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Chapter 5 2 of spades...God sits in heaven and laughs because the world doesn't believe him...

solitaire secret 乔斯坦·贾德 3197Words 2018-03-21
There is only one gas dispenser on the gas station, which looks deserted.A man came out of the green room. He was very small and looked like a dwarf.Dad took out a large map and asked him the most convenient way to cross the Alps to Venice. The dwarf answered sharply, pointing to the map.He only speaks German.Through my father's translation, I know that he advised us to go to a small village called Doff (Doff translation note: this word is homonymous with English dwarf, dwarf means dwarf, dwarf) tonight, and spend the night with a dwarf. The face kept looking at me, as if seeing a child for the first time.I can feel that he has a special affection for me, probably because we are about the same height.We were about to drive away when he hurried over with a magnifying glass in his hand.The magnifying glass was small and contained in a green cover.

"For you!" he said. (Father translates for me) "Once I found a wounded roe deer with an ancient piece of glass embedded in its stomach. This magnifying glass is made of that piece of glass. You can use it in the village of Dulf .Trust me, kid. Listen: When I first saw you, I knew you'd need a magnifying glass on this journey." I can't help but wonder.Is the village of Dulf really so small that you need a magnifying glass to find it? But I shook hands with the dwarf, thanked him for the gift, and then got into the car.His hands are not only smaller than mine, but also much colder.

Dad rolled down the window and waved to the short man.The dwarf stretched out two short arms and waved vigorously at us. "You're from Allendal, aren't you?" the shorty asked us suddenly as Dad started our Fiat. "Yes." Dad answered him, and drove away. "How does he know we're from Arendall?" I asked Dad. Dad glanced in the rearview mirror, looked at me in the back seat, and asked, "Didn't you tell him?" "No, Guang" Oh, you must have told him! Dad insisted, "Because I didn't tell him." " I haven't spoken to that dwarf.Even if I told him we were from Allendal, he wouldn't understand me because I couldn't speak a single word of German.

"How can he be so small?" I asked Dad as we pulled onto the freeway. "Is this still a question?" Dad asked. "That guy is very small because he's a man-made dummy. A Jewish magician created him hundreds of years ago." Of course I knew Dad was joking, but I kept asking him, "So he's several hundred years old this year?" "Does this need to be asked?" Dad answered me. "Man-made people don't age, unlike us real people. This is their only advantage over us, and it's worth bragging about. Don't underestimate this, these people will never die."

We continued driving south.On the way I took out my magnifying glass.Want to check to see if Dad has head lice.He didn't have head lice, but he had some ugly hairs on the back of his neck. After the car crossed the Swiss border, we saw a road sign for the village of Dürf.We turned onto a small road and drove up into the Alps.This area is very sparsely populated. Now and then we saw a Swiss farmhouse or two, nestled among the trees on the ridge. It was getting dark soon.I was sitting in the back seat and was about to fall asleep when I was suddenly awakened by the sound of my father parking the car.

"I gotta have a cigarette!" Dad yelled. We climbed out of the car and took a deep breath of the crisp Alpine air.It was completely dark by this time.Above us, the starry sky was like a carpet of tiny light bulbs. Dad stands by the side of the road and urinates.When it was done, he walked up to me, lit a cigarette, and held out "Boy, we're all tiny things. We're like those little Lego dolls trying to drive an old Fiat sedan from Norway Rondal town, arrived in Athens, Greece with great hardships. Ha J We live on a planet the size of a pea. Hans Thomas, you know that outside of our small planet; there are millions of Constellation? Each constellation consists of hundreds of millions of planets. Only God knows how many planets there are in the universe.” He flicked the ashes and continued: “Son, we are not alone. I believe that the universe is everywhere. It is full of life, but we have never received a message from life elsewhere. The constellations in the universe are like deserted islands, and there are no ferries between the islands."

