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Chapter 106 story four

Decameron 乔万尼·薄伽丘 4613Words 2018-03-21
Mr. Jindi's favorite fell ill, and her family thought she was dead, so they buried her.Fortunately, Jindi saved her life and allowed her to give birth to a child, and then the mother and child returned to her husband's house. The young masters and ladies all felt that it was a miracle that there are people in the world who are so generous that they would spare their own lives, so they all agreed that Nathan's generosity surpassed that of the King of Spain and the abbot of Cluny.The King, when they had finished talking at length, glanced at Laurida, and beckoned her to go on; and Laurida immediately began:

The things just told, young ladies, are so grand and noble that I don't think we can tell any other tales of generosity so beautiful as these; Some love stories, because any kind of subject matter, as long as there is love in it, there is nothing to worry about.For these reasons, and also because stories of love and romance are especially agreeable to people of our age, I will tell a story of the generosity of a lover, which in no way is much better than what has just been told. This one is inferior, because in order to get a person he likes, he will not hesitate to donate money, eliminate grudges and resolve grievances, and even go through fire and water, sacrificing his life and reputation.

In the famous city of Bologna, on the plains of Lombardy, there lived once upon a time a young gentleman named Monsieur Gindy Calisanti, of noble birth and virtue.He fell in love with Katharina, the wife of Niccoluccio Kasimiko, but it was a pity that the lady was merciless to him. At this time, he happened to be appointed as the governor of Modena, and he went to the post with a disappointed heart. went. Not long after, Niccoluccio left Bologna, and his wife, who was pregnant at this time, went to live in a country house about ten miles away from the city. Suddenly, she fell ill and seemed to die. They say she's dead.Her closest relatives only said that not long ago, she had heard from her herself that she was pregnant, and that the child in her belly was probably not yet full-term; grave.Kindy heard this at once from a friend; and though he had never had the slightest favor from the lady, he was greatly distressed, and at last thought to himself:

"Mrs. Katharina, you have passed away now! Before you were alive, I didn't even have the blessing to have you look at me. Now that you are dead, I can't help but whether you are willing or not. I must kiss you." few times." Having said that, when it was dark, he quietly took a trusted servant, quietly rode a horse, and drove along the way to the lady's tomb, immediately opened the door of the tomb, climbed in and lay next to the lady's body, His face was pressed against hers, and he kissed and kissed her crying.We need to know that people’s desires are endless. When one desire is satisfied, another desire will sprout again, especially the love between children.Let's say that Mr. Jindi was about to walk away when he suddenly had another thought:

"Ouch! Since I've come so far, why don't I touch her breasts before leaving? I've never touched them before. I won't touch them again." Dominated by this desire, he reached out to touch her chest and held her breasts. After a while, he felt her heart was still beating slightly.At this time, he got rid of all fears, touched her carefully for a while, and concluded that she was not dead, and there was still a trace of yang energy that was about to be broken, so he asked his servant to help her gently lift her from the grave out, put on the horse, and he himself sat behind her and put his arms around her, and was quietly transported to his own home in Bologna.There was also a mother in his family, who was a kind and virtuous old lady. Hearing her son's story, she couldn't help feeling compassionate. She immediately took a hot bath for her and lit a stove to keep her warm. Not long after, Katharina woke up leisurely, sighed, and asked:

"Oh? Where am I?" The old lady replied: "Don't worry, you are in a safe place." Katharina pulled herself together and looked round, not knowing where she was, but seeing Mr. Kindy standing before her, she was greatly surprised, and asked his old mother how she had come to be here. .Mr. Kindy told her the whole story.She couldn't help crying, and then thanked him repeatedly, and begged him to remember his love for her in the past, and in accordance with his gentlemanly benevolence, never let her encounter anything in his house that would damage her own reputation and her own. For the matter of her husband's reputation, please send her home as soon as dawn.

Mr. Kindy said: "Madame, no matter what I thought of you before, from now on and from now on, whether here or elsewhere, I only treat you as a sister, because Domon God loves you, only because I love you, so that I can bring you back to life. But I did something for you last night, and I deserve some reward from you, so I want to ask you for mercy, I hope you don’t refuse." Katharina replied graciously that she would grant him whatever he wanted, if she could do it without damaging her reputation. Kindi said: "Madam, all your relatives and friends, as well as anyone in Bologna, have concluded that you are dead, and no one in your family is waiting for you to go back. So I ask you to stay here temporarily with my mother." Live together and keep it secret from outsiders. It won't take long when I return from my trip to Modena. The only reason I'm asking you is because I want to invite all the famous people in this city. , in front of them, solemnly return this priceless treasure of yours to your husband."

She knew that she owed Mr. Kindy, and thought that his request was very decent, so although she wished that her relatives and friends would be happy to hear that she was still alive, she had no choice but to agree.Unexpectedly, before she finished speaking, she suddenly felt a pain in her stomach, presumably she was about to give birth; thanks to Jindi's mother taking good care of her, a beautiful boy was born, Jindi and herself were overjoyed.Jindi also ordered the family members to do everything the pregnant woman needed, and ordered to serve her carefully and treat her as the housewife of the house; after finishing the order, he quietly went back to Modena.

