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Chapter 17 Volume Five One to Five

Heike Monogatari 无名氏 7711Words 2018-03-21
one move the capital On June 3rd in the fourth year of Zhicheng (1180), there was an uproar in Beijing when it was heard that the emperor was going to visit Fukuhara [1].There have been rumors that the capital will be moved these days, but they didn't expect that it would be today and tomorrow, so the government and the public were panicked.It was originally scheduled to be on June 3rd, but later it was moved forward by one day, and the departure was changed to the second day.Yuyu, who was lucky enough to be lucky that day, was ready.The emperor is only three years old this year, very young, so he sat on it without thinking about anything.The young emperor was always accompanied by his mother on the ride, but this time his wet nurse Pingda Nayanshi Zhongqing's wife, Shuaidian, accompanied him on the ride.Zhong Gong, Empress Hou Shirakawa, and Emperor Takakura also went together.Headed by the Regent Fujiwara Kittsu, the Minister of the Taizheng, all the ministers, and the people in the hall are all accompanying.Arrived in Fukuhara on the third day, and used Lai Shengqing's mansion in Chizhong Nayan as a residence.On the 4th, Lai Shengqing was rewarded for his dedication to his private residence, and was described as the top two, which surpassed the son of Kujo Kin Fujiwara Kanemi, the right general Liang Tongqing.It is said that the official status of the son of the Regent Guan Bai family was surpassed by the second son of an ordinary official family.

The Taoist Prime Minister's attitude towards the Emperor had already eased, and he was moved out of the Toba Palace and returned to the capital, but because of the Takakura Palace's rebellion, he was furious again; he was moved to Fukuhara, surrounded by wooden walls, Only one entrance and exit were left, and a three-room wooden house was built to lock the emperor in it.Dr. Zhongzhi Harada was asked to act as a guard alone, and no one was allowed to enter or leave on weekdays.The local children call it the "Cage Palace".It sounds both ominous and scary.The Emperor said: "I don't want to get involved in political affairs at all. I just want to go around the mountains and temples to practice and live a leisurely life." People said: "The evil deeds of the Heike family have really reached the extreme. After entering the Taoism, the country will be safe. Since the Yuan Dynasty, many ministers and officials in the palace have been exiled or killed. Guan Bai was exiled and replaced by his son-in-law; Arrived."

The move of the capital was not without precedent. Emperor Jimmu was the fourth prince of the fifth emperor of the Earth God, Hikoha Jiwu Cormorant Kusanagi Hezun【2】, and his mother Yuyihime was the daughter of the sea god.He inherited the remainder of the Twelve Generations of the Divine Emperors[3], and was the ancestor of the Hundred Generations of the Human Emperors.In the year of Xinyou, he ascended the throne of the emperor in Miyazaki County, Hyuga Country. In the fifty-ninth year, he marched eastward in October and arrived in Nakatsu Country in Fengweiyuan. .Open up the wasteland of Kashiwahara and build a palace, which is called Kashiwahara Palace.Since then, the emperors of all dynasties have moved their capitals to other places for more than 30 times, nearly forty times.From Emperor Shenmu to Emperor Jingxing, there were twelve generations, and the capitals were established in the counties of Yamato, and they did not move to other countries.In the first year of Emperor Chengwu, he moved to Omi and established his capital in Shiga County.In the second year of Emperor Zhongai's reign, Emperor Zhongai moved to Nagato Country and established the capital in Toyoura County.Here, after the death of the Emperor, Empress Zhonggong Jingong succeeded to the throne.The empress personally conquered the ghost world, Goryeo, and Khitan【4】.After he returned to the court after suppressing the foreign class, he gave birth to the prince in Mikasa County, Chikuzen