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Chapter 3 Chapter 2 / You

¥19.99 弗雷德里克·贝格伯德 21124Words 2018-03-21
Just like "Pascal's Thought Collection", "the famous French mathematician and philosopher in the 17th century, whose intuitionistic principles had a considerable influence on later generations, and he is mentioned several times later in this book.", a soap advertisement can also make me There are valuable discoveries. —Marcel.Proust "the master of French novels at the beginning of the last century, the author of modern classics." Tonight is another sleepless night.Since Sophie left, you've always been lonely and boring on weekends.You need stimulation.You're watching an MTV show called The Grind: Thousands of girls in bikinis or miniskirts dance in a huge open-air dance arena.This is undoubtedly South Beach in Miami.The young, muscular black men surrounded the girls with their chocolate bellies.What the program wants to show is nothing more than physical beauty and the boiling of Techno music rhythm.Everyone should be sixteen forever, beautiful, young, fit, tanned, smiling and rhythmic.It is a matter of course to be glamorous, but at the same time, you must be tame and disciplined in the sun.Wearing tights, The Grind shows another world, another perfect beach, another pure dance, but the English word Grind also has the meaning of crushing.

This kind of orderly youthism reminds you of the director Linni in Nazi Germany.The documentary "Triumph of the Will" by Reifen Schuttan and the sculpture works of artist Blake at the same time. Sometimes a girl in the back row doesn't know she's on camera and starts panting and yawning.The camera zoomed in, and as soon as she spotted the camera, she immediately rejuvenated, posing like a tertiary movie actor, sucking her fingers, with an innocent look on her face. For an entire hour, you watch the fascism of this seaside beach, while constantly sucking white powder.In order to prevent the old nose from bleeding, you use a credit card to finely chop white powder on the mirror.You turn these crystals into granulated sugar.The finer the white powder is cut, the less it will irritate your nasal blood vessels.Your life is thus on these few white tracks.When you inhale the white powder into the nasal cavity with a pure gold straw, immediately tilt your head back as much as possible to allow the sinuses to fully absorb it.Drink a large vodka tonic as soon as you feel it in your throat to keep from sneezing incessantly.After pollen allergy, you pioneered a new disease - white powder allergy (necrosis of nasal blood vessels, runny nose, jaw spasm, credit card edges are white from corrosion).That's how you spend your weekends in a super-your state.

Drugs, you see it keep coming to you.At first, you just hear people say, "We use some cocaine every weekend." Then, a friend of a friend, after going through it once, asks you, "Do you want something for your nose?" Then, your friend's friend becomes your drug supplier. Before long, one of them died of an overdose and the other got into trouble. At first, you just try, and after that once in a while, you can't help but join in every weekend.After that, you also use it midweek, for fun.Later, you also forget that it is for fun, and you smoke it every morning to maintain normality.If the white powder is mixed with a laxative, it will make you go to the toilet frequently; if it is mixed with strychnine, your nose will be itchy.But you don't complain, because if you don't suck white powder, you'll be jumping rubber bands in a green tracksuit, or roller skating with bulging knee pads, or singing karaoke in a Chinese restaurant, or talking to a bald man. Party with racism, or go to the gym with those old chicks, or go play the sports lottery, or lie on the couch for psychoanalysis, play poker with a lie expert, surf the Internet, play masochism and sadism, lose weight, sit at home Drinking whiskey, gardening, skiing, collecting stamps, bourgeois Buddhism, multimedia, participating in group crafting, or anal parties.Everyone needs some activity for the so-called "stress relief" when, as you know, everyone is just struggling.

Ever since you were alone, you masturbated in front of a movie tape all too often, and you always had a pack of Kleenex handy. When you dumped Sophie, you told her you preferred whores. "I am true to you: you are the only lover I want to deceive." What was the situation like?Oh, by the way, you're having dinner with her at a restaurant when, out of the blue, she announces to you that she's pregnant.These flashbacks are not fond memories.All of a sudden, a long monologue rushes out of your mouth, and you spout to her with emotion, what all men dream of saying to their pregnant women: "I wish so much that we just Break up...forgive me...I beg you, don't cry...the only thing I ever dream of is for us to be apart...Let me die alone like a rascal...you go, fuck off, start anew while you're beautiful Life... far away from me... I tried, believe me, I tried to go on like this, but I couldn't... I suffocated, I couldn't take it anymore, I didn't know how to be happy... I longed for solitude, longed Strange woman...I want to be a bachelor wandering in a strange city...I can't raise a child because I'm a child myself...I'm my own son...Every morning I'm born once...I I have never had a father, how can you make me a father...I don't want your love...I..."

He uttered a lot of sentences beginning with "I" in one breath. Sophie replied, "You're a heartless monster!" "If I'm a monster and you still love me, you're as stupid as Frankenstein's fiancée." Sophie glanced you up and down, stood up, and disappeared from your life without a breath.Strangely, as she walks out the door, choked up, you're all too aware that it's clearly you who's running away from you.You take a breath, feeling that "cowardly sense of relief" that comes after every breakup. You write on a paper tablecloth: "Breakups are the Munich treaty of love; what people call tenderness, I call fear; women are always like this, and either don't care about them or are afraid of them." And when you When you have something to do with them, then you must be fainted by them.

If a girl tells her boyfriend that she has it, the question that a man immediately thinks of is not "do I want this baby", but "do I still want to be with her"? At the end of the day, freedom is just a rough time to pass.Tonight, you decide to go to Drunk Bar, your favorite brothel, again.In France, flower streets and willow lanes are officially banned.But in Paris, nothing can be banned, and there are nearly fifty of them.There, the moment you step through the door, all the girls fall for you.They have at least two great advantages: First, they are all beautiful. Second, none of them belong to you.

You order a bottle of champagne, each pours a glass, and they all rush over, stroke your hair, lick your neck, dig their nails into your shirt, rub your growing crotch, all at the same time. You whisper obscene words in your ear: "You are so cute, I want to kiss you there. Sonia, look how beautiful he is. I can't wait to see him in my mouth." You take them at their word and you forget that you paid them.You know in your heart that Joanna is actually Janina, but as long as you haven't had an orgasm, you don't care.You are pampered like a rooster in a flock of hens.In the basement of the "Drunk Bar," you wallow in silicon-filled breasts who pamper you like a child and spread their long tongues all over your face.You loudly justify your actions: "We all know that it's best to go to a garage to fix a car, to an architect to build a house, to a doctor when you're sick, but why is physical caress the only area where we can't turn to experts? We all sell ourselves. If someone offers fifteen hundred euros, 95% of them will agree to sleep with him. If it is only half, any woman will agree to give you a blowjob. Of course she will look wronged, not in I want to show off in front of my friends, but I think, as long as you give a thousand euros, you can get what you want. Maybe you don’t even need a thousand. You can want anyone, it’s just a matter of price: if the other party offers a million, Ten million, or even a hundred million, would you still refuse to give him a blow job? Most of the time, love is fake: those beautiful girls seem to fall in love by accident (and they are convinced that they are very sincere) Rich men can easily provide them with a life of luxury.

