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Chapter 32 7. "Mountains and rivers are beyond doubt and there is no way out" - Traveling to Europe and the United States "expanding enlightenment"

Biography of Li Hongzhang 梁启超 7281Words 2018-03-03
Traveling to Europe and the United States "Expanding and Enlightening" A Frenchman asked Li Hongzhang in Moscow: What is the purpose of visiting Europe?Li Hongzhang replied: First, he congratulated the Russian tsar on his coronation; ", but only limited to "ear food", "after all, hearing is not as good as seeing". He made friends with his monarchs and ministers, and inspected his society. He once rushed to Nizhny Novgorod to visit the exposition.According to Werther: Li Hongzhang "visited the exposition for a few days" and "was curious about everything, and he was particularly surprised by the part where the machinery and equipment were displayed."

On June 13th, Li Hongzhang and his party arrived in Germany from Russia for a visit by train and stayed at the luxurious Kaiser Hotel in Berlin. The cigars that are often smoked and the thrushes that are often heard are also "aged in a few and hung in a cage", and the rest can be imagined.On the wall of the dormitory, there are photo frames hanging high, with Li Hongzhang on the left and Bismarck on the right. On June 14, Li Hongzhang drove to the Berlin Imperial Palace to meet Kaiser Wilhelm II and presented his credentials. He also delivered a eulogy, expressing his gratitude to Germany for intervening in the return of the Liao Dynasty, helping China train the army, and purchasing equipment and casting ships.He was somewhat flattered by the "extraordinary" hospitality given to him by Germany, and said, "At this point, the friendship between China and Germany has been seen to be more comparable than other countries with treaties." He wanted to emphasize that "Sino-German friendship" was ridiculed by foreign newspapers because of the flattering meaning of the language: Li Hongzhang "has just come from Russia, and then he will go to France. It is a shame to say this to the Kaiser alone."

① On the third day, Li Hongzhang was invited by the Kaiser to attend a state banquet in the palace, "the first seat of the princes and princes of all countries, and he was the only one who showed hospitality." Afterwards, the Kaiser invited Li Hongzhang to the teaching ground to inspect the Imperial Forest Army. Li Hongzhang looked at the well-equipped, well-trained, and skillful Imperial Forest Army, and when he thought of the defeated Huai Army, he inevitably felt that he could not catch up. He sighed and said to the Kaiser: "Emissary Gou has ten battalions of this army. The wish is enough, and the more the better, the more the clown’s feet will be a trouble for China!" The Kaiser nodded and said yes, and took the opportunity to say: "China urgently needs to follow the example of military training in order to strengthen itself, and I am willing to help. Armed Forces Academy In order to cultivate the foundation of generals, I especially hope to add meaning." Afterwards, Li Hongzhang telegraphed the Chancellor's Office and said: "The Kaiser is as good at martial arts as the Lord of Russia, and he is more diligent than him. This is why Germany and Russia rule the roost."

Li Hongzhang "observed for several days", only felt that the German monarchs, ministers, businessmen and people received generous hospitality, but he didn't know that behind this "generous" reception, there was a huge greed and conspiracy hidden.German Foreign Minister Marshall and Li Hongzhang had "two long political talks, each lasting several hours". In summary, the main points are as follows. Interfering with the Liao Dynasty.Li Hongzhang reiterated China's gratitude to Germany for intervening in the return of the Liao Dynasty, and expressed "the desire to maintain and strengthen the friendly relations between the two countries."Of course, Li Hongzhang's "gratitude is not completely boundless." He accused Germany of "far more sympathy for Japan than China from the very beginning." The payment of 30 million taels of compensation is a request from Germany."

Marshall defended in many ways, saying that "Germany's passivity at the beginning of the Sino-Japanese War is mainly due to the fact that Britain first adopted a policy of absolute indifference", and claimed that "if Germany did not participate in the intervention, Japan would never make concessions on the Liaodong issue." He also tried his best to deny that Germany "left Japan" and first asked China to pay 30 million taels of "redemption fee". Increased import tariffs.Li Hongzhang handed over Hurd's proposed "abbreviation of the tax increase method according to the pound price" to Marshall, and "detailedly enlightened him" and said: 30 million taels of "redemption fee" plus 200 million taels of compensation, "for ① Cai Erkang and Lin Lezhi: "Li Hongzhang's History of Hiring Europe and the United States", pp. 60-61.