Country, so it was called Umi Palace.This prince is Hachiman Myojin, who was called Emperor Ojin after he ascended the throne.Later, Empress Jingong moved to Yamato Kingdom and lived in Iwane Zhisakura Palace, while Emperor Ojin lived in Light Island Ming Palace in Yamato Kingdom.Emperor Nintoku moved to Namba, Settsu Kingdom, and lived in Takatsu Palace.In the second year of Emperor Luzhong, he moved to Yamato, and established the capital in Toshi-gun.Anyway, in the first year of the Emperor's reign, he moved to Hanoi and lived in Shibagaki Palace.In the 42nd year of Emperor Yungong, he moved to Yamato and lived in Asuka Palace in Asuka.In the 21st year of Emperor Yuraku, he established the capital in Bose Asakura in Yamato.In the fifth year of Emperor Jiti, he moved to Tsuki in Yamashiro, and after 12 years, he moved to Otsukon Palace in that country.In the first year of Emperor Xuanhua, he returned to Yamato and lived in Irino Palace in Hinokuma.In the first year of Emperor Kotoku's Taika, he moved to Nagana of Settsu Kingdom and lived in Toyosaki Palace.Emperor Qiming returned to Yamato in the second year and lived in Okamoto Palace.In the sixth year of Emperor Tenchi, he moved to Omi and lived in Otsu Palace.In the first year of Emperor Tenmu, he returned to Yamato and lived in Okamoto Nangu, so he was called Emperor Kiyomihara.During the Chitong and Civil and Military Dynasties, he lived in the Fujiwara Palace of Yamato Kingdom.From Emperor Yuanmei to Emperor Guangren, there are seven generations, and Nara has always been the capital.

On October 2nd of the third year of Enli Emperor Huanmu, he moved the capital from Spring in Nara to Nagaoka in Yamashiro State. Later, in the first month of the tenth year of Enli, he sent Da Nayan Fujiwara Koguro Maru to attend the Zuo Daibian Ji Gusami , the great monk Du Xianjing and others went to Uta Village, Kazuno County, Yamashiro State to investigate.Fu Zou said: "According to the terrain there, there is a green dragon on the left, a white tiger on the right, a red bird in the front, and Xuanwu in the back. It is actually a place where the four gods correspond [5]. It is the best place to build there." So he informed Kamo Daimyojin, who was sitting in Atago County, and moved the capital here from Nagaoka on November 21, 13th year of Yanli.Since then, thirty-two generations of emperors have lasted for more than 380 years and have not moved again. "Since ancient times, the capitals established by successive emperors in various countries have not had such a beautiful place." Emperor Huanwu was very satisfied with this place, and said such words of praise.So I discussed with the ministers, ministers and many learned and talented people, and in order to establish the capital here for a long time, I made an eight-foot-long clay puppet, with a helmet on the top, holding an iron bow and iron arrow, on the east mountain, facing west. Bury it in the soil and make an appointment with it: "If future generations want to move out of this capital, you, as the patron saint, should do your best to prevent it." Since then, every time there is a change in the world, the earth puppet tomb will make a roar.Therefore, it is also called the general's tomb, which still exists today.Emperor Huanmu was the ancestor of the Heike family [6]. The capital was called Ping'an City, which means the capital of peace and stability, and it is the capital city that the Heike family should respect most.It is really puzzling why he abandoned the place that his ancestor Emperor Kanmu liked so much and moved to another place.During the reign of Emperor Saga, the former Emperor Heijo was instigated by his minister Yakuko Fujiwara, which caused disaster[7] and planned to move the capital to another country.After opposition from ministers, public officials and people from all over the world, it was not moved in the end.As the king of a country and the lord of ten thousand chariots, he could not move the capital at will, but it is terrible to move the capital in arbitrarily when he enters the Daoist state and becomes a minister.