Aren't they like whores?exactly the same. " Both Joanna and Sonia agree with you, and they always agree with your excellent rants.Birds of a feather flock together, and you also sell yourself to capitalism. Incidentally, these girls are the only ones who can make you hard when you have a white nose, and you can only stammer and mumble to yourself: "Don't keep staring The straw in the neighbor's nose, look at me more." You pretend to be a provocateur who plays around the world, but you are not.You don't go to whores because you are cynical, no, no, on the contrary, you are afraid of love.Whores give you sex without passion, pleasure without pain. "The real is a false moment." French thinker Ji.Deborah, after Hegel, once wrote this.They are all much smarter than me.That quote really says a lot about the vibe of these girls-serving bars.With these whores, the fake is the real, and you finally become yourself.If you have a so-called "normal" woman on your arm, you must work very hard, show off, improve, and in short, lie.At this time, it is a man who sells himself.In a brothel, a man can let himself go, without trying to be likable, without trying to show his best side.Only in such a false place can he finally be real, powerless and vulnerable.Damn, there should be a novel called "Love is Worth Five Hundred Euros".

These whores don't save you money, but they save you worry.You're so fragile that you can't handle falling in love again and everything that follows: the pounding heart, the hysteria, the sudden disappointment, the crying.For you, there is nothing more romantic than going to a whore.Only the most sensitive beings know how to spend money to save themselves from suffering. After the age of thirty, everyone puts up a barrier in front of themselves: after experiencing the pain of love a few times, women try to stay away from danger as much as possible, and only go in and out with those old idiots who are safe; Just content to seduce little girls or play whores.Everyone wears a shell, no longer making themselves ridiculous, no longer letting themselves suffer from pain.You can't help but miss that age when you knew nothing about the pain of love.At sixteen, you tryst with girls, then kick them off, and they leave you, like it's okay, two minutes to sort things out.

Why does everything matter so much after this?Logically, it should be the opposite: great joy and sorrow in adolescence, relaxed and at ease at thirty.Unfortunately, this is not the case.We get weaker the older we get.When we were thirty-three, we were too serious. You come out of the Drunk Bar, and you go home, take a few sleeping pills, and go to sleep without dreaming.Only during these few hours can you, poor brother, make yourself forget about Sophie. You shuffle into the office on a Monday morning, pondering the ruthless selection rules of market supremacy.In the past, there were more than 60 kinds of apples, but now there are only three kinds (yellow, green and red).In the past, it took three months for chicks to grow up. Today, it only takes 42 days between eggs and chickens sold in supermarkets (with antibiotics and antidepressants in an extremely harsh environment of 25 birds per square meter). medicine-fed); until the 1970s, one could taste ten different flavors of Normandy Camembert; today, there are at most three flavors left (because the milk is standardized and “pasteurized”).These are not your masterpieces, but the world you live in.Coca-Cola (a company that spent 1.5 billion euros on advertising in 1997) dropped cocaine and replaced it with phosphoric and citric acids, which not only create the illusion of quenching your thirst, but also artificially make you addicted.Beef cattle that got cirrhosis from being fed fermented hay were also given antibiotics, and they developed antibodies that went on in the beef that was sold.I haven't mentioned that animal bone meal caused cattle to suffer from bovine spongiform encephalopathy, commonly known as mad cow disease, which has been widely reported in the media, so we won't repeat it here.Due to contaminated grass, milk contains more and more toxic dioxins.Artificially raised fish are the same as cattle, and they also eat fish bone meal (the degree of danger is the same as feeding animal bone meal to cattle) and antibiotics... In winter, strawberries are no longer afraid of freezing, thanks to the genes obtained from deep-sea cold-water fish; Genetic engineering has moved chickens into potatoes, scorpions into cotton, hamsters into tobacco, tobacco into lettuce, humans into tomatoes.

