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don quixote

don quixote


  • foreign novel

  • 1970-01-01Published
  • 582937

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Chapter 1 translation preface

don quixote 塞万提斯·萨维德拉 1340Words 2018-03-21
When Dostoevsky commented on Cervantes, he said: "At the end of the earth, ask people: 'Do you understand your life on earth? How do you sum up this life?' At that time , people can pass it over silently and say, 'This is how I sum up my life. Can you blame me for that?'" It describes a seemingly absurd knight, but it is not just a novel that satirizes knight literature.It is very different from other literary works.From the perspective of creative techniques, its own duality, or its various strong contrasts, may explain this point.The protagonist is a crazy man who ignores social reality and dreams day and night to restore chivalry; but as described in the book, as long as chivalry is not involved, he is very sober and wise, and he can often praise and criticize the current disadvantages with a long-term perspective, and express a lot. Subtle to reason.

Some writers commented that in this book, Cervantes gave full play to the human imagination and fabricated all kinds of unconventional adventures.But the book almost adopts a documentary approach to describe real events in history. The Battle of Lepanto introduced in the book is a very famous battle in the history of the world. At that time, Spain and Venice formed a "Holy Alliance". The extremely fierce battle defeated the Turks' sea power, thus leaving a glorious page in history.After reading the entire book, readers can easily think of which parts of the book are a true portrayal of a certain period of the author's life if they look at the "Biography of Cervantes" at the back of the book.In addition, the author also uses the mouth of the so-called historian Sid Hamed Benenheli to repeatedly claim to the readers that some of the things he wrote are well-founded.

Don Quixote was brave enough to do his best, but the result was full of ugly appearances, which made people laugh. In the end, he was defeated and returned to his hometown, and he didn't repent until he died.This seems to be a comedy, but it is more like a tragedy.Whether it is joy or sorrow, readers can draw their own conclusions.However, the translator believes that it is just like what people say, that all jokes and curses are articles, and people will definitely appreciate its profoundness from the ups and downs of the storyline. Cervantes was one of several important writers influenced by Renaissance humanism.At the same time, Cervantes' writings had an impact on some later famous writers.Defoe once proudly said that Robinson had a kind of Don Quixote spirit; Fielding once wrote a comedy called "Don Quixote in England"; Dostoevsky said that if you want to To understand his "Idiot", you must read it first; Faulkner even read it every year, claiming that it is "like others read the Bible".

The author, Cervantes, had an ill-fated life and a rough life. He worked as a soldier, a quartermaster, and a tax collector. He spent many years as a captive and was framed and imprisoned several times.Even the novel is said to have begun in prison.In the end, the author ended up in a grave without knowing his whereabouts, which makes people feel a kind of miserable wind and rain. Cervantes jokingly said in the second volume of his dedication "To Count Lemus" that the emperor of China hoped that he would send Don Quixote to China.The translator thinks this expresses the author's desire to spread his work to the whole world.In the minds of Westerners, China is the most distant place, and being able to spread to China means that it has spread to the whole world.The author is gratified that his universally recognized immortal masterpiece has been the most well-known Spanish literary work in China so far.

Thanks to the leaders of Lijiang Publishing House and Mr. Wu Yukang for his enthusiastic encouragement, I have the courage to undertake the important task of translating this book, and I have created an opportunity for readers to understand this book.To Duke Béhar Marquis of Shivra León, Count of Benalcazar-Bañares, Viscount of Alcocel, and lords of the towns of Capilla, Curiel, and Burgillos.Your Excellency Kuidu pays close attention to excellent art, pays close attention to all kinds of scriptures, and especially loves elegant and refined works. I don't take the liberty to honor your great name and publish it.I respectfully ask for your shelter, so that this book can be published boldly.Even if it lacks the exquisite binding and profound knowledge of the masterpieces of literati and refined scholars, it can still be picky despite its superficiality.I would like to tell your Excellency that I am sincere and live up to my earnest wish.

Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra
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