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Chapter 35 Chapter Thirty-Three "Unnecessary Suspicions"

don quixote 塞万提斯·萨维德拉 11331Words 2018-03-21
In Florence, a famous and prosperous city in Tuscany, Italy, there are two rich and powerful young men, Anselmo and Lotario.The two were so close that everyone who knew them called them "The Two Friends".They are all single, about the same age, and have the same tastes, so you come and go, and the friendship grows day by day.Anselmo loves lovemaking more than Lotario, who prefers hunting.Often, however, Anselmo subordinated his inclinations to those of Lotario, and Lotario often adapted his inclinations to those of Anselmo.The two are always in love with each other and look like the same person.

Anselmo later fell in love with a noble and beautiful girl of the city.The girl's parents and the girl herself are very nice.Anselmo consulted with Lotario, he consulted with Lotario in everything, and then decided to propose marriage to the girl's parents, and he did.It was Lotario who suggested the idea, and Anselmo was very pleased with the result, and he soon got his wish.Camilla is also very happy to have Anselmo as her husband and has always thanked God and Lotario for such good luck.The wedding was lively.In the first few days, Lotario, as usual, often visited Anselmo's house, and did his best to add some excitement to Anselmo.But after the wedding, the number of people who came to congratulate gradually decreased, and Lotario did not go to Anselmo's house very often.He felt, as all prudent people would think, that one should stop going to a married friend's house as often as one did when they were single.He felt that although their friendship was sincere, it should not arouse any suspicion.Married people's reputation is very important.Misunderstandings can happen even between brothers, let alone between friends.

Anselmo, noticing that Lotario was alienating him, complained to Lotario that he would not have married if he had known that marriage would hinder the intercourse between the two of them.He also said that when he was single, the two were so close that they earned the moniker "Two Friends," which he didn't want to lose just out of caution.If the word "request" could be used between them, he asked Lotario to treat this house as his own as before, and come and go as he pleased.He also assured Lotario that his wife, Camilla, agreed with him, and that she knew the two of them had a good friendship before, and she was puzzled to see Lotario avoiding them.

Anselmo persuaded Lotario to go to his house as often as before.Lotario agreed with restraint, and Anselmo thanked his friend for his kindness.The two agreed that Lotario would go twice a week, plus holidays, to have dinner at Anselmo's.Although the two had agreed in this way, Lotario still said that for the sake of his friend, he was nothing more than that.He values ​​his friends' reputations more than his own.He was right, since there is a wife in the house, the friends who come to the house must be chosen carefully, even the girlfriends of the wife, because there are some things that are inconvenient to do in squares, churches, public festivals, or private prayers. , but it can be done at the home of the most trusted friend or relative.Of course, the husband should not blindly prohibit his wife from going to those public places.

Lotario also said that every married person needs a friend who can point out his lapses in behavior.Because the husband often loves his wife too much, or he himself is not aware of this, and he is afraid that his wife will be angry, so he will not tell her what to do and what not to do; things to blame.If a friend reminds you, you can prevent it in time.But who could find such a wise and faithful confidant as Lotario demanded?I really don't know.Only Lotario could be called such a person.He was concerned about his friend's reputation, and even when he went to a friend's house on the appointed day, he kept the time there as short as possible.He knew he had some advantages, and it must have seemed interesting to some loafing, ulterior motives that a young man so rich, handsome, and of high birth should be in and out of the home of a woman as pretty as Camilla. thing.Although he had the character to defy malicious slander, he didn't want people to cast doubt on his own credibility or that of his friends.Therefore, he was often busy with other seemingly inescapable things on the day he had agreed to go to the Anselmo's.In this way, one person kept complaining, and the other made excuses to avoid it, and it passed for a long time.One day, when they were walking on the meadows outside the town, Anselmo said the following to Lotario:

"My friend Lotario, you think that God has blessed me with such parents, who have a lot of money, who have given me wealth, and people call me born rich, so I will be grateful. In fact, I And you as my friend and Camilla as my wife. I value those two treasures too. Other people would be delighted to have them, but I am miserable, the most depressed in the world People. I don’t know when it started. There is always a weird idea that is beyond common sense that bothers me. Speak up, it seems like I have to get this thought out, let everyone know, and it should. I want it buried deep inside of you, I believe that's the only way, plus you As my true friend, you can help me and free me from this pain quickly. My madness brings me melancholy, and your concern will definitely bring me happiness.”