China is really an unbearable burden", "If the big powers do not allow China to increase tariffs, China will definitely go bankrupt financially.Up to now, China has imposed only the lowest tax rate on all countries—that is, five-fifths of the ad valorem.But treaty promises in this regard were extorted from China under the threat of bayonets more than thirty years ago.Furthermore, according to the exchange rate at that time, one gold pound equaled three taels of silver, but now it is close to six taels of silver.Since the price of gold under the tax rate stipulated at that time has actually been reduced by half due to the decline in the price of silver, it is completely reasonable for China to demand that the tax rate be increased in accordance with the drop in the silver price, that is to say, the tax rate be doubled. "

It is the sovereignty of a country to determine and adjust tariff rules.However, in 1842 and 1844, Britain and the United States successively used bayonets to force China to sign the "Nanjing Treaty" and "Wangxia Treaty", which deprived China of its tariff autonomy and allowed foreign invaders to obtain the privilege of agreed tariffs. In 1858, Britain and France used bayonets to force China to sign the "Treaty of Commercial Regulations and Aftermath: Customs Tariffs", which stipulated that for general import and export goods, the customs would collect 50% of the value at the time, and levy it in silver.At that time, countries all over the world established tariff barriers and imposed heavy taxes on imported goods to protect their own economies. However, China's customs tariff rate was suppressed by the foreign powers to the lowest level in the world, and it was not allowed to adjust itself. In addition, the price of silver fell, causing China to suffer huge losses.Li Hongzhang, on behalf of the Irish government, raised the issue of revising the tariffs and taxing them in pounds sterling instead of silver, which is indeed "completely reasonable."

Although Marshall "has to admit that China's customs revenue has dropped greatly in the past 30 years according to the price of gold", he also quibbled that "the drop in silver prices is a serious loss to German exporters", "if the Chinese government really needs us to make An important concession like a doubling of tariffs, then the question then becomes what China will offer for that." ① He told Li Hongzhang "very frankly and without reservation" everything Germany was eager to get.He declared: "Germany wants to expand business, fearing that the business situation will not go well, and the parliament will reject it, but the friendship between the two countries is concerned, such as China and North Korea allowing me to promote manufacturing, acting as an agent for the Shanghai-Nanjing Railway, following the Japanese formula, and sending German generals to train troops, it will definitely be possible. business.” Here, he openly coerced the Qing government to give up these rights as a precondition for negotiations on increasing tariffs.Li Hongzhang said: "He himself has no authority to sign an agreement with any country; his task is mainly to 'expand issues'".

Concession of military ports.The main purpose of Germany's intervention in the return of Liao Dynasty was to "request land from China as appropriate compensation."As early as December 1895, Shen Ke, the German Minister to China, was ordered to formally submit a request for a military port to the Prime Minister’s Yamen. Marshall also personally went out to discuss this issue with Xu Jingcheng, the Chinese Minister to Germany, but was rejected by the Qing government. Decline politely and fail to achieve the goal.This time Mashal repeated the old story. He repeatedly emphasized to Li Hongzhang that only when Germany obtained a military base could it implement the policy of "maintaining the balance of power in East Asia and the integrity of China" in East Asia.He further threatened: "The Chinese government itself must realize that if it rejects such a request, thus forcing Germany to completely regard its own interests as the yardstick of its actions, will China be able to improve its position?" Machar admitted that Li Hongzhang was "very Radically refuted this statement, because in its last few words he identified the threat that we might pursue a hostile Central Park policy in East Asia." Li Hongzhang worried that "if Germany got such a military base, other countries would propose the same request." However, he believes that "for China, the disadvantage of giving up such a base is not as great as the benefit of maintaining friendship with Germany." However, he wants to know whether Germany "will support China more actively?" Machar He gave an affirmative answer, and proposed the idea of ​​acquiring the military port by lease.

