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Chapter 46 Chapter 44: The Sequel to the Strange Story of the Inn

don quixote 塞万提斯·萨维德拉 5165Words 2018-03-21
Don Quixote yelled, so frightened the innkeeper hastily opened the door of the inn, and ran out in a hurry to see who was yelling.Several people outside the inn also ran over.The ugly maid was also awakened by the shouts, and immediately guessed what was going on.She immediately ran to the house where the straw was piled up, and unknowingly untied Don Quixote's bridle, and Don Quixote fell to the ground in full view of everyone.As soon as he landed, the owner and some passengers asked him what was the matter and why he was shouting so desperately.Without saying a word, don Quixote untied the slipknot on his wrist, got up from the ground, mounted Rocinante, grabbed the leather shield, picked up the spear, and rode outside for a while without any haste. He came back and said:

"Who dares to say that I am bound by magic for granted? As long as my mistress, Princess Mikomikona, allows me, I will refute him, challenge him, and start a desperate battle with him!" Several travelers were amazed when they heard Don Quixote's words.The shopkeeper told them what kind of person Don Quixote was, and that he was out of his mind now, so they should ignore him, so that everyone would not be surprised. The travelers then asked the innkeeper if a fifteen-year-old boy had been to the inn, dressed as a mule driver, and described it for a while as Clara's lover.The owner said that there were many people in the inn every day, and he didn't notice if there was the person they inquired about.But a traveler, seeing the judge's carriage, said:

"He must be here. This is the carriage that he is said to have pursued. We will leave alone at the door while the others go in and look for it. It would be best for one of us to look around the inn, lest he jump over the wall." "That's it," said one of them. Two people entered the inn, one stayed at the door, and the other wandered around the inn.All this is seen by the owner.Although he knew it was the boy they were looking for, he didn't understand why they had to act so carefully. At this time, it was already dawn, and with the noise made by Don Quixote just now, everyone in the inn was awake and got up.Clara and Dorothea in particular, the one frightened by the lover's presence and the other anxious to see the child, neither slept well that night.

Don Quixote was very angry when he saw that none of the four travelers took him seriously or challenged him.If he could have found a stipulation in his knightly rules that it is legal for a knight-errant to do another thing before he has done what he promised, he would have attacked those few people, whether they wanted to or not. challenge.However, he still felt that it would not be right to start another new business before helping Princess Mikomicona to rebuild her kingdom, so he had to keep silent and watch what these travelers were up to.A traveler did find the boy they were looking for.The boy was sleeping beside a mule driver.He didn't expect that someone would look for him, let alone find him.The traveler took the boy by the arm and said:

"Master Don Luis, it seems that your outfit is indeed in line with your identity, and the bed you are sleeping on now also shows how your mother spoiled you." The boy rubbed his sleepy eyes, and slowly looked at the person holding his arm. When he recognized that it was his servant, he was so shocked that he couldn't speak for a long time.The servant went on to say: "There is nothing to do now, Master Don Luis, but to be patient, and turn and go home, if you do not want your father, my master, to go to Elysium. The pain your departure has caused your father He was devastated."

"But," asked Don Luis, "how does my father know that I have walked this way and that I am wearing this dress?" "It was the student who said it," said the servant. "You told him what you thought, and he couldn't bear to see your father miss you. So your father sent us four servants to look for you. .We are all here to listen to you, and we are glad that things are going better than we thought. We can take you back and let you see the eyes that love you so much." "It depends on whether I am willing or not, and how God arranges it." Don Luis said.

"What else do you want to do besides agreeing to go back? How else can God arrange it? Other things are impossible." The conversation between the two was overheard by the mule driver next to them.He got up, went to Fernando and Cardenio, and told them and the others what had happened.By this time everyone was up.The mule driver told them how the man called the boy "Master" and wanted to take him back to his father's house, and the boy would not go back.After hearing this and having experienced his natural good voice just now, everyone wanted to know who he was.In addition, if someone forces him to do something, everyone can help him.So everyone came to the child.The boy was still there arguing with the servant.

Dorothea walked out of the room at this moment, followed by the distraught Clara.Dorothea called Cardenio aside and gave him a brief account of the singer and Clara.Cardenio also told Dorothea that the boy's father's servant had come to him.His voice was not low, and Clara heard it all.She was so anxious that she didn't know what to do. If Dorojana hadn't rushed over to help her, she would have fallen down.Cardenio asked them to go back to the room first, and he came to think of a way.So they went back to the room. The four servants who came to look for the child were surrounding the boy at this moment, urging him to go back immediately to comfort his father.The boy said that under no circumstances would he go back without accomplishing something that had a stake in his life, honor, and soul.Several servants did not budge, saying that they would never let him stay here, and they had to take him back whether he wanted to or not.