Dad's personality certainly has its flaws, but you'll never be bored listening to him.The profession of a mechanic really wronged him.If one day I am in power, I will definitely appoint him as a "National Philosopher".He himself has this will.He once said that in our government, there are all kinds of departments, but the "Philosophy Department" is missing. Even the governments of those big countries think that philosophy is not needed to govern the country. As my father's son, I was also naturally interested in philosophy, by genetic influence.Every time Dad stopped talking about Mom and started voicing his philosophies, I wanted to join the conversation.This time, I raised an objection to my father's view of the universe: "Although the universe is huge, it doesn't mean that our earth is as small as a pea."

Dad shrugged, dropped the cigarette butt on the floor, and lit another.When he talked about life and the universe, he didn't listen to other people's opinions at all.He was too absorbed in his own opinion to listen to others. "Hans Thomas, do you know where we come from? Have you thought about this question?" Dad didn't respond to my opinion just now, but asked me such a question. I've thought about this question many times, but I know my dad won't be interested in my opinion, so I simply don't interrupt and let him talk on his own.Our father and son have been living together for so many years, and we have already figured out each other's personality clearly.I know how to deal with him.

"You know what your grandma said once: God sits in heaven and laughs; because the world doesn't believe in him. She said she read it in the Bible." "Why?" I asked.Asking questions is, after all, much easier than answering them. "Listen," Dad began to explain, "if there was a God, and this God made us, then He would see us as fake things. We talk, argue, fight, say goodbye, and die. Do you understand? We thought we were super smart. We could make the atomic bomb and put a man on the moon in a rocket. But no one ever asked where we came from. We thought we just happened to live on Earth, that's all."

"So God is laughing at us?" "Yes! Hans Thomas, if we also create a dummy ourselves, and this dummy starts talking, and talks about the stock market, horse racing, etc. all day long, but never asks the simplest and most important question-- Where did everything come from—well, we'd be very funny, wouldn't we?" As he said, Dad really laughed out loud. "Son, we really should read more of the Bible. After God created Adam and Eve, he wandered around in the Garden of Eden all day long, spying on the behavior of the man and woman. I say that without exaggeration. He hid in the leaves and watched Adam and Eve His every move. Do you understand? He has become obsessed with the things he has created and can’t bear to leave them for a moment. I don’t blame him because I know his mentality all too well.”

Dad put out the cigarette and prepared to continue on his way.I thought to myself, even though the journey was tiring, before arriving in Greece, Dad would stop thirty or forty times on the road to smoke a cigarette, and I was lucky enough to listen to his philosophy of life at this time. . After getting in the car, I took out the magnifying glass that the strange dwarf gave me.I decided to use it to explore the mysteries of nature.If I get down on the ground and observe an ant or a flower carefully, maybe I can discover some secrets hidden in nature.Then, when Christmas came, I would report my observations to Dad as a kind of spiritual gift. Our car drove all the way up into the Alps.Time passed minute by minute. "Hans Thomas, are you asleep?" Papa asked after a while. I was about to fall asleep when my father's question woke me up.I didn't want to lie to my father, so I had to answer honestly, I haven't fallen asleep yet.This time all my sleepiness was driven away. "Son," said Pa, "I'm beginning to suspect that the dwarf is playing with us." "So the magnifying glass is not really found in the belly of the roe deer?" I said vaguely. "You are too tired, Hans Thomas. I mean the distance, not the magnifying glass. Why did the dwarf send us to such a deserted place? The highway runs through the Alps too. The last house we saw was in Forty kilometers away, and the last hotel I saw was farther away from us now." I was too sleepy to answer.I thought to myself, I should be regarded as the son of the father who loves the world the most.My dad shouldn't be a mechanic; he should be in heaven, discussing the mysteries of life with angels.Dad once told me that angels are much smarter than mortals.Although their wisdom cannot be compared with that of God, they can understand things that mortals can understand without thinking. "What's the idea of ​​that dwarf persuading us to stay in the village of Dulf?" Dad was still muttering. "I bet you he sent us to a dwarf village." Those were the last words I heard from my father before falling asleep, and I ended up having a dream that we were in a village populated by dwarfs.They were all very friendly, chattering, rushing to talk to us.However, none of these dwarves knew where they came from or where they lived now. Dimly, I felt my dad help me out of the car and put me on the bed.I could smell honey in the air, and I heard a woman say in German, "Okay, okay, no problem, sir."
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