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Chapter 19 Stanton Tech is proud of you

source 安·兰德 2237Words 2018-03-21
the second part Stanton Tech is proud of you Later, shaking hands with people, scratching the sweat off his face with the corner of a roll of parchment, he kept nodding and smiling, suffocating under his baggy black academic gown, hoping people hadn't noticed To his mother—she was holding him in her arms, sobbing with excitement.The principal shook his hand and said in a resounding voice: "Son, Stanton Institute of Technology is proud of you!" The head of the department shook his hand and said repeatedly: "...you have a bright future... ...the future is brilliant...the future is bright..." Professor Peter King shook his hand, patted him on the shoulder and said: "...you will find that this is an absolutely perfect experience. Like me, when I I had that experience when the Peabody Post Office was built..." Keating did not finish the rest, for he had heard the story of the Peabody Post Office countless times.The story is well known: it was the only example of a building erected before Professor Peter King voluntarily sacrificed his own great career for the sake of loyalty to the Faculty.Opinions vary about Gidding's final design, the Palace of Perfect Art.However, in his life, at such a moment, he could not remember what kind of design it was.

Through all the passionate scenes before him, Keating thought of Guy Franken shaking hands with him, and heard Guy Franken's gentle and cheerful voice: "...as I told you once, it Still open for you, my boy. Of course, now that you've got a scholarship...you'll have to make a choice...a diploma from Beaux Arts University is very important for a young man...but I will I am very happy to hire you to work in our design institute..." The farewell banquet of the 22nd architectural design class was long and serious.Keating listened with interest to what was being said.He knew he was that new hope, he was that future when he heard those scrawling sentences about "the young man who is the new hope in American construction" and "the golden door of the future is open," and heard those sentences from What a treat to have so many celebrities come out of their mouths.He gazed at the grizzled speakers who spoke in oratorical tones, and thought how much younger he himself would be when he rose to their ranks, how much he would reach their ranks, and even surpass them.

Suddenly, he remembered Howard Locke.He was surprised to find that before he could recover, that name had flashed out of his memory, bringing him a strong and subtle pleasure.Then he remembered: Howard Locke had been expelled from the academy this morning.He silently blamed himself; he tried steadfastly to feel sorry for it.But whenever he thinks about the expulsion, joy always arises spontaneously.This incident proved incontrovertibly that he had indeed been foolish enough to imagine Locke as a threatening adversary.Once upon a time, he worried about Locke more than Shlink, even though Locke was two years younger than him and one level lower than him.If he had any doubts about their respective talents, isn't this problem solved today?However, he remembered that Locke had always treated him kindly. Whenever he encountered difficulties, Locke always drew his sword to help... In fact, it wasn't really difficult, it was just that he didn't have time to think it out, and it was just a plan or something else what.God!How did Howard solve a plan?It was clearly a messy problem, but once it was in his hands, it was easily solved... Come on, even if he can solve it, so what?What good did that do him?Now he's screwed.Thinking of this, Peter Keating finally experienced a burst of pain and sympathy that satisfied him from what happened to Howard.

Keating was invited to speak on stage, and he stood up confidently.He can't show any fear.He had little to say about the building, but he did, with his head held high as one of his equals, and with only a little timidity so as not to offend the dignitaries present.He remembers saying that "architecture is a great art . The person who encouraged everyone just now said that there are three eternal beings, namely truth, goodness and beauty..." Then, in the passage outside the hall, amidst the tumult of farewells, a boy put his arm around Keating's neck and whispered, "Come home and eat nothing, Peter, and let's go to Boston tonight and have a good time, It's just us, and I'll pick you up in an hour by car." Ted Shlink encouraged him: "Peter, you must come, it's so boring without you. And congratulations on all your successes by the way. My People don't hold grudges. I want the best people to succeed." Ji Ding also put his arm on Shlink's shoulder.There was a touching warmth in his eyes, as if Slink were the cutest of friends.He looked at everyone with that kind of enthusiastic eyes.He said, "Thank you, Ted, man. I really feel bad about getting the Medal from Kilt of the National Architects. I think it should be you, but you can't figure out those What happened to the old antiques." At this time, Ji Ding was walking home in the gentle night, thinking about how to get rid of his mother and go out for a fun night.

He thought that his mother paid a lot for him.As she always emphasized, she was a lady with a proper high school education, yet she worked her ass off and hired boarders into her home—unprecedented for her family. Keating's father owned a stationery store in Stanton.A change in the market had ended the shop, and twelve years ago colic had killed old Peter Keating.Her husband died and left Luisa the house at the end of a respectable street, with an annuity from her carefully maintained insurance—and she managed to run it all and take care of her son. .Although the annuity was small, Mrs. Keating survived, supplemented by the rent from the boarders, and by her fortitude and will.In the summer, her son also helps her out, working as a shop assistant in a restaurant, or as a model for a straw hat advertisement.Mrs. Keating had long believed that her son would have a place in society in the future, and she held on tightly to this hope, as soft and indomitable as a leech... It was funny to say, Keating still remembered that once, he wanted to be He is a painter, but it is precisely his mother who chose a better field for him to display his painting talent.She said, "Architecture is a respectable profession, and the people you will meet in it are the best." She had unknowingly pushed him into his current career path.It was amusing to think that Keating had not thought of this childhood ambition for years.What's ridiculous is that at this moment, this ideal suddenly jumped out and stabbed him - reminded him of it.Well, then, this is the night to remember it—and the time to forget it forever.

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