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Chapter 35 story tenth

Decameron 乔万尼·薄伽丘 5234Words 2018-03-21
Alibai wants to become a monk to practice, and meets a monk Rustico, who teaches her how to send the devil to hell.Later, Alibai was found and married to Nabal as his wife. Dionysus listened to the Queen's story, and when she had finished, he was the only one who had not told it; and without waiting for orders, he began with a smile: Dear ladies, perhaps you have not heard the story of how the devil was sent back to hell; now I will tell such a story, fortunately, it is not too far from the theme of the story you are telling today.Perhaps after listening to it, you will realize the essence of the story.I understand that although Venus is happy to stay in the magnificent palace pavilions, but rarely patronizes the huts and cottages of the poor; but sometimes he also shows his power in the towering forests, among the jagged mountains. And in the desolate cave, so we can realize that everything in human beings is dominated by love.

Now, let’s get down to business.It is said that in the city of Gafsha in Barbary, there once lived a rich man.Among his sons and daughters, there is a beautiful daughter named Alibai.Although she is not a Christian, she has heard that many Christians in the city are full of praise for Jesus Christ and worshiping God, and she has a heart of admiration for her.One day, she asked a believer how to get twice the result with half the effort when people serve God.The man told her that the best way to serve God is to renounce all ties to the world, like those hermits who fled to the Sahara Desert.

The girl was only fourteen years old, and her mind was simple. When she heard this, she was not moved by any teachings, but just acted on childish enthusiasm; A person secretly set off to the desert.With this enthusiasm, she went through several days of hard work along the way, and finally came to that deserted area.She saw a small hut in the distance, and staggered towards it, and saw a holy monk standing at the door. A little girl appeared in this uninhabited desert. The monk was very surprised and asked her what she was here for.She replied that she was moved by God and converted to the true religion wholeheartedly, and wanted to seek a monk to teach her how to serve God.The monk saw that she was young and beautiful, and was afraid that if he took her in, he would be tempted by the devil; so he praised her pious wishes with good words, gave her some wild roots, wild apples, and dates, and poured some more. He gave her water to drink and said:

"Daughter, not far from here, there lives a holy monk. He knows more about the way of serving God than I do. You should ask him for advice." So he sent her on his way.When she found the monk, she got the same answer as the first time.She had to go further, and met a very young, very pious, very kind monk named Rustico, and she repeated her reason for coming.The young monk wanted to test his strong morality, so instead of sending her away like the two old men did, he led her into his hut.At night, he laid out a few palm leaves, which was regarded as a bed, and told her to sleep on it.After such an arrangement, before he rested for a long time, the temptation of his fleshly desires had already begun to show his might to his spirituality.Only then did the monk realize that he had overestimated his own restraint; unable to withstand the onslaughts of the devil, he had to surrender and beg for mercy.Holy thoughts, prayers, penance, etc., were all left behind by him, and he was only thinking about the young beauty of the girl; The girl saw herself as a lewd and shameless person.He asked her a few questions first, and found that she had never dealt with men before, and she was really naive and ignorant, just like her.Then he saw that in the name of serving God, he could seduce her to satisfy his desires; so he explained to her incessantly what a great enemy of God the devil is, and then made her understand that serving God is the best way to satisfy her desires. To please his old man is to send the devil back to the hell where God has imprisoned him.

The girl asked how to send it off, and Rustico replied: "You will understand later, you just need to look at me, and you will do as I do." The few thin clothes on his body were all taken off, revealing a naked body.The girl followed him and stripped off her clothes.So he knelt down, as if to pray, and at the same time made her kneel down, facing him. Kneeling like this, facing each other, Rustico saw a plump body presented before his eyes, and his sensual desire, which had been suppressed until now, was aroused.Alibai looked very strange, so she asked: "Rustico, what's that straight thing on your lower body—why don't I have one?"

"Daughter," replied Rustico, "this is the devil I was speaking of, and you see how it has done me so much that I can't help it!" "Praise be to God!" said the girl, "then I am much luckier than you, for I am not haunted by this narrow devil." "You're right," said Rustico, "but though you don't have a devil, you have something else that I don't have." "What is that?" Alibai asked. "There's a hell growing in you," Rustico replied, "I'm convinced that God sent you here to save my soul, that it might find peace; for this devil has tormented me so much. O, if you think me pitiful, let me send this devil to hell, then you will give me the greatest comfort, and you will do God a favor that will please the old man, And if you do, your wish to travel so far to get here will come true."