Lotario was baffled by Anselmo's words, and did not know what Anselmo's long opening remarks really meant.He tried to guess what it was that made his friend feel so cramped, but it didn't make any sense.Lotario didn't want to rack his brains to speculate anymore, and told Anselmo that it would be a blatant insult to the deep friendship between them to talk about his inner secrets like this.He promised to persuade Anselmo to relieve his troubles, or to help him realize his ideas. "Indeed," said Anselmo, "it is out of trust that I tell you, my friend Lotario, that the idea that has always puzzled me is that I wonder if my wife, Camilla, is like me. as kind and perfect as she is. I can't be sure of that without proof of her good character, like gold in a fire. Oh my friend, I don't think a woman is a woman just by whether she is pursued or not. The perfect woman. Only a woman who does not give in under the promises, gifts, tears and constant harassment of her suitors is considered a strong woman.

"What is a woman to be thankful for being good if she has no one to tempt her into being bad?" said Anselmo, "if she has no opportunity to indulge herself and she knows her husband will would kill her, so what is she to do if she stays reclusive and keeps her own life? So I despise women who are honest out of fear or because they don't have a chance, and I despise women who are pursued and overcome. A woman who is pursued. For these reasons and others, I can tell you, in order to further illustrate my thoughts, that I want my wife Camilla to undergo this test, to be exercised in the fire of being courted, And she has to find someone who is qualified to test her will. If she can stand the test as I think, I will consider myself very lucky, and I can say that my guess was wrong and I was lucky to get A strong woman, as the saints say, where can one find such a person. But if it turns out to be the opposite of what I expected, I am also glad that my guess is confirmed. Although I have paid a heavy price for this ordeal I will never regret it. No matter what you say, I can't stop me from putting this idea into practice. What I need now, friend Lotario, is to let you act as a tool for me to realize this idea. I will give You create opportunities and other necessary conditions for you to pursue a decent, well-behaved, law-abiding, selfless woman.

"Also, I have entrusted you with such a difficult task. If Camilla is defeated by you, you don't really want to conquer her. You have to respect social customs and just pretend that you have conquered her. In this way, I I won’t be troubled by my thoughts anymore. As long as you don’t tell me, my embarrassment will never be known, and my thoughts will disappear forever. Therefore, if you want me to live a dignified life, start this process immediately Let’s fight this time, don’t be in a hurry, take your time. You should follow my idea, be anxious and hurry up, for the sake of our friendship, I believe you will do so.”

Lotario listened intently to Anselmo's speech.Except for the few interjections just now, he has been silent.After Anselmo had finished speaking, Lotario stared at him for a while longer, as if looking at something he had never seen before and which frightened him.He said: "My friend Anselmo, I still can't convince me that what you just said was not a joke. If I thought just now what you said was true, I wouldn't let you go on. If I don't listen, you will Not so eloquent. I have imagined, either you do not know me, or I do not know you. Of course I know you are Anselmo, and you know I am Lotario. Question Because I don't think you are the old Anselmo, and you probably don't think I am the old Lotario. What you just said is not like my friend Anselmo said, and you ask me You should not ask Lotario for the things you know. Good friends should trust each other, as a poet said, be open and aboveboard, and you should not use friendship to do things against God's will.

