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Chapter 114 Chapter 58: The Adventures of Don Quixote Along the Way

don quixote 塞万提斯·萨维德拉 6690Words 2018-03-21
Don Quixote got rid of the entanglement of Altisidora and came to the wilderness. He felt that he was at home again and could be his knight errant again, so he refreshed himself.He turned to Sancho and said: "Sancho, liberty is one of the priceless treasures bestowed upon mankind by God, and the treasures buried in the ground and under the sea cannot be compared with it. People should risk their lives to pursue freedom, just as people pursue honor. Conversely, captivity is The greatest pain of mankind. Sancho, I say this because you have seen that we have abandoned the life of luxury in the castle. Although there is delicious food and cold wine, I feel hungry. Forbearance, because eating is not as comfortable as eating your own food. If you get benefits from others, you have to repay them, so you can’t relax mentally. God gave him bread, and he only needs to thank God. How happy is such a person !"

"If so," said Sancho, "the duke's steward gave me a little bag with two hundred gold shields in it, and we didn't repay it, it would be bad. With this little bag, I'd eat A reassurance. We don't find castles that treat us for free everywhere, and maybe inns that beat us up if we don't pay." The errant knight and his attendants had already walked more than a mile while talking, when they suddenly saw a dozen people dressed as farmers sitting and eating with their coats under their bodies on a green grassy field in front of them.Some things covered with white sheets are arranged in a patchwork beside them.Don Quixote went up to them, first greeted them with civility, and then asked them what was covered under the white cloth.One of them replied:

"They are some relief statues. We use them to build altars in our village. They are covered with white cloth to prevent them from fading. In addition, they will not be damaged when they are carried." "If you don't mind," said don Quixote, "I am glad to see them. They must be of the highest order with the care you have taken with them." "Of course," said the other, "if you don't believe me, listen to the price. They are worth more than fifty ducats each. Just wait a minute and see for yourself, and you will know that what we say is true It's gone."

The man stood up and took off the white cloth covering the last statue, and it turned out to be San Jorge on a leaping horse.A poisonous snake was wrapped around his leg, and his spear pierced the snake's throat, and its bravery was evident.The whole icon looks dazzling.Seeing the icon, don Quixote said: "This is one of the outstanding knight-errants of the holy religion, named San Jorge. In addition, he is also the patron saint of maidens. Let's look at another one." The man lifted the cover of another icon, which appeared to be St. Martin on horseback.He is tearing his cloak and giving it to the poor.When don Quixote saw the icon, he said:

"He is probably also a Christian warrior. I think his generosity stands out above all, and his bravery second. Sancho, you can see that he is tearing his cloak and giving it to the poor. He is giving half of his A cloak was given to the poor. It must have been winter, or he would have been so kind as to have given his whole cloak to the poor." "Not necessarily," Sancho said. "He should, as the saying goes, 'Whether you give or stay, there must be a measure'." Don Quixote laughed.He asked to remove another drape.This time it is the Spanish icon of Patrón on a horse.His sword was stained with blood, and his foot was on the Moor's head.Don Quixote said at once:

"Here is the real knight. He was one of the knights of Christ, and his name was San Diego Matamoros, and he was and is, in heaven and on earth, the most valiant saints and knights." -------- ① This name can also be understood as "killing the Moors". They lifted another cover to reveal St. Paul jumping off his horse in the same background as the one in the religious group.The statue is lifelike, it seems that Jesus is asking and St. Paul is answering. "He was the greatest enemy of God at that time," said don Quixote, "and later became his most faithful defender. He was a knight-errant in life, but a staunch saint in death, who worked hard in the vineyard of God. Work. He was the teacher of the people, and he had heard the teachings of Jesus himself."

The idol is finished.Don Quixote ordered the statue to be covered, and said to the men carrying it: "I saw what I should have seen, and it seemed to be a good omen. These saints and knights were doing exactly what I was doing, which was martial arts. The difference between me and them was that they were saints, using but I am only a sinner and can only fight in the way of an ordinary man. They have taken heaven by the strength of their own arms. It takes effort to get into heaven, and I have fought so far and I don't know what I will end up with The end. But if my Dulcinea can get out of her plight, I too will be blessed, wise, and lucky."