"Unless you take my body," said Don Luis, "you can't take me away. You can take me away in whatever way you want, but you can only take a dead man." At this moment many people from the inn came to watch their quarrel, including Cardenio, Fernando and his companions, the judge, the priest, the barber, and Don Quixote.Don Quixote felt no need to guard the castle any longer.Cardenid already knew about the boy, so he asked those who wanted to take the boy away why they forced him to go back. "To save his father's life," said one of the servants, "the father almost died of sudden death because the boy ran away."

Don Luis says: "There is no need to talk about me here. I am a free man, and I can go back if I want. If I don't want to go back, no one can force me." "Be reasonable," said the servant, "and if your reason is not enough and ours is, do as we say. It is our duty to do so." "Let's see what's going on," the judge said at this point. The servant and the judge are neighbors and know him.The maid said: "Didn't you recognize him, Your Honor? This lad is your neighbour's son. He has run away from his father's house, and, you see, he's in this rags that don't suit him at all."

The judge took a good look at the boy and recognized him.The judge hugged the young man and said: "What childishness are you playing, Master Don Luis? What's the big deal, it's worth your time to come here and wear this rag, as he said, it's too inappropriate for your status." Tears welled up in the boy's eyes, and he could not speak a word to the judge's question.The judge told the four servants to calm down first, everything will be fine.He took the boy by the hand, called him aside, and asked him what he was doing here.While the judge was questioning the boy, he suddenly heard someone shouting at the door of the inn.It turned out that two guests who stayed overnight saw that everyone was busy figuring out the purpose of the four servants, so they wanted to take advantage of the chaos and slip away without paying their bills.But the innkeeper was more concerned with his business than with other people's business, so he caught the two men just as they came out of the inn, made them pay, and hurled insults at them, which made the two men Reciprocate with fists.They started beating the shopkeeper, who had to cry for help. The innkeeper and her daughter saw that only Don Quixote was free to rescue the innkeeper, so the girl said to Don Quixote: "My lord knight, please do good for God's sake and save my poor father, who is being tormented by those two rascals." But don Quixote said word by word, indifferently: "Beautiful girl, I can't consider your request now, because I can't participate in other things until I finish the one thing I promised. Now the only thing I can do for you is: you hurry up and tell your father, let He must stand up in this battle, and he will not be defeated in any case. At the same time, I will ask Princess Mikomikona to allow me to save the crisis. If she allows, don't worry, I will definitely take him Get out." "My God!" said the ugly maid, "after you first obtain the permission you mentioned, my master will have already gone to the Land of Elysium." "Please let me ask for this permission first, girl." Don Quixote said, "as long as I get this permission, it doesn't matter if he reaches the Land of Elysium, I can still rescue him from there, even if the people here It's useless if the world disapproves; or, at least, I can avenge the man who sent him to Elysium, and you'll be relieved by that." Don Quixote said nothing more, but knelt down before Dorothea, and begged her in the language of knight-errants to allow him to rescue the governor of the castle who was in grave danger.The princess readily agreed.So don Quixote went to the door of the inn with the leather shield in his hand and the sword.The two guests were there continuing to beat the owner.But as soon as don Quixote reached the door, he stood still.The ugly maid asked him why he stood still, and why he did not hurry to rescue her master, and the landlady asked him why he did not go to rescue her husband. "I stand because it is illegal for me to attack a squire with my sword," said don Quixote. "Go and call my squire Sancho here, for it is his business to protect and avenge the lord." These things happened right at the door of the inn, and the fists were hitting the innkeeper's face and body so hard that he was beaten really badly, and the ugly maid, the innkeeper and her daughter were very angry.They despaired of Don Quixote's cowardice, of the misfortune of their respective masters, husbands, and fathers. Let's not talk about the shopkeeper for now, someone will save him anyway.If no one rescued him, then he had no choice but to suffer. It was all due to his overreaching and rudeness.Let's step back fifty paces and see how Don Luis answers the judge's question.Just now we talked about the judge asking Don Luis why he came here, and he was wearing such shabby clothes.The young man held the judge's hand tightly, as if he was enduring great pain in his heart, and said with tears streaming down his face: "I can only say to you, my lord, that from the first moment I saw your daughter, my beloved Clara, my heart was conquered by her since Providence made us neighbors. If you, a real My lord, my fathers, I want to