"If even a pagan can notice this aspect of friendship, shouldn't a Christian who knows that a holy friendship is to be maintained with all men do better? To satisfy a friend's request, then he is certainly not for small and temporary things, but only those things that affect the friend's reputation and life. Now tell me, Anselmo, which of these two things do you have? Threatened in such a way that I have to risk doing the immoral thing you asked me to do to satisfy you? Actually, you have nothing threatened. And I think, you are asking me to destroy you my reputation and my life, and my reputation and my life at the same time. For if I destroy your reputation, I also destroy your life. A man who loses his reputation is like a walking dead. If I am as you wish To serve as an instrument of your evil, and at the same time, I would be discredited, alive and dead? Listen, Anselmo friend, I want to share my thoughts on what you asked me to do , please listen to me patiently, and then I will listen to you when I have time." "I'm glad," said Anselmo, "you say what you want." Lotario continued: "Anselmo, I think your mind is now like that of the Moors. If you want the Moors to realize their mistakes, you can't rely on quoting from the Bible, thinking about reason or teaching creeds. , can only be understood by using obvious and unquestionable mathematical expressions. For example: "Two sides are equal, and then remove the same number of parts, and the remaining parts are still equal." If they still can't understand it, you have to Gestures or holding objects in front of their eyes. Even this does not convince them of the truth of our sacred beliefs. The same is true of you, because your ideas are too outrageous and outrageous. I want you to realize that you I am afraid that your stupidity is a waste of time. Now I can only say that you are stupid. I even want to let you go astray now and let you suffer for yourself. But I will not use this method to damage my friendship with you. Friendship does not allow me Let you take the risk of such a catastrophe. "To make it clear to you, Anselmo, please tell me that you don't want me to court a reclusive woman, court a decent woman, court a disinterested woman, court a well-behaved woman Courtesy? Yes, you told me. But when you know you have a reclusive, decent, selfless, disciplined wife, what do you want to do? When you know she won't be tempted by my offense, yes , she is definitely unimpressed, what credit do you want to give her other than the compliments you have for her? Maybe you don't see her as the kind of person you say, or you don't Know what you want, why are you testing her? If you think she's bad, then you can do whatever you want. If you think she's as good as you think, it's not a good idea to test her. Necessary, because at best it only proves what you think. So, in short, it might backfire. It's ill-considered recklessness. It's not a must , not only will there be no results, it can only be said to be a crazy performance. "The struggle is nothing but for God or for worldly things, or for both. God's are those saints who aspire to human beings to live an angelic life; worldly people are those who wade across rivers and endure Those who fight for so-called riches in cold and hot heat, far from human habitation; but those who are at the same time for God and for worldly things are brave warriors. Fearless, heedless of danger, driven by the will to defend his faith, nation, and king, he will bravely attack the sworn enemy they face. "These are the things that men generally seek, and the pursuit of it is a reputation, honor, and benefit in itself, though it is full of trouble and danger. But what you seek and implement will neither bring you the glory of God, It will not bring wealth and fame in the world. Because even if you achieve your goal, you will not be more proud, richer, or more glorious than you are now. If you do not achieve your goal, you will fall into great pain instead, Even if you think that your unhappiness does not help you if others do not know it, it is enough to make you miserable if you know it. To prove this, I want to read you a poem by the famous poet Luis Tanciello. His At the end of the first paragraph of "The Tears of St. Peter" it is written: It will be bright, Pedro Cho Pain and humiliation mount. Even though no one knows, He was sweating with shame, Although the heart is broad, the shame is hard to bear, Even if only heaven and earth know, Unavoidable embarrassment after all. -------- ①Luis Tancitta was an Italian poet in the 16th century. "Secrecy will not save you from pain, and you will weep incessantly, if not from your eyes, then from your heart, like the simple doctor our poet describes who drank from the magic