At the same time, more and more people are suffering from kidney cancer, uterine cancer, breast cancer, anal cancer, thyroid cancer, rectal cancer, and testicular cancer at the age of thirty, and doctors do not know why.Even children are affected: more and more leukemia, brain tumors, and recurrent bronchitis mainly in big cities... According to the explanation of AIDS expert Professor Montaignier, the emergence of AIDS is not only due to HIV The contagion of the virus (which he discovered) was also due to other factors "connected to our civilization": "pollution" and "food habits" weakened our immunity, he mentioned.Every year, the quality of sperm continues to decrease, and human fertility is threatened.This civilization is built on false desires that you have conceived, and it will eventually perish. Where you work, all kinds of information flow.Therefore, you inadvertently learn that human beings have invented several kinds of washing machines that will never wear out, but no manufacturer is willing to put them on the market; Brand-name manufacturers buy the patent and destroy it; tires that don't blow out just sit in a drawer somewhere (at the cost of tens of millions of accidents each year due to flat tires); Power and power, trying their best to prevent the popularization of electric vehicles, at the cost of a large amount of carbon dioxide emitted to form a "greenhouse effect" in the atmosphere, and the latter is likely to be the culprit of many natural disasters that will occur between now and 2050: tropical storms, glaciers Melting, rising sea levels, skin cancer, not to mention the black tide caused by oil spill pollution; Bowl cleaners are interchangeable because machines do the cleaning; compact discs are as scratchy as old-fashioned records; aluminum paper in packaging is more polluting than asbestos; sunscreen formulations haven’t changed since World War II, despite More and more people getting melanoma (sunscreen lotion only protects against UVB rays, not the harmful UVA rays); Nestlé's advertising campaign to sell baby formula to the third world kills millions of children (parents put formula mix with non-potable water). The commodity asserts its dominance only through its own sale.Your job is to convince consumers to choose the product with the shortest useful life, which industrialists call "planned depreciation."They want you to close your eyes and keep your guilt to yourself, yes, like the French pro-Nazi Pappen, you can always defend yourself: you can say you don't know, say you have no other choice, say You tried to slow the process down, saying you didn't have to be a hero... just like that, every day for ten years, you didn't do anything.If not, everything might be a different scene.Of course, we can imagine a world where posters are no longer everywhere, villages no longer have those ugly billboards, streets and alleys no longer have fast food restaurants, and people are chatting on the street.Life can also be another arrangement.The suffering created by human beings is not what you want.You're not producing those crawling cars (there will be 2.5 billion on Earth by 2050). But you have nothing to contribute to redecorating the planet. One of the Ten Commandments in the Bible is: "You shall make no idol for yourself...do not bow down to those images, nor serve him." You, like all the people of the world, have been caught for the present capital crime.And God's punishment, as we all know, is this hell you live in. "Are you free? I want to give you a report. Or are your schedules full?" Jean, the account manager in charge of Madonna's business.François poked his head into your office and asked. "Charlie went shopping and won't be back until after noon." "Okay," he said, "you guessed it, we should repackage 'Qing Li Jia Ren'. No matter what, coax them. " "Temptation, temptation, this is our priesthood, nothing else exists, this is the only driving force of human beings." He looked at you strangely: "You said, must you have a good rest this weekend?" "As a lackey of this showy society, I'm fresh in the new week and ready for the Fourth Reich!" Jeff leans closer to you, staring at the tip of your nose: "You have a white one, there." He gently wiped off the white powder on the tip of your nose with his sleeve, and continued: "I have an appointment outside in a while, anyway, you can use your mobile phone to find me." "Well, Jeff, my favorite way to call you is by phone." After a while, Charlie came back and sat across from me like a wall.He is as big as you are thin.Charlie was a happy man, at least he pretended to be.He has a wife and two children.He thinks about life in constructive terms (everyone has their own way of avoiding the universal absurdity).Charlie is very tolerant of your indulgences, and you like Charlie because he and you make up for each other.He smokes marijuana, you numb your nose.He spends his days scouring the