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Chapter 13 story tenth

Decameron 乔万尼·薄伽丘 3954Words 2018-03-21
Master Alberto was unrequitedly in love with a pretty widow. The widow wanted to tease him, but instead he made fun of him in a polite way, which made her feel ashamed. Alisa finished speaking, only the queen hadn't finished speaking.The Queen, with feminine grace, began to speak: Ladies and gentlemen, as the stars adorn the clear evening sky, and the spring flowers adorn the green meadows, so also in social occasions, witty words add luster to gentle manners and pleasant conversation.Witticisms are especially suitable when they come from a woman's mouth because they are sharp and short.Women can't talk like men, especially when they can keep their words short.It is also a humiliation for us as women. At present, few women understand the meaning of witty words, or even if they understand, they don’t know how to use them when answering people.Women in the past paid attention to self-cultivation, but now women only know how to pay attention to clothing.They thought they only needed to wear fancy clothes.Wearing a full head of jewellery, they are worth more than other women, and they should be more respected than other women; in fact, they forgot to think that if a donkey is dressed up, it can stack more things on its body Well, but people still think of it as a donkey.

When I say this, I feel very ashamed in my heart, because when I criticize other women, I criticize myself.These gorgeously dressed, powdered and rouged women don't stand there like marble statues.To be silent without saying a word, to be ignorant and unaware, is to answer irrelevant questions, and it is better not to speak than to speak.They would have you believe that it is their honest nature and simplicity of heart that make them so bad at formal society.In fact they call dullness quiet; as if only those who talk to the maids, the washerwomen, and the baker's wives deserve to be called "quiet" women.If Creation also listened to their words, they would not be allowed to talk nonsense with such vigor.

Really, when we say a word, it is like doing a thing, we must consider the time, place and the object of the conversation.There are often some men and women who want to say something clever to ridicule others, but because they have not properly estimated their own and other people's abilities, it is not others but themselves who turn red in the face.So we should always pay attention to these places when we speak.In order not to confirm a common saying that "women can never do good things", this is the purpose of telling this last story today, and it is also to let everyone understand that since our hearts are nobler than other women, our Behavior and conversation should be more dignified than the woman next to you.

Not many years ago, a world-renowned senior doctor came out of Bilunnier, and he might still be alive.His name was Alberto, and in his age he was an old man who was nearly seventy years old, but he was still in good spirits; although his physical strength had declined, the flame of love in his heart had not been extinguished.Once, at a party, he met a beautiful widow who was said to be Mrs. Margarita ter Kisorielli.He fell in love with her at first sight, burning the flame of love for her, like a romantic young man, if he didn't see his beautiful face during the day, he couldn't sleep well at night.

In order to see his beauty, he always took the opportunity to walk up and down in front of her house, sometimes on foot, sometimes on horseback.At last, when the widow and her companion learned of his constant pacing up and down the front of her house, it seemed amused that a man of his age and sense should fall in love, so They used to tease him privately, as if, in their opinion, that tenderness was only allowed in the frivolous minds of young people. So he continued walking up and down in front of the widow's house.One day, it was a festival, and the widow and her companion were sitting in front of the door, and they saw Mr. Alberto approaching from a distance. They agreed together to invite him in and to entertain him in a solemn way. Some, and then make fun of his infatuation.When he approached, they actually stood up to meet him, invited him in and sat down, led him into a shady courtyard, entertained him with fine wine and sweets, and finally, with half reverence, Asked him in a half-joking tone, how could he fall in love with her, knowing that she was surrounded by so many handsome and lively young men.

The doctor was not wary of such "polite" ridicule, so he replied with a smile on his face: "Madame, no sensible man will be surprised at my love--especially since I love you--so worthy of admiration. Though I am old and bound by nature, Talking about love is always more than enough, but an old man still knows who to love and how to love someone with all his heart. In fact, an old man has more experience and knowledge than a young man. Many young men All came after you, and I, an old man, fell in love with you wishfully, because of this reason: I often see women eat lentils and leeks when they eat; leeks are not a good thing, But its roots are not spicy and not unpalatable. Now you ladies have other hobbies, holding the root of chives tightly in your hands, and chewing the leaves of chives with great relish. In fact, the leaf petals are spicy and smelly, what is there to eat? Madame, how can I say, I must know that you did not choose your lover in this way? If so, then the chosen one must be me, and The rest of the suitors are all going to hit a wall."

The widow (and her companions) felt very ashamed at what he said, and said: "Doctor, we are too arrogant to offend you, and we deserve your reproach; but you are very merciful, just lightly I said a few words to us lightly. I cherish your love very much. The love of a gentleman with both talents and virtues is always worth cherishing. From now on, my heart is for you, except for things related to my reputation. Everything, only to obey." The doctor left the table (the rest of the guests also stood up), thanked the hostess for her kindness, and left with a smile and joy. The lady just wanted to make fun of others because she didn't recognize her partner, but she was made fun of by others.So if we are wise women, we should be very careful not to do this kind of thing ourselves.