marry her today, if I have no objection. I left my father's house for her, and dressed her in this attire, so that wherever she went, I would Following her is like an arrow chasing a target, a sailor looking at a dipper. She doesn't know what I'm thinking, only she sees tears in my eyes from a distance several times before she realizes it. My lord, you know my father's wealth and status , and know that I am the only heir. If you feel that this is enough for you to fulfill us, you can treat me as your son now. If my father has other plans and is not satisfied with my own choice of happiness, time can surpass Man's will changes things." The amorous boy stopped talking here.The judge was surprised and at a loss when he heard these words.This was not only due to the boldness of Don Luis, but also because he did not know what to do with this sudden and unexpected event.He just asked Don Luis to calm down first, and stabilized the servants so that they would not rush back that day. Now he still needs time to think things over thoroughly.Don Luis insisted on kissing the judge's hand, and tears fell on his hand.Let alone a judge, even a person with a heart of stone will soften his heart when he sees this.The judge knew that the marriage would be very good for his daughter.But he acted prudently, and if possible, he wanted to ask Don Luis' father for permission.He had heard that Don Luis' father was seeking a title for his son. At this time, the guests and the shopkeeper have stopped fighting.After don Quixote's good words of persuasion instead of bad words and threats, the guest has paid the owner the full amount.Several of Don Luis's servants were waiting for the outcome of the judge's conversation with Don Luis and the final decision of Don Luis.But the devil is not idle, and at this time let the barber who was robbed of Mambrino's helmet by Don Quixote enter the inn.Sancho had taken the saddle from the barber's donkey and put it on his own donkey.The barber led his donkey to the stable, and saw Sancho preparing a pack saddle for his donkey.The barber recognized the pack saddle, and rushed to Sancho without hesitation, saying: "Hey, you thief, I've got you at last! Give me back my copper basin, pack saddle, and all the saddlery!" Sancho is suddenly attacked and someone is heard cursing.Holding the pack-saddle with one hand, he struck the barber in the face with the other, and at once his mouth was bloodied.But the barber didn't let go of his grip on the pack saddle because of this, but called out loudly.Everyone in the inn came following the sound of fighting.the barber shouted: "Please the king and justice! This highwayman stole my things and wants my life!" "Nonsense!" said Sancho; "I am not a robber. This is the spoil of my master Don Quixote's splendid battle." Don Quixote was beside him, proudly watching his squire's ability to attack and defend well, and since then he felt that he was a useful person, and he planned to make him a knight as soon as he had the opportunity.Don Quixote felt that Sancho would definitely promote the spirit of chivalry.The barber said loudly: "My lords, this pack saddle is mine, as sure as my return home. I know it as well as I have born it. My donkey is in the barn, and I Won't lie, try it out if you don't believe me, and see if it fits the donkey. If not, I'm a bastard. Also, the day they took my pack saddle, they took one of my new brass Basin, unused. That copper basin is worth an escudo." Don Quixote could not restrain himself at this moment from speaking.He came between the two men, separated them, put the pack saddle on the ground, and waited for them to clarify the matter.He said: "You can clearly see that this faithful squire is clearly mistaken. This thing he called the copper basin was, is, and will be Mambrino's helmet. This is my Took it from him, and rightfully and legally possessed it. As for the pack saddle, I say nothing, except that my squire Sancho asked my permission to take the harness of this defeated coward, and use it To equip his horse. I agreed, and he took the harness. As for why the harness turned into a pack saddle, I can only give a very simple explanation: this is the kind of transformation that knight-errant knights often encounter .To prove it, Sancho, bring here the helmet that this fellow says is a copper basin." "My lord, my lord," said Sancho, "do you not have any other proof of what we mean, except that this pot is a Marino's helmet, and that the pack saddle this man says is harness?" -------- ① Sancho mistook Mambrino for Marino again here. "Do as I tell you," said don Quixote, "not everything in this castle is under the influence of magic." Sancho brought the copper basin.Don Quixote immediately took it in his hand, and said: "Look, gentlemen, what face does this squire have to say it's a copper basin, and not the helmet I'm talking about? I swear by the name of the knightly world, this is the helmet I took from him, and there's not much on it , a little bit less." "Certainly," said Sancho now, "since my master won that battle, there has been only one battle fought, and that was the release of those wretched wretches in chains. If it hadn't been for this pot-helmet , It was troublesome that time, when the stones hit like overwhelming the sky."
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