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Chapter 25 Volume 24

Iliad 荷马 15641Words 2018-03-21
The competition ended, the crowd dispersed and went back to their respective Clippers, thinking about eating, drinking and sweet sleep.Only Achilles is still Weeping, remembering a beloved companion, invincible sleep At this time, it was difficult to make him submit.He tossed and turned, Thinking of Patroclus, his stalwart and valiant life, thinking Every fight they've fought side by side - he hasn't suffered less, Birth and death, breaking through fighting crowds, and crossing turbulent ocean currents. He recalled these past events, burst into tears, rolled all over the ground,

Sometimes lying on the side, sometimes lying on the back, sometimes facing the head Clings to the sand layer.Then he straightened up, In a trance, I took a step and walked along the beach.dawn Spread the dawn light to the edge of the beach, illuminate the sea, and meet the eyes of Achilles. Then he hitched his swift horse to the yoke in front of his chariot, Tie Hector's body behind the cart, drive the horse-drawn cart, round the tomb of Menoitius' slain son, Three laps, then went into the tent to rest, threw the body on the ground, The limbs are stretched out, and the head and face are covered with mud and dust.However, Apollo

Have mercy on his condition, though he is dead, protecting His body, to save it from every kind of dissection—his aegis of gold Cover the corpse, from head to toe, so that Achilles' tugging cannot mar it. In this way, Achilles ravaged the noble Hector in a rage. Seeing this scene, the happy god was filled with pity, Repeatedly urged the bright-eyed Algiphontes to steal the corpse. This will please the gods, but not Hera. The favor of Poseidon and the gray-eyed girl; they still Resentment, as before, to holy Irion, to Priam and his soldiers.The source of this matter is the evil deeds of Paris;

He offended two goddesses[●], in his sheepfold, but favored ●Two goddesses: refers to Hera and Athena. Another nymph [●], who traded her catastrophic lust for his compliments. ●Fairy: Refers to Aphrodite. Then, at the dawn of the twelfth day after Hector's death, Phoebus Apollo spoke and said to the gods: "You cruel gods, cruel gods! Could it be that Hector Have you not sacrificed to everyone, burned fat goats and cow legs? At present, you will not lift a finger, try to save-though he is only now A dead body—for another look at his wife, and his son, his mother and the father Priam and the children of Priam.they will immediately

Build a pyre, burn the remains, and hold a grand funeral for him. But you, you gods, you only want to help savage Achilles, This man has no regard for etiquette, with a savage heart, Stubborn as a lion, Indulging in his pride and valor, Fell upon the shepherd's flock, tearing and chewing. And so, Achilles has forgotten pity, Integrity—honesty and shame not only causes people to suffer a lot, but also enables people to accumulate spiritual benefits. Needless to say, mortals may lose more closely related Relatives, such as sons or brothers born to one mother. He'll be sad, he'll cry, but it'll be over,

Fate has given mortals a heart that knows tolerance and patience. But this man, who slew noble Hector and took his life, Tie him behind the car, drag and run, around his beloved companion, Tomb of Patroclus.Let me ask, what benefits does he get by doing this? How glorious is it? Let him be careful not to offend the gods, though he is a man of men— Behold, how rough and tyrannical he is, tyrannizing the unconscious earth! " After hearing these words, the white-armed goddess Hera was furious and replied: "There may be some truth in what you say, my Lord of the Silver Bow, but

You should place both, Achilles and Hector, in the same place of honor. Hector is a mortal who sucks a mortal woman, And Achilles is the son of the goddess—I myself Take care of her, raise her, marry a strong man Peleus, mortal beloved of the gods.all of you Gods, all attended the wedding, including you, Apollo, feasting at Among them, your harp is played.Now you're with the bloody Trojans Gathering——you, never talk about faith! " After hearing these words, Zeus, who gathered the dark clouds, replied: "Hera, there is no need for such a great anger between the gods. These two mortals

Naturally, they will not receive the same noble honor.However, Hector also Also favored by the gods, Aerion's most eminent mortal. I also like this person, he never stingy gifts, comfort my heart. My altar never lacks enough offerings, no shortage Cupfuls of libations, sweet smokes—this is our right. I disagree with body stealing; from Achilles Stealing brave Hector is impossible—don't forget, his A mother is always near her son, day and night.However, it is possible to A god summoned Thetis, so that I may speak to him, let Achilles Accept Priam's ransom and return Hector's body. "

And so he spoke, and Iris, who rode the storm, set off, with a message, Between Samos and the wrinkled Imbros Jumping off the sea, the gray ocean let out a mournful roar. She plunged to the bottom like a heavy lead, in The top of a horn, taken from a strong ox that roams the meadows, cuts through the water, Bring death to the gluttonous fish.She found Thetis, In the depths of the cave, surrounded by sisters, The nymph of the sea.Because of the siege, she wept bitterly Brave son, doomed fate, keep him away Homeland, died in the fertile land of Troy. Fast-footed Iris walked up to her and said to her:

