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Chapter 7 Dinosaur

cosmic wonder 卡尔维诺 10275Words 2018-03-21
Author: Italo Calvino (Italy) From the Triassic to the Jurassic, dinosaurs continued to evolve and develop, and they dominated all continents for 1.2 billion years.Then they became extinct very quickly. The reason is still a mystery.Perhaps it was the inability to adapt to the huge changes in climate and plants during the Cretaceous period.Anyway, by the end of the Cretaceous period, all dinosaurs died. All the dinosaurs died, except for me. Qfwfq made an exact statement. For a period of time, about 50 million years, I was also a dinosaur.I don't regret being a dinosaur.Back then being a dinosaur meant having truth in your hands and was respected everywhere.

Then things changed.The details need not be elaborated, but all kinds of troubles, failures, mistakes, doubts, betrayals, and plagues followed.A group of new inhabitants who are against us has appeared on the earth.They hunted us everywhere and made us lose our place of refuge.Some people now say that being interested in decline and looking forward to being wiped out is the spiritual characteristic of our dinosaurs at that time.I don't know if that's true, I never thought of that.If other dinosaurs felt that way, it's because they knew they were doomed. I don't want to recall the time when the dinosaurs died out in great numbers.I didn't expect to escape bad luck at the time, but a long-distance migration made it possible for me to escape death.I walked through a field full of dinosaur bones, which really looked like a large cemetery.The muscles on the skeleton have been eaten away, and some have only a hyena, and some have only a horn, a scale or a piece of scaly flesh. : These are the remains of their former manner.The new owners of the earth used sharp beaks, sharp beaks, claws, and suckers to tear, eat, and suck on the remains of dinosaurs.I walked on until I could no longer see the living and the dead, and then I stopped.

It was a desert plateau where I spent many years.I avoided ambushes and plague, defeated hunger and cold, and finally survived.I am always alone.It's not okay to stay on the plateau forever. One day, I went down the mountain. The world has changed.I no longer recognize the mountains, rivers, and trees of earlier times, and the first time I meet a living creature, I hide.It was a group of newcomers①.Small in stature, but strong and powerful. "Hi, hello!" They saw me.I was taken aback by this kind of greeting.I ran away quickly, but they caught up.For millennia, I have been conditioned to cause fear around me, and I am conditioned to be terrified of the reactions of the frightened.Now all that is gone. "Hello, hello!" They walked up to me, as if nothing happened, neither afraid nor hostile to me.

"Why are you running? What did you think?" It turned out that they only wanted to ask me for directions.I stammered and he said, I'm not local. "Why are you running?" one of them said, "Looks like you saw... a dinosaur!" The others laughed.But for the first time, I heard fear in their laughter.They laughed unnaturally. .Another person said to the person just now with a sullen face: "Don't talk nonsense. You don't know what a dinosaur is..." It appears that dinosaurs continue to terrify newcomers.They probably haven't seen a dinosaur in generations, though, and wouldn't recognize it now.I continued walking, trembling but impatient to have the experience again.A newlywed girl is drinking water from a spring.Just her.I walked forward slowly, stretched out my neck, and drank water beside her.I thought to myself that when she saw me, she would scream and run away with her life.She'll yell for help, hordes of newcomers will come after me...I regret what I've done.If you want to live in delusion, you should tear her to pieces immediately: as before...

The girl turned around and said, "Well, the water is quite cold, isn't it?" She said in a soft voice some polite words that are often said when meeting foreigners.She asked me if I was from far away, if it rained during the trip, or if the weather had been fine.I didn't expect to be able to talk to "non-dinosaurs" like this, but I just stayed there, almost dumb. "I go here to drink water every day," she said, "to the dinosaur..." I raised my head abruptly, my eyes widening. "Yes, that's what we call it, Dinosaur Spring. It's been called that since ancient times. It is said that there used to be a dinosaur hidden here, one of the last dinosaurs. It would jump on anyone who came here to drink water, Tear him to pieces. My mother!"