After hearing this, the devout girl said quickly: "Very well, my priest, I came here to serve God. Since hell is growing on me, I will let you take it whenever you like." Lock it in." "God bless you, my daughter!" said the friar. "Let us shut him up now, so that he won't come to me again later." When he had finished speaking, he put the girl into the crib, and told her how to sleep well, so that he could shut in the devil, who was condemned by God.The devil had never been imprisoned in this girl's hell, so she couldn't help but feel a pang of pain, and she couldn't help shouting: "Oh, priest! This devil is really evil. It is really the enemy of God. No wonder it wants to be punished by God." Even when it is sent back to hell, it still does not change its nature and hurts people inside!"

"Daughter," Rusty said, "forgive it from being so presumptuous in the future." In order to dispel the fierceness of the devil, Rustico cast the devil into hell six times in succession, subdued the devil, and then he got out of bed, eager to rest. But in the next few days, the devil still looked up and glared, and he was very arrogant, thanks to the kindness of the compliant girl, who took great pains to contain him; and in the course of time, this kind of service amused her, and she said to Rustico: "I think the townspeople are right--they say serving God is the happiest thing in life. I've never done anything in my life to put the devil in hell like this It refreshes my body and makes me feel good. So I think people who don't serve God and do other things are really stupid."

No wonder she always complained to Rustico from then on: "Father, I came here to serve God, not to hang out. How can we just sit around and be lazy? Let's put Put the devil in hell!" The monk had to accompany her to serve God.But she asked again: "Rustico, I can't figure it out. Why does the devil slip out when he's in hell? If he stays there, accepts him as hell does, and takes him in, then he's gone forever." refused to come out." Unable to withstand the girl's repeated entreaties, Rustico was emptied in the joy of the two of them serving God, his tight suit hanging on a hanger; while others were sweating , he still shouted cold.He could only prevaricate to the girl: "If the devil does not dare to be arrogant again, then there is no need to punish it and throw it into hell. But we have subdued it thanks to the blessing of God, and it is now Bow your head in prayer, begging God for forgiveness."

In this way, he finally told the girl to be quiet for a while.But after a while, seeing that Rustico never came to beg her to send the devil to hell, she became anxious and said: "Perhaps your devil, Rustico, has been punished and dares not haunt you again, but the hell won't let me go. I used to call my hell to help you subdue your fierce devil, So you should also call your devil to save me from hell." Poor Rustico, who ate nothing but wild roots and drank only water, could hardly satisfy her request, so he had to tell him that to relieve the torments of hell, a devil can't do anything, he can only do his best. All I can do is to help her.In this way, he would play with her now and then, but so infrequently that it was like throwing a pea into a lion's mouth.Because the girl could not serve God wholeheartedly, she often complained.