cup. The astute Linaudos finally avoided this test after good persuasion. Although this is only a poet's invention, it contains a profound moral meaning, which is worthy of reference, consideration and study. I still want to say to you , you will immediately understand what a big mistake you have made. You say, Anselmo, if God and fate have given you a diamond of incomparable value, and this diamond is of such fineness that all diamonds that have seen it The merchants are satisfied, and everyone agrees that the weight, quality and carving level of this diamond have reached an unparalleled level, and you think so, but you want to put this diamond on the anvil and smash it with a hammer for no reason , to see if it is as hard and fine as people say, do you think it is reasonable to do so? Even if you do, the diamond has withstood such hammering, and it will not increase its value and reputation. If It was smashed, which is entirely possible, and that would be the end of it? The result would be that everyone thought the owner of the diamond was a fool. -------- ①According to medieval legends, drinking with a magic cup, if the wife is unfaithful, the wine will be poured out of the cup. "Think about it, Anselmo friend, Camilla is a precious diamond. It is unreasonable to expose her to the possibility of being broken. Because even if you can prove that she is clean, her reputation will not be affected. Increase. If she can't stand such a test, you think now, what will happen to you without her, how you will regret that you ruined yourself and ruined her. There is no jewel in the world like a chaste and decent woman More precious, and a woman's innocence consists in being held in good opinion of her. Why should you doubt the fact that you know your lady's reputation is good? You see, my friend, women are not perfect creatures, Barriers should not be erected for them, but should be removed for them, and all unfavorable factors in their path should be removed, and they should be perfected and become pure women. "Naturalists say that the stoat is a very white animal, and hunters take advantage of this when they want to hunt it. They know where the stoat passes, and they block that place with mud, and then put The ferrets drove to that place. Once there, the ferrets did not move, and would rather be caught than go through the mud and get dirty with their fur, which they valued more than freedom and life. It is also important. Innocent women are like ferrets, their conduct is purer than Baixue, those who do not want to lose her should protect her, and should not use the method of treating ferrets, and should not set up lovers out of nothing in front of her The muck of gifts and courtesies. She herself may or may not have been able to overcome these barriers, and it was necessary to remove them for her, and let her pure virtues do her good. "A virtuous woman is a shining mirror in itself, and it can be defiled by breathing on it. You should treat a woman of good character like a cultural relic, that is, only admire, not touch. You should protect a A garden full of flowers respects an innocent woman. The owner of the garden will not allow anyone to enter the garden to touch his flowers. He can only enjoy the fragrance and beauty of the flowers from a distance through the iron fence. I suddenly remembered a few lines of poetry, Missing you now. These lines are from a modern comedy, and I think they fit the title we're talking about. "A serious old man persuades another old man to take care of his daughter, and his reasoning is: Women are like glass, untestable Is it fragile because The consequences are hard to predict. broken easily, It's hard to fix. take risks, The wise are not desirable. so say I also hold this intention. If there were Danae in the world, There will be golden rain too. -------- ① Acrisius learned from the oracle that his daughter Danae would have a son who would kill him in the future, so he imprisoned her.But Zeus turned into a shower of gold, which impregnated Danae and gave birth to Perseus.Acrisius was killed by Perseus inadvertently throwing a discus at a tournament. "This is all about you, Anselmo. Now it's about me. Forgive me if it's a long story, but it's all about pulling you out of your maze. You treat me as It's the opposite of friendship to be a friend and try to discredit me. You not only want to discredit me, but you want me to discredit you. You want to discredit me, that's clear, because once Camilla finds out that I resemble you To be courted to her as I am required to do, would surely take me for an impudence. For what I am after and what I am doing is far beyond what friendship between me and you and I requires . "You want me to ruin your reputation, that's for