I'm going to slip away. "She'll know who I am right away," I said, "just look at me a few times and she'll recognize me!" I hung my head like those who don't want to be seen.I curled my tail as if to hide it.She said goodbye to me with a smile and went about her own business.I felt tired from the strain of my nerves, and it was like a fight, a fight with claws and teeth as before.I found myself not even answering her farewell. I came to a river.The newcomers built nests here and made a living by fishing.They were building a dike out of branches to create a bend in the river, slow the flow of water and keep the fish in.When they saw me approaching, they immediately stopped working, looked up at me, and at each other, as if asking silently. "This is the end of the game," I thought, "it's going to hurt." I made ready to jump on them. "

Fortunately, I got myself under control in time.These fishermen had no intention of putting me off.When they saw that I was strong, they asked me if I would stay and stay with them and carry branches for them. "This place is safe," they assured me when they saw my distressed face. "Dinosaurs haven't been seen since the days of our great-grandfathers..." "No one doubted that I was a dinosaur. So I stayed, and the weather was fine. The food wasn't to our dinosaur's liking, but it was passable. The work wasn't too heavy for me. They gave me a nickname - "Ugly".No other reason, just because I don't look like them. I don't know what name you call the new guy, Pantotri or something else?They were not yet fully formed at the time, and later evolved into veritable humans.Therefore, some people are similar to others, while others are completely different from others.So I believe I am not very conspicuous among them, although I belong to another category.

But I didn't quite get used to the idea.I still think of myself as a dinosaur on all sides.Every night, when they told those dinosaur stories that have been passed down through the generations, I always shrink back in fear and hide in the dark. Those stories are horrifying.The listener's face turned pale, his heart trembled with fear, and he let out a cry from time to time; the speaker's voice trembled with fright.After a while, I also learned that although everyone is familiar with the content of the story (although the content is very rich), they still tremble with fear every time they hear the story.In their eyes, dinosaurs are devils.They described it vividly, down to every detail.From these details alone, they could never identify the real dinosaur.They think that we dinosaurs only think about how to kill the newcomers. It seems that we think that the newcomers are the most important enemy on earth from the beginning, and our only task from morning to night is to chase them.But what I think of when I look back is the series of doom, suffering, and sacrifice that befell us dinosaurs.The dinosaur stories that new people tell are far from my own experience.They speak as if they are third parties who have nothing to do with us, and I can ignore them completely.As I listened to these stories, I never thought we would make such an impression on newcomers.For all the absurdity of these stories, some details are true from the newcomer's unique perspective.I listened to the stories they made up out of horror, and thought of my own horror.The two horrors mingled in my head.So when I learned how we made them tremble with fright, I trembled with fright myself.They take turns telling stories, one each.They suddenly said, "Nuan, what can the ugly monster tell us?" They turned to me and said, "Don't you have a story to tell? Has your family never dealt with dinosaurs?"

"I have dealt with each other, but..." I said to Aiai, "It was a long time ago... Well, you should know..." Just at this moment, Pteris—the girl I met by the spring—comes to my relief. "Don't bother him...he's a foreigner, he's not used to this place, and we don't speak fluently..." They finally changed the subject.I breathed a sigh of relief. Pteris and I have established a heart-to-heart relationship, but there is nothing too intimate between us.I never dared to touch her.We talked a lot; well, to be more precise, it was she who told me her life at length.I was afraid of exposing myself and that she would doubt my identity, so I kept hesitating and stopped talking.Pteris narrated to me what she saw in her dream: "Last night I dreamed of a big, scary dinosaur with fire blowing from its nostrils. It came up to me, grabbed me by the back of the neck and took me away. Wanted to eat me alive. The dream was scary, scary, but strangely, I wasn't scared. How can I tell you? I like this dinosaur..." ".