Sancho said: "May God hear his words. Those who are deaf can only be deaf." Several people looked at Don Quixote's appearance, and heard him say these words, they were very surprised, and did not understand what Don Quixote was talking about.After eating, they lifted up the statue, said goodbye to Don Quixote, and continued on their way. Once again Sancho felt as if he didn't know his master, who was so knowledgeable that he knew everything in the world like the back of his hand. He said to don Quixote: "To tell the truth, my lord, if what we have encountered today can be called an adventure, then it can be said that this is the most relaxing and pleasant journey of our journey. We were not clubbed, frightened, and swords were not drawn. Fighting, not falling to the ground, not starving. Thank God I saw it with my own eyes."

"You are right, Sancho," said don Quixote, "but I must tell you that luck is not always the same. There is no rational basis for this thing that the vulgar calls an omen, and therefore the wise One sees it only as good chance. A man who believes in omens walks out of his house in the morning and meets a Franciscan priest, only to turn back home as if he had met a griffin. Another superstitious When someone sprinkles a little salt on the table, he is troubled. It is a small thing, but he thinks that God is foretelling some disaster to him. A wise Christian never has to worry about God. Essipion When he arrived in Africa, he fell down as soon as he landed. His soldiers thought it was a bad omen. However, he hugged the earth and said: "You can't run away, Africa, I have caught you." So , Sancho, it was only a happy coincidence for me to meet these gods."

"I think so too," said Sancho, "but tell me, why do the Spaniards always call out the name of Santiago Matamolos when they fight? What 'Santiago, Spain is closed!'" 'Is Spain always open, so it has to be closed? Or is there some other meaning?" -------- ①The word "shut down" here should be understood as "attacking the enemy".This sentence should be translated as "God bless, Spain will win!" Don Quixote did not explain this sentence clearly below. "You are so simple-minded," said don Quixote, "you see, God gave Spain this great orange cross knight, as the patron saint of Spain, especially at the critical moment when the Spaniards were fighting the Moors. Therefore, they always called out his name every time they fought, and regarded him as their patron saint, and people saw him appearing many times, so that the Moorish army was defeated.