"Arise, Thetis. Zeus who speaks will summon you." After hearing these words, Thetis, the silver-footed goddess, answered: "The Great God wants me to go, what do I do? I have no face The gods gathered together, and their hearts were filled with grief and misery. Nevertheless, I will go; his decree is no child's play. " Saying so, the shining goddess picked up a The black hood is blacker than all the skirts.she follows On the way, Iris, who is chasing the wind, leads the way; The tumbling waves broke a waterway, beside the two of them. They climbed to the mud bank, flew to the sky, and saw

Zeus, who has spread far and wide, is surrounded by everyone Gods, blissful, immortal gods. She sat next to her father Zeus, taking the place vacated by Athena. Hera put a beautiful golden cup in her hand, Reassuring with kind words, Settis drank the drink and handed back the golden cup. The Father of God and man spoke first, saying: "You have come to Olympus, with every sorrow of yours, goddess Thetis, With unforgettable grief.In this regard, I have a deep understanding and feeling. But even so, I still want to tell you the purpose of calling you here. Against Hector's remains and the looting of the castle Achilles, the gods have been arguing for nine days. Again and again they urged sharp-eyed Algyphontes to steal the body, But I think Achilles should be honored so that you Keep your respect and love for me in the future.go as soon as possible Go to the barracks on the ground and pass on my orders to your son. Tell him that the gods have frowned upon him, especially me, The anger in my heart is hard to calm down, aiming at his partiality, Detain Hector's body beside the warped ship, unwilling to give it back. Perhaps, frightened by my sullenness, he will return Hector's body. Meanwhile, I will send Iris to Priam, the bold-hearted, and send my order, To redeem her beloved son, to go to the ships of the Achaeans, Bring a gift to appease Achilles' wrath. " He spoke, and Thetis, the silver-footed goddess, obeyed, With haste, straight down, from Olympus, came to his son's camp, and saw him Concentrating on mourning and crying, with several close partners walking around, Busily preparing breakfast—a head lying in the tent The slaughtered sheep are huge and covered with thick curly hair. The honorable mother went to sit beside her son, Touching him with her hands, calling his name, she comforted him: "Enough, my child, stop crying and mourning torturing my body and mind, neither eating nor drinking sleep.Just find a woman, share the same bed, take comfort your heart.I know that your days are numbered, death and A mighty fate has pressed upon your side. Now, I want you to pay close attention - I have brought you the words of Zeus. He says the gods have frowned upon you, and himself above all, The rage in my heart is hard to dissipate, and against your partiality, Detain Hector's body beside the warped ship, not to redeem it. Therefore, I advise you to return Hector and receive the gift of ransom. " After hearing these words, the swift-footed Achilles replied: "Well, let's do this. Let the comer make ransom and bring back the body, If Olympus insists on my obedience. " In this way, on the edge of the beach where the wooden boats were gathered together, the mother and son sat together for a long time. Talking, uttering words with wings.Meanwhile, the son of Kronos Urging Iris down the mountain to holy Irion, saying: "Go, swift Iris, leave Olympus, our home, Go to Ilion, find Priam the great-hearted, and tell him Redeemed his beloved son, went to the ships of the Achaeans, Bring a gift to appease Achilles' wrath. But you have to go alone, without other people, except An aged messenger, following care, drives mules and wagons with slippery rims, so that The body of the dead man, the hero killed by Achilles, was pulled back to the castle. Let him not think of death, nor fear, I will send him an invincible guide, Algyphontes, and took him all the way to Achilles' dwelling.Be a god Introduce him to Archie Jones' camp, who not only won't kill him, and discourage others from killing— Achilles is not a fool, nor a rude fool, who rejects the will of God; He will, with good intentions, forgive the visit of the supplicant. " After he spoke, Iris, who was chasing after the wind, flew away with a message, When they came to Priam's house, they were filled with wailing and howling. He saw the sons sitting around their father in their garden, Tears drenched his clothes; the old man was in it, Wrapped and squeezed tightly in the cloak.gray head and His neck was covered with mud and feces, and he grabbed and spread it with his own hands, Rolling in the filthy dung heap.In the house, back and forth, His daughters, and his wives, wept bitterly, In memory of all fallen heroes, many brave soldiers, He served in the field, and died at the hands of the Algives. The messenger of Zeus stood beside Priam and said to him, Although his voice was soft, he was already trembling with fright. "Be brave, Priam, son of Dardanus, and do not be afraid. I have come here with a friendly wish, Definitely without malice.I am the messenger of Zeus; though he You are far away, but you are very concerned about