "How about we meet at nine-thirty on Monday morning?" He glanced at Philip. "You don't mind Rebecca meeting with us on Monday morning? It'll be over soon." "Of course I don't mind!" replied Philip. "If she doesn't come," said Derek Smeez, "we know where to find her, don't we?" He gave me a stern look, and I felt a jerk in my stomach.

"Rebecca will come!" said Philip. "If she doesn't, there will be trouble." He grinned at me jokingly, raised his glass, and walked away.Oh God, don't ever leave me alone with them. "Well, I hope to see you on Monday." Derek Smeez paused, and gave me a glare. "If I remember correctly, when we were on the phone the other day, you said you were going to get paid." Oh shit! I thought he forgot! "Exactly." I paused. "Sure. I have some money from my aunt. You have a good memory! My aunt left me some money recently." I explained to Erica, who But he seemed indifferent. "Okay," Derek said, "I'll see you on Monday, then." "Okay." I even gave him a confident smile, "Looking forward to seeing you on Monday!" Octagon Trendy...popular...a symbol of beauty 8th Floor, Clock Tower Building, London Road, Winchester SO44 3DR Financial Services To: Ms. Rebecca Bloomwood Unit 2, 4 Burnie Road, London SW6 8FD Credit card number: 78544567 Dear Ms. Rebecca Bloomwood: final advice As I said in my letter dated March 3, you still owe GBP 24,557 on your Octagon credit card.If you still do not pay what you owe within the next seven days, your account will be frozen and further action will be taken. I am glad to know that you have found God and have made Christ Jesus your Saviour; but unfortunately, that has nothing to do with it. Looking forward to receiving your remittance soon. Yours sincerely Grant Ellismore Customer Finance Manager March 20, 2000
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