I should have heard a lot of undertones in her words, especially this one: Pteris is willing to be attacked by dinosaurs.It's time, it's time for me to hug her.However, I thought that the dinosaurs imagined by newcomers are quite different from my dinosaur.The thought unnerved me.I feel even more different from dinosaurs.In this way, I missed the opportunity.The fishing season on the plain is over, and Pteris' brother returns home.The girl was under strict supervision, and our conversations were greatly reduced. Her brother, Chaheng, was suspicious when he saw me. "Who is he? Where did he come from?" he asked the others, pointing at me.

"He's called Ugly, and he's a stranger, and he helps us carry sticks," they told him. "What's the matter? Is there anything queer about him?" "Let me ask him," Chahen said sternly, "hey, is there anything weird about you?" How should I answer? "Me? Nothing..." "Oh, so you don't think you're weird?" he laughed.That's it for this time.I expected worse things to come. , This Chahang was the most violent in the village.He has traveled all over the world and obviously knows a lot more than other people.When he heard people talking about dinosaurs, he always showed contempt and disdain. "On paper," he said once, "you're talking on paper. I want to see what you'll do when a dinosaur actually comes here." "Dinosaurs have been gone for a long time," interjected a fisherman. "It didn't take long..." Chahan said coldly, "No one said that there would be no more dinosaur activities in the fields... In the plains, our people take turns to watch every night, and everyone can be trusted. They don't let people they don't know People stay around..." He gave me a deliberate glance. There's no need to play hide and seek with him, it's better to let him say it all.I took a step forward and asked, "Are you having trouble with me?" "I only feel bad for people who don't know who they were born in, where they came from, eat our food, chase our sisters..." A fisherman defended me: "The ugly man earns his living by working, and he works very hard..." "He can carry a branch, I don't deny that," Chahen insisted. "But when it comes to a dangerous moment that requires us to fight to the death to protect ourselves, who can guarantee that he will not do bad things?" Everyone talked about it in a hurry.Strangely, they never considered the possibility that I was a dinosaur.My only crime was that I couldn't be trusted because I didn't look like them and was from out of town, and the difference between them was how dangerous my presence would be if the dinosaurs reappeared. "His face looks like a lizard, I want to see how capable he is in combat..." Chahan continued to prod me with a contemptuous tone. I walked up to him, pointed at his nose and said rudely, "You can see how capable I am now, if you dare to compete with me." Unexpectedly, he looked around.The others formed a circle around us, and we had no choice but to compete. I step forward.He opened his mouth to bite me, I turned my head away, and kicked him to the ground, lying on his back.I threw myself on top of him.This is the wrong move.This is how many dinosaurs died: they thought the enemy was immobilized, only to have their chest and belly suddenly fatally attacked by the claws and teeth of the enemy lying on the ground.As if I didn't know about this kind of thing, I didn't witness such a tragedy.Fortunately, my tail was very obedient, it kept me balanced, and I was not thrown to the ground by Chaheng.I exerted a lot of strength, and gradually felt that I had no strength... At this time, a bystander shouted: "Come on, dinosaur!" I thought they recognized me.Don't do anything, just show your true colors.Anyway, they can't hide it anymore, so let them be scared out of their wits like before.So I hit Chaheng hard once, twice, thrice... They pulled us both away. "Didn't we tell you, Chahen? Ugly has a lot of muscle, no joke!" They laughed and patted me on the shoulder in congratulation.I thought I had exposed my face, so I didn't understand what was going on, but later I learned that "dinosaur" is their catchphrase, which is specially used to encourage both sides in the gladiatorial fight, which means: "You are stronger, come on!" They said at the time It's not clear whether the words were meant to encourage me or Chaheng. From that day on, everyone respected me even more.Chahan also admired me so much that he always followed me to see how I showed my strength.It should be said that their views on dinosaurs have also undergone some changes, and they seem to be tired of evaluating dinosaurs in the same way.They know fashion has changed.At this