Li Hongzhang felt that the two sides might reach an understanding on this basis, and said that "we will do everything we can to make this understanding possible." The talks between Marshall and Li Hongzhang showed that under the pretext of returning to Liao Dynasty, Germany tried to seize the military port and other privileges from China under the banner of maintaining China's integrity, so as to enhance its status and ability to contend for hegemony in the Far East.As a representative of the Qing government, Li Hongzhang, although not without the intention of resistance, eventually tended to compromise due to the decline of the country.He ① "Records of Baron Marshall, a diplomatic giant", "Selected Translations of German Diplomatic Documents Concerning China's Negotiations" Volume 1, p. 112.

We are well aware that in the international environment where the great powers promote "might is justice", "national power is transferred with the national situation and cannot be restricted by public law." Li Hongzhang not only held talks with Foreign Minister Machar, but also made a special trip to Hamburg to visit former Prime Minister Bismarck on June 27.In 1862, Bismarck served as the prime minister of Prussia and foreign diplomat. He tried his best to protect the interests of the Junker landlords and the big bourgeoisie, implemented power rule, and advocated the unification of Germany through dynastic wars, so he was called the "Iron Prime Minister". After the establishment of the German Empire in 1871, he also served as the prime minister of the empire, suppressing the labor movement internally and promoting the "Continental Policy" externally. In 1890 he was forced to resign due to disagreements with Wilhelm II.Li Hongzhang admired Bismarck, and Bismarck knew Li Hongzhang well. Bismarck's conversation. Li: I made a special trip to visit His Highness, and there is one thing I would like to "beg for a clear sea". Bi: What's the problem? Li: "If you want to revive China, what is the best way?" Bi: I humiliate Your Excellency and asked clearly, "It's a pity that my country is far away from your country, and you don't pay attention to your country's politics in normal times. It's a pity that you can't suspend it." Li: "May I ask why you won the government?" Bi: "As a courtier, you can never compete with the government. Therefore, ministers from various countries, when they encounter disagreements with the government, either bow their heads and obey orders, or speak bluntly to please their ears." Li: "But speaking for the government, how can we try to govern?" Bi: "Take military training as the foundation of building a country, and there is no other long-term strategy." Li: "China is not troubled by people, and there is no trouble in the art of war because there are no teachers." The garden is Lai." Li Hongzhang also proudly told Bismarck: Some people compliment him as "Oriental Bismarck".After hearing this, Bismarck said humorously: The French would not consider "Oriental Bismarck" a compliment.He also said that it is difficult for him to get the title of "European Li Hongzhang".The meeting between Li Hongzhang and Bismarck was purely a courtesy event, without any political meaning.At that time, Bismarck did not live in political land, had no handle and no power, and what he said about "the way of governing the country" was also a well-known cliché. During Li Hongzhang's visit to Germany, he was favored by the German business community. He was once a big customer of German arms and equipment. The German business community fantasized about further opening up the Chinese market through him.Therefore, during the banquets of the chamber of commerce, factory visits, "the money is so generous, if there is someone who can't help themselves", Li Hongzhang "received them one by one, and he was very happy."However, Li Hongzhang did not have the "right to order equipment" and could not satisfy the greed of the German business community, so he had to say: "I am fortunate to have seen the beauty of manufacturing. After returning to China, I will definitely prepare for it. If there is a need, I will ask for it." All virtues." The implication is to tell the German business community to "don't lament disappointment in vain."However, it was not until Li Hongzhang left Germany that the German business community woke up like a dream. On July 4, Li Hongzhang and his party left Germany and transferred to the Netherlands.The next day we arrived in The Hague, the capital of the Netherlands, and were warmly welcomed.In the evening, Li Hongzhang was invited to attend the banquet and song and dance party held by the Dutch government in honor of him. He tasted western delicacies and enjoyed the singing and dancing of "bead throat and jade appearance, unique in the world". and gratitude.Poetry goes: After forty years in and out of Chengming, he suddenly came overseas to practice immortality. Huayan is a grand gathering for silk and bamboo entertainment, and the news of