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Chapter 76 story seven

Decameron 乔万尼·薄伽丘 3693Words 2018-03-21
Beatrice tricked her husband into going into the garden in her own clothes, in order to take advantage of the opportunity to amuse her lover, and then made the lover go into the garden and beat him up. When they heard the story told by Pambinia, they all praised Isabella's quick wit; and while they were admiring, Philomena, following the king's orders, went on to tell another story: Now, my dear ladies, I shall tell a story of the same nature, which I think, if I am not mistaken, is as good as the previous one.You know that there once lived a Florentine merchant in Paris.He was originally a gentleman, but he changed his career to business because of poverty. Later, he succeeded in business and made a fortune.He had only one single son named Lodovico.This kid liked his father's original noble family status, but he had no intention of doing business, so his father didn't let him get involved in business matters, but asked him to make friends with the dignitaries under the King of France, and follow a group of gentlemen in the court of the King of France and so he learned a great deal of manners, and all sorts of other things of refinement.

One day when Lodovico was at court, he was judging the beauties of England and France with several other young princes, when some knights were returning from a pilgrimage to the Holy Land in the East.When they were talking, a knight said that he had traveled many places and seen many beauties in the world, but he had never seen a woman comparable to Aegano de la Bologna. Garuch's wife, Beatrice.His companions who had been to Bologna with him thought he was right. Lodovik, who until now had never been in love with any woman, was so blazing with enthusiasm at these words that he only wanted to see the lady, and forgot everything else.He made up his mind to go to Bologna, see if the beauty was to his liking, and if so, stay there for a while.So he pretended in front of his father that he was going to worship the Holy Land, and finally got his father's permission.

He came to Bologna under the pseudonym Anicino.It was also a good match from heaven. On the second day after arriving there, I met that lady at a banquet, and felt that her delicate face was more beautiful than I imagined.He could not help falling in love at first sight, and made up his mind that he would never leave Bologna until he had won her love.He thought about it and thought of many ways, but he didn't know which one was the best. In the end, he felt that all the ways were bad. Take the opportunity to get close to his sweetheart.So he sold the horses; and arranged the servants who accompanied him one by one, and told them to pretend that they did not know him.He also discussed with the owner of the store, saying that he wanted to find a rich and noble family to be his servant, but he wondered if he could find it.The owner of the inn said: "There is a gentleman in this city, named Agano, who has kept many servants. He carefully selected them all. They are all good-looking. A look like yours will definitely make him happy. I I can go and talk to him for you."

The owner of the inn really did what he said, and he recommended it to Egano for him, and it was done as soon as he said it; Anicino was very happy to be a servant in front of Agano, because he often had the opportunity to see his wife from now on; Treating Ai Gannuo was able to win his favor and get his attention. In the end, Ai Gannuo not only entrusted him with his own affairs, but also entrusted all housework to him. One day, Egano went out to herd eagles, and Anicino played chess with his wife at home.Although the lady hadn't noticed his sincerity at this time, seeing that he was a good-looking man, she had already valued him and liked him very much.In order to please her, Anicino deliberately lost the chess game to her, and she was really happy.Soon, all the maids watching the game left, and only the two of them were left facing each other; Anicino let out a long sigh.The lady looked at him and said:

"What's the matter, Anicino? Are you sorry that you lost to me?" Anicino replied: "Ma'am, that's not why I sighed. I have bigger things on my mind." The lady said: "If you have a little affection for me, please speak out your thoughts." When Anicino heard that his most beloved lady actually said to him "if you have a little affection for me", he sighed again, heavier than the previous one.Madam asked him to tell the reason for his sigh. "Madame," said Anicino, "I'm afraid that if I say it, you will be unhappy, and I'm afraid you will tell others." The lady replied, "I will never be unhappy; Whatever you say to me, I won't tell anyone else unless you let me say it."

Anicino said: "Since Madam has promised me this, I will tell you the truth." So with tears in his eyes, he told his wife his real name, how he heard her name, how he fell in love with her, and why he came to serve as her husband's servant; Madam takes pity on him; comforts his infatuation; if she can't agree, then don't expose his identity, just let him continue his unrequited love. Oh, what marvelous tenderness is in the blood of the Peronian women!How much praise you deserve on these occasions!You have never been hard-hearted enough to see people cry and sigh, and you can't stand your enemies' repeated pleadings, so you are willing to pay their romantic debts!It's a pity that I can't think of any suitable words to praise you, otherwise I will praise you a thousand times, ten thousand times, and I won't get tired of it!

When Anicino expressed his heartfelt feelings, the lady kept her eyes fixed on his face, believing that he was telling the truth.How could she stand up to his wailing and begging, her heart had already softened, and she couldn't help but sighed repeatedly: "Dear An Echino, please relax your heart. I have met many dignitaries and dignitaries who have courted me, and there are still people who are courting me. No matter what gifts they give me, promise me so and so, No matter how hard you beg me, you can't move my heart, and I can't see any of them, but now after listening to your few words, my heart doesn't belong to me, but belongs to you in the blink of an eye. It's yours. I think, you have won my love completely, and I will definitely live up to you, so that you can enjoy the happiness of love tonight.