time, if they are not used to something in the village, they often say something like this: This kind of thing will never happen among dinosaurs. Dinosaurs can play an exemplary role in many ways. (as in private life) is beyond reproach, and so on, not enough.In short, these dinosaurs, which no one can tell why, seem to have won the praise of the newcomers after their death. Once I couldn't help asking them: "Stop talking nonsense, do you know what dinosaurs looked like?" They asked back: "Shut up, what do you know? Haven't you never seen a dinosaur?" Maybe it's time to tell the truth. "Of course I have," I said aloud, "and I could even describe a dinosaur to you if you'd like to hear it!" They didn't believe it and thought I was trying to fool them.Their new view of dinosaurs seems to me almost as intolerable as the old one.In addition to my deep pain for the doom of my own kind, it is also because I know dinosaur life as a member of the dinosaur family.I know that what prevailed among the dinosaurs at that time was a narrow, prejudiced way of thinking that could not keep pace with the new situation.But now I find that newcomers take our limited, boring little world as the norm!I was compelled to submit to their will, to pay my kindred a certain divine respect I never had!At the end of the day, though, it's okay to do so: How are these newcomers different from the dinosaurs in their heyday?They thought it was safe to stay in their villages, build dikes, and cast nets to catch fish.They, too, had grown self-important and arrogant... I began to show to them the same indifference I had once shown to my surroundings.The more they praise dinosaurs, the more I hate them, and the more I hate dinosaurs. "You know, last night I dreamed that a dinosaur came to my house," Pteris said to me, "A very mighty dinosaur. It's a dinosaur prince, or a dinosaur king. I dressed myself up beautifully, With a ribbon around her head, she went to the window, intending to attract the dinosaur's attention. I bowed to him, but he didn't seem to notice, and didn't even look at me..." This dream provided me with yet another proof that Pteris had affection for me.She must have mistaken my timidity for hateful pride.In retrospect it is clear that I could have completely conquered her if I had only continued to maintain that proud attitude of deliberately keeping her at arm's length.But I was not like that, but was deeply moved by her confession.I fell to my knees at her feet with a plop, and said with tears in my eyes, "No, no, Fernella, your opinion is wrong, you are better than any dinosaur, a hundred times better. I feel so small in front of you... " Fengweihua was stunned, and took a step back. "What did you say?" She didn't expect this, and was at a loss.She found the scene very unpleasant.By the time I figured it out, it was too late.I hurriedly restrained myself, but there was already an awkward atmosphere between me and her. Afterwards, many things happened, and I couldn't care less about thinking about it.Several spies ran into the village panting: "The dinosaurs are back!" They saw a group of monsters that had never been seen before running on the plain, and at this speed they could reach the village the next morning.New folks sound the alarm. You can imagine what kind of emotion grew in my heart when I heard the news.My kind is not extinct, I can be with my brothers again, and restore the original way of life!However, the old life that reappeared in my memory was a series of countless defeats, escapes, and dangers: resuming the old way of life could only mean suffering again, returning to that stage that I hoped had ended.I have gained a new peace in this village which I shall regret losing. Newcomers think differently.Some are afraid, others hope to overcome their old enemies.Others thought that now that the dinosaurs survived, taking revenge now showed that they were invincible and that their victory - even a brutal one - might be good for all.In other words, the newcomers wanted to defend themselves and escape, to destroy the enemy and to be destroyed by the enemy.This confused state of mind is reflected in their confused self-defense preparations. "Wait a minute," cried Chahen, "there's only one of us who can take command! It's Ugly, the strongest of us!" "That's right! Ugly should be the commander!" The others said in unison. "Yes, yes, let the ugly be the commander!" They all expressed their willingness to obey my orders. "Well, no, how can you let me, a foreigner... I'm not capable..." I declined, but I couldn't convince them. what to do?I stayed up all night that night.My dinosaur heritage requires me to flee the