I can give you many examples of this kind of thing from the history of Spain. " Sancho changed the subject again, and said to his master: "My lord, I am astonished at the impudence of that maid of the Duchess, Altisidora. That Venus, who is said to be a blind boy, must have shot her through the heart with an arrow. The blind boy, though blind, Bewildered, or blind, can hit the heart with an arrow and pierce it through, however small it may be. I have also heard that the arrow of love hits a dignified girl with shame It will break and bounce back, but on this Altisidora, not only did the arrow not break, but it became sharper." "You must notice, Sancho," said don Quixote, "that love does not follow the rules. It is like death, and neither the king's palace nor the shepherd's hut is free from its assault. Once it occupies someone's heart, the first thing it does is to deprive him of fear and shame. Therefore, Altisidora's shameless confession of her desire can only make me feel confused instead of pity." "Pityless!" said Sancho, "I don't know what to do! If I were to say a few sentimental words to someone, I would have been submissive. Damn you, you have a heart of iron and a body of iron. But I would I can't figure out what this girl is so attracted to you. Is it your gorgeous clothes, your temperament, your manner, or your face? Is it one or all of them combined that makes her So emotional? To be honest, I often look at you from head to toe, but I don't see anything emotional. On the contrary, it is quite scary. I heard that beauty is the first condition for people to admire. But you You're not pretty! I don't know why the poor girl is in love with you." "You should know, Sancho," said don Quixote, "that there are two kinds of beauty. One is the beauty of the soul, and the other is the beauty of the body. Wisdom, integrity, generosity, good manners, and cultivation are all beauty of the soul, and these Traits can often be found in a person who is not striking in appearance. If you set your sights on the beauty of the soul rather than the beauty of the body, there will be an impulse to love. Sancho, I know very well, I Not pretty, but I'm not ugly either. A man can be admired if he is not ugly like a devil, but has the beauty of heart which I just spoke of." They talked and walked into a forest by the side of the road.Suddenly, unexpectedly, don Quixote bumps into a net of green wire hanging between some trees.Don Quixote couldn't figure out what was going on, so he said to Sancho: "Sancho, I think this net may be the strangest thing that ever happened to us. I'll bet my life that those magicians who have trouble with me want to stop me with the net and keep me from going on in revenge. I have no mercy for Altisidora. But let them see, let alone the net is woven of green thread, but of hard diamond or some other material, more than the envious Vulcan for the catch Even if the net set by Venus and Mars is stronger, I can rush through it like a bamboo." -------- ①The husband of Venus is Hephaestus, the god of fire. When he learned that his wife was having an affair with Mars, the god of war, he set up a big net to catch the two and make him look ugly. They were about to rush over, when two very beautiful shepherdesses suddenly walked out of the woods in front of them.They were dressed in the shepherdess' clothes, but the cloth and skirts were of brocade, and the skirts were of gold muslin.Their hair fell over their shoulders, and its golden color could compete with the sun.Two garlands of green bay leaves and red flowers were placed on their heads.Judging by their age, they are between fifteen and eighteen years old. Sancho was astonished, and Don Quixote was astonished.Even the sun seemed to stand still, watching the four in silence.Finally, it was a shepherdess who spoke first.She said to don Quixote: "Master Knight, please stop and don't break the net. This net is not for you to destroy, but for us to hang and play. I know you will ask us why we hang this net, we are Who. Let me tell you a few words. In a village two miles from here, there lived many wealthy families. They had many friends and relatives, and they agreed to bring their wives, children, neighbors, relatives and friends. Come to this place together. This is the best place in this area. The girl dresses up as a boy, and the boy dresses up as a shepherd boy, making this place a shepherd's paradise. We have already read two pastoral poems by heart, one by the famous poet Garcia Lasso, and the other by the great poet Carmones in his native Portuguese, but we haven't read it aloud yet. Yesterday was our first day here. There is a big river here that irrigates We set up some tents in the shade of the trees by the river, which is called camping. Last night, we hung these nets on these trees again, trying to fool some of the animals we The cries frighten the dazed little birds into the net. My lord, if you are interested, come to our place as a guest, and we will entertain you. There is no sorrow or sorrow here." The shepherdess didn't speak anymore.Don Quixote replied: "Beautiful girl, when I saw your beauty, I was as surprised as Actaeon suddenly saw Diana come out of the bath. I admire your entertainment very much, and thank you for your kindness to me. .If there is anything that needs my service, please feel free to ask, and I will obey. My duty requires me to be grateful and to do my best for all kinds of good people, especially for noble people like you. If these The nets that should take up only a small part of the space take up the whole world, and I will find new worlds to go around and never destroy these nets. Please believe my exaggeration, because I swear to you It's Don Quixote of Mancha, you've probably heard of that name." -------- ① Carmones (1525-1580), Portuguese poet. ②According to Greek mythology, Actaeon accidentally saw Diana taking a bath.Diana became furious and turned him into a deer. "Alas, my good friend," said another shepherdess, "we are so lucky! Do you see this lord before us? He is the bravest, most affectionate, most humble man in the world! About him There is a book published on his deeds, I've read it. It's not going to lie to us. I'll bet that this good man is accompanied by his squire, Sancho Panza, who is as funny as ever .” "Yes," said Sancho, "I am that ridiculous squire you speak of. This is my master, the Don Quixote of Mancha of whom the book speaks." "Alas, friend," said the shepherdess, "let us beg him not to go away, our parents and brothers will be delighted to hear of it. I have heard that he is as brave and humble as you say, especially I have also heard that he is devoted to his