After the seven ladies and the three young men had finished their stories, the sun had set and the heat had disappeared.The queen said happily: "My dear companions, now, my day's work is over, and it is only left to elect a queen for you, so that she can plan our life and play procedures for tomorrow. Originally, my right to rule will not end until this evening. It's over, but if the successor doesn't make any preparations in advance, he will be caught off guard. So I think tomorrow's new king should take over at this time, so that she can make arrangements for tomorrow's affairs in advance. Therefore, in order to deal with the In honor of God, who gives life to all things, and for the good of all of us, I now nominate one of the wisest girls, Philomena, to be the queen of our kingdom tomorrow."

Having said this, she stood up, took off her wreath, and respectfully put it on Philomena's head.He saluted her first, and then many young men and women also saluted her, expressing their warm support for her rule. Filomena didn't expect that the crown would be added to her head, and she couldn't help but blushed shyly on her cheeks, but she remembered what Pampinia said just now, so she restrained her panic and mustered up the courage to take charge of the state affairs .She first ratified all the orders issued by Pambinia, then announced that everyone will stay here tomorrow, and arranged tomorrow's schedule and dinner for the day, so she said:

"Dearest companions, I am grateful to Pambinia for making me your queen. This is not something I have any merits, it is really her kindness. Therefore, in terms of arranging our common life, I do not intend to act arbitrarily. I need to ask for everyone's opinions. I will now briefly state my plan, and if it is inappropriate, I can add or modify it by your opinions." "As far as I can see, Pampinia's procedure today has been excellent, and has given us a very pleasant day. If you don't find it unpleasant to live another day like this, or have other reasons for objecting, then I There is no need to change this procedure.”

"After we have settled this matter, everyone can leave this place and find their own entertainment. When the sun goes down, we will eat in the cool evening breeze. After dinner, everyone will sing a few songs and play for a while. , and then go to bed. Tomorrow, we will get up early in the morning, and everyone can take a walk for a while. At that time, just like today, everyone will come back to eat together. After the meal, we will dance for a while, and then take a nap. Like today, everyone came back here to start telling stories——telling stories, I think it is very interesting and beneficial. "Pambinia was elected queen in a hurry, and it was too late to specify a scope for telling stories; I thought, fortunately, we have enough time now, so I might as well come up with a topic, so that everyone can think about it in advance within this scope. A good story. I think that since the beginning of the world, man has been governed by fate, and will always be so, until the end of the world; so the subject of this story, if you have no objections, I would like to stipulate this: Everyone tells It is a story of suffering at first, and then turning danger into good luck, and being overjoyed." The young men and women present unanimously supported this rule and expressed their willingness to abide by it; but after everyone had quieted down, they suddenly heard Dionio say: "Queen, what you have said is what I want to say, and I think the way you have laid down is admirable and will enhance our interest, but I would like to ask you for a special favor (and I hope that, during our joyous gathering together) I have been able to enjoy this grace all this time), that is to say, I am not bound by your decree to tell a story within the bounds of the subject; In order to prevent everyone from thinking that I made such a request because I don’t have many stories in my stomach, I will always be the last one to tell the story in the future.” The queen knows that he is a very funny person, and understands that he made this request, and he also has his intentions, that is, if everyone gets tired of listening to the same story, he can tell another one. Interesting stories as a spice; so after seeking everyone's consent, the Queen granted him this privilege. So everyone got up from the table and walked slowly to a clear spring. The spring water flowed down from a small hill, passed through rocks, rocks, moss and green shade, and then flowed into a valley blocked by trees.They all went into the water with bare arms and bare feet, playing and playing, and they didn't go back together until it was almost supper time, so they ate happily together. After supper, the Queen ordered the instruments to be brought out, and Laurida was taught to lead the dance, while Emilia sang, accompanied by Dionio on the lute.When Laurida was dancing, Amelia really showed her singing voice beside her, humming and singing the following lyrics: I am in love with my own beauty, and my passion burns only for myself.I don't know love other than that--love, and I don't want anything else.I look at my own beauty in the mirror, my beauty arouses my infinite love, the scene before me, the thoughts of the past-none of these can take away my joy; My heart arouses a kind of tenderness that I have never had before?Whenever I think about my beautiful image, it always appears in front of my eyes immediately; it never makes me disappointed and sad, it always smiles, full of affection, so tired that I can't express my joy, unless ah, you With the same love and sympathy as I do, you will never know the depth of this affection.The more I look at this lovely face, the more the flame of love burns in my heart.I dedicate myself to it, and what I get in return will be the price of infinite happiness. The joy in the future will be several times stronger than the present, but who has ever cherished such a strong love! When Laurida 3 sang this song, everyone sang along with her vigorously, and several people even played with the lyrics.There was another dance, and it was getting late, and the summer nights were short, so the queen ordered the first day's proceedings to end.The servants lit the torches, and the queen ordered everyone to have a good night's rest, so they all went to their bedrooms. [end of first day]
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