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Chapter 4 Bouquet for Algernon - Surgery

bouquet for algernon 丹尼尔·凯斯 3289Words 2018-03-21
Bouquet for Algernon - Surgery The sixth progress report "March 8" I'm so scared.A lot of people who worked in college and medical school came up to me and wished me luck.Burt also sent me some flowers, which he said someone from the psychology department told him to bring to me, and he wished me luck.I hope I'm lucky too, I've got my rabbit's foot, my lucky coin, and my horseshoe with me.Dr. Strauss saw it and told me that Charlie should not be so superstitious, this is science.I don't know what science is, but I hear them say it a lot, and I think it means something that makes people a little bit luckier.Anyway, I already had the rabbit's foot in one hand and the holed lucky coin in the other, and I would have liked to have had the horseshoes in my hand too, but they were too heavy, so I kept them in my jacket.

Joe who works at Doner's Bakery?Karp also brought me a chocolate cake from the store, and he said that everyone in the store hoped that I would get well soon.They all thought I was sick because Professor Nirmur told me not to tell them that this is an operation that will make people smarter.He said it was a secret, and he would tell others when it was successful or something went wrong. Miss Kinnian came to see me too, she showed me some magazines, helped me put flowers on the table by the bed, she looked a little nervous and frightened, helped me make the pillow under my head, and put the Things are packed neatly, not like I made a mess.Miss Kinnian likes me a lot because I'm a hard worker and unlike the rest of the adult mentally handicapped class who don't care about my homework, she really wants me to be smarter, I know.

Later, Professor Nima told me that I could not see other visitors anymore because I needed to rest more.I asked him if I would be able to beat Algernon in the race after the surgery.He said it was possible, if the operation was successful, I would be as smart as it, maybe even smarter than it.At that time, I will read and write better than now, understand many things, and become like everyone else.Oh my god, if that's the case, everyone will definitely jump.If the operation is successful, I will be smart, and then I will be able to find my mother, father and sister. They will be as smart as they are, and they will definitely be taken aback.

Professor Nima said that if the operation goes well and the effect remains stable, then other people like me will also become smarter, and other people like me in the world will also become smarter. This means that I have made great contributions to science and will be famous. The book will have my name printed on it.In fact, I don't care whether I will be famous or not, I just hope that I can be smarter, like everyone else, so that I will have many friends who like me. They won't let me eat today. I'm so hungry. I don't know what relationship between being smart and eating. Why don't they let me eat?Professor Nemo took my chocolate cake away, he hates it.Dr. Strauss said he would pay me back after the operation, but I couldn't eat anything before the operation, not even cheese.

Progress report 7 "March 11" The operation is not painful at all.Dr Strauss operated on me while I was sleeping, I had no idea how he did it, I didn't see it at all, when I woke up I had been asleep for 3 days with gauze around my eyes and head so I haven't written a progress report until today.When I was writing a progress report today, the skinny nurse saw it and told me that the report was wrong and it should be "report".I have to write it down carefully. I used to have a bad memory and often made typos.Today I took off the gauze from my eyes, but I still have it on my head, so I can write a progress report.

I was terrified when they came in and told me they were going to have surgery.They moved me from the bed to another bed with wheels, and then onto the hallway outside the room, and finally down the hall to a place called the operating room.I jumped when I entered. This is a large room with green walls, and there are many doctors sitting high and watching the operation, as if watching a performance.I didn't know it was going to be like this until I went in. Then a guy in all white, like a doctor on a TV show, with a white mask on his face and rubber gloves on his hands, came up to my table and said, take it easy Charlie, I'm Dr. Strauss .I told him, Doctor, I'm so scared, and he said it's going to be all right, Charlie, don't be afraid, you'll fall asleep later.I told him that's why I was afraid.He patted my head, and then two other people with the same white masks came and tied my feet and hands to the bed, making me unable to move at all, it made me so scared, I felt sick to my stomach , It seemed like I was about to spit it out, but luckily I didn't, but my mouth was already a little wet, and I almost cried, when they put a rubber thing on my face to let me breathe, it smelled very strange.I keep hearing Dr. Strauss talking to other people about how to do the surgery, but I can't understand at all. I think he is probably saying that after the operation, I will be smart enough to understand what they say if.After thinking this way, I started to take a deep breath. I thought I must be very tired at that time, because I fell asleep unconsciously afterwards.

