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Chapter 15 April 1951

84 Charing Cross Road 海莲·汉芙 1669Words 2018-03-21
Max and Cohen Bookstore 84 Charing Cross Road, West Central London April 4, 1951 Helene dear: Your Easter package has arrived and these gifts are amazing!However, since Frank was away on a business trip early the next morning, he had no time to write back to thank you, and everyone jumped up, and no one else dared to write to "Frank's Miss Hanff." The meat in the package is really good!I think you really shouldn't spend money for us like this anymore, it must have cost you a lot of money, right?May God bless your good heart. Mr. Ben Marks came over to find something for me to do, so I will leave the pen here.

love you Cecily Earl's Community, Kensington Highland Street, West Eighth, London April 5, 1951 Dear Miss Hanff: Just to report that your Easter gift to Max & Cohen arrived a few days ago.But Mr. Frank Dell was away on business and missed sharing the joy with everyone. All eyes were fixed upon seeing the meat inside the package, and the eggs were a big hit too.I feel compelled to write to you to report how grateful all my colleagues are for your kindness and generosity. All our colleagues look forward to your coming to the UK as soon as possible, and we will do our best to make you have a pleasant trip to England.

Sincerely, Megan Wells Barrel Bridge Road, South Village, Essex-on-Sea April 5, 1951 Dear Miss Hanff: I am a cataloger for Max and Cohen Bookstore and have been with the bookstore for two years.I would like to express my gratitude to you.Thank you for sending us many gift packages. I now live with my aunt who is seventy-five years old.When I returned home with the canned meat and beef tongue you gave me, I think if you could see the surprised expression on my aunt’s face, you would not be hard-pressed to see our overflowing gratitude.It warms my heart to know that someone far away can show so much care and generosity to a group of people I have never met.And I believe that all my colleagues must feel the same way as me.

If you think of anything I can do for you, or send you anything from London, do let me do it, and I'll be proud of it. Sincerely, Bill Humphreys Max and Cohen Bookstore 84 Charing Cross Road, West Central London April 9, 1951 Miss Helene Hanff United States New York City, New York 28 14 East Ninety-fifth Avenue Dear Miss Hanff: I guess you're probably starting to worry that it's been so long since we've written to thank you for the package, and you must be thinking to yourself: What a bunch of ungrateful people.In fact, I had just left London for a long run around the country, visiting private houses, scouting out collections for sale, and trying to replenish the scarce stock in shops.My wife has started to greet me like a lodger - I'm always just going home to sleep and then disappearing after breakfast.But when I come home with your meat (not to mention eggs, ham) she'll think I'm not worthless after all.Of course, all the unhappiness will disappear.Truth be told, it's been too long since we've seen a whole piece of meat.

We've got to find a way to show our appreciation for you.So we're sending a separate little book, and we hope you'll like it.I also remember that you once wanted to buy a book of love poems, and this is as close as I can get to what you want.All my colleagues present this book to you, I hope you will accept it. Max and Cohen Bookstore Sincerely, Frank Del (Card attached to "Anthology of Elizabethan Love Poems":) I would like to present this book to Helene Hanff And for its many good friendships best wishes with endless gratitude 84 Charing Cross Road, London All staff together

April 1951 New York City 14 East Ninety-fifth Avenue April 16, 1951 Sincerely, all colleagues at 84 Charing Cross Road, London: Thank you for giving me this book.I have never owned a book with three margins in gold.do you know?I actually got this book on my birthday! You wrote another card instead of directly signing it on the title page. I really hope you will not be so overly formal.If my guess is correct, it must be caused by your "bookseller nature". You are worried that once you write on the book, it will lose its value.That's right, if you can really do this, it will add inestimable value not only to me, but also to future book owners.I like old books with inscriptions on the title page and notes on the margins; I love the feeling of reading with predecessors who have a sympathetic heart, sometimes with sympathy, and sometimes being reminded of each other.

Also, why didn't everyone sign their names?I guess it was Frank who forbade you to sign. He was probably afraid that I would leave him and write love letters to all of you one by one! Across the vast ocean, I am sending my best wishes to you from this side of the United States-"America", what a "firm ally"!When she spent a lot of money to help Japan and Germany "recover" from the defeat, she watched the British compatriots suffer from famine!As evidenced by heaven, one day I will go to England in person to apologize to you in person for her. (When I return to China, I will ask her to double apologize to me!)

Thank you again for this beautiful book, which I will be careful to keep from spills and soot.This gift is too grand for someone like me. Enter Helene Hanff
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