internet looking for super-porn images like: a woman giving blowjob to a horse, a guy nailing his balls to a wooden board, a super fat woman getting stuffed with a plastic fist.Charlie thought it was a "pastime." "Have you seen The Grind on MTV? It's all superficial beauty, a collection of whores. I figured maybe I could do something with these heartless guys. " Charlie, rolling a joint, agrees with you: "Yeah, this show is a bit of an anomaly. We might be able to suggest 'Clear Beauty' sponsor it. And the ad, we'll pick twenty seconds of it, in the upper right corner Add the logo, instead of MTV..." "Great idea! We can see those whores and whores dancing on the 'Beauty Show'. We can also move this scheme to CNN!Then it goes straight to the brand collaboration evening organized on site, called 'Grind and Qinglijiaren'. " "Yes. And, since the original program is several hours long, we can choose to play a different segment every day. It will be the first non-repeating commercial in history." "It definitely has a media effect. Don't forget to write what you just said into the promotion plan." "Okay. But, how to embody the meaning of this brand 'clear and beautiful women make you beautiful and smart'?" "I've thought about it. Listen: Hundreds of young people are dancing to the music of House by a huge swimming pool. Nearly 20 seconds later, a row of advertisements appeared, 'Qing Li Jia Ren. You haven't heard it yet. They talk.'” "Octave, you are a genius." "Where, Charlie, you're better than me." "I know." "I know too." "Give you a kiss." "I appreciate what you do." "I appreciate who you are." You don't do it, you keep on writing a new script quickly, and during this time, Charlie found a new video on the Internet... really entertaining. The next day, you show the new script to Malone, and he nods (he's the boss anyway) and says, "That's not going to sell either. But if you think it's fun, try your luck, it's just Be humble, Octave, and all I ask of you is not to be like the murderer Char to our lovely client again. Doodling like Manson. " Afterwards, you use the recruiter's mobile phone to find the account manager: "Jean François, we have some clues." "It's awesome." (It's a combination of "great" and "great".) "But we still need three weeks." There was a moment of silence on the other end of the phone: "Are you crazy? I have to give them something next week!" "That's fifteen days." "Ten days." "twelve." "eleven." "Send him a tape this afternoon," Charlie said quickly at this moment. "We've responded so quickly. The people at McDonagh will be dumbfounded and buy our idea without hesitation." Jeff also added that "the content, while very product-oriented, is still grounded in the cohesion of the brand" (exactly). And you, you applaud from the sidelines.It’s often said that creatives and salespeople look down on each other, but that’s not true, they need each other.In a company, we only like people we need, and as for others, we only know them at their farewell parties.Charlie is in excellent condition. Anyway, if he wants to cut the mess quickly, no one will dare to say a word. Sophie says goodbye as easily as hello. You eat alone. In the past, you had too many friends, but now, you don't have any. It means you never have. You're drinking, and your clothes stink of cheese. This is really wonderful. "Let me leave you, let me go, let me be a young bum," you said to her. You go out the door, you don't wear glasses, because you only want to see things within one meter. Myopia is your last luxury.Everything is so blurry, like in a short musical film. Everything is so superficial. You have to stand still. You are at the forefront of consumer society, at the very top of communication society. You order foie gras fried with peppercorns, served with pear sweet and sour sauce, served with veal, soy sauce and balsamic vinegar sauce. In front of you, a girl is smiling. you love her.She will never know. hell! It was a good minute. You lean on the bar and dream of new women.You spend a lot of time trying to figure out what you really want in life: solitude, peace, drinking, reading, getting drunk, writing, and having sex with a beautiful woman every now and then and never seeing her again. It’s time for creatives to “chill out” a bit.While passing the Bois de Boulogne, you pull over and buy yourself a bare-bones huff.Twenty minutes later, you return to the company. "Let me go!" In the lobby of Roser's, you shout, but no one listens to you. "Let me go!" A few interns pointed at you and laughed. They thought you were joking, and they laughed as if they were flattering you at your miserable joke. "Fire me!" But in this wide space, no one can hear your shouts.After a while, you understand why everyone