village and find my brother.But the new people accepted me, entertained me, and gave me trust.I should be loyal to them and stand by their side.Later, I felt that neither dinosaurs nor rookies were qualified to work for me.Dinosaurs are trying to restore their dominance by invading and killing; it shows they haven't learned their lesson and they shouldn't have survived.And the new people handed over the command to me: obviously found a best strategy: put all the responsibility on an outsider.I won, and I was their savior.If they lose, they will turn me over to the enemy as a scapegoat to appease the enemy's anger; or they will regard me as a traitor, because I handed them over to the enemy. The will to destroy.In short, I don't want to work for dinosaurs, nor do I want to work for newcomers.Let them kill each other!I don't care about either side.I should run away and let them fight, I don't want to repeat the same mistakes. That night, I slipped out of the village in the dark.My first impulse was to get as far away from the battlefield as possible, back to my old secret hideout.But my curiosity was stronger: I wanted to see my peers and see who would win.So I hid behind some rocks on the top of the hill overlooking the bend in the river, and waited for daylight,  … In the twilight of morning, some shadows traveling at a fast speed appeared on the horizon. Before I saw these shadows clearly, I ruled out the possibility that the visitor was a dinosaur, because the movements of dinosaurs would not be so clumsy.I recognized them at last, and it made me laugh and cry.It turned out to be a herd of rhinos, the most primitive of rhinos.They have huge bodies, rough skin, hard rhino horns, clumsy movements, generally do not hurt people, and only eat grass.The newcomers actually regarded them as the dinosaurs that once ruled the earth! The group of rhinos rushed forward with a thunderous roar, ate a few bushes, and then ran towards the sky.They didn't even realize there was a fisherman here. I run back to the village. "You're all wrong! That's not a dinosaur!" I announced, "it's a rhinoceros! It's gone: no danger!" In defense of my night errands, I added: "I went out to scout , in order to find out the situation and report to you!". "We didn't know they weren't dinosaurs," Chahen said slowly, "but we knew you weren't a hero." He turned away from me. Of course, they were disappointed: terribly disappointed with the dinosaurs, and terribly disappointed with me.Now all their dinosaur stories are jokes, in which the terrible dinosaurs are ridiculous animals.I don't want to be influenced by their vulgar ideas.I think it is a sign of the nobility of the soul to prefer extinction to survival in a world that is against us.I survived only to remain a dinosaur among those who mask their fears with vulgar sneers.What choice do newcomers have but ridicule and fear? Fernella related another dream to me, which showed that her attitude was different from that of others. "I dreamed of a dinosaur. It looked ridiculous and was covered in green. Everyone made fun of it and pulled its tail; but I stepped forward to protect it, took it away, and comforted it. I found that although it looked ridiculous, it had a strange heart. It was very sad, tears were pouring out of those yellow and red eyes." After hearing these words, how do I feel?Was it a resentment to equate herself with the image she dreamed of?Is it a refusal to accept that feeling called pity?Or are they indifferent to their desecration of the dignity of dinosaurs?I suddenly developed arrogance, so I straightened my face and said a few contemptuous words to her. "Why do you bother me with these increasingly childish dreams? You dream of the most vulgar things!" Fengweihua burst into tears.I shrugged and walked away. This happened on the embankment.There were several others besides the two of us.The fishermen didn't hear what we were talking about, but they saw me lose my temper and cry with the girl. Chahen felt the need to intervene. "Do you think you are great?" He said viciously, "How dare you fail my sister!" I stopped and said nothing.If he wants to fight, I will accompany him.But the habits of the villagers have changed recently, and they take an indifferent attitude towards everything.One of the fishermen said in a high-pitched voice, "Come on, come on, Dinosaur!" I know, this is a common joke these days, meaning "don't be so aggressive", "don't exaggerate", etc.But my blood boiled when I heard it. "Yes, I tell you, I am a dinosaur," I said aloud, "a real dinosaur! If you haven't seen a dinosaur, look at me!" Everyone laughed. "Yesterday I really saw a dinosaur," said