Chitose Lantern Festival is passed. ① On July 8, Li Hongzhang and his party left the Netherlands and arrived in Brussels, the capital of Belgium.The next day, he had an audience with King Leopold II of Belgium.Li Hongzhang was "extremely respectful in his etiquette", and Leopold also enthusiastically accepted it. ① "Li Wenzhong's Legacy", Vol. treat.It is said that Li Hongzhang discussed with Leopold II on the construction of the Luhan Railway.At that time, the great powers were vying for the rights to the Luhan Railway, and Russia supported France and Bicheng to build it. Li Hongzhang visited "the gun factories are too beautiful to behold" in Brussels.When I saw the latest product of "Kagret Gun Company", "I liked its sharpness and speed, and it was unparalleled, so I was full of admiration." He also went to Hainaut to watch military exercises. On July 13, Li Hongzhang and his party arrived in Paris, France from Belgium, just before the French National Day.On the second day, Li Hongzhang went to the Elysee Palace to meet with French President Faure, presented his credentials, thanked the intervention and returned the Liao Dynasty, and hoped that China and France would "remain good friends forever", "celebrate each other, and be prosperous together." In the afternoon, Li Hongzhang was invited to watch The military performance held by the French army for the National Day.In the evening, accompanied by a French minister who understands Chinese, he went boating on the Seine River to watch the National Day fireworks. During Li Hongzhang's stay in Paris, he held talks with Russian representative Luo Qitai and French foreign minister Hannoteau on the Eastern Provincial Railway and "taxation according to the pound". On the surface, Xu Jingcheng, the Chinese minister to Russia, and Luo Qitai, the general manager of the Sino-Russian Bank, were in charge of negotiating the Eastern Provincial Railway Contract, but in fact, it was secretly manipulated by Li Hongzhang and Werther.Witte sent Luo Qitai to Paris to meet with Li Hongzhang, saying that Russia planned to send personnel to Heilongjiang and Jilin to "survey roads and measure the roads, and ask for passports, and sent a telegram to the General Administration of Jihei to send personnel to meet at the border. Discuss everything." Li Hongzhang agreed, and immediately called the Prime Minister's Office to do so.Luo Qitai also discussed with Li Hongzhang the issue of railway gauge in Eastern Province.At that time, the Zongli Yamen advocated that the rails should be laid according to the middle rail, and Luo Qitai followed Witte's will and insisted on the same rail as Russia.Li Hongzhang was worried that the track dispute would endanger the secret agreement, so he tended to compromise, but was refuted by the Prime Minister's Yamen.But soon the Qing court succumbed and allowed it to be on the same track as Russia (five Russian feet). On September 8, the "Articles of Association for Jointly Establishing the Eastern Provincial Railway Company Contract" was formally finalized and signed. Following the instructions of the Qing court, Li Hongzhang negotiated with the French foreign minister, Hannoteau, on the matter of "taxation according to the pound".Hanuo Dou hypocritically stated that he would "obey the law according to the price of the pound", but then put forward two prerequisites: "It must be agreed by all countries, and Vietnam's land route will not be changed. Please let the envoys stationed in Beijing discuss it publicly"; allow "lawyers to assist" the Fuzhou Shipping Bureau to delineate "an undecided" Sino-Vietnamese border.Li Hongzhang criticized Hanuoduo for "threats in close proximity, which hinder friendship".When the Prime Minister's Yamen heard the news, it was in vain. Li Hongzhang also successively visited newspaper offices, schools, museums, factories, mines, etc., "I am very happy." On August 2, Li Hongzhang and his party took a special ship from France to Britain and started their visit to Britain.During his stay in the UK, Li Hongzhang met with Queen Victoria, presented his credentials respectfully, wished "the friendship between the two countries will last forever", and visited former Prime Minister Gladstone; Talks were held on the issue of "increasing taxes according to the pound".Li Hongzhang and the Qing court believed that "the business of all countries should be led by Britain." As long as Britain agreed to "raise taxes according to the pound", other countries had no reason to refuse.At the beginning, Salisbury advocated that "the amendment should be discussed after the expiration date", and then said, "I will do my best, but I must consult the Hong Kong and Shanghai chambers of commerce for discussion."According to British newspapers, Salisbury attempted to use the issue of "increasing taxes according to the pound" to "extort remuneration" from China and expand his aggression privileges in China; Xu", but neither side is willing to say so. Although Li Hongzhang did not achieve