is laughing at you. It turns out that there is a red lip print on the zipper of your white jeans. People repeat your sentences every day on TV: "Don't invent, imitate": "How to live without Krug?" "Scorpion: The Perfume We Want to Hate": "Nova Radio, never the same ”:”KENZO jungle, try to conquer it”:”Viagra, stop bridge”:”Eurostar: Why go from Charles de Gaulle to Heathrow when you can go from Paris to London? ""Slimming sugar: You are beautiful, you are slim, you are you": "Bouygues: Do you want to talk to the future?Please wait": "Crocodile: Just like your parents": "Chanel No. 5, everywhere". "Let me go!" You want to lie on a patch of grass, look up at the sky, and cry.The ad once elected Hitler.Advertising is about convincing the public that everything is normal when it happens to be abnormal.It was as if a medieval night watchman were constantly shouting: "Sleep, brave men. It's midnight, and all is well. Nice and good bourbon, bread and wine and 'bonus'; go! Vasa pancakes Crisp, all-purpose Mini Cleaner Blue that's affordable and versatile." Writer Shire.Peggy once predicted: "In modern society, all people are unhappy." Indeed.The sorrow of the unemployed is that there is no job, and the sorrow of the employed is that there is a job.Sleep peacefully, take some Prozac, and, above all, don't ask questions.There is no why here. It must be admitted that everything that happens on this earth is not important from the perspective of the universe.What a person on earth writes can only be seen by another person on earth.Chances are, other galaxies have a combined turnover to Microsoft equal to the GNP of Belgium and Biel.It doesn't matter that Gates' personal wealth reaches nearly 100 billion U.S. dollars and so on.You toil, you are attached to life, you love something, you are busy on this little ball spinning in the dark.You really don't have to expect too much from yourself, you're just a microbe, you understand?Is there a Baigong insecticide for pests like yours? You only listen to the music of the Suicides: Reincarnation, Ix, Enjoy the Split and Mike Brant. You feel old because you're content to listen to those old Thirty Centimeters Records. In France, 12,000 people commit suicide every year, that is, every hour, at least one person commits suicide. If you have read this book for an hour, bang! One died. Two hours, If you're slow to read, bang bang! Two dead. And so on. Twenty-four corpses pile up there voluntarily every day, over two hundred voluntary endings every week, a thousand every month Death by choice. What a massacre that no one talks about. France is like a huge cult of the Sun Temple. According to the results of the French Sauvre survey, thirteen percent of French adults have "seriously Considered "suicide. Every morning, you check four message boxes: messages at home and at work, messages on your cell phone, and e-mail on your Mac.Only your mailbox has been hopelessly empty.You no longer receive love letters.You no longer receive those pages of letter paper, covered with densely packed shy fonts, soaked in tears, soaked in the fragrance of love, they are folded together full of emotion, the envelope is carefully copied address, and a sentence Advice to the postman: "Ah, postman, don't lose it on the road, and don't forget to deliver this important letter to a missed addressee..." People kill each other because they receive it from the post office. It's just an ad. You can't stand the temptation of ultraviolet rays.As soon as you feel depressed, which is to say, your normal state, you give yourself a super artificial UV exposure.The result is that the more depressed you are, the more tanned your skin becomes.Sadness gives you a good look, depression gives you UV sunstroke.How can you show that you are not happy?Your face is always radiant.You want to stay young as long as your skin is tanned.The opposite is true: one can still see the walnut faces of the old guys, even though they always have dark skin.In our time, only old men and women have time to gild and silver their old skins.The young men were pale and frightened, and the old ones were bronzed and smiling (because, of course, their pensions were paid by the former).You want to emulate Jacques, the advertising mogul.Segella?Is this what you want?Sooner or later, UV rays will burn you out. Lu Yao knows manpower, sees horse heart after a long time, swan wants to eat toad meat...it's all because of cocaine.There are a lot of things you wouldn't dare to do without it, like ditching Sophie or writing these nonsense words.Cocaine has a strong back that can take all the blame.When you write this book on your computer, you present yourself as a covert intelligence operative infiltrating the heart of the system, a