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Chapter 14 Section Thirteen

Rita Hayworth's poster hung in Andy's cell until 1955, when it was replaced by a still from the movie "The Seven Year Itch" of Marilyn Monroe, standing on the On the iron grid cover of the subway vent, the warm wind blows, lifting her skirt.Marilyn Monroe occupied the wall until 1960, when the side of the poster was almost rotten, it was replaced by Jane Mansfield. Jane has big breasts, but only hung it for a year, and then replaced it with a British star , the name seems to be Haisha Cotter, I'm not sure.In 1966, it was replaced with a Raquel Welch poster.The last thing to hang on it was a beautiful rock star named Linda Ronstadt.

I asked him what those posters mean to him?He gave me a strange and surprised look, "What? They mean the same thing to me as the other inmates! Liberty, I suppose. Looking at those beautiful women, you feel like you can almost...not really, But it's almost possible to... walk through the posters and be with them. A feeling of freedom. That's why I always like the Raquel Welch one best, not just of her, but of the beach she's standing on, her It’s like being on the beach in Mexico. It’s that quiet place where one can hear one’s inner thoughts. Have you ever felt that way about a photo? Feeling like you could almost step in?”

I said I never really thought about it that way. "Maybe one day you'll see what I mean," he said.Yes, years later I did see exactly what he meant... When I figured it out, the first thing I thought of was what Normanden said at the time, and he said Andy's cell was always cold.
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