any breakthrough in his talks with Salisbury, he benefited a lot from his tour in England. Li Hongzhang, who came from the Eastern autocratic empire, paid a special visit to the House of Representatives, which is a symbol of Western democracy.He first went to the British House of Commons, sat in a special seat, and watched the members discuss state affairs. Unfortunately, there were very few members attending the meeting that day, "nothing to see."Later, he came to the House of Lords, watched the special "monarch throne" in the house, and "talked for a while" with the members. Li Hongzhang, who had aspirations of "great martial arts with scriptures", visited the British naval fleet in Portsmouth Naval Port. The United Kingdom holds a naval review every year, and is always prepared for danger in times of peace.On the day of Li Hongzhang's arrival in Britain, the inspection had ended, and the ships gradually dispersed and returned to the second defense.However, there are still 47 ships moored at Portsmouth Naval Port, "in two rows, standing like a mountain." Li Hongzhang sailed into the fleet in a royal boat, circled for two weeks, and headed straight for Portsmouth.Li Hongzhang exclaimed: "The ranks of the ships are cleared up, and the military capacity is strong."He suddenly seemed to be in a "dream". How could there be so many "big iron-clad ships" moored at a military port at the same time?He was full of emotion and said, "I was in Beiyang, exhausting my mind and money, and I have formed an army of my own. Thinking about it now, how can a small witch see the comparison of a big witch?" ①Li Hongzhang also successively visited shipyards, gun factories, steel factories, telegraph offices, banks, etc. He was amazed by the advanced science and technology and mechanized production in Britain, and said, "All the incredible things are in England!" Li Hongzhang focused on examining the "material civilization" of Britain, and some British people criticized him for forgetting his roots.Of course, this does not mean that Li Hongzhang turned a blind eye to British politics and religion.He said happily: With regard to European politics and religion, he used to "understand rather than witness." This time, he "sees what he sees and goes away, which is better than what he hears." He drew an important conclusion from the reality of the United Kingdom and other European countries. : "In today's world, if good teaching turns into good government, its clear effect will be greatly proved, if it is true!" Li Hongzhang's visit has attracted the attention and welcome of the British business community.HSBC in London held a grand reception in the Crystal Palace, attended by as many as 300 people and cost 6,000 pounds (more than 30,000 taels of silver). The General Administration of Commerce in London held a welcome meeting for thousands of people, and the London China Association and the Telegraph Company entertained them with a feast.The British tycoons donated generously, intending to use Li Hongzhang to open up the Chinese market.They hoped that after Li Hongzhang returned to China, he would "emphasize his role as the leader of the ministers inside and outside the capital", continue to implement the policy of compromise and concessions, and "rejuvenate the country through trade and business", and "release the bondage" for British activities in China.Li Hongzhang was deceived by their hypocrisy and mistakenly believed that they were "wholeheartedly respectful, unexpected, and unforgettable", and repeatedly expressed his "real unity" with them, and returned to China at the same time, wishing to promote their success . On August 22, Li Hongzhang left Britain for the United States, crossed the Atlantic Ocean, and arrived in New York on the 28th.US President Cleveland, who was on vacation at the seaside, came here specially, and received Li Hongzhang on the 29th, "condolences and condolences".The U.S. Secretary of State also held talks with Li Hongzhang on the issue of "increasing taxes according to the pound", saying that "if all countries agree, the United States will do everything." On September 3, Li Hongzhang met with the leaders of Christian churches in the United States and exchanged views on the activities of American missionaries to China and the similarities and differences between "the way of Confucius and the way of Jesus".The leaders of American churches publicized the so-called "merits" of the missionaries in China in terms of religion, charity and culture, tried to describe the aggression as "friendship", and thanked the Qing court and Li Hongzhang for protecting the American churches and missionaries in China.On the one hand, Li Hongzhang was "humility", and on the other hand, he sang praises for the American missionaries to China, saying that they did not spy on intelligence, interfere in internal affairs, or infringe on official power.After hearing this, American church leaders were "all satisfied."Li Hongzhang also expressed his views on the