sure. If Camilla found out that I was pursuing her, she would think that I thought she was a little frivolous, so she dared to express my evil thoughts. She regarded herself as If you are a frivolous person, that is to say you are regarded as a frivolous person, because she is yours, which is also an insult to you. This is the usual situation, although the husband does not know that the wife is cheating, and He didn't give his wife a chance to do something wrong, and it wasn't his negligence that caused misfortune, but people still called him a scumbag. Some people knew about his wife's behavior, but instead of looking at him with pity, they looked at him with contempt He, though they knew it was not the husband's fault, but the wife's infidelity that caused the misfortune. "But I want to tell you why it is said that the wife is cheating and the husband is ashamed, even if he doesn't know it, has no responsibility, doesn't participate, and doesn't let his wife do it. Don't listen to it, these words will eventually benefit you The "Bible" says that God created our ancestor Adam for us in the Garden of Eden, and let him sleep. When he was sleeping, he took a rib from his left side and used it to create our female ancestor Eve. Adam woke up and saw her, and said: "This is the flesh of my body, the bones of my body." God said: "A man will leave his parents for a woman, and the two will be united into one body." For this reason, form A holy marriage cannot be dissolved until death. "This miraculous marriage works so well that it unites two different persons into one. Even more so when two happily married persons have two souls but one will. So the wife and the husband have In oneness, a stain on the wife, or a mistake she makes, eventually spills over to the husband, although he did not cause the injury. It is like pain in the foot or any part of the body, which can be felt throughout the body the same, because they belong to the same body. The head can feel the pain of the ankle, although the pain of the head is not caused by the ankle. In the same way, the husband will be shamed for the infidelity of his wife, because they belong to one body. In the world All honors and disgraces originate in flesh and blood, and the honor and disgrace of a slutty woman belongs to this category, and must affect her husband in part. The wife is frivolous, and the husband is regarded as a shameless person even if he does not know it. "Anselmo, how dangerous it is for you to try to disturb the peace of your good wife; and how tedious it is for you to disturb the peace of mind of your good wife. You should note that you gain little by taking such risks. , I have lost a lot. I have to go with you, I have nothing more to say, but if what I have said is not enough to dispel your hateful thoughts, you can find another person who will make you look bad and make you I don't want to be a tool for adventure, even if I lose my friendship with you, and losing this friendship is naturally a great loss for me." The shrewd and honest Lotario fell silent at this point; Anselmo also lost himself in deep thought.After a long time, he could not answer a word. Finally, he said: "Friend Lotario, you have seen that I have listened carefully to what you said. From the principles, examples and metaphors you narrated, I have seen your care and your true feelings. I admit that if I don't follow what you said If I don't do what I want to do, but stick to my own way, I'll give up what I'm doing. But you'll have to forgive me for having one of those women's diseases now, of wanting to eat dirt and plaster and coal and other nonsense. That's disgusting enough to look at, let alone eat. You've got to try to get me well, and it's not going to be easy, it's up to you to show Camilla some courtesy, even if it's lukewarm and put on That's fine. She won't be so weak. She loses her morals as soon as you express something. Only in this way can I be satisfied, and you have fulfilled your friendship with me. In this way, you not only help me, but also keep me face. "You must do this for another reason, and that is that I have made up my mind to carry out this test. You will probably not allow me to tell others about this whim, because it may jeopardize the reputation you have tried so hard to maintain for me. As for you Your reputation may be affected in Camilla's mind when you pursue her, but that's all right. If you see her as unwavering as we imagined, you can immediately confirm our plot. Tell her so that your reputation will be restored. You will not risk much in doing so, and I am content. So, if it is any inconvenience, you must do it. As I said, it will only be done if you Start doing it, and it's over." Seeing that Anselmo had made up his mind, Lotario