The old capital is a place of great shape. The gods guarding the imperial capital sit in all directions, and there are many temples with efficacious effects. The people of all peoples do not have to suffer from being displaced, and five bases and seven roads [8] have the convenience of vertical and horizontal transportation.However, today, the main traffic roads are full of excavated ditches, making it very inconvenient for vehicles to travel;Every family moved the dismantled house materials to the banks of the He Mao River and the Kwai River to weave rafts, loaded with family belongings and utensils, and transported them to Fuyuan.It is really sad to see the former prosperous capital turned into a barren country today.I don't know who made two waka, inscribed on the pillars in the old capital palace, the song said:

Four hundred years after the prosperous imperial capital, Atago has now become barren. Leaving Huadu Fuyuan to go, the wind sweeps the wilderness and the heart is uneasy. On June 9, the imperial court started to build a new capital.Those in charge of this matter were Shi Dingqing, the left general of Shangqing Deda Temple, Lieutenant General Tong Qinqing, Prime Minister of Tuyumen, and Zuo Shaobian Xinglong, a Tibetan.Together they took the officers and inspected Songyuan in Hotan and the wilderness to the west. They originally planned to divide it into nine strips. The ground from the north one to the south five strips is enough, and there is no place below the five strips.The executive officer went back to hear about this matter, and the minister discussed: or choose Yinnanye in Harima country, or Kunyang field in Setjin country.That being said, it has not been implemented.

The old capital has left, and the new capital has not yet been built. People feel as if they are floating in the clouds.People who already lived in Fukuhara lamented the loss of their land, and those new to Fukuhara lamented the difficulty of building houses. Everything seemed like a dream.Lieutenant General Tong Qin said: "It is said in the Chinese book that there are three wide roads and twelve gates [9]. This is a capital with five roads. Of course it is possible to build a palace. Build one quickly. Temporary palace." That's how the ministers agreed.The Taoist Prime Minister announced that Zhou Fangguo would be bestowed on the Five Great Nayan Bang Gangqing, and ordered him to supervise the construction of the imperial palace.This Bang Gangqing is an unparalleled rich man. Of course, it is not a problem for him to be in charge of building the palace, but it is inevitable to waste the country's money and disturb the people.At this time, Dachanghui had no choice but to give up.In this troubled time, it is really inappropriate to move the capital and build a palace.People say that "the palaces of the ancient virtuous kings were covered with thatched thatch, and the eaves were not neat. When they saw that the people's livelihood was difficult, they removed all the tributes that were not much. This was out of the sincerity of benefiting the people and rejuvenating the country. , separated the people; Qin Shihuang built the Afang Palace, causing chaos in the world. In ancient times, when the sage king established the world, Maoci was not cut, the rafters were not cut [10], the boats and cars were not decorated, and the clothes were not written. In view of this, although Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty made li Mountain palaces, because they are sympathetic to the waste of the people, never come to luck, so that the roofs grow pine, and the walls grow stalks[11], compared with the people of this world, it can be said to be very different."

-------------------------- 【1】Fukuhara is where the Hira Kiyomori Villa is located, in today's Kobe City. 【2】Yanbo Jiwu Cormorant Grass Buxie Hezun means that on the shore hit by the waves, cormorant feathers are used as thatch grass to build a delivery room, and the god is born before thatching.Respect means God. 【3】According to myths and legends, Emperor Jimmu was the first emperor.Before that, it had gone through five generations of earth gods and seven generations of gods, so it was called the twelve generations of gods and emperors.The emperor of the earth started with Amaterasu.

【4】Queen Shengong once sent troops to invade Silla, and sending troops to Khitan is an exaggeration, not a historical fact.Ghost Realm refers to Ghost Realm Island. [5] This Uta village is located near the present-day Kyoto, facing the river in the east, the road in the west, the pond in the south, and the mountains in the north, so it corresponds to the four astrological signs of Qinglong, Baihu, Suzaku, and Xuanwu. 【6】The father of Dao Xiangguo, Hira Tadamori, was the tenth grandson of Emperor Huanmu. 【7】Emperor Pingcheng was the fifty-generation emperor (reigned from 806 to 809). In the fourth year of Datong (809), he abdicated to his younger brother, Emperor Saga, and received the title of Emperor Taishang.His beloved minister Fujiwara Yakoko and his brother Zhongcheng conspired to move the capital to Nara for restoration, and the incident caused the minister to commit suicide, and the emperor became a monk, which is known as the Yaozi Rebellion.