so-called "great way" mentioned by American church leaders.He believes that "the Gospel of Christ is actually close to the holy way of Confucianism." No matter what other people comment, he personally "only has the same words between the two religions."American church leaders compared the "Confucius's way" to a "wheel", and described the "Jesus' way" as a "driver". "The drive turns his wheel and travels thousands of miles." In fact, due to historical and class limitations, Li Hongzhang and American church leaders were unable to scientifically evaluate the Chinese and Western cultures with "Confucius's way" and "Jesus' way" as the core respectively, which is completely understandable.The problem is that the leaders of American churches blatantly suppress China and describe the "way of Jesus" as the master over all cultures. This is undoubtedly a reflection of the American bourgeoisie's external expansion psychology. However, it clearly shows the inclusive and open-minded mind of the Chinese nation. During Li Hongzhang's stay in the United States, he also visited the Independence Hall in Philadelphia, the Liberty Bell, and the U.S. Congress in Washington. and its library. On September 5th, Li Hongzhang left Washington for British Canada and visited the famous Niagara Falls at the border of the United States and Canada.After arriving in Canada, Li Hongzhang transferred from Toronto to Vancouver on the west coast. On September 14, he took the American Pacific Lines ship, crossed the Pacific Ocean, and embarked on his way home. Because of "the hatred of the Shimonoseki agreement, he vowed not to obey the sun for the rest of his life", he passed through Yokohama, Japan, refused to land, and returned to China by the China Merchants "Guangli" ship, and arrived in Tianjin on October 3.Li Hongzhang’s trip this time, from living in Shanghai on March 28 to returning to Tianjin on October 3, lasted 190 days, traveled 90,000 miles, and visited the five major European and American countries, which is really rare in the history of the Qing Dynasty.He stated his mood when he returned to China, saying: "Suddenly from the West Sea, repeating Donghua, how many days have passed, and Dongpo is always there, and it is like a dream!" Li Hongzhang's visits to Europe and the United States had both gains and losses.lost to diplomacy.The important diplomatic tasks he shouldered were, first, to sign the "Sino-Russian Secret Treaty", and second, to discuss "taxation according to the pound".The latter was rejected, and the former caused endless harm.The sad thing is that Li Hongzhang didn't realize it by leading a tiger to defend himself. After returning to China, he said to Huang Zunxian complacently: "If there is nothing to do in twenty years, it will always be possible." He naively thought that a secret agreement won "twenty years for the country." nothing" "Tianxia Taiping".However, the cruel reality quickly shattered Li Hongzhang's dream. More than a year after the "Sino-Russian Secret Treaty" was signed, Germany and Russia worked together to rent Jiaozhou Bay, Lushun, and Dalian successively, and other powers also competed to seize Chinese territory.Russia, which had made a secret treaty with China, took the lead in stretching out its demon palms, confusing the Qing court, but Li Hongzhang began to realize something.In his letter to Wu Tingfang, Minister to the United States, Li Hongzhang reflected the subtle changes in his heart: As soon as the German agreement was completed, the Russian incident started again, and there was no end to it, and the authorities were really afraid of dying. America's political, religious and human relations are just as respected.All the commentators say that it is advisable to join forces.What China needs should be based on this. As for the fundamental strategy, especially reform and self-improvement.He is not willing to be my disaster, nor is he willing to be my blessing.Ziyu's family has a saying: If you seek it yourself, it will be difficult to rely on others for a long time. ① Li Hongzhang’s visits to Europe and America, apart from his diplomatic miscalculations, he gained quite a lot in terms of thinking, which is mainly reflected in his understanding of the "establishment of the country, politics and religion" in Europe and the United States. , and then conducted a comparative study with China's national conditions, and came to the conclusion that Europe and the United States are "one mind", and China is "political miscellaneous".Therefore, when Li Hongzhang had an audience with Guangxu and Cixi, he "discussed that all countries are strong and prosperous, and China is greedy and weak, and urgent solutions are needed." ②① Li Hongzhang: "Recovering the Imperial Envoy to the United States Minister Wu Zhiyong", "Li Wenzhong Meter Calf", Volume 31. ② Li Hongzhang: "Send Nanjing Li Gongbao Zhang Xueshi Luzhou Li Jingfang", "The Complete Works of Li Hongzhang" (3), telegram 3, p. 676.
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