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  • foreign novel

  • 1970-01-01Published
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Chapter 1 Inscription on "The Prey"

prey 内米洛夫斯基 381Words 2018-03-21
Inscription Irena Nemirowski is a great writer, but she was my mother first. To see her come back to life and return to the literary world and the hearts of readers is a miracle to me.Her short life was fraught with numerous tragedies, the Russian Revolution displaced her, and she ended up tragically dying in a Nazi concentration camp. My mother, too, had many joys: her marriage, her family life, her great literary success, though her talent was long forgotten. Young readers rediscover her, and their grandparents think of her again.She's visionary, gentle and sweet, yet incredibly ruthless when she attacks the two things she hates most - power and money.She ended her life in great loneliness, but she was sober and brave before she died, with love for her husband Michelle Epstein and her two daughters Denise and Elizabeth in her heart.

Now, she's finally getting justice. It's great news that my mother's book will be published in China.This is the greatest Christmas gift you have ever given me.Thanks to the efforts of publishers from all over the world, my mother has been resurrected, which is really exciting. Denise Epstein
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