At the same time that Aliby's hell and Rustico's devil, one too demanding and the other too powerless, were constantly at odds there, there was a great fire in Gafsha, and Alibe's father, and her Those many brothers and sisters, relatives and relatives were all buried in the fire.In this way, she became the only heir to her father's property.There was a young man named Nebal in the city. He was idle all day long and spent all his family property. Hearing that Alibai was still alive, he went around to inquire about her whereabouts. Before it was confiscated, she was found and forced to take her away—Alibai was always reluctant, and Rustico was greatly relieved. The young man brought her to the city, married her as his wife, and inherited a large portion of her father's inheritance in her name. Before the young man slept with her, some local women asked her how she served God in the desert; Bringing her home, so that she can no longer contribute to God, is really wicked! They asked her again: "How did you send the devil into hell?" She pointed to them and told them, and they laughed so hard that they laughed at her Said: "Son, don't worry, people here know how to do this, Nabal will serve God with you exactly the same!" Before long, the joke spread throughout the town, and it became a fashionable catchphrase: Nothing pleases God more than sending the devil back to hell.Later, this saying traveled across the ocean and reached us, and it is still popular today. Young ladies, if you wish to gain the favor of God, learn quickly how to send the devil to hell, for this is not only pleasing to God, but also beneficial to both parties, and there are many advantages! Dioneo told the story so well that the seven innocent girls were so overwhelmed with laughter that they laughed and laughed a thousand times.When he had finished telling the story, the Queen, knowing that her term of office was over, took off the laurel wreath from her head, put it on Filotrato, and joked: "We'll see if the jackal leads a pack of lambs better than lambs lead a pack of wolves." Filotrato answered with a smile: "If you would listen to me, the jackal would have taught the Lamb how to send the devil to hell, just as Rustico taught Alibe; so don't call us Jackals, because you are not lambs at all. Now that it is my turn to be king, I must do my best." "Listen, Filotrato," Nifel went on, "teach us, and you'll probably learn from it yourself, just as Masetto learned to be good in the convent. Wait till Your bones are jingling, and you can speak without the tip of your tongue." Filotrato felt that he was no match for the ladies, so he didn't dare to make more jokes, and began to implement the royal government.He summoned the steward, inquired about meals, etc., and gave some instructions, which were only intended to make everyone live a satisfactory life during his tenure.He turned to the girls again and said: "Gentle and affectionate ladies, it is my misfortune (I say this, because I know what is good) to have fallen in love with one of your beauties, and to be forever a slave to love. I humbled and obeyed her, and I ended up with nothing. Seeing her being snatched away by someone else. Isn’t this pain adding to my pain? I’m afraid I’m doomed to die forever. So for tomorrow’s story, I’m happy to use my fate as the subject matter—that’s: 'The ending is tragic '; for I myself foresee a tragic end awaiting me. People call me 'Fillotrato,' and that name is justified." After saying this, he stood up.Everyone is allowed to move freely, and then gather at dinner time. The garden was so lovely and beautiful that it was hard to leave it, for there was no such delight anywhere else.At this time, the sun was slanting to the west, and the heat was not so hot. Several people went to chase elk, lambs, hares and other small animals-these small animals were jumping and jumping. It's a nuisance to jump among them.Dionio and Fiameta sang the songs of Willem and Vichyon.Filomena and Panfilo sit down to play chess.In this way, each has its own pastime, and the time passes quickly, and it is time for dinner.The dining table was placed next to the fountain, and everyone happily had dinner here. After supper, Filotrato ordered Laurida to lead the dance and sing another song, following the order established by previous queens.She replied: "Your Majesty, I don't know how to sing other people's songs, and I can't think of any good songs to match the beautiful scenery in front of me; if I want to sing, I can only sing one song that I remember, if you allow me." "Your song must be sweet," said the king, "go ahead and sing." Then Laurida began to sing, and the other girls joined in; her voice was very sweet, and at the same time had a touch of sentimentality: Oh, what girl is so miserable and so sad as I am?I miss myself in vain, only shed my tears?The good fortune, who spins around and controls the stars, has shown me great favor, making me charming and charming--even more affectionate!Every enthusiastic man who sees my beauty is like being in heaven, alas, those vulgar villains, how to bully and mock me like this!When I was young and young, there was a man who really loved me and hugged me. He was fascinated by me. When he saw my eyes, his love burned.Time passes like running water, when he doesn't show courteousness in front of me, I also have a deep love for him, alas, now, I don't see his beautiful figure again!Then came a haughty man, who thought he could never be nobler and handsomer, who had my body, and who should not have kept me so jealous with suspicion; oh, I guess I was born a stunner , came to the world to reverse all beings; now he monopolizes it, how can I not be angry and sad!Alas, it must have been my misfortune that I agreed to a man's marriage proposal that day.She took off the girl's plain clothes and put on the bride's gorgeous dress.I wore colorful silk gowns and lived a life of sorrow and humiliation.Alas, how good it would be if I died early before this unfortunate life was settled!The one who gave me supreme happiness is only my first love, who has returned to the kingdom of heaven and stands before God, ah, my love, how can you not have the slightest sympathy for me?How can I never forget you, to fall in love with someone else!Let my heart rekindle the flames of the old days. I pray day and night, hoping to meet you soon. When Laurida sang, everyone listened, but each had a different taste. According to the thinking of the people in Milan, some people think that the meaning of the song is that they would rather be a fat pig than a beautiful woman. Some people know what is on her mind, and they have other reasonable explanations, but there is no need to talk about it here . Then the king ordered the torches to be lighted, and they all sat round the grass, and sang other songs. When the stars were setting, the King thought it was time to go to bed, so he bade them all good night, and sent them to their rooms to sleep in peace. [end of third day]
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