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Chapter 86 Chapter Thirty: Don Quixote Meets a Beautiful Huntress on the Road

don quixote 塞万提斯·萨维德拉 2803Words 2018-03-21
The knight and squire returned dejectedly to their cattle.Especially Sancho, it hurts him to use up the money, and taking money from him is like gouging out his eyes.Finally, the two of them rode on the cattle silently and left the famous river.Don Quixote was still absorbed in his thoughts, but Sancho was thinking of making a fortune, and the prospects seemed very bleak.Although he was not clever, he could see clearly that all or most of his master's actions were crazy.He wanted to find an opportunity to go back to his hometown one day without anyone noticing. However, fate just made him the more unwilling to do what he wanted to do.

The next day, just as the sun was setting, they came out of the woods.Don Quixote looked as far as the green meadow, and saw a group of people approaching them at the end of the meadow.Don Quixote saw clearly that it was a group of hunters falconry.When they got closer, they saw a beautiful lady among them, riding a snow-white pony with a saddle inlaid with green gemstones and a silver back saddle.The lady was also wearing a green dress, looking elegant and heroic.She held a goshawk in her left hand. When Don Quixote saw the goshawk, he guessed that she must be a noble lady and the master of the hunters.Don Quixote was right.

Don Quixote said to Sancho: "Go quickly, boy Sancho, and tell the lady who rides the pony and holds the goshawk, that I, the Lion Knight, wish to kiss the hand of this noble lady. If she will let me, I will, and I will do my best for her. Do your bidding, and do as she bids. But watch your words, Sancho, and don't always carry your rambling idioms." "You have spoken to the wrong person this time!" said Sancho. "You have spoken to me! It is not the first time in my life that I have spoken to the noble lady!" "Besides the message to Madame Dulcinea," said don Quixote, "I don't know if you have messaged anyone else, at least not with me."

"That's true," said Sancho, "but, 'If you have money in your pocket, you don't have to worry about paying your bills; if you have food in your house, you don't have to worry about cooking.' I mean, you don't have to remind me, I know everything Know a little bit." "I also believe, Sancho," said don Quixote, "that God will help you, and good luck." Sancho urges his donkey to a run.When he ran in front of the beautiful hunting lady, he got off his horse, knelt down in front of her, and said: "Beautiful lady, that knight over there is called the Knight of the Lion, and is my master. I am his squire, and I am called Sancho at home. This Knight of the Lion was also called the Knight of the Wretched, not long ago, and he sent me I come to say to you, that I beg you to grant him the honor of allowing him to fulfill his wish willingly. According to what he said and what I think, this wish is nothing but to serve your noble and beautiful lady. If you will agree to this matter , not only benefit you, but also bring credit to his face."

"True, good squire," said the lady, "you have done your duty very gracefully. Rise, we have heard of such a great knight as the knight of the squire, whose squire is on his knees It is inappropriate. Rise up, my friend, and tell your master that my duke and I welcome him to our villa here." Sancho stood up.He was deeply surprised by the lady's beauty and temperament.But what surprised him even more was that the lady had heard of his master, the Lewd Knight.She didn't call him Lion Rider, probably because the title Lion Rider was a relatively recent one.The Duchess asked again:

"Tell me, brother squire, is your master the one in the published novel? Besides, he also has a woman named Dulcinea in Toboso as his favorite?" "That's him, madam," said Sancho, "and he has a valet, which should be in the novel, unless it was omitted from the beginning, I mean, in printing. The valet's My name is Sancho and it is me." "I am very glad of this," said the Duchess; "go, brother Sancho, and tell your master that we welcome him to our house, and nothing will please me more than that. " Sancho, with this agreeable answer, ran back to his master with great joy, and repeated what the lady had said to him, and, in his own coarse language, described her beauty and elegance. Behavior is up to the sky.Don Quixote seated himself majestically in the saddle, put his feet in the stirrups, put on his goggles, and urged Rocinanto to kiss the Duchess's hand gracefully.The duchess also called the duke's husband at this time, and told him what she had just said to Sancho.Both of them are lovers of chivalry novels. They both read the first volume of this novel and understood Don Quixote's ridiculous irrational behavior, so they are very willing and very happy to know Don Quixote.They planned to receive Don Quixote in accordance with the various customs and etiquette described in the novel, to continue to watch his excitement during the few days when Don Quixote was with them, and to obey him in everything he said.

At this moment Don Quixote arrived.He lifted the goggles, apparently wanting to dismount.Sancho hurried over to help Don Quixote hold the stirrup, but unfortunately, when he got off the donkey, one of his feet was caught by the rope of the pack saddle, and he could not break free. down.Don Quixote was used to being helped to dismount, and this time he also thought that Sancho had helped him fix the stirrup, so he suddenly turned over and dismounted.The saddle probably wasn't tied properly, and he fell to the ground with the saddle.Don Quixote was very embarrassed, and secretly cursed Sancho in his heart, although Sancho's foot was still tripped at that time.

The Duke hastily ordered the hunters to help Don Quixote and Sancho up.Don Quixote was in pain from the fall, and he limped and wanted to bow down to the duke and his wife.But the duke would not agree anyway.On the contrary, the Duke jumped off his horse, embraced Don Quixote, and said to him: "I'm sorry, Mr. Wretched Knight, such an unfortunate thing happened to you the first time you came to me. A servant who is not careful will often lead to serious trouble." "I have seen you, brave duke," said don Quixote, "and there can be no misfortune. Even if I should fall into the abyss, the sight of your glory will lift me up from the abyss again. My squire, let God curse him, he can only talk nonsense, he can't even tie a saddle. But whatever happens to me, whether I fall or stand, whether I walk or ride, I am always ready At your service and your honorable lady, our Duchess, queen of beauty, paragon of graceful princesses."

"Wait, my lord Don Quixote!" said the duke, "as long as Madame Toboso Dulcinea is present, you should not praise other beauties." Sancho, now freed from the entanglement of the rope, was standing by.Without waiting for his master to answer, he said first: "It is undeniable that our Mrs. Dulcinea is indeed very beautiful. Unexpectedly, a capable person meets a master. I heard that this is called the law of nature. This is like a potter who makes a beautiful clay cup. You can make two, three, hundreds of fine earthen cups. I say this because our Duchess is certainly not inferior to my mistress Madame Dulcinea."

Don Quixote turned to the Duchess and said: "You can well imagine that all the squires of knight-errants in the world are less talkative and funny than this one. If you will allow me to serve you for a few days, he will prove that I am telling the truth." The Duchess replied: "If the good Sancho is funny, I like him all the more, for the funnyness proves his wit. Funny and witty, Don Quixote, you know, are not the work of fools. So if we say Sancho is hilarious and funny, so I'm sure he's smart." "Also talkative," Don Quixote added. "That's all the better," said the duke. "There are a lot of funny things that can't be said in a few words. Let's not waste time on this matter, great cavalier, please..."

"You should be called the Lion Rider," said Sancho. "The Wretched Rider no longer exists. It is now the image of the Lion Rider." The duke continued: "I said Lord Lion Knight, please go to my castle nearby, where you will enjoy the treatment of a nobleman. My wife and I often receive passing knight-errants there." Sancho had now packed and fastened Rocinante's saddle, and Don Quixote rode upon it.The duke also mounted a handsome horse, and the duchess walked between them, and they walked together towards the castle.The Duchess bid Sancho follow her, saying that she liked to hear him talk.Sancho was also polite, sandwiched between the three, talking together.The duke and duchess were delighted, and found it very amusing to have such a knight-errant and a squire at their castle.
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