When I woke up, I was back on the original bed, it was dark all around, I couldn't see anything, but I heard someone talking, it was the nurse and Burt, I asked them why they didn't turn on the light, when should they move Operation.They all laughed when they heard it, and Burt said that Charlie had finished his surgery and you couldn't see because of the gauze over his eyes. It's really weird that they operate on me while I'm sleeping. Bert came to see me every day and took my temperature, blood pressure and other things.He said that this is a scientific method, so that after writing it down, it can be taken out if needed in the future.He said that not only I can use it in the future, but other smart people like me can also use it.

This is why I have to write a progress report.Burt said the progress report was part of the inspection, and they would study the report to see what was going on in my mind.How could they know what was on my mind just by looking at the progress report.I've watched it hundreds of times myself and don't know what I'm thinking, how would they know. That's science anyway, I just want to be as smart as everyone else.I'm smart enough to be in Joe?When Cap, Frank, and Gimby talk, sit with them and discuss important matters.They talk about things like God or the president spending money and Republicans and Democrats at work.They used to get so excited about the talk that they would let Mr. Donner in and tell them to go back to work baking bread.I want to talk about these things as well as they do.

If you are smart, you can have many friends you can chat with, and you won't feel so lonely at home alone. Professor Nima said that I can write anything that happens in my life in the progress report, but I should also write more things that I feel, remember and think about.I told him that I don't know what to think, and I can't remember the past, and he said just try. When I still had gauze in my eyes, I kept trying to think and remember something, but for some reason I just couldn't.Maybe I should ask Professor Nemur what he thinks, because now I should start being smart.I really don't know how smart people think and remember things.I think they must all be thinking of some very strange things, and I wish I were beginning to know some strange things now.

"March 12th" Professor Nima took the old progress report away, and I started to write another batch. Now I don't have to write the words progress report on it.This saves time.What a great idea.I can sit up in bed and look out the window at the lawn and trees.The very thin nurse is called Hilda, she is very nice, she will bring me food, and help me make the bed, she said I am very brave, willing to let them do something in my mind, if it is her, even She is not willing to give her all the tea in China.I told her that I didn't operate for the Chinese tea, I just wanted to be smart.She said they had no right to make me smart, because if God wanted me to be smart, I was born smart.Otherwise, what about the temptation, the fall, of Adam, Eve, and the apple.Perhaps Professor Nemur and Dr. Strauss wanted to change things that they had no right to change.

She was really thin, and her whole face turned red when she spoke.She said I better pray to God and ask him to forgive what they did for me.Although I didn't eat the apple, and I didn't do anything sinful, I started to get scared when I heard her talk like that.If it's really against God's will, I probably shouldn't let them operate on my brain, I really don't want to make God angry. "March 13th" The nurse changed today, this one is more beautiful, named Lucy.She showed me the name on a piece of paper so I could include it in the progress report myself.Her hair is yellow and her eyes are blue.I asked her where Hilda had been, and she said that Hilda would not be working in this department anymore, that she would only work in the production room where it was okay to talk too much. I asked her what childbirth is, and she said it was childbirth.I asked her how the baby came, and she blushed like Hilda, and then told me she was going to take someone else's temperature.No one ever told me about children.Maybe if this operation is successful, I will be smart and know the answer. Miss Kinnian came to see me today and she said I looked fine.I told her that I felt very energetic, but before I realized it, I was smarter.I thought that after the operation was over and the gauze was removed from my eyes, I would be wise enough to know many things, and then I could read books and talk about important things like everyone else. She said that's not the case with Charlie, you'll take it easy and you'll have to work hard to get smart. I don't understand how this is happening.If I have to work hard to be smart, then why do I need surgery.She said that she didn't know the reason, but the operation was to prevent me from getting stuck like before when I worked hard and became smart. I told her I felt a little bit off because I thought I was going to be smart right away, and I could go back to the bakery and be surprised to see that I was smart, and I could talk to them about things, and maybe get promoted to an assistant Baker, and then I can go back and find Mom and Dad by myself.If they see that I am smart, they will be shocked, because my mother always hopes that I will be smart.Maybe they won't send me away when they see how smart I am.I told Miss Kinnian I'd try my best to be smart.She patted my hand and said, I know you will, Charlie, I have faith in you.
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