"You might as well come to my room at midnight tonight. I'll leave the door open. You know which side of the bed I sleep on; if I'm fast asleep, you come in and wake me up. I'll surely heal you Long-standing lovesickness. In order to convince you of my sincerity, I will give you a kiss right now." As she said that, she opened her arms to embrace him and kissed him passionately, and he returned her with the same enthusiasm.After the kiss Anicino left his lady and went to his own business.He was full of joy and waited for the night to come. Soon after Egano returned from falconry, he was very tired and went to bed after supper.His wife followed him into bed, and as promised, she left the door open.When the time came, Anicino walked into the room lightly and closed the door behind him.He walked to the side where his wife was sleeping, reached out and touched her chest, and found that she was not asleep.Immediately the madam stretched out both hands, grasping Anicino's hand tightly, and then kept turning over on the bed, waking her husband awake, and said to him:

"I had something to tell you this evening, but I didn't say it when I saw that you were tired. Really, Agano, I would like to ask you, which of your servants is the best and the most Reliable, most loyal to you? "Ma'am," Agano said, "why do you ask me this? Don't you know? The person I like and trust the most is Anicino, and there is no one in my staff who can match him. But why did you think of asking this?" Anicino heard that Egano had woken up, and heard that the couple were talking about himself. He was very frightened, lest his wife would play tricks on him, and wanted to fight back several times to escape.But the madam couldn't hold it, so he couldn't break free no matter what.

Only Madam said to Egannou: "Let me tell you why. I thought the same as you. I thought this man was more faithful to you than anyone else. Who would have thought that he would go out to release eagles while you were out today. He actually stayed at home and teased me shamelessly, which made me see through his behavior. In order to let you see the truth with your own eyes, so as not to only listen to one-sided words, I agreed to him at that time, and agreed tonight, I Wait for him in the garden under a pine tree. I certainly don't want to go; but if you want to see how faithful your squire is to you, put on my cloak and a veil, and come Go there to see if he has come, I guarantee he must be waiting there."

After hearing this, Agano immediately replied: "If there is such a thing, of course I must go!" After saying this, he got up and groped in the dark, put on his wife's coat and veil, and hurried to the place. Anicino was waiting under the big pine tree in the garden. As soon as the wife saw him walk out of the bedroom, she immediately got up and locked the door.That Anicino was already scared to death, trying to break free several times, cursing her and her hypocrisy in his heart, and cursing himself for not trusting her rhetoric so easily - now he understands It turned out that she had other motives for doing this. Who else in the world could be happier than him at this time?As soon as the madam got into bed, she urged him to take off his clothes and lie down with her, and they played happily for a while. At last, when she felt that he could not miss him any longer, she ordered him to get up and get dressed, and said to him: "My darling, you take a strong stick, go into the garden, just pretend that you are molesting me every day, just to test my heart, just treat Agano as me, call him a bloody sprinkler, and then It would be nice to hit him on the back with a stick and make us happy." Sure enough, Anicino took a poplar stick and went into the garden. Seeing him approaching the pine tree, Egano was about to go up to meet him pretending to be happy, but Anicino yelled at him. road: "You despicable woman, I didn't expect you to come! Do you really think that I would do such a disrespectful thing to my lord? You slut who deserves to die!" He scolded and said He raised his stick and hit him. Hearing this and seeing him holding the stick again, Agannuo had no choice but to run away with his head in his arms.But An Echino was still chasing after him, cursing while chasing: "You shameless stinky woman, God will not spare you! I must tell Egano tomorrow morning!" Egano was beaten and fled back to the bedroom in a panic. His wife asked him if Anicino had gone into the garden, and he said: "It would have been better if he hadn't gone! He mistook me for you, and beat me with a stick, almost turning me into a meatloaf, and scolded all the things he had always called bad women. I thought It's strange, how could he come to tease you and deliberately want to lose my face? Now I understand, he probably saw you laughing and joking all day long, so he deliberately tried your heart." Then his wife said: "Thank God, he tempted me with words, but he used actions against you! I think he must think that you are not as capable of accepting his actions as I am accepting his words. Since he treats you like this Loyalty, you must value him and praise him a lot.” Agano said: "Of course, you are absolutely right." After this experiment, Agano thought he had the most loyal wife and a reliable attendant that no gentleman in the world could have.Later, the couple and Anicino made fun of what happened that night countless times, and since then it has become more convenient for lovers and mistresses to have fun—thanks to them coming up with this ingenious plan, otherwise it might not be as satisfactory up.Anicino has been serving as Agano's attendant in this way, never wanting to leave Bologna again.
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