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Chapter 57 story tenth

Decameron 乔万尼·薄伽丘 6702Words 2018-03-21
Peter went to a friend's house for dinner, and his wife took the opportunity to invite his lover.The two were having dinner when they heard Peter knocking on the door. She panicked and hid her lover under the chicken coop.Soon, the donkey in the stable trampled on the finger of the young man under the chicken coop, and he yelled, which revealed the matter.But Peter himself was not right, and he finally reconciled with his wife. When the queen had finished telling the story, everyone praised God for being so merciful that he gave Federigo what he deserved.Dionysus never needed orders, so he immediately went on to say:

Most of us like to make fun of other people's scandals, but we don't like to mention their good things.Especially when such scandals have nothing to do with us, we make fun of them even more.This may be because we just didn't care about it at the beginning, and after a long time, we finally developed this bad habit. Maybe it's because human beings are born with this bad habit. As for the reason, it's hard to say.Dear ladies, I used to tell stories to relieve your worries, and today I still tell stories for this purpose.Although this story seems inappropriate in some places, it can make you laugh for a while after all, so I will continue to tell it.But I think, just like you go into the garden and stretch out your delicate hands to pick the roses, picking only the flowers and not the thorns. When you hear this story, let the stupid man make a fool of himself, just watch how his wife makes a fool of herself. You guys have to laugh and show some sympathy for those unfortunate people.

It is said that not long ago, there lived a rich man in Perugia, named Pietro di Venciolo.He loves masculinity, and his reputation in the local area is very bad, so he married a wife, not for his own benefit, but to cover up other people's eyes and ears, so that his reputation can be slightly better.As God wished, he married a young girl with red hair who was full of energy, short and fat, and very coquettish.She needs at least two husbands to satisfy her, and now the man she met has other interests and doesn't care about her. After a long time, she saw this, and felt that she was so beautiful, just in the period of youth and full of vigor, how could she bear such indifference?Therefore, I can't help but often lose my temper, quarrel with my husband, and swear all kinds of vulgar words; it has become commonplace for couples to scold each other.Later, she saw that such arguing was useless, and she wasted her energy in vain, but she could not make her husband abandon his evil ways and return to righteousness.She thought to herself:

"You bastard, he left me to do that kind of thing. It's sailing on dry land and going astray. Why don't I find a new love and help another man? I marry him and bring him I paid a generous dowry, and I thought of him as a man, thinking that what a man likes to do, he is also happy, and can get along with me; if I had known that he could not fulfill the duties of a man, I would not have done it anyway. Willing to marry him. He knows I am a woman. If he doesn't like women, why would he marry me? This is really unreasonable. If I see through the world, why don't I become a nun? But I can't be extraordinary, but I have to wait for him Give me happiness, I think I can only wait for him all my life in vain. At that time, youth is gone forever, and there is only vain sadness and regret. Now that he has set an example for me, telling me to find my own fun, why not Why? I only blame him for not doing this, and I am completely justified. I just broke the law, and he not only broke the law, but also violated the law of heaven."

The young lady thought about this matter again and again, and decided to do it quietly.She met an old woman, a famous bustard, but she pretended to be pious, just like the saint Vatican who sacrificed her life to feed snakes, always went to church with a rosary in her hand to atone for her sins, and talked about the Pope Well, the trauma of St. Francis, so that she is almost taken for a saint.After dating for a while, the young lady felt that the time was ripe, so she confessed all her thoughts to her. The old woman said: "My daughter, God knows nothing about human affairs. He knows that you can do this. If you are just like other women, to cherish your youth and have no other purpose, then do it It is a matter of course. Anyone with a little sense of reason understands that the greatest sorrow in life is the wasted youth. Once we women are old, what use is there other than cooking? To tell you the truth, I am an experienced person. This is clearer than anyone else. I am an old woman now. When I think of my wasted youth, although I know that it is useless to regret, I always feel unspeakable grief. Although I did not completely live up to my youth (of course, you should not think that when I was young, I would so stupid), but so many wishes were not fulfilled back then. You see, now that I am so old and no one cares about me, it makes me sad to think about it!

"It's quite a different story with men. They're born for more than just one thing, and they're mostly more successful in old age than they were in their youth. Women are born for that, and they The advantage of a man is that he can do this, he can have boys and girls, and men love women for this. Apart from other things, you just need to understand this: women can do this at any time, but men can't do it Yes. A woman can exhaust several men, but several men may not be able to deal with a woman. This is where we are unique. So I will tell you again: just pay your husband Pay it back, only in this way, when you are old, your soul will not complain about your body.