[8] At that time, the Japanese administrative division was divided into seven provinces and sixty-six countries, and there were five countries within Kinki, so it was called five provinces and seven provinces. [9] See Ban Gu's "Xidu Fu". [10] See "Emperor Fan·Chongjian Chapter". "Han Feizi" has a saying: "Yao is the king of the world, Maoci does not cut, rafters do not chop, food of scorpion, soup of quinoa, deer fur in winter, kudzu clothes in summer." 【11】Quoted from Bai Juyi's "Xin Yuefu · Ligong Gao": "Cuihua will not come, it will be a long time, the walls will have clothes and the tiles will have pine."

-------------------------- two admiring the moon The construction of the new capital began on June 9, the beam was erected on August 10, and the new residence was fixed on November 13.The old capital has been abandoned, and the new capital is flourishing.The troubled summer is over, and autumn has arrived.Seeing that autumn is halfway through, people living in Fukuhara Xindu want to go to famous places to enjoy the moon. Some people visit the remains of General Genji【1】, from Suma to Akashi Coast, cross the Awaji Strait, and enjoy painting. Moonlight on the beach of the island.Some also go to Shirara, Fukiage, Wakaura, Sumiyoshi, Namba, Takasago, Onogen and other places to enjoy the moon.People who stayed in the old capital went to Fushimi, Hirosawa and other places to enjoy the moon. Shi Dingqing, the left general of Dedai Temple, missed the moonlight of the old capital, and left Fukuhara for the old capital after August 10th.The old capital has long been changed beyond recognition, and the remaining houses are covered with weeds in front of their doors and stagnant water in their yards; basil trees are like forests, thatch is everywhere, and the desolation is like a place where birds live together; Violet is like a wilderness landscape.Omiya [2] of Konoe Kawara is the only one left among relatives and friends in his hometown.The general came to her mansion and asked the servant to knock on the door, only to hear a woman answering at the door: "Who is it? He replied: "The general came from Fuyuan." The inside replied: "The gate is locked, please come in through the small east gate." The general said: "Okay." He went in through the east gate.Because of boredom and nostalgia, Omiya asked someone to open the south window and was playing the pipa in front of the window.Seeing the general come in, he said in surprise: "Oh, why are you back? Am I dreaming? Or is it real? Come here, please come here." In Uji Ten Chapters [3], Upasai Palace [4]'s daughter was nostalgic for autumn, and played the pipa all night without any distractions, until the waning moon rose up. Feeling that the remaining love was not over, she greeted the moon with the pipa, which was really unforgettable. A maid named Dai Xiao is also in this mansion.The reason why she is called Dai Xiao is because of such a thing.Once Omiya asked her: "Which is more sad, the night of waiting for someone, or the morning of parting?" The servant boy replied: Looking forward to the sound of the bell until late at night, The rooster crows in the early morning like waiting. Therefore, people call her Sixiao.The general called the waiter over and told some stories about the past and the present. As it got late at night, he made the desolate scene of the old capital into a current tune and sang: Go back to the old capital and take a look. Qianmao is wild and smokeless. The moonlight shines everywhere, and there is no place to send, and the autumn cold hits people's hearts. Repeatedly sang it three times, and all the female officials from the Dagong to the mansion shed tears. Soon, the sky was getting brighter, and the general said goodbye to Omiya and went back to Fukuhara.He said to the Tibetan who came with him: "That night stay, it seems that I can't bear to part with you, you can go back and comfort her." The Tibetan ran back and said, "The general asked me to ask you: The crowing of the cock urges people to wait and see, Why are you reluctant to part today?" Waiting for the night to wipe away tears and say: Waiting for the lover to go deeper, The sound of the bell is unbearable to hear; The friendship between gentlemen is