mole descended into a nuclear submarine to detect the secrets of how the poisonous mechanisms of public opinion operate. (Isn't the CIA also like an advertising agency?) As a spy-cum-employee, you steal highly classified information from your hard drive.If one day you are found out and caught, people will torture you to hand over the microfilm.You don't miss a word and you blame drugs.When you get tested by a lie detector, you just swear to God that you were just a...front-line sentinel in this unfortunate event. Every day you run into a homeless guy who looks just like you downstairs.The thin, tall, pale, hollow-cheeked Octave was only your stand-in, and the bum was the real you: bearded, dirty, smelling; it was you, With a ring on your nose, penniless, and a jackal's stinking mouth; when the wheel of life turns around, it will be you, lying on the ground, leaning against the ventilation grille of the subway to keep warm, with your bare feet dripping with blood .You don't want to help him and buy him Streetlight.From time to time, he yelled "the fanners will be hit by the wind", and then fell back and continued to sleep. You spend all night and all night in front of the gaming table.You pay twenty-nine euros to become a member of the game station, and seven times a year, you receive a demonstration CD encouraging you to buy, and a questionnaire from Sony, wanting to know your CD ownership rate, your willingness to buy, your satisfaction level and your candid views. You spend hours at the supermarket grinning at the monitor every now and then.Another thing you hear in the office: Soon, these monitors will not only be used to catch thieves, but with the help of webcams hidden in the ceiling and connected to monitoring computers, merchants will be able to identify barcodes on products. Understand your consumption habits, sell discounted products to you, let you taste new products, and use voice to guide you to your favorite shelves.Soon, you won't even have to go out because your refrigerator is connected to the Internet, and those brands already know your tastes, and they will come to your door and put the food you lack, and your life will be cataloged and industrialized. Isn't it wonderful?Say hello to the monitor, it will be your only friend. You have just received a large 16K brown envelope.It seems that there is no time to despair: someone has finally written to you.You open the envelope and pull out a strange black and white laser photocopy.A row of rough fonts on the side can be seen as some numbers: "43 5.0 bg4 fr15 pse12 rj33 gm f2, alr li/l ml dr55," There is also the date and hour in the upper left corner.You are a little confused.On the gray background, there are some white blocks. After careful observation, you finally see the eyes of an alien looking at you, and there are two small arms, a nose, and a piece that looks like an ear... Do you think so? Here's an ultrasound scan.Accompanying the abstract artwork is a row of small handwritten letters: "This is the first and last time you will see your daughter. Sophie." Before I knew it, a few days passed.Let.François brought his frustration into the office. “Advertiser feedback was not good. Alfred Dole saw the “Grind” dailies and called and said there were too many people of color in it. He claimed, and I’ll use his words:” I don't mean to be racist, but being black, that doesn't fit the theme, we should focus on the Frenchness of the product.Our product is white, and it's not my fault, so in order to sell it, whiteness should be shown.I don't mean to be racist when I say that, shit, we don't make black cheese.It won't be too late to use those blacks when we release the chocolate 'Beautiful Lady' someday! '" It is said that when Duller said this, Jeff's assistants who were listening on the sidelines all laughed; and when Duller threatened to give the contract to another competitor, no one laughed again. come out. "Listen, forget it, let it go. This fascist is the living embodiment of mediocrity. You should have reminded him then that his 'beautiful lady' tasted like dioxin...he should have hired those transfigured irradiated, disfigured, and pus-covered models to advertise." As you speak, you can't help secretly proud: losing one of the company's largest customers is undoubtedly opening up a royal road, leading directly to the realization of your long-cherished wish, that is a paradise where you receive subsidies and do nothing, relying on everyone's support can last for a long time Loafing around...but let.François saw himself homeless.His situation is completely different from yours: street life is not part of his routine.He went to a private school for pampered sons, married a real nagging woman, and endured verbal abuse and insults from his boss and clients for fifteen years, all in order to get a loan from the Industrial Bank. in Loireroi.Pere bought a three-bedroom.