"Life is alive, you should enjoy yourself in time. Especially women, youth is shorter than men, and you should not miss the good time. You know, once we women are old, no matter whether it is our husband or other men Don't want to look at us again. They put us in the kitchen to wash the pots and dishes, play with the cat, and what's more annoying, they make up this song to make fun of us, saying 'give the big girl a good meal , Let the old woman shut up.' How many harsh words are there. "I don't need to be wordy anymore, but I'm just telling you the truth: you're looking for the right person after all. If you tell others what's on your mind, no one can help you so much. Any man, no matter how rich he is Noble, I dare to use the principle of eating and drinking to move his heart. Any man, no matter how serious and cold his face is, I guarantee that there is a way to make him obey. So, just tell me, you Whoever you fancy, I will take care of everything in the future. But my daughter, there is one thing I want to remind you: I am very poor, and I often have to go to church with a rosary to pray, so you have to help I am busy, so that I can also light a few more candles for your deceased relatives and friends in front of God, pray for them more, and ask God for forgiveness."

After the old woman said this, the young lady said that there was a young man who often passed by this area, and described his features in detail, telling the old woman to try to get him when she saw him.After the two settled down, the young mistress gave her a piece of bacon, prayed to God to bless her, and sent her out of the house. Within a few days, the old woman quietly brought the young man in her mind into the young woman's room for her.From now on, whenever a young woman sees a man she likes, she asks the old woman to get them for her one by one.Although she had some scruples about her husband, she never wanted to miss this opportunity.

One night her husband went to dinner at the house of a friend named Ekrono.She told the old woman to bring the most handsome man in Perugia, and the old woman did it right away.Unexpectedly, she had just sat down to eat with her lover when Peter suddenly called the door outside.She heard a knock on the door and panicked, losing her mind.It was neither letting him go nor telling him to hide. In the end, I couldn’t get any more anxious, so I randomly told him to hide under the chicken coop in the lean-to next door, and covered the straw bag that she had just emptied that day. on the coop.When the arrangements were made, she hurried to open the door to let her husband in.As soon as he entered, his wife asked him:

"You ate your dinner so fast!" "Not at all," replied her husband. The wife asked, "What's going on?" "Let me tell you," said the husband. "The Ecorono couple and I just sat down to eat, when we suddenly heard someone sneezing outside. We didn't pay attention to the first one or two, but then we heard the fourth and fifth in succession, too many times. Everyone was surprised. Ekrono was a little angry with his wife, because when he and I entered the house, his wife made us wait outside the door for a long time before opening the door, and now he could hear the sound of sneezing again. He lost his temper and said, "What's going on here? Who is sneezing?" Then he stood up and walked to the stairs. It turned out that the stairs were nearby, and there was a building under the stairs like a normal house. Small storage room.