an old man, "it just came out of the ice and snow." The people around immediately fell silent. The old man went down the mountain and returned to the village.Thawing, an ancient glacier has melted, revealing the skeleton of a dinosaur. The news spread throughout the village. "Look at the dinosaurs!" Everyone ran up the mountain.I follow them. After crossing a rocky beach, stepping over several fallen tree trunks, and crossing a mud filled with bird bones, a mountain depression appeared in front of my eyes.The rock, freed from the shackles of frost, is covered with a layer of green moss, and a huge dinosaur skeleton lies among the rocks: a long inner cervical vertebra, a curved thoracic vertebra, and a row of long snake-shaped tail bones .The ribcage is curved like a sail, and when the wind blows the flat spinous processes of the thoracic vertebrae, it seems to beat like an invisible heart.The skull was twisted to one side; the jaws were gaping as if to let out a final cry. The newcomers ran towards here talking and laughing.When they saw the dinosaur's skull, they felt that the empty eye sockets were staring at them.The couple stopped a few steps away, unable to speak a word.After a while, they turned and walked back, talking and laughing again.At this time, if one of them looked from the dinosaur skeleton to me, who was gazing at the skeleton, he would find that I looked exactly like the dinosaur.But no one did.These bones, these claws, these limbs that had killed living beings, spoke a language that no one understood now, and people learned from them except for the vague name "dinosaur" that had no connection with the current experience. Less than any revelation. I continued to look at the skeleton.It is my father, my brother, my kind, myself.I recognized it, these pecked bones were my limbs, and this indentation embedded in the rock was my figure.Such is our past that is lost forever, such is our dignity, our fault, our ruin. Now, the new absent-minded occupants of the earth, who will regard the site of this remains as a place of interest, will watch as fate turns the name "dinosaur" into a meaningless, slurred word .I can't let it go.Everything related to the true nature of dinosaurs should be kept hidden.At night, when the newcomers slept around the skeleton, I removed every bone of the dinosaur and buried them. In the morning, the newcomers noticed that the skeleton was gone, but they didn't bother them for long.One more mystery has been added to the myriad of dinosaur-related mysteries.They immediately drove the secret out of their minds. But the appearance of the skeleton still left traces in the minds of the newcomers.When they think of dinosaurs, they must think of their tragic end.When they tell dinosaur stories now, they emphasize empathy and pity for our suffering.I don't know what to do with their pity.What is there to be pitiful about?We dinosaurs were fully evolved, reached their heyday, and triumphantly reigned supreme for a long time.Our Extinction is a grand finale that can be compared to our glorious past.What do these fools know?Whenever I hear them pity the dinosaurs, I want to poke fun at them and tell some ridiculously made-up stories.Anyway, no one knows the real situation of dinosaurs now, only I know this secret. A group of homeless men stopped in the village, and among them was a young girl.I was taken aback when I saw her: if my eyes were not mistaken, not only the blood of newcomers but of dinosaurs flowed in her veins.She is a mixed race.Does she know it herself?Judging from her calm demeanor, she probably didn't know.Maybe her parents weren't dinosaurs.Her grandparents, or great-grandparents, or even ancestors, might have been dinosaurs.The character and demeanor of the descendant of the dinosaur were distinctly dinosaurian, but no one saw it, nor did she herself. She was very pretty, with a smile on her face all the time, and there was a group of suitors immediately behind her, and the one who liked her the most and pursued her the most was Chaheng. Summer has come, and young people meet by the river. "You go too!" Chahan invited me to go with him.Although we quarreled many times, he always wanted to make friends with me, and as soon as he finished speaking, he circled around the half-breed. I walked up to the broccoli.Perhaps the time has come for an explanation, for an understanding. "What did you dream about last night?" I asked nonchalantly. She looked down. "I dreamed that a dinosaur was wounded and was dying. I lowered my noble and beautiful head and felt very painful, very painful... I looked at it and couldn't move my eyes. I found that watching it suffer