difficult to continue, The crowing of the cock is even more disturbing. After the Tibetans told this, General Zuo said, "That's why I sent you." He appreciated his talent and learning very much.Since then, people have called him the Tibetan Tibetan. -------------------------- 【1】Refers to the story of the protagonist Guangyuanshi lingering in Suma Akashi. [2] Takako Fujiwara, younger sister of General Zuo Dingqing. [3] is the last ten chapters, remembering the affairs of the eight princes of Uji and their daughters. [4] Upasaka, that is, a man who believes in Buddhism without leaving home.This refers to the eighth prince of Uji, who is the eighth son of Emperor Tonghu and the half brother of Guangyuan. -------------------------- three monster Since the capital was moved to Fukuhara, people in the Heike family often had nightmares, restlessness, and monsters appeared frequently.One night, when Taoist Xiangguo was about to sleep, he suddenly saw a big face outside, bigger than a room, peeping into the room.The Taoist Xiangguo didn't panic, just stared at it, and the monster immediately disappeared without a trace.The emperor lived in the palace called Yamaoka. Because it was newly built, there were no big trees around it, but one night there was the sound of a big tree falling, followed by the sound of twenty or thirty people laughing together. .It is said that this is the work of the tengu.So guard warriors were added, one hundred at night and fifty during the day, specializing in shooting loud arrows.However, when they shot arrows in the direction where the tengu was, the arrow made no sound; when they shot in the direction where there was no tengu, they heard loud laughter. One morning, Taoist Xiangguo walked out of the inner room of his dormitory, opened the corner door, and looked into the yard. He saw countless dead people's skeletons filling the yard, rolling up and down, sometimes gathering and sometimes dispersing, and those on the side rolled to the middle, and the skeletons in the middle Rolling to the side, the wheels made a loud noise.The Taoist Xiangguo shouted: "Is anyone there? Is there anyone?" But no one came.At this time, those skeletons piled up together, turning into a big skeleton, fourteen to five feet high, like a mountain, and the yard could hardly accommodate it.On this big skull, there are tens of thousands of eyes like living people, staring straight at Tao Xiangguo without blinking.The Taoist Xiangguo didn't panic, and stood there glaring at him.At this time, under his gaze, the big head disappeared immediately, like frost seeing the sun, without a trace.In addition, one of the best stables was newly built in Dao Xiangguo, which was tended by many grooms.Among them was a horse that had been carefully cared for day and night. Overnight, mice made a nest in the horse's tail and gave birth to a litter of mice.This matter was very unusual, so seven onmyojis were invited to come for divination, and they all said: "This matter must be treated with caution." The number one good horse has a black body and a white forehead, hence the name Mochizuki.Later, the horse was given to Abe Yasushi, the head of Yin Yang.In the past, during the reign of Emperor Tenchi, there was a horse in the imperial stable, and rats made a nest in its tail overnight, and gave birth to rats. It is said that there were thieves swarming in foreign countries.This is recorded in the Nihon Shoki. In addition, a young samurai under Gennaka Nayan Ya Laiqing who is not familiar with the world had a very terrible dream.In the dream, he seemed to be in the place where the god officials lived in the palace. Many elders in full crowns and belts had a meeting there.He asked an old man, "Who is that old man?" He replied, "It's the God of Myoshima." Then, he heard a solemn old man sitting at the head say, "Give me the old man who was handed over to the Ping family earlier." Give the set sword [2] to Yoritomo Sagen, the ex-bearer of Izu Island." Another elder beside him said: "In the future, I will give it to my grandson." The samurai once again When I asked who was speaking, I replied: "The one who said to give the sword to Yoritomo was Hachiman Daibodhisattva, and the one who said to give it to my grandson