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Chapter 75 story six

Decameron 乔万尼·薄伽丘 2325Words 2018-03-21
Isabella locked two lovers in the room one after another, and when her husband came back suddenly, she sent one lover out of the house with drawn sword, and she tricked her husband to escort the other home. Everyone was overjoyed when they heard Fiameta's story, and he said in unison that the lady had done a great job, and that unreasonable man deserved to be treated like that.When the story was over, the king bade Pambinia go on, and Pambinia began: How many people in the world talk ignorantly, thinking that love closes people's minds, and that anyone who falls in love will become a fool.I think this is all nonsense.From the stories we have heard, I can prove that I am right in saying this, and now I will give another example.

As you know, in our city full of good things, there used to be a beautiful woman of noble family who married a famous gentleman of noble status.The lady soon disliked her husband and fell in love with a young man named Leonardo.This is probably also human nature, just like eating a certain dish every day, you will feel bored after eating it for a long time, and you need to change the taste.Leonardo's appearance is amiable and personable, but his family background is not very noble, and he also fell in love with this lady.Generally, as long as the man and woman are in agreement with each other in this kind of matter, there will rarely be no results, so after a while, the man and woman finally got their wish.

It is also because this lady is too charming and charming, and there is another Lord Lambateqiu in this city who also takes a fancy to her, but she thinks that person's appearance is disgusting and his language is tasteless, so she is not tempted by him no matter what.The knight sent letters of courtship to her several times, in vain, until he did not hesitate to rely on his own power, and ordered her to be threatened that her reputation would be ruined if she did not consent to him.She knew that this man could do what he said, so she couldn't help being a little scared, so she reluctantly obeyed his will.

The lady's name is Isabella, and one day, she lived in a beautiful manor in the country in accordance with our local summer customs, while her husband rode to another place, and it was expected to be delayed for several days. , so she invited Leonardo to her.Leonardo readily attended the appointment. Unexpectedly, Lord Lambartchu, who heard that her husband had gone, also rode alone to her house and knocked on the door.At this time, she was locked in the room with Leonardo. Her maid opened the door and saw that it was Lambartchu, and immediately went to the bedroom to call the lady out.tell her:

"Ma'am, Lord Lambartchu has arrived alone and is downstairs." Madame was very disappointed when she heard this, but she was afraid of this man, so she begged Leonardo not to worry about it, but to hide behind the curtain for a while until Lambartchu left.Leonardo was afraid of the knight and had to hide.Only then did the madam order the maid to go down and open the door to let Lord Lambatechu come in.He dismounted in the yard, tied the horse to a stump, and entered the house.Madam greeted him at the stairs with a smile on her face, greeted him as cheerfully as she could, and asked him what he was doing here.He took her in his arms, kissed her, and said:

"My darling, I heard that your husband is away, and I have come here to keep you company." Having said this, the two went into the bedroom, locked the door, and Rambatchu began to make fun of her.At this moment, her husband came back unexpectedly.As soon as the maid saw the master coming, she rushed to the bedroom to report: "Ma'am, the master is back! I think he has entered the yard!" When the woman heard this, she was very anxious and thought: what should I do if there are two men locked up in the room?Especially the Lambart Hill.His horse was tied up in the yard, making it even more impossible to hide.At this moment, she only felt that her end had come.Fortunately, she was able to make a decisive decision, jumped out of bed immediately, and said to Lambartchu:

"My lord, if you still have the slightest sympathy for me and are willing to save my life, please listen to me. Quickly draw your sword, hold it in your hand, put on a fierce face, and rush downstairs, While shouting loudly: "I swear to God, no matter where he escapes, I will catch him!" If my husband stops you and asks you something, just say that, and don't say a word of anything else. You But don’t pay attention to him, just ride the horse and leave.” How could Lambatechu not agree?He drew his sword on the spot.He had done a job just now, and now he heard her husband come back, he was so angry, so his face turned red, and he did exactly what the lady said.At this time, the husband had already dismounted in the yard and was surprised when he saw Lambartchu's horse. Just as he was about to go up the stairs, he saw Lambartchu rushing down from the upstairs, with an angry face and strange words, and asked:

"What's the matter, sir?" Without answering a word, Lambatechu jumped on his horse and kept cursing, "Damn it, wherever he goes, I'll find him." Then he galloped away. The husband went into the house and saw his wife standing at the foot of the stairs, panic-stricken, and asked her: "What's going on here? Who is it that Mr. Lambartchu is so aggressive?" His wife took him into the bedroom and said to him (heard clearly by Leonardo hiding in the room): "Husband, I was really scared to death today. Just now a strange young man fled here, and Lord Lambartchu chased after him with a sword. When the young man saw my door open, he was all over the place. Trembling, begged me, "Madam, for God's sake save me, don't let me die in front of you!" Uncle Butcher has already rushed in, yelling: "You bastard, let's see where you are going!" I went to the door, stopped him, and refused to let him in. It's still polite, just like what you saw with your own eyes just now, let's go."

Her husband said: "Ma'am, you have done a good job with this matter. If someone kills someone and causes a murder in our house, don't you want people to gossip and speak badly about us--Uncle Lambartchou did it too." It's too outrageous, people hide here, but he still chases them in!" Then he asked where the young man was, and his wife replied: "I don't know where he hid." He called out, "Where are you? Come out, it's all right now." Leonardo listened to these words.So I walked out from the hiding place, and seeing him trembling all over, I was really scared to death (he was really scared in his heart).

The knight asked him: "Where did you offend Lord Lambartchu?" He replied: "I have no grievances or enmities with him. I have never met him before. This man must be out of his mind, or else he mistook me for someone else. He saw me on a street not far from my house. I drew out my sword and shouted, "Bad boy, I want your life!" I didn't dare to ask him why, so I just ran and came here. Thank God and this lady, I escaped with my life! " The husband said: "You don't have to be afraid anymore, I will send you back safely, all the way to your home, and then you can go and find out what's going on."

After supper he lent the young man a horse and took him home to Florence.Following his wife's instructions, the young man went to visit Lambatechu privately that night and explained to him.Although this incident caused a lot of gossip, the husband never realized that this was a trick played by his own wife.
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