feel happy……" A malicious smile appeared on Fengweihua's lips.I've never seen her like this before.I really want to tell her that I don't want to get involved in her vile and unworthy emotional games.I want to enjoy life, I'm a descendant of a happy family.I began to dance around her, beating the water with my tail so that the water splashed on her. "That's the only pathetic thing you can say!" I said in a frivolous tone. "Stop it, and dance!" She didn't understand me and curled her lips. "If you don't dance with me, I'll dance with another girl!" I said loudly, grabbing the half-blood girl by the leg and dragging her away from Chahen.Chaheng was completely immersed in his admiration for her, watching her leave, at first he didn't understand what was going on, and then he suddenly came to his senses.He flew into a jealous rage, but it was too late: the half-breed girl and I had jumped into the river, swam to the other bank; hid in the bushes. Maybe I did this just to show Pteris my true character and refute people's consistent wrong perception of me; , But the familiar appearance aroused my desire and drove me to establish a direct and natural relationship with her.There will be no secret thoughts between us, we won't have to live in memories. The tramps would be gone the next morning; so the half-breed girl agreed to spend the night in the bushes.I made out with her until dawn. It was just a passing blip in my uneventful, event-infrequent life.The truth about the dinosaurs, and about the time when they ruled the earth, has been lost in silence.There is nothing I can do about it.No one talks about dinosaurs anymore, maybe people no longer believe that dinosaurs ever existed, and Pteris no longer dreams of dinosaurs. She told me once: "I dreamed that there was an animal in a cave, the last of its kind. No one could remember the name of the animal, so I asked it. It was dark in the cave and I knew it It's inside, but I can't see it. I know what kind of animal it is and what it looks like, but I can't tell it. I don't know if it's answering my question or I'm answering its question..." To me, it was a symbol: There was finally a loving understanding between us.I had been looking forward to this day since my first stop at the spring. I've learned a lot since then, especially how the dinosaurs won, and I used to think that the dinosaurs died out because my brothers graciously accepted defeat.Now I understand that the more thoroughly the dinosaurs are extinct, the wider their dominion will be, not only controlling the forests covering all continents, but also entering the deep thinking of the people remaining on the earth.From their distant ancestors, which caused fear and doubt, they stretch out their necks and raise their claws to expand their sphere of influence.Later, their bodies disappeared from the earth, but their names continued to exist in various biological relationships, and constantly acquired new meanings.Today, they will become a silent and anonymous object that only exists in people's thinking, but they will obtain their own form of existence and realize their ideals through the newcomers, the next generation of the newcomers and the next generation. I looked around: I had entered this village as an outsider, and now I can say that this village is mine, and the ferns are mine.Of course, this is how dinosaurs spoke. I bid farewell to Pteris in silence, left this village, and left here forever. On the way, I looked at the trees, rivers, and mountains, but I couldn't tell which were from the time of the dinosaurs and which were later.Homeless camped around some dens.I recognized the half-breed girl from a distance, and she was still lovely, only a little fatter.I hid in the woods so that no one would find me.I secretly watched her.A little toddler followed her, wagging its tail as it ran.How long has it been since I saw a little dinosaur?It is very well-developed, full of the essence of dinosaurs, but it has no idea what the name dinosaur means. I waited for him in the glade, watched him play, chase butterflies, break pine cones with stones for pine nuts.I walked up to him.He is indeed my son. He looked at me curiously. "Who are you?" he asked. "No one," I replied, "and you? Do you know who you are?" "Hey, that's funny! Everyone knows I'm a newcomer!" he said, As expected, I think he will answer in this way.I stroked his head and said to him, "Good job." I left. Across the valley and the plain, came a railway station.I got into the car and blended in with the crowd of passengers. (Translated by Yuan Huaqing) ①也称“智人”,指古人阶段以后的人类,约十万年前出现在地球上。
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