in the future was Kasuga Daimyojin, and the old man who spoke to you was Takeuchi Daimyojin [3]. "The warrior woke up from his dream and told others what he had seen and heard in the dream. When the news got to the ears of the Taoist Prime Minister, he asked the doctor Yuan Jizhen to go to Ya Laiqing and order: "Quickly call the dreamer Come here, young warrior." The dreaming warrior fled immediately.Ya Laiqing pleaded to Taoist Xiangguo: "That's not the case at all." After that, there is no more news.The Ping family had always supported the imperial court and guarded the world, but now it is against God's will, so the festival knife will also be withdrawn, which makes people shudder. The prime minister in Takano, who had entered the Tao, heard these rumors of strange things and said, "Oh, the Heike family's prosperity is coming to an end. It is reasonable to say that the Itsukushima Daimyo God protected the Heike family. This Daimyo God was originally Sakara [4] The third daughter of the Dragon King is therefore regarded as a goddess. Hachiman Bodhisattva said that it is reasonable to hand over the sword to Yoritomo. Only Kasuga Daimyo said that it will be given to his grandson in the future. It is a bit puzzling [5] ].Maybe it was the death of the Heira family, and after the era of Genji passed, the descendants of Dazhiguan【6】, the sons of the Regent Guan Bai family, should be the generals of the world." At this time, a monk happened to come, and he said: " There are various ways for gods to manifest their peace and light. Sometimes they become ordinary people, and sometimes they become goddesses. Although Itsukushima Daimyo is a goddess, since she is the spirit god of the Sanming and Liutong [7], it is not difficult for her to appear as a layman." Cheng Lai had already abandoned the secular world and returned to the right way. Apart from reciting Buddha's name wholeheartedly and practicing blessings in the afterlife, he had no other mundane affairs.However, it is human nature to appreciate good governance and lament the misery of the people. -------------------------- 【1】Emperor Tenchi is a very accomplished emperor in Japanese history. He ascended the throne in 668 and is the thirty-eighth emperor.When he was the crown prince, he conspired with Nakaomi Kamazu to destroy the Soga clan.After the death of Emperor Qiming in 661, the prince supervised the country and carried out Dahua reform.Reigned for four years and died. 【2】The festival sword is a sword given by the emperor when the general goes out to war. [3] Takeuchi Sukne, a hero of the three dynasties of Jingxing, Chengwu, and Zhongai, is worshiped at the Gaoliang Shrine in the territory of Ishikimizu Hachimangu. 【4】Sanskrit, meaning Aral Sea. [5] Kasuga Daimyojin is the ancestor of the Fujiwara clan, and his descendants are all civil servants, so it is puzzling to say that the festival sword was passed on to their grandchildren. 【6】The big weaving crown is the ancestor of the Fujiwara clan, Fujiwara Kamazu.Japan's thirty-sixth emperor Kotoku (reigned from 596 to 654) established the system of clothing and crowns, and the big weaving crown ranked first. 【7】It is said to be able to observe the past, present and future clearly, cut off all troubles; -------------------------- Four fast horse On September 2 of the same year, Saburo Kei, a resident of Sagami, rode a fast horse to Fukuhara and reported: "On August 17, Yoritomo Sagamoto, a former soldier of the Izu country, sent his father-in-law Hojo Shiro Shizheng to attack Yamakikan at night. Killed Izu's agent Guoshou, Izumi Judge Kanelong; after that, he led more than 300 cavalry including Doi, Tsuchiya, and Okazaki to station in Shiqiao Mountain. Jingqin led more than 1,000 cavalry to attack and killed Bingwei Sagi The remaining seven or eight riders fled to Sugiyama, which is fertile. Later, Hatakeyama Jiro Shigetada led 500 riders to defect to our side, and Miura Daisuke Yoshiaki and his son, a total of 300 riders, joined Genji. The tribe fought a battle, was defeated by Hatakeyama, and fled to Musashi. Afterwards, the Hatakeyama clan joined with Kawagoe, Inage, Oyamada, Edo, Kasai and other ethnic groups with a total of more than 3,000 cavalry to attack the Miura clan. Kinugasa