didn't know how to give him another example and reason with him so that he could change his mind.Seeing that Anselmo threatened to tell others about this ugly idea, he decided to comply with Anselmo's request, do as he said, so as not to cause greater misfortune, and finally got the matter done. It does not affect Camilla, but makes Anselmo happy.So Lotario told Anselmo not to tell others about his ideas, but he could be responsible for completing the matter and start it when he wanted.Anselmo hugged Lotario affectionately and thanked Lotario for his generosity, as if Lotario had done him some great favor.The two agreed to start the operation the next day.Anselmo will provide the place and time for Lotario and Camilla to have an opportunity to speak alone, and Anselmo will also provide Lotario with money and jewelry to be given to Camilla.Anselmo asked Lotario to play music for Camilla and write poems in her praise.Although Lotario agreed to both, the purpose was completely different from Anselmo's.After the two discussed it, they came to Anselmo's house. Camilla was anxiously waiting for her husband to return, because her husband returned later than usual that day. Lotario went home.Anselmo was full of joy thinking about his own affairs, while Lotario was thinking hard, not knowing how to deal with this strange thing.However, that night, he thought of a way to hide from Anselmo without hurting Camilla.The next day, Lotario went to Anselmo's house for dinner and was warmly received by Camilla.Camilla is very friendly to Lotario, and she knows that her husband has a lot of friendship with Lotario.After eating and clearing the table, Anselmo told Lotario that he had to go out in a hurry and would come back in about an hour and a half, and asked Lotario to stay with Camilla.Camilla told Anselmo not to leave, and Lotario expressed his willingness to accompany Anselmo to work together, but Anselmo refused to listen, and insisted that Lotario stay and wait for him to come back. There is an important matter to discuss with Lotario.He told Camilla again not to neglect Lotario until he came back.In fact, Anselmo was pretending that he must go out, and no one thought that it was a fake. Anselmo was gone, leaving only Camilla and Lotario at the table, while the rest of the family went to eat.Lotario is caught in a predicament arranged by his friend Anselmo, with his opponent in front of him.She was so beautiful that an army of knights in arms could be conquered by her beauty alone, so Lotario was rightly afraid.Lotario simply put his elbows on the arms of his chair and rested his face on his hands.Lotario asks Camilla to forgive him for looking so ugly, he wants to rest for a while before Anselmo returns.Camilla said he'd better go to the living room, and asked him to go to bed in the living room.Lotario didn't want to go, so he sat on a chair and slept until Anselmo returned.When Anselmo came back, he saw Camilla in his room and Lotario was sleeping, thinking that he had been away too long and they had finished talking, so they had time to sleep.Anselmo didn't know when Lotario would wake up, and wanted to go out with him and ask about the situation. Everything came true.Lotario woke up and the two went outside.Anselmo asks Lotario about the situation.Lotario replied that he didn't think it would be good to tell the whole story in the first place, so he just said some compliments to Camilla, saying that there was no one in the whole town as beautiful and intelligent as her.He felt that if he wanted to win her heart, he could only do this at first, and she would listen to what he said next time.This is what the devil does when he seduces those who are clean: he is the devil of darkness, but he pretends to be an angel of light, and puts on a benevolent face, and if the deception is not exposed, he finally reveals his true colors and succeeds in his plot .Anselmo was very happy about this, and said that he would give Lotario such an opportunity every day in the future, even if he didn't go out, he would be busy with other things at home, so that Camilla would not find out their plot. After many days, Lotario did not speak to Camilla, but told Anselmo that he had already talked to Camilla, but Camilla did not show any evil intentions, and did not give him any obscenity. On the contrary, he threatened to tell his husband if he did not give up his sinful thoughts. "Very good." Anselmo said, "Camilla has not been moved by sweet words. Now it's time to see if she can resist the temptation of material things. Tomorrow I will give you two thousand gold shields, and you will give them to her. I I will give you this much money, and you can buy some jewelry as bait. Women like jewelry, even if they are