他惟一的消遣活动?听《泰坦尼克号》的电影音乐。他不知道还有什么别的活法。他从来不接受偶然。他的生活不能出现岔路。如果公司丢掉麦多纳,他将一蹶不振。此刻他快哭出来了,这在他的事业里可是没事先安排好的。他自出生以来第一次开始产生怀疑,他差点就快成为一个人了。 “我知道他是个法西斯混蛋,”他嘟哝着,“可他毕竟值一千两百万欧元呐。” 你开始喜欢他。毕竟,他那天曾给你擦去鼻子上的白粉。 “别担心,”你听你自己这么说,“我和查理帮你挽回败局,是不是,查理?” “对,我想现在是拉响三级戒备警报的时候了。” 马克。马隆涅从半开的门外探进头来:“小伙子们,怎么都愁眉苦脸的?还以为是罗瑟利。维奇克拉夫的雇员呢……哟!” 他用手心拍了一下他的脑门,“我犯傻了!你们本来就是嘛!” “别再胡说了,马克,”杰夫埋怨着,“'清丽佳人'的事情简直一团糟。” “啊,那些脱脂奶酪的厂家看来不能轻易对待……” 马隆涅居高临下地(因为我坐着,他站着)看了我一眼,“奥克塔夫,查理,你们不觉得是实行紧急援救计划的时候了?” “他们已经三级戒备了。”杰夫大声说,“呃,这个三级戒备到底是什么意思啊?” 查理做了个庄严的姿势。他举起双手,两眼朝天,深吸一口气,再很响地吐出来,预示着他准备发言或准备杀死一个可爱的小动物。沉默了许久,他看了马隆涅最后一眼:“头儿,你开绿灯吗?” 老板边点头边走出办公室。屋里气氛庄严肃穆得近乎禅堂。查理缓缓地向你转过身来,发出口令:“终极时刻牛粪。” "Just do it." 当着杰夫的面,只用一分钟时间,你和查理就编造了一个所有广告主都梦想的玩意,其实是一种漂亮、甜蜜、温和的谎言,专门针对咩咩叫的牛犊一样的大众(因为通过几次的转基因操作,牛也能像羊一样咩咩叫了)。 你大声向杰夫朗读这堆牛粪:“一个迷人的女人(不老,也不年轻),白皮肤,栗色(不是金色,也不是深褐色)头发,坐在一栋漂亮房子露台上的一把摇椅(不太华贵,也不太朴素)上,房子的装饰偏'南方'风格(热烈,但不扎眼)。 她看着镜头,用一种温柔但独特的嗓音对镜头说:”我美吗?人人都这么说。但我并不问自己这个问题。我就是我,就这么简单。'她用一个平静的姿势(不性感,也不过于自信),拿起一罐清丽佳人,她精巧地打开盖(不要太快,也不要太慢),将一勺(不太满,也不太少)乳酪送进口中。她闭上享受的双眼,品味着产品(此画面最少两分钟)。然后,她两眼直视着观众,继续说:“我的秘密就是……清丽佳人。美味奶酪,零脂肪,富含钙质、维他命和蛋白质。要想心灵身体都健康,没有比这更好的。 '她高雅地(但不过分)起身,以一个会意(但不过分)的微笑,说出以下结语:”这就是我的秘密。但它已经不是秘密了,因为我已经告诉了你们,嘻嘻。'她调皮地笑(但不过分)。产品特写(最少五秒),加广告词“清丽佳人。只剩大脑不轻飘。 " Let.弗郎索瓦在一刹那间从崩溃转为狂喜,这家伙一定能考取戏剧学院的“情绪循环交替滑稽戏”表演系。他激动地吻我们的手、脸、甚至嘴。 “朋友们,你们救了我一命。” “哎哎,别这么亲热,”查理咕哝着,一边敲着他的电脑键盘,屏幕上,一个男人正被一条鳝鱼鸡奸。 而你,突然发觉你刚刚犯了一个错误:“该死!这样一来,解雇我的那天恐怕更加遥遥无期。做出这么一条,菲利普恐怕能让我享受十年的皇家式太平。我们又把麦多纳耍了。” 但查理一针见血,“你当然一直能说我们耍他们,其实你很清楚,事实正相反。” Let.弗郎索瓦夹着那牛粪脚本兴高采烈地走了。刚才这个场景就发生在自基督诞生后公元第三个千年的伊始。 (耶稣基督:出色的文案策划人员,曾是众多名言的作者,如“你们要相亲相爱”,“拿去,用吧,因为这是我的身体”,“原谅他们,因为他们对他们的行为一无所知”:“最后的人将最先到达”,“太初有道”。哦,这最后一句是他父亲说的。)上等的可卡因要一百欧元一克。这么贵是故意的。这样,只有富人才能整天神采奕奕,而穷人只有继续让茴香酒灌得昏头昏脑。 你给塔玛拉打电话。塔玛拉是你最喜欢的一个应召女郎。她的留言箱以一个柔美的声音回答你:“如果您想请我去咖啡吧,请按1 ;如果您想请我吃饭,请按2 ;如果您要向我求婚,请挂电话。”你给她留下你在公司的直线号码:“给我回电。你的肩膀像煮鸡蛋,我需要你给我换脑筋,这很急,我想把我的面包块浸在你的生活里。奥克塔夫。”她有一张让你看不够的脸。 猜一猜:什么人有琥珀色的皮肤、墨西哥人的身条、欧亚混合型的眼睛?答案:一个北非马格里布女孩,她的真名并不叫塔玛拉。晚上,她来到你的住处。 你让她抹上迷惑索菲用的香水。 她有沙哑的嗓音,纤细的手指,混合的血液。女性的身体由许多不无魅力的部分组成:连着脚跟和小腿的晒成古铜色的脚脖子,涂了指甲油的脚趾,分散在身体各个部分的酒窝(嘴角边,屁股上),牙齿的洁白与通红的嘴唇形成的反差,还有各处不同的曲线(脚背,腰臀部),还有各种红(脸颊,膝盖,脚跟,吮痕),但胳膊内侧总是那么雪白,柔软,引起温情万种。 对,这个时代,连温情都可以卖。 塔玛拉是一个你不跟她做爱的妓女。虽然她的短裙上印着“舔我,舔到我喊”,但你只满足于舔她的耳朵(她最讨厌这个)。如出五百欧元,她可以来过夜。过去,你们常在一起听唱片:一个叫《很久很久以前》的乐队,忧伤布鲁斯,以及《全面出击》乐队。你宁愿出很高的价,只为了那段你们俩的嘴唇像情人一样对吻的时光。你不想跟她睡觉,只想贴近她,承受她那来自天外的魅力。情人就是情人。你拒绝在塔玛拉里戴套,所以,你们俩从来没做过爱。起初,她不太明白这位客人只满足于把他的舌头缠绕到她的舌头上,后来,她逐渐尝到其中滋味,牙齿轻咬嘴唇,微颤的舌尖、唾液里伏特加的香味。现在,是她主动将舌头伸进你的口中,并越探越深。口腔进入,此时,你的舌头就变成你那杆枪,舔她的脸、她的脖子和她的眼,滋味,呻吟,气喘,欲望在发痒。stop!此时,你停下来,向距你一厘米的脸微笑,等待,品味,放慢,重新开始。必须承认:接吻有时比做爱更加美妙。 “我喜欢你的头发。”“这是假发。” “我喜欢你蓝色的眼睛。” “这是有色隐形镜片。” “我喜欢你的乳房。” “这是神奇胸罩。” “我喜欢你的大腿。” “啊,终于是个赞美。” 塔玛拉笑起来。 “你让我很high. ” “年轻人用这词是说你感到快乐,对吗?” “此时此刻,我是这意思。” “而此时此刻,我很清楚你是假装的。” “嗨,第一,并不是因为这一切是收费,我就得假装。这本是不相干的事。 第二,没错,我确实感到快乐,尤其是想到我每月挣一万五千欧元现金。 " “那么说,是金钱制造幸福了?” “根本不是。我存下大笔钱,是为了好买个房子,抚养我的孩子。” “真可惜。我真想让你不快乐。” “当人们付我钱时,我从来不会不快乐。” “我则是相反:我付你钱,是为了免得我不快乐。” “亲亲我,今晚我给你打九折。” 她脱去上衣,一条细巧的金链缠绕着她的腰间,右乳上纹着一朵玫瑰花。 “这是真的纹身还是印花?” “真的。你可以舔它,它不会脱掉的。” 一阵爱抚之后,你用数码摄像机对着塔玛拉,并问她:“告诉我,塔玛拉,你真想当演员还是在开玩笑?” “这是我的梦想,当演员,同时……也做这个。” “但你为什么不当模特呢?” “白天,我是模特。我跟'迷醉吧'的许多姑娘一样。白天,去参加一系列的模特面试。只是,女孩这么多,工作机会这么少,我们不得不各自想办法,来维持每月的开销……” “不,我问你这个问题是因为……唉,是这样:我想'清丽佳人'的下一个广告让你加盟。” “行啊,今晚我给你个免费吞吐。” “这不成,动动脑筋,你难道没明白我是新一代的罗宾汉吗?” "how to say?" “很简单:我劫富济妞。” 没错,一些夜晚,你花五百块就为了在雨中吻她,这钱花得值。他妈的,太值得了。 十天过后,公司召开PPM ,即“前制会议”,是那些会议狂将开会艺术玩到的最高境界。会议室里连个苍蝇都没有:当然了,苍蝇们知道它们很有可能被疯狂得操个粉碎。与会的有麦多纳公司的阿尔弗雷德。杜勒以及他的三剑客,罗瑟公司方面有两个客户经理,一个电视制片,两个创意人员(你和查理),被选中的导演恩力克。拜光腚,还有他的巴黎制片人、他的苦瓜脸风格设计师、他的英国布景师,以及一个做了拉皮手术的女财务。事先,查理就跟你打赌:谁先说出“导致抑郁”和“轻化处理”这两个词,就赢得阿比修斯高级餐厅的一顿午餐。 “更改部分,”电视制片先开口,“已根据12号的会加进去了。我们还在等其他的几场试镜,但恩力克同意接受贵公司的推荐。我们现在就给你们看录像。” 但是,犹如经常会在这种会议上发生的那样,录像机不启动,没人知道怎么用。必须去叫一个技工,因为在座的十四位人士,其年薪总额要超过一百万欧元,却对一部简单机器无能为力,而你随便让一个六岁的小孩,蒙着眼睛,用左手就能让这部机器转起来。在等待救兵来按一下“播放”键的期间,导演重新大声念他的笔记:“女主角不能太漂亮,应具有新鲜感,一个年轻的成年人。” 恩力克。拜光腚最初是《Glamour 》杂志的时尚摄影师,后来因偏重橙黄色的色调美而成为广告影片的明星人物。他刻意保留他的委内瑞拉口音,因为这点儿异国腔调是他成功的主要因素(大约有五百名失业的摄影师跟他拍的风格都一样:模糊,大量的滤色镜,伴着hip-hop 的音乐,可他们都没工作,因为他们不叫恩力克。拜光腚。)“我个人更倾向第一个画面就让人看到产品的商标。这非常非常重要。但是我想,还应该留有一个创作空间。” 他最终被选中,是因为名导乔伊。彼克塔没空,而摄影大师让。巴普蒂斯特。 蒙蒂诺拒绝接受。随着恩力克的讲话速度,每个人都用手指在他发的讲稿复印件上相应地移动着,就像在幼儿园里一样。突然,一个穿着蓝工作服的技工没敲门就走进来,叹了口气,启动录像机。 “谢谢,捷捷,”杰夫说,“没你我们能是什么?” “傻瓜。”老捷边说边走出会议室。 杰夫勉强笑着,“嘿嘿,这个捷捷。好,现在让我们来看试镜录像。”十四个傻瓜望着美丽的塔玛拉,戴着黑色神奇胸罩,看着镜头,咬着嘴唇声称:“这是我的梦想,当演员,同时……也做这个。白天,去参加一系列的模特面试。只是,有这么多女孩,这么少的工作机会……”(画面到此为止)你马上解释道这是一次非正式的面试,这女孩是位出色的模特,你的这段录像只是一次巧合,明天马上就和这个女孩安排一场复试,让她演绎一下规定台词。 Alfred.杜勒问能否在后期制作时,做些修改,让她的肤色浅一点儿。 “当然可以了,没问题。她将是完完全全的蓝白红(法国国旗颜色)。” 他的广告部经理,一个紧裹着Zara牌服装的大胖子,张口说出了今天惟一的一句话:“必要的是,应该引起欲望。” 真是感人肺腑,这帮没有人愿意跟他们上床的人物,却整天忙活,以便激起百万消费者的欲望。 电视制片在她的记事本上写下:“塔玛拉OK,但要复试,并预估肤色浅化处理费用。” Alfred.杜勒又说:“我想在此强调一下,我们很高兴这次能跟恩力克合作,他的样片太棒了。尤其是我们知道,他对于广告的处理方法非常专业。” (同声传译:“我们选择了一个听话的导演,他不会改动脚本的一个字。”)“呃,恩力克,我非常同意你刚才有关品牌的一席话。与会的人都知道,我们不是一个诗人俱乐部。