love, that he is unwaveringly loyal to the one he loves, Madame Dulcinea of ​​Toboso, who is recognized by all Spain as the most beautiful woman in the world." "You are right," said don Quixote; "her beauty is unquestionable. You need not bother to keep me, for my duty does not allow me a moment's leisure." At this moment, the elder brother of a shepherdess came towards the four.He is also dressed as a shepherd, but the fabric of the clothes is as luxurious as the two shepherdesses.The two shepherdesses told him that with them was the heroic Don Quixote of Mancha, and next to him was his squire Sancho Panza, and their brother must have heard of these two men. .The shepherd greeted Don Quixote politely, and asked Don Quixote to go with him to the tent.Don Quixote could not refuse, so he followed.At this moment the fowler began to shout again.Bewildered by the color of the net, all kinds of birds crashed into the net one after another, trying to escape but unable to escape.More than thirty richly attired persons dressed as shepherds or shepherdesses assembled in that place, so that it was known at once that Don Quixote and Sancho were there.Everyone was very happy; they had all heard of Don Quixote and Sancho.Everyone came to the tent, where a sumptuous banquet had been set up.Everyone respected Don Quixote very much and let him sit at the head.Everyone looked at Don Quixote and thought he was strange.When the meal was over and the table-cloth was removed, don Quixote raised his voice without haste, and said: "The greatest sin of mankind is not to reciprocate gratitude, although some say the greatest sin is pride and complacency. It is often said that there are ungrateful people in hell. I may also stay this sin, so I started from the sensible I have taken care of this from time to time. If I cannot repay kindness with kindness, I will also maintain the desire to repay kindness. If this is not enough, I will make it public. If a person makes public the kindness he has received from others, then he I will definitely repay the favor when I can. In most cases, the situation of the beneficiary is worse than that of the benefactor. God is above all, and he blesses everyone, but everyone's return to God is insignificant, because compared to the gap Very big. To some extent, this huge vacancy must be filled by gratitude. Therefore, I am unable to repay your hospitality with the same affection. I can only talk about it and give it back in my own way. I am going to stay for two days on this road to Zaragoza to let everyone know that these two girls dressed as shepherdesses are the best in the world except Toboso's unparalleled Dulcinea. The most beautiful and well-educated girl. Please don't be offended, Dulcinea is the most beautiful person in my heart." Sancho, who had been listening carefully, said aloud: "How can anyone in the world dare to say that my master is crazy? Tell me, my lords, is there any country priest, no matter how clever and learned he may be, who can say such things as my master said? A knight-errant, however renowned for his bravery, could do such a thing as my master proposes to do?" Don Quixote turned round, and said to Sancho with an angry countenance: "Hey, Sancho, how in the world can anyone say that you are not a vicious and vile fool? Who put you in my business, whether I am crazy or not? Shut up and don't talk back to me! If you still If you haven't got the saddle ready for Rocinanto, go and do it. I'm about to carry out my promise. Now the truth is on my side, and everything that contradicts it can be said to be self-defeating. " Don Quixote rose from his chair in a rage.All the people present were amazed, and they couldn't figure out whether his nerves were normal or not.He was dissuaded from doing so, for they already knew his gratitude; as for his courage, they already knew it from the books about him, and there was no need to express anything new.Don Quixote is still the same.He mounted his horse, and went out, shield and spear in hand, into the high road not far from the green meadow.Sancho followed on his donkey.Everyone followed, wanting to see what would happen to his unprecedented feat. Don Quixote stood still in the middle of the road, and said angrily: "Hey, you passers-by who will be passing here in the next two days, whether knight or squire, whether on horseback or on foot, listen, Don Quixote, the knight errant of Mancha, will here prove that beauty and courtesy , all the girls in the world are inferior to these two fairies on the meadow, of course, Dulcinea of ​​Toboso in my heart is not among them. If anyone disagrees with this, come here, I am Waiting for him." Don Quixote repeated these words twice more, but no one passed by on the road, so no one heard him.But quite coincidentally, after a while, a group of horsemen appeared on the road, all holding spears in their hands, swarming and galloping.Those who were with don Quixote turned away from the road and stood at a distance.They know that there may be danger if they don't get out of the way.Only don Quixote remained where he was, majestically.Sancho has ducked behind Rocinando's ass.The crowd approached, and one of them who ran ahead said loudly to Don Quixote: "Damn it, get out of the way of Kai Luo, or the bull will trample you flat!" "Hey, you rascals, even the fiercest bulls raised along the coast of Jarama are nothing to me! You bastards must admit without hesitation that what I have just announced is the truth, or I will I will be rude to you." The bull trainer didn't have time to answer, and Don Quixote couldn't dodge if he wanted to. A large herd of fierce bulls and the leading bulls, together with many bull trainers and cattlemen, made Don Quixote and Sancho Lianma go. Knocked down to the ground with the donkey and rolled a few times.It turned out that there was a place where a bullfight was going to be held the next day, and they had to send the bulls there first to be penned.Sancho was in pain, Don Quixote was in shock, the donkey was wounded, and Rocinanto was badly wounded.At last, however, they all stood up.Don Quixote staggered after the cattle, shouting as he went: "Stop, wait a minute, you bastards! There's only one knight here, but he's not one of those 'poor guys'." However, the group of people and cattle did not stop because of this, and ignored his threats.At last Don Quixote was too tired to run, and sat on the road, waiting for Sancho, Rocinanto, and the donkey to catch up.When they were assembled, they mounted their beasts again, and, full of shame, did not say goodbye to the Shepherd's Paradise, and continued on their way.
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