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book thief

book thief


  • foreign novel

  • 1970-01-01Published
  • 54051

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Chapter 1 Author's Letter to Chinese Readers

book thief 马克斯·朱萨克 539Words 2018-03-21
Dear Chinese Readers: Thank you for reading this. I used to listen to stories when I was a child.My parents were often in the kitchen, telling my brother, two sisters and me stories about their childhood. I was so fascinated by it that I sat on the chair without moving.They spoke of the entire city being engulfed in flames, of the bombs falling near their homes, of the strong friendships they had formed as children, strong friendships that neither war nor time can destroy. There is a story in it that has always stayed in my heart... My mother lived in the suburbs of Munich when I was a child.She said that when she was six years old, she heard a loud noise in the street one day.

She ran outside to look and saw a group of Jews being transported to the nearby Dachau concentration camp.At the end of the line was an exhausted old man who could barely keep up with the line.After a boy saw the old man's miserable state, he ran home and gave the old man a piece of bread.The old man kneeled down gratefully and kissed the boy's ankle.As a result, a soldier found out, came over and snatched the bread from the old man's hand, and whipped the old man hard.The soldier then turned and chased the boy, beating the boy too.Great human dignity and brutal human violence coexist at the same moment.I think this can just explain the essence of human nature.

After hearing these stories, I always wanted to write them into a little book.The result is the birth of .And this book means more to me than I ever imagined.For me, it is the whole of my life.No matter what others think of this book, no matter whether the evaluation is good or bad, I know in my heart that this is my best creation.As an author, of course I am deeply satisfied with my "best creation". Thank you again and best wishes!
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