我们是否能从第一个画面就识别出麦多纳的商标,这的确很关键。” “对对,我想来个明亮的产品特写。 “没错,”杰夫帮腔道,“整个都将是阳光灿烂,干净整洁。” 风格设计师开口道:“我们已经提到过,如果服装不那么素净的话,效果也许会不错。” 她挥动着几件五颜六色的T 恤衫,“我们可以用红的,像这样闪亮的。” “对,”一个产品主管说话了,以证明其在前制会上的存在价值(继而其在麦多纳公司的存在价值),“当然了,不过,服装最好无季节性,这样我们就能全年播放这部片子了。” “考虑到我们十二号那天所说的,”女财务补充道,她的任务就是审查所有由麦多纳出钱制作的作品,品头论足,以便降低价钱(除了她本人的),“应该有点调皮淘气。” “没错,”杰夫又帮腔道,“十二号那天尤其提到这一点。”他们一个个都急躁不安,情绪亢奋。设计师的脸跟那些T 恤衫一样涨得通红。 “我还带来这件衬衫……” 大家都对那衬衫指手划脚,直到他们发现我们的大客户穿着同样的衬衫。 “大家听着,”查理说,“我们虽然有个合约基础,但我们应该允许在拍摄过程中有些灵活性。” 目光全都投向蠢猪阿尔弗雷德。Durer. “我不得已要提醒大家,麦多纳签了一个分镜头表,如果在后期剪接中某个画面找不到,我们将扔掉这部片子。我们有合约。关于这点,我就说这么多。” “当然了,”杰夫哆哆嗦嗦地说,“公司保证脚本内有的东西全部兑现。” 讨论就这样持续了几个小时。Night fell.你记下了所有的发言,一丝不苟,就像法院记录员似的。这是当代灾难的剧本。因为此次会议将不只是第三次世界大战的一个历史“细节”。 「影射法国极右派、排外主义党派民族阵线的领袖勒庞,他曾经声称,纳粹德国对犹太人的屠杀只是第二次世界大战的一个历史细节。」“把形容词'贪嘴'加进拍摄计划里。这是个限定条件。” “我们确实需要三十秒钟吗?我们不能用二十秒讲故事,缩短所有画面时间?” “可以,我们限定所有画面时间,只是,闹不好有可能给人加速的感觉。” “放心,会剪得干净利索。” “只要益普索的评分不变,我想可以改成二十秒。” “用'难以抗拒'代替'贪嘴'。能突出这一点很重要。这将作为一个限定条件。” “一定要表现出这是个让人难以抗拒的产品。我提醒你们,片子在开播前必须通过测试。如果消费者对这点还有犹豫的话,我们就扔掉这个片子。” “我再念一下我刚才的笔记:”产品消费:女子打开一罐清丽佳人后,她难以抑制其欲望地、津津有味地、用小勺品尝。 '““奥克塔夫,你觉得可笑吗? " “我们可以想像女孩拿着'清丽佳人'走来走去……” “不行不行,请你打消这个念头。'清丽佳人'不是一个闲逛的乳酪。” 你记下了他们所说的一切,因为这一切真实得太美妙了。 “现在谈谈外景地考察。让托尼来说说。” “我们在迈阿密看了好几栋房子。有几个可能性:开放式的,或有个大花园,或有个现代化的草坪,你们看这张照片,特有露台感,还有玻璃阳台,或者,我们也可以用一个传统的南方农庄,你们说呢?” “但是,”恩力克说,“你的选择呢?你推荐哪个?” “我想,最好是传统房屋,屋前有台阶,我想你一定也觉得更漂亮。总之,不能看上去让人无聊。” “你说行,我就行。” “现在谈谈产品的特写画面。” “一定要把这乳酪放在生活场景当中,我还不肯定,也许把它放在草地上,以便强调自然的方面?” “这虽然是个休闲产品,但它却很健康。” “我们的终极价值,”阿尔弗雷德。杜勒最终说道,“是爱情。我们的顾客买的是爱情(这倒会让塔玛拉高兴,我想)。我们卖的不是乳酪,而是母乳。这就是为什么我们具有世界性。爱情是全球性的。应该放眼世界,进行全球性思考,进行全球性的占领,我想,这才是'清丽佳人'的最终归宿。” 突然,菲利普没敲门就进来。他让我们继续下去,就当他不在,可我们还是从头到尾又来一遍,中间偶尔被他的手机铃声打断,他没关机。 “这是一个充满女人味的女人。她穿着一条有些粗陋的牛仔裤,一件长袖T恤衫,要极力显示出她既优雅,又放松。” “这是褐发的莎郎。史东,而且更年轻。” “你们肯定那些住在郊区的中产家庭妇女会看出这一点?” “注意:她是中产阶级,但有趣儿。” “她看上去不大像欧洲人。” “我们对北非马格里布人没什么反感,只是,我们怕我们的观众不能与之认同。” “她只是有点'南方'人的样子,这如今很时髦。现在的流行趋势是暗色的皮肤,像名模依蕾。莎丝特、演员珍妮佛。洛佩兹、萨尔玛。哈耶克、佩内洛普。 克鲁兹。 " “萨尔玛。哈耶克是谁?” “恩力克看了八十个女孩,只有她最上镜。” “她绝对符合我们牌子的形象,自由,感性,完完全全的清丽佳人。” “她是很出色。” “很漂亮。” “萨尔玛。哈耶克是谁?” “没错,她的确能通过镜头传递一种情感。” “我同意我们先看了她的复试再决定。” “'乡村气氛,宁静但有活力;草很绿,但应是地中海的绿;自然的声音,鸟鸣婉转。'” “后期混音时别忘了加蟋蟀叫。” “萨尔玛。哈耶克是谁?” “就是那个拉丁时髦女子。” “《Vogue 》杂志英文版九月刊封面就是她。” "do not know." 此时,接近精神崩溃的风格设计师摊开二十多副墨镜让客户选择应该给塔玛拉戴哪一副。二十分钟后,我们决定把所有的都带到拍摄地点,到那儿再决定(我们决定了不决定)。 “有关背景音乐,五个音乐家寄来了他们的作品,大家听听?” 第一个:“太时髦。” 第二个:“太摇滚。” 第三个:“太做作。” 第四个:“太缓慢。” 第五个:“太穷酸。” “马上准备,”电视制片在她的本子上写着,“要求音乐家们重新创作。” “品尝画面,我反对用仰拍镜头。我怕女孩因此而变形。我更喜欢用比较古典的方法来展现品牌形象。” 就是在这个时候,查理赢得他在阿比修斯的午餐。 “您觉得这会导致抑郁吗?我们可以轻化处理一下。” 总裁菲利普此时站起身,离开会议室前,冲电视制片说:“会议很成功,玛狄娜,很好,工作得不错。你是新来的吗?欢迎你到罗瑟来。马克还真行,雇用了一些像你这样聪明能干的人。” “菲利普,我叫莫尼卡,我在公司已干了五年了。”电视制片回答,口气冷淡,这情有可原。 如今,你也成为清丽佳人了。三个月的时间,你掉了十七公斤。你只靠鼻子来摄取食物。每天早晨,你都带着一个充满白粉的石膏鼻子醒来。你下午五点三十五分才到办公室。当马克。马隆涅提醒你注意时,你回答:“我罢工一直到你开除我为止。” “这是怎么了?想要求加薪吗?” “不是,我想全放弃。” “又是哪家公司在召唤你了?是CLM 还是BDDP?” “不是了。是我不想做了。你不明白我正在逐渐完蛋。看我瘦成这个样子。” “效仿名模凯特。莫斯并不构成解雇理由啊。” “但是,我将会死于脑瘤。” “这不可能。你根本就没大脑。” “但我离大众化越来越远。” “我知道,但我们需要你来说服那些四星级社会劳工。” 你身穿一套Eric Bergere牌西装,一件新贵设计师劳德曼为圣罗兰左岸男装系列设计的衬衫,脚登贝鲁迪牌皮鞋,手戴爱彼皇家橡木款式手表,(边等着三星推出手提电话表,)你戴的眼镜是斯达克设计的,内裤是在纽约买的“香蕉共和国”。你在巴黎高尚社区圣杰曼德佩拥有一套五居室公寓,室内设计由名家克里斯蒂安。里耶格操刀。你还拥有:——一套丹麦班欧路森(Bang&Olufsen)牌竖式可遥控音响,并配有十光碟机座;——一部三菱的蛋形“Cosmo ”双频CSM手机,内装数据传真设备;——六把从你祖父母那继承下来的路易十五式椅子;——一个出自米思范德露(Mies von der Rohe )的巴塞罗纳圆凳;——一台吉纳瑞。普鲁威(Jean Prouve )流线型书柜,里面放有全套七星文库的珍藏版图书(从来没翻过);——一台索尼全制式录像机;——一台菲力浦纯平电视机;——一台索尼可携式DVD ;——一把世界名家查尔斯。伊莫斯(Charles Eames )1956年设计的躺椅;——一台通用电气双门超大电冰箱,(里面装满了俄国裴卓仙的奥赛嘉鱼子酱,“法国小客栈”牌黑菌鹅肝酱,以及路易王妃水晶香槟,另外,还有一个可自动制作冰块的巨大的冷藏柜);——一部索尼PCI 数码式摄像机(高二十公分,宽五公分,重三百一十克);——一部莱卡数码变焦相机;——二十四只普伊福卡特(Puiforcat )水晶杯;——三幅琼维的原版摄影作品;——一幅三平方米的巴斯奎安超现实绘画和一幅大卫。霍克的素描;——一张法国先锋导演兼诗人考克多的海报;——一张“自然派”牌(Modenature)乌木矮桌;——几张画家皮埃尔。勒坦(Pierre le Tan )、爱德蒙。基拉兹(EdmondKiraz )、雷内。格鲁诺(Rene Gruau)、让。雅克。桑培(Jean Jacques Sempe)、让。菲利普。德罗莫(Jean-Philippe Delhomme)、弗特(Voutch)、马兹。古斯塔夫森(Mats Gustafson)的原作;——一盏英国“城市装束”牌(Urban Oufitters)落地灯;——八个用帕什米那布料做的米色和白色抱枕;——一个镶了框的性感超模莉苔希娅。考斯特(Laetitia Casta)的签名;——一些你的肖像照,由摄影大师马里奥。泰斯蒂诺(M.Tesino)、《时尚》杂志专属摄影大师艾伦雯薇特(E.Von Unwerth )、纯影派人物摄影师让。巴普蒂斯特。蒙蒂诺(Jean BaptisteMondino )以及摄影大师贝蒂娜。海姆(Bettina Rheims)和多米尼克。伊斯曼(Dominique Issermann )为你拍摄;——你跟兰蔻代言人依蕾。莎丝特(InesSastre)、国际巨星杰拉尔。德帕迪约(Gerard Depardieu)、大导演瑞德利。 史考特(Ridkey Scott)、名模艾娃。荷兹格瓦(Eva Herzigova )、超模纳奥米。坎贝尔(Naom Campbell )、意大利性感名模卡拉。布鲁尼(Carla Bruni )、好莱坞大导演大卫林奇(Davidl ynch )以及法国电视名主持蒂利。阿迪森(ThierryArdisson)的合影;——你的地窖里装满了由“欧杰酒窖”(巴黎市第八区,豪斯曼大道116 号)提供的波尔多特级红酒:夏斯普林牌(Chasse Spleen )、奥比昂(Haut Brion)、白马(Cheval Blanc)玛哥堡(Margaux )、还有林驰巴芝(Lynch Bages )、泰儿堡(Talbot)、贝图斯(Petrus)、史密斯奥拉菲特(Smith Haut Laffitte )、拉图尔(Latour)、蒙通罗西尔德(Monton Rothschild);——上千张唱片、DVD 、光碟和录像带;——一辆宝马Z3跑车,停放在花神咖啡厅下车位按年出租的停车场里;——一个在你楼下、跟你相像的流浪汉;——五双贝鲁迪球鞋,三双耐克慢跑鞋,一双阿迪达斯电子运动鞋(内装有计时器和微电脑以计算里程);——三件爱马仕羊绒大衣,三件路易维登鹿皮大衣;——五套Dolce e Gabbana 和五套Richard James 西装;——一本放在菲利蒲。斯达克设计的陈列架上、由着名美术书籍出版社塌森(Taschen )出版的、荷尔姆特。 纽顿(Helmut Newton )的大开本(50×70)摄影集《相扑》;——五条奥地利极简主义Helmut lang 牛仔裤,五双古奇鹿皮软鞋;——二十件普拉达衬衫,二十件
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