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Chapter 26 Text Section 26: Autumn (5)

good weather alone 青山七惠 1140Words 2018-03-21
Text Section 26: Autumn (5) Ash and I have the same hair length, both wear Adidas sneakers, and both carry a small handbag.It looked like he was a poor copy of Asi.During the hour and a half of waiting for me, the two of you must have been chatting.They are getting to know each other from the conversation, shorten the distance.I suddenly realized that I had never seen Fujita talk to other girls, it was always me and Fujita together.I never imagined how Fujita chatted with other people except Yinzi. Suddenly, Fujita, who was sitting there with his legs crossed and laughing, seemed to have become a stranger who had nothing to do with him.Thinking about it this way, my feet became even heavier.Just about to go back, they found out.

"Hey, Mita-san." Asi stood up and waved to me, smiling brightly, it made people feel happy just looking at it, and I laughed too. Fujita and I sat on one side, and Asi sat across from her. Looking at her smiling face, I felt calm.She is very talkative, not artificial.But I still feel very uncomfortable.I overlapped Yin Zijing's wrinkled face with A Si's, and my mood didn't improve at all.Next to him, Fujita was eating French fries, occasionally saying something that made Asgog laugh.I also laughed along with A Si.In a trance, I feel that another self is watching me, and at the same time, there is a third person watching these two selves.

"Sorry, I left early." I stood up. "What are you going for?" Fujita looked up at me impatiently.Ash showed a worried expression. "I'm going to accompany my uncle and grandma to the hospital today. I'm sorry, I'm so sorry." I put a 1,000-yen note on the table and ran towards the station.Running so fast, my stomach hurts. The sky over Sasazuka seen from the platform was clear.Looking down, I saw people coming and going under the zelkova trees on both sides of the road in front of the station, and I searched for their figures. Back home, Yinzi is making snacks.She rolled the noodles into sheets, and then used molds to press out pastries of various shapes.

"Hey, what are you doing for dessert?" "Taken at the dance today, the kids came to visit." "Hmph, for the children. I'll try." I picked up a star-shaped piece of dough and popped it into my mouth. "Don't eat it, raw." "I like to eat it unbaked." "not good for health." "Well, Fang Jie is here today? Are things going well with Fang Jie?" "What? It's okay." Yinzi stopped and smiled at me. "Oh yeah... I'm done." "What's over?" "And Fujita." "What's wrong?"

"It won't work anyway. That's my life." "Chishou, you think too much. This is not good." "Am I thinking too much? Not really. That's just how I feel. I just have a hunch." "This kind of thing is not as good as it is supposed to be, nor is it so bad." "But as soon as I feel hopeless, it often really becomes that way. I can't control myself anyway, and I always like to think that way." "It's human nature to be unreasonable. It's the real self to be unreasonable." Yinzi kneads the excess dough into a ball, rolls it into a sheet, and presses it into a mold; then kneads it into a ball, rolls it into a sheet, and presses it into a mold.Star-shaped snacks are densely placed on the iron plate.

"I'm not a cheerful person." "It's not a bad thing to be unhappy." "I died and no one cried for me." "how could be?" "Everyone likes someone who is cheerful, beautiful, and gentle." "Okay, done." Yinzi put the iron plate into the oven and began to tidy up.She was humming while washing the dishes.There are bags and golden ribbons ready on the table. "Hey, are you listening to me?" "Listen." "I really envy you, Yinzi has no worries. Because the painful things have been done, and the things decades ago have been forgotten, so every day is very happy."

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