"He thought the sneezing sound was coming from this closet. He opened the door a little, and there was only a strong smell of sulfur. We just smelled the stench, and the stench is here. His wife said: "I just floated the veil with sulfur. I first sprinkled sulfur water in a pot, spread the veil on it and smoked it. After it was smoked, I put the pot in this small room, so there is this smell. The stench.' When the stench faded slightly, Ekrono looked inside and saw a person inside, still sneezing, because he was uncomfortable with the smell of sulfur. Once he sneezed, he inhaled He took a breath of sulfur and stuffed his chest. If he stayed there any longer, he might not even be able to sneeze, nor would he be able to move. "As soon as Aikrono saw this person, he shouted loudly: 'You woman, we came in just now, and you didn't open the door for a long time, so it was because of this reason: If I don't show you a little bit of strength, I'm not a human being!' Hearing his yelling, his wife knew that her affair had been exposed, so she didn't dare to answer her words, and hurriedly left her seat and slipped away, not knowing where she went. Aikrono didn't notice that his wife had slipped away, but He couldn't wait to tell the sneezing person to come out quickly, but the person was already choking and dying, no matter what Ekrono said, he didn't move. "So Akrono grabbed his foot, dragged him out, and then went to find a knife to kill him. Because I was guilty, I was afraid that the patrol would come, so I stood up and tried to persuade him. Don't kill that person, and don't hurt that person. In order to protect that person, I yelled loudly. The neighbors heard the noise and carried the half-dead young man out. I don't know where. So I was so disturbed by this turmoil that I couldn't eat dinner. It's not that I ate fast, but I didn't eat at all." After hearing this story, his wife knew that there were still women who were as smart as herself in the world, but some women were just unlucky sometimes.She was going to help Ekrono's wife with a few words, but she had an idea, and felt that it would be better to scold others for their mistakes, which could cleanse herself, so she said: "It's a good thing for her to do such a good thing: what a chaste lady! A holy woman like her, I have to go and confess to her: the worst thing is, she's about to be an old woman, and she's going to die. Such a good example to young girls! Cursed the day she was born! She deserves to be damned, and she has the face to live! She is the most despicable, vile woman in the world! We all women in the city She was so disgraced! She had forgotten her virginity, her vows to her husband, and the world looked down on her! Her husband was so good and decent, and treated her so well, and she would go out of her way to A wild man who disgraces her husband as well as herself! God, I will never pity this kind of woman! She should be executed, burned alive, leaving a heap of ashes!" She spent the night scolding like this, but she couldn't let go of her lover who was hiding under the nearby chicken coop, so she kept urging Peter to go to bed, saying it was getting late.But Peter wanted to eat supper instead of going to bed, so he asked his wife if she had anything to eat. His wife said: "Ah! Dinner: yes, when you are not at home, don't we all eat without waiting for you to come back? What a joke! Don't you think of me as Akrono's wife? God Ah, why don't you go to bed? It's for your own good that you are told to go to bed!". It so happened that that night Peter's servants brought a great deal from the farm, and shut the donkeys up in a small stable next to the lean-to, without giving them water.One of the donkeys was so thirsty that he broke free from the rein.He walked out of the stable, sniffed around, wanted to find water to drink, and walked to the chicken coop.The young man lying under the chicken coop didn't know whether it was luck or bad luck. One hand was stretched out, and the donkey stepped on his finger.Peter was surprised to hear that.It seemed that the cry was in the house.He went to the lean-to.Only the man was still yelling. It turned out that his fingers were still under the feet of the donkey.Peter asked, "Who is it?" As he spoke, he walked to the chicken coop, picked up the chicken coop, and saw the young man.The man had already been trampled so badly by the donkey, but now seeing Peter, he was afraid that disaster was imminent, and he was trembling with fright, what a pity. Peter saw at a glance that the young man was a handsome man whom he had long coveted, so he asked him what he was doing there.The man had no answer, but begged him, for God's sake, not to make things difficult for him. Peter said, "Get up, don't be afraid, I won't make it hard for you. I just want you to tell me how you got here and what you came here for." The young man had no choice but to say it outright.Peter's joy at this moment was in contrast to his wife's embarrassment.He immediately took his hand and walked into the inner room, only to see his wife standing there terrified.He sat down opposite her and said: "You were cursing Ekrono's wife just now, saying that she should be burned alive. She has disgraced you women, so why didn't you scold yourself? You and her are the same thing , you don’t scold yourself, you only scold others, can you live with your conscience? Women in the world are all born low, otherwise can you still do such a thing? You are good at covering up yourself by scolding others. I hope the heavens Throw on the fire and burn all you bitches to death!" When his wife saw that he discovered her privacy, although she was angry, she didn't embarrass her very much, she just scolded her, and seeing that handsome young man in his hand with a beaming face, she was strengthened Courage retorted: "You want fire to fall from the sky and burn us women to death. I believe you're not lying, because you men like us women like dogs like sticks. But I swear by God that your wish will never be It will come to pass. I'll make it clear to you now and see what you have to complain about. You compare me to Ekrono's wife. She's a bitch who