Castle. Daisuke Yoshiaki died in battle, and his sons all fled from Kurihama to Anfang and Shangzong by boat.” The members of the Ping family have grown impatient since they moved their capital.The young ministers and the people in the palace all said restlessly: "Oh, hurry up and something will happen so that we can go to battle and kill the enemy!" Guarding the palace and was left in the capital.Hatakeyama said: "This is probably a false report. Hojo is a relative of Bing Weizuo, and he may do such a thing. Others may not be willing to rely on the court's rebels. There will be new reports in a short time." Some people agreed, But most people commented: "No, no, big things are about to happen in the world now." The Taoist Prime Minister was very angry when he got the news, and said: "Lai Chao was originally a person who was sentenced to death. It was only after pleading that he was reduced to exile. Now that he doesn't know how to repay his gratitude, but instead fights each other, the gods and three treasures will never forgive him. It won't be long before this Lai Dynasty will be punished by heaven." -------------------------- [1] Refers to Ping Qingsheng's stepmother, who lived in Chidian and became a nun, so she was called Chichanni, also known as Nijun.She is Ping Zhongsheng's second wife, giving birth to Jiasheng, Laisheng and others.Minamoto Yoritomo was supposed to be beheaded because of his participation in the Heiji Rebellion, but Nijun saw that his appearance resembled his son Kamori who died prematurely, so he begged Kiyomori for mercy, and Yoritomo was saved from death and left in Izu. -------------------------- Fives List of enemies The beginning of investigating our country's enemies should be traced back to the fourth year of Emperor Jinmu's reign. At that time, there was a soil spider [1] in Kaohsiung Village, Naso County, Kishu. It was short in stature, with long limbs and brute force. suffer from it.So the imperial court sent officers and soldiers, issued an imperial decree, formed a net of kudzu vines, and hunted him down.After that, those who were ambitious and wanted to overthrow the imperial court included Oishi Yamamaru, Oyama Prince, Minister of the House, Yamada Ishikawa, Soga Iruka, Otomo Matori, Bunya Miyata, Tachibana Isari, Ice Kawaji, Izumi Prince Yu, Dazai Shaoji Fujiwara Hiroshi, Emi Yakatsu, Prince Sasawara, Inoue Hirokiko, Fujiwara Nakashi, Heira Shomon, Fujiwara Juntomo, Abe Sadajin, Abe Zongren, Tsushima Shouyuan's foster relatives, Evil Zuofu Fujiwara Lai Chang, and the guard's supervisor Fujiwara Nobuyuki, there are more than 20 people in total.But no one was able to realize his ambition, and in the end he either died in the wilderness, or had his head at the gate of the prison. Today, although the position of the emperor is not regarded so seriously, in ancient times, whenever the imperial decree was read, the dead grass and rotten trees could blossom and bear fruit, and the birds in the sky also obeyed the decree.In the Middle Ages, Emperor Daigo came to Shenquan Garden and looked at the egret living by the pool. He called six Tibetans and said, "Go and catch that egret." The Tibetans thought how they could catch it, but since the emperor After the decree was made, I had to go to catch the egret, and the egret flapped its wings and wanted to fly. At this time, the Tibetan said, "obey the imperial decree!" So the egret fell on the ground and stopped flying. The Tibetans presented it to the emperor.The emperor said to the bird: "You obeyed the will and crawled still, which shows that you are very loyal. Let me make you five [2]!" So this egret became five high-ranking officials.The emperor asked to bring a sign, which said: "Conferred as the king of herons." Hang it around its neck and let it go.This egret is useless at first, but it can be used to show off the authority of the emperor. -------------------------- 【1】One of the indigenous peoples of Japan, short in stature, with exceptionally long limbs, living in secluded caves, so it is called this. 【2】There is a kind of egret in Japan called Wubit heron, and its sound is similar to the word Wubit.Folklore this is where it originated.
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