Home Categories Internet fantasy Precise out of control

Chapter 17 chapter 2

Precise out of control 九把刀 2025Words 2018-03-12
For Lu Xuda, Lao Deng was a very magical person. The old Deng Da Lu Xu, who was in the fifth grade, retired from the big hospital where he worked together a long time ago. He opened an obstetrics and gynecology clinic on Linlin North Road. The business is booming and he has accumulated a lot of money.It's a pity that during the European financial turmoil, stocks and funds lost seven to seventy-eight eighty-eight, and his wife who is six years younger also had an affair for no reason... He was still a math tutor for the children, and the math tutor was still a college student!Lao Deng asked the child whether he wanted to be with his father or his mother, and the child said that he preferred a tutor because the tutor would chat with him...

In a life of extreme uselessness, Lao Deng chose to commit suicide by swallowing medicine. The funny thing is, Lao Deng is like those pustules who want to commit suicide but don’t really want to commit suicide. After swallowing the medicine, he called his friends with tears and snot to say goodbye. The police broke into the door and threw him into the hospital. Gastric lavage was performed, and he was discharged from the hospital after lying down for a whole week. After being discharged from the hospital, Lao Deng didn't see anyone for a while. Just when everyone thought that Lao Deng sneaked into the mountains to hang himself, Lao Deng appeared.

As if reborn, Lao Deng reopened his business at the original site radiantly, and married a delicate Vietnamese bride, who was 23 years younger than him this time.Occasionally, Lao Deng would still play the game of disappearing, and no one knew where he had gone, but after a while, Lao Deng would appear in front of everyone again... travel-stained, with an extremely mysterious smile. At Bo Xu's farewell ceremony, Lao Deng also showed his respect. When everyone took turns to speak on the stage, Lu Xuda, who was sitting next to Lao Deng, suddenly sighed heavily: "Old Deng, I really envy you for coming back to life."

"..." Old Deng squinted his eyes, looking at this sad elementary school boy: "...Are you envious?" Those eyes were like two polished knives, piercing directly into Lu Xuda's eyes that were out of focus due to days of insomnia. "Why, can't you be envious?" Lu Xuda was a little uncomfortable. "Student, do you think...hehe, why is life meaningful?" Lao Deng even laughed out loud in the serious farewell ceremony. It was just a question that even elementary school students would blurt out, and it made Lu Xuda feel like he was being shocked by an electric shock.

This question was once the sharp edge that Lu Xuda used most often to "examine" patients. Compared to cross-examination, Lu Xuda prefers to provide alternative answers, and now... "I don't know." He said honestly, and actually didn't want to continue the discussion. "I don't know either." Lao Deng spread his hands. "?" "I used to think I knew, but now I'm not sure." Old Deng seemed to have seized the opportunity, and began to babble: "It should be said that I don't care about the meaning of life at all, but I know very well. —what a joy it is to be alive!"

"Hmm. Is that so? It's amazing just like this." It's really empty, Lu Xu thought to himself. "Ha, if you've ever been near a real death, you'll know what I'm talking about." "Does it mean the suicide incident?" Lu Xuda looked at Boxu's posthumous photo. In the black and white Bo Xu, his facial features are more three-dimensional and more sinister. Also more remorse. "Bah, what's that? It's just taking a medicine to wash your stomach. It can only be said that you don't feel well, the kind of discomfort that is a little bit worse than a cold." Lao Deng didn't know what he was pulling: "I said However, utter despair, helplessness, and imminent death... When you know that your life may end in the next moment, or you will be weak and dead after being starved for more than ten days, and finally you are still alive, ha, Guaranteed that you, like me, never want to die again!"

This kind of rough argument that "hope can only be found in desperate situations" was also the standard that Lu Xuda believed in in the past. So what should be the response to Lao Deng?Lu Xuda couldn't help but made a sneering gesture. "Student, I don't know why you look so unhappy." Lao Deng didn't seem upset, but rather satisfied with Lu Xu's disapproving expression.It's like finding a new toy. "I don't want to talk about it." "Ha, I'm not interested in psychological counseling at all, and I don't want to know what happened between you... and Boxu. But I'll ask you a simple question, and you can answer me honestly."

"..." "Are you afraid of death?" "I don't want to commit suicide, and I don't have the courage." Lu Xu didn't even think about it, and the answer came out of his heart: "But if a car rushes over and kills me now, I have nothing to complain about. I can die immediately. you can die." "It's a very good idea, but it's also a fake idea." Lao Deng grinned, and Ke Keke laughed: "Do you want to try to play a game that might die by using my method of resurrection? As long as you are not dead, I guarantee that you will try your best to continue to live in the future!"

"in the end……" "A person who thinks he can accept death at any time, don't say you can't afford it!" Lao Deng took out a pen from his pocket, wrote his mobile phone number on the back of Lu Xuda's hand, and said, "While you wash it off, you can't afford it!" It called me before. Remember, don’t blame me if you die.” That night when Lu Xuda was in the middle of taking a shower, he walked out of the bathroom dripping wet, looked at the back of his hand full of foam and made a phone call. Maybe it's out of wanting to regain the enthusiasm for life, maybe it's just out of pure curiosity.

More likely, it was something that even Lu Xu couldn't explain... wanting to die. This death game, which emphasizes danger, "seems" to be presented in the form of a journey. Lao Deng asked Lu Xuda to prepare a suit of equipment with the mentality of climbing a mountain, including a compass, a flashlight, a lighter, a sleeping bag, and even a stack of US dollar bills. , The clothes you carry should have both functions of keeping out the cold and sun protection. You can put as many medicines in the first aid kit as you can, and you can bring more antidiarrheal medicines.A good enough knife to kill, and a gun if you can get one, would be a good choice.

"What are you doing with a gun?" Lu Xu was taken aback. "If the location of the experience is exciting enough, it may come in handy." Old Deng showed a mysterious smile again.This kind of ambiguous smile always accumulated suspicion and unhappiness in Lu Xuda's heart. "What about the time? When are we going to leave?" "I'll let you know when it's time. The phone is on at any time. Sometimes it's time to leave. Also, you need to bring a hundred thousand yuan for the trip with you. Don't forget it!" "Senior, where are we going? Which country? Which mountain?" "It's wrong, it's not where we are going, but where I am going, and where you are going." "Aren't our routes different?" "The earth is so big, how can it be such a coincidence hahahahahahahaha..."
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