pretends to be decent. There is nothing wrong with her. Her husband treats her well, but you treat me completely differently. Even if you feed me well and dress me well, please ask your own conscience: how do you treat me? How is it? How long has it been since you slept with me? Rather than asking me to stay alone in an empty bed, I would rather dress in rags than eat and dress well. Peter, you know, since I am a woman, there are women Desire. Since I can't get satisfaction from you, I will naturally go to someone else, and you can't blame me. At least I took care of your face and didn't go to the groom and the maniac." Seeing that she was so confident and eloquent, as if she couldn't finish her words all night, Peter said lightly: "My wife, you have said enough, and I will admit that you are right. Just please do me a favor and get us something to eat for dinner. I think this young man is like me, and his stomach is still It's empty." "Of course he didn't eat," said his wife. "We had just sat down to supper, and who would have expected you to barge in so sooner or later." Peter said: "Go, try to get us something to eat. After dinner, I promise to arrange things properly, and I won't ask you to complain." Seeing his peace of mind, his wife got up, set the table again, laid out the prepared supper, and ate happily with her worthless husband and the young fellow.As for what Peter could do to satisfy all three of them after supper, I forgot, I only remember that when the young man went out next morning, he could hardly remember sleeping with Peter the night before. The more times they are together, the more times they sleep with his wife.So, dear ladies, let me tell you one more thing: "Treat others the way others treat you. If you suffer a loss and cannot retaliate for a while, you must keep it in mind. When you have a chance in the future, We must show him some seriousness and let him suffer on his own." When the story of Dionio was over, the ladies laughed less than usual, not because they disliked the story, but because they were too ashamed.Seeing that her term of office was over, the queen stood up, took off the laurel crown, put it on Elisa's head happily, and said: "Miss, it is your turn to take charge of the state affairs now." Alyssa accepted this honor and arranged various affairs as usual: first, she discussed with the steward for a while, instructed the steward what should be prepared during her term of office, so that everyone's life is satisfactory, and then said to everyone: "From the many stories we have heard, we know that there are many people in the world because of their quick wit and sharp tongue. Good luck. Stories like this are very interesting, so you might as well tell more, so I want to stipulate that everyone tell a witty story tomorrow, either tit for tat, refuting the criticisms of others, or quick wits, and escaped the current danger and shame." Everyone agreed, so the queen stood up, and bade everyone go to their own amusements, and wait until supper time to meet together again.When everyone saw the queen stand up, they all stood up and went to play freely.Soon the sound of gnats was silent, and the queen called everyone to dinner.Everyone happily finished dinner.They sang and played music again, Emilia took the lead in dancing at the Queen's command, and Dionio was also ordered to sing a song, and he sang at once: "Good girl Aroda, put away your poor face. , I’m here to tell you a big happy event, I’m sure you’ll be delighted to hear it.” The ladies all laughed when they heard it, the queen especially laughed hard, forbidding him to sing any more and changing to a new song. Dioneo said: "Queen, if I bring a snare drum, I can sing "Mrs. Rappa, Lift Up Your Dress" or "Grass Under the Olive Tree" Maybe you like to hear me sing "My Sorrow Like "The Giant Wave"; unfortunately, I didn't bring a snare drum, so I had to choose a few other ones. Do you like "Come to Us, May Ranch is Beautiful"? The queen said, "No, sing us something else." Dioneo said: "How about singing 'Miss Simone, It's Not October'?" "To hell with you," said the queen, laughing, "whoever wants to hear your songs, sing us something decent." Dioneo said: "Queen, please don't lose your temper. What do you like to hear? I can sing more than a thousand songs. Do you like "This Taste Can't Get Enough" or "I Can't Get Enough" Good husband, spare me," or "I'll buy a bird for a hundred gold pounds"?" The ladies all laughed, but the Queen got a little offended and said, "Don't talk nonsense, Dionio. Now, sing us a good song, or you'll make me angry." Dioneo stopped making trouble, and sang a song in a proper manner: ah, great Venus, how can I be so ecstatic when the beauty is about to look at me, that I will be captured without a fight.Her bright eyes were watery, and they connected with my eyes tenderly and affectionately, igniting a raging flame in my heart.Ah, Venus, I know thy power is omnipotent the moment I see her.I just feel dizzy and fascinated, how tightly bound your inextricable threads are.I am now in a state of desperation, sighing and complaining because of her.Ah, merciful and merciful God of love, I am willing to bow down at your feet and obey your orders, but please don't make me sigh in vain.But I want to ask you, does she know about my deep-seated lovesickness?I am infinitely loyal to her, infinitely passionate and infatuated.Apart from the beauties who come to rescue the suffering, who else can heal my lovesickness?So I beg you, God of love, please be merciful, warm her heart with the fire of your love, and tell her that I forgot to eat and sleep for her.You see, my clothes are wide and my body is thin, it all depends on your pity to save this life.I only hope that one day you will lead me to meet her, and let me happily marry her as my beautiful wife. After Dioneu finished singing, the queen praised her, and then ordered others to sing a few more.She saw that the night was getting late, and the heat of the day had been blown away by the cool night, and told everyone to rest in peace, and continue to play tomorrow. [end of fifth day]
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