When his term of office expired and he was about to return to Bologna, he ordered his family to hold some decent banquets on the morning of his arrival, and all the nobles in the city were invited, including Nicoloccio. inside.When he got home and dismounted, he saw many people waiting for him, including Katharina, who was stronger and more beautiful than before, and the newborn baby was very lively and lovely.Jin Di was really overjoyed. He invited the guests to take their seats, and then ordered the banquet to begin. All the delicacies served were rare and expensive.When he was about to finish eating, he followed the steps discussed with Katharina in advance, and began to say:

"Gentlemen, I have heard that there is a custom in Persia, which is quite interesting. It is said that whenever a person wants to pay high respect to a friend of his, he invites that friend to his house and takes out his most precious Show him something. Whether it's your wife, mistress, daughter, or any other beloved thing, and when you take out such a beloved thing, say something to that friend , if he could, he would really like to dig out his own heart too. "Don't give up, everyone, come to the house and have a chat. I also intend to imitate this Persian custom in Bologna, and take one of the most precious items I have, perhaps a rare treasure, for sale. Come out for you to watch. But before I do so, I have a difficult problem to ask you first--if a loyal and kind servant in a certain family suddenly falls ill, the master will not wait for the sick person to die He was thrown on the high road, and no further questioning was given to him. Then a stranger passed by, took pity on the sick man, and took him back to his own home, and spent all his efforts and money to bring him back to life, healthy as usual, then, I I would like to ask, if the stranger keeps the servant, can the original master blame him? If the original master asks him to return the servant but he refuses, can the original master blame him? Can you blame him?"

The guests deliberated for a while, reached a consensus, and entrusted Nicoroccio to answer this question, because he was a very eloquent orator.Niccoloccio, after praising this Persian custom, said that he agreed with all that the original master had no right to ask the servant back, because he had been there when the servant was in danger.Not only did he abandon him, but he was also thrown outside. Thanks to the kindness of the second master who saved him and brought him back to life, he should be awarded to the second master justifiably, so that the first master is not wronged. , and did not violate his rights. Not a few persons of high rank and status present here agreed with Nicoloccio; Kindi, pleased with this answer, immediately declared that he also agreed with it, saying: "Then, I will now pay my respects to all of you according to the promise I made just now." So saying, he sent two servants to the lady, who had been dressed up in advance, and asked her to come out as soon as possible, so as to make the guests extra happy.She carried the beautiful baby in her arms, accompanied by two male servants, and went to the banquet hall, where she sat next to a gentleman of high status according to Kindy's wishes.I only heard Jindi say: "Gentlemen, this is the treasure I value above all treasures. I wonder if you think I am right?" All the guests praised the lady, saying that Jin Di should regard her as a treasure, and then looked at her carefully.Many people here can recognize who she is, but because they thought she was dead earlier, they dare not recognize her.Nicoroccio looked at her very carefully, his heart was on fire, eager to find out who she was, and while Kindie was walking away for a while, he couldn't help asking if she was from Bologna. , or outsiders.When Madam heard her husband's question, she almost couldn't help answering him, but because she had an appointment with Jin Di, she didn't make a sound.She was asked again if the baby was hers; and if she was Mrs. Kindy's wife or any relation to him; but she gave no answer.After a while, Mr. Kindie came, and a guest said to him: "Sir, your lady is certainly very beautiful, but it's a pity that she seems to be dumb, isn't she?" He said: "Gentlemen, her silence for a moment is a testament to her virtue." The guest said, "Then, please tell me who she is." Jin Di said: "I am very happy, as long as you agree, no matter what I say, no one is allowed to leave the seat, and you have to listen to me until the end of this story." They all agreed to do so, and the table was removed, and Kindy sat down beside the lady, and said: "Gentlemen, this lady is the faithful servant whom I have just asked you about. Her relatives did not think highly of her, and threw her in the street like a waste. I kept her and exhausted her My heart rescued her from the grasp of death. I thank God for my sincerity, so that I did not waste my efforts and turned her from a terrible corpse into a living beauty. In order to make you understand me better How did I get this good luck, I am now going to briefly tell you about the process of this incident." So, he started from the fact that he fell in love with this lady, and explained the process in detail, and the guests were greatly surprised when they heard it.He went on to say: "From this point of view, if you (especially Mr. Nikolocho) have not changed your mind just now, then this lady is rightfully mine, and there is no reason for anyone to take her back from me." Everyone listened After saying this, he was speechless, just waiting quietly to see what else he had to say.Nicoroccio and his wife, as well as some of the people present, were so moved that they wept.Then Gindy stood up, took the baby in one arm, and took the lady's hand with the other, went up to Nicolocho, and said: "Please stand up, my in-laws; I am not returning your wife to you now, because your family has buried her in the loess, I just want to give you this lady, my in-laws, And her this baby is also given to you, I believe he is your blood, I have baptized him in my arms, and named him Jindi; , less love to her; and I swear to you by God, she lived with my mother, and I believe she lived with her own parents, or with you. However, God made me fall in love with her, probably because he wanted me to save her life." Then, turning to the lady again, he said: "Ma'am, from now on, I cancel all your promises to me and let you go back to Nikolocho's house." After saying that, he handed her mother and child to Nikolocho, and returned to his seat .Niccoloqiu hurriedly took her mother and son over; he had never had a glimmer of hope, how could he not be overjoyed now that the blessing came from heaven?So he thanked Jindi again and again, and he didn't know how many words of gratitude he said.There was not one among the guests who was not moved to tears, and praised Kindie's virtues--indeed, there was not one who heard the story who did not praise him.When the lady's family saw her return, they received her with great joy; when all the people in Bologna saw her, they looked at her in amazement, as if they regarded her as a reborn person.Henceforth.Mr. Kindi has always been a good friend of Nicoroccio, and has become good friends with his family and the wife's family. Gentle ladies, what more can I say?Just think of it, the king of Spain gave the knights the king's scepter and the crown, the abbot reconciled a wicked man with the pope without asking him to sacrifice himself; Cut - which one of these things can be compared with this one?Jin Di is young and enthusiastic; when others are careless for a while, he throws away a treasure. He picked it up with his own luck. His desire is admirable, and he generously returned to the owner a treasure that he had longed for for a long time and tried his best to get it, so I feel that the few generosity stories I just told cannot be compared with this one. A par.
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