serious, they like to be surrounded by pearls and emeralds, wearing red and green, especially for beautiful women. If Camilla can resist If I resist this temptation, I will rest assured that I will not bother you again in the future." Lotario said that now that the matter had begun, he was ready to finish it, although he knew it would be exhausting and futile in the end.The next day, Lotario got the four thousand gold shield, but at the same time he also got endless troubles, and he didn't know how to continue lying.In fact, he had already decided to tell Anselmo that Camilla was as unmoved by generous gifts as she was by sweet words, so there was no need to bother and waste any more time. But there are branches outside the festival.This time Anselmo left Lotario and Camilla alone as before, while he hid in another room and watched what they were doing and saying through the keyhole.Anselmo found that Lotario hadn't said a word to Camilla for more than half an hour, and he would not say anything even if he waited another hundred years.Only then did Anselmo realize that what Lotario said about Camilla was a lie.In order to find out the truth, he went out of the room, called Lotario, and asked him what news he had and how Camilla was doing.Lotario replied that the matter had not progressed, because Camilla had answered so sharply that he had not the courage to say anything more to her. "Ah, Lotario, Lotario," said Anselmo, "you have betrayed my confidence in you. I have been watching you through this keyhole, and have seen you say nothing to Camilla. From this I can imagine that you didn't say anything the previous few times. If that's the case, and it must be the case, then why do you lie to me, or rather, why do you play tricks to keep me from getting what I want? " Anselmo didn't say anything more, but these words were enough to embarrass Lotario.He felt ashamed to be caught lying.He assured Anselmo that in the future, he would satisfy Anselmo and would not lie to Anselmo again.Anselmo might as well observe secretly to be sure of this.Now there was no need to pay any attention, because only by satisfying Anselmo could he be cleared.Anselmo was convinced, and in order to make things go smoothly without any deviation, Anselmo decided to leave home for eight days to go to a friend's house in a village not far from the city.He made a pact with a friend that the friend would send for him, so that he would have an excuse to leave Camilla. Stupid and unfortunate Anselmo, what are you doing!What on earth do you want to do?What are you planning?You can't get along with yourself, and you plan to make you lose face and make you fall!Your wife Camilla is a good person, and you could have had her in peace, with no one to disturb your enjoyment.Her heart has never flown out of this home, you are her closest person, her love, you make her happy, you are the measure of her will, let her everything only conform to your wish and God's will .Her treasures of fame, beauty, integrity and poise let you effortlessly get everything you already have and can count on, why would you risk cave-ins, digging up the land, re-finding new formations and not What about the baby that exists?All of her is built on the weak foundation of her effeminate nature.You are looking for the impossible, and of course there is no possibility of finding it.A poet said it well: I turn to death for life, I ask sickness for fitness, I beg freedom from confinement, I seek loyalty from rebellion. I don't beg luck, Fate is in control, I seek nothing but nothing, What should have been gained was lost. The next day, Anselmo went to his friend's village.临走前他对卡米拉说,他不在家的这段时间里,洛塔里奥来帮助照看家,并且同她一起吃饭,让卡米拉像对待自己一样对待洛塔里奥。卡米拉是个聪明正派的人,她对丈夫的吩咐感到难过,对丈夫说,他不在家的时候,最好谁也别来。如果他这么做是因为担心妻子管不好家的话,这次不妨试一试,就会知道她做这种事完全是绰绰有余的。安塞尔莫说他愿意这样,她应该做的就是俯首听命。卡米拉说,虽然她不情愿,也只好遵命照办。 安塞尔莫走了。第二天,洛塔里奥来到安塞尔莫家,受到了卡米拉亲热而又得体的招待。不过,两个人从来都没有单独在一起,卡米拉周围总是有男女佣人,特别是总有一个叫莱昂内拉的女佣在身旁。她是在卡米拉家长大的,卡米拉很喜欢她,结婚时就把她带了过来。开头三天,洛塔里奥没有同卡米拉说任何话,虽然用餐完毕后他们有机会说话,当时佣人们正在匆忙吃饭,这也是卡米拉吩咐的。卡米拉还吩咐莱昂内拉先吃饭,而且一直不离自己左右。可是莱昂内拉想着自己的事,要做她自己喜欢的事情,并不是每次都按女主人的吩咐去做。相反,她常常撇下洛塔里奥和卡米拉单独在一起,仿佛这才是卡米拉吩咐她的。然而卡米拉正襟危坐,表情严肃,举止稳重,使得洛塔里奥欲言又止。 卡米拉的端庄举止使洛塔里奥沉默不语,但也给两人带来了不利的后果。嘴可以不张,头脑却在动,眼睛也可以仔细看。品貌皆优的卡米拉,就是石头人见了也会爱上的,更何况一颗肉长的心呢。洛塔里奥本来应该同卡米拉说话,可这段时间一直看着卡米拉,觉得她真值得爱。这个想法慢慢侵蚀了他对安塞尔莫的忠诚。无数次,他想逃离这个城市,到一个安塞尔莫永远也看不到他,他也永远看不到卡米拉的地方去。他奋力摒弃和遏止看见卡米拉时产生的那种快感。他暗暗责备自己胡思乱想,称自己不是个好朋友,甚至不是个好基督徒。他把自己同安塞尔莫的情况做了比较,得出了结论:这是由于安塞尔莫的疯狂和信任,主要不是自己的不忠诚造成的,无论对上帝还是对普通人,他都可以为自己的想法开脱,也不必害怕因为自己的罪恶而受到惩罚。 实际上,卡米拉的相貌和品德,再加上她的无知丈夫创造的机会,已经摧垮了洛塔里奥的思想意志。他一直看着他喜欢看的东西。在安塞尔莫走了三天以后,他开始向卡米拉传情,他的话情意绵绵,让人心乱,使得卡米拉不知所措,只好起身回到自己的房间里去,不同洛塔里奥说任何话。然而,洛塔里奥对卡米拉的相思并没有因为卡米拉的冷淡而破灭,他反而更喜欢她了。卡米拉想不到洛塔里奥会是这个样子,不知如何是好,觉得不能再让洛塔里奥胡说八道了,便决定连夜派一个佣人给安塞尔莫带去一封信。信见下文。
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