your situation and sympathetic to what happened to you. Olympus bids you redeem great Hector, Bring a gift to appease Achilles' anger. But you have to go alone, without other people, except An aged messenger, following care, drives mules and wagons with slippery rims, so that The body of the dead man, the hero killed by Achilles, was pulled back to the castle. He tells you not to think of death, not to be afraid; He will send you an invincible guide, Algyphontes, To bring you all the way to the dwelling of Achilles.Be a god Introduce you to Achilles' tent, who not only won't to kill you, and to dissuade others from killing— Achilles is not a fool, nor a brutish fool, nor will he resist the will of God; He will, with good intentions, forgive the visit of the supplicant. " After saying that, the fast-legged Iris turned and left. Priam ordered his sons to prepare slippery rims A mule cart, to which a wicker basket is fastened; He himself stepped into the storage room of the house, which smelled of cedar Fragrant, with a high top, piled with many shining treasures. He spoke loudly, and said to Hecabe: "My lady, Zeus sent me a message from Mount Olympus, Command me to go to the Achaean ship and redeem my beloved son, Bring a gift to appease Achilles' anger. Come on, tell me your insights, how would I go about it? My heart, my desire is constantly urging, Tell me to go to the ship and enter the broad camp of the Achaeans. " After saying this, his wife cried out and answered, saying: "No, it can't be done! Where's your sanity?—You were famous for it in the past Prominent, both among the Gentiles, and among the soldiers over whom you rule! How can you hope to go to the ships of the Achaeans alone, To meet that man's gaze—he has killed your son, so many Brave boy?Your heart is like a block of iron! If you fall into his hands, let him see your shadow, That fellow is brutal and perfidious, and will have no pity for you, nor Respect your rights!Come, we still sit in our palaces, far from Hector, weeping his death.Such is the ruin woven by mighty fate, With the thread of life, at the moment of his birth, the day I gave birth to him— The running hungry dogs will devour his body, far from his parents, Died at the hands of a man stronger than himself.i want to bite him Liver, chew and swallow it!Only in this way can revenge What he did to my son - he killed a warrior, not a life-greedy phobia My son defends the boys of Troy and the tight-loined Troy Women, there is no thought of running away, of hiding! " After hearing these words, Priam, the old king and godlike, answered: "Don't stop me, this trip will definitely go! Tell you, don't be a Birds of ill omen, flutter over my palace!You can't change my mind. If someone else commands me, a mortal, Some prophet or priest discerning smoke, I might dismiss it as a lie and reject it. But now, I have heard the word of a god with my own ears, and seen her face with my own eyes, So, I must go—his words are no joke.if i deserve it die, beside the Achaean ships in bronze armor, then, I will die without injustice.Achilles could kill me instantly, if only Let me hug my son and cry like hell! " Saying this, he lifts the beautifully patterned lid, Take out twelve fine and splendid robes, Twelve one-sided cloaks, twelve bed rugs, Twelve snow-white shawls, and the same number of clothes. He weighed out ten talents of gold, and took Two shiny copper tripods, four cauldrons, and a A fine goblet, a gift from the Slakai, when he was on an envoy there.Now the old man connects it Cut love together and clear the hall——The desire to redeem the beloved son makes him regardless of costs.With a loud cry he drove the colonnade Every Trojan, scolded: "Give me Go away, useless trash, dishonoring thing!what, you Howling at home is not enough, but you still have to run to me and add to my troubles? ! Zeus, son of Cronus, took my best son and gave me this Sorrow, isn't all this enough?What's the consequence, you guys? You will also know—Hector is dead, and you have become Achaean soldiers Plaything in hand.As for myself, instead of watching The castle was robbed and turned into ruins, it would be better Let go as soon as possible and fall into the courtyard of the god of death! " He cursed and gave chase with a club, so that they fled in fright, Frightened by the madness of the old man.Then he turned to his son in anger, Curse Helenus, Paris, and great Agathon, curse Pamon, Antiphonos, and Polites of the Screaming Field, and Deiphobus, Hipposus, and noble Chous.to these nine Son, the old man spoke in a rough tone, giving orders: "Make haste, prodigal children, my shame! May you Instead of Hector, all slain by the swift ship! Oh my God!My miserable fate!In broad Troy, I've had the best sons in the land; yet, I tell you, they've all left me! Mestor the god, Troilus the horse-loving man, and Hector, god among mortals--he doesn't seem to be The son of mortals, but the heir of God.ares killed All these sons, and the rest are you bastards, shame on me, Liar, club dancer, hero on the dance floor, from his subjects Thieves who take lambs and kids in their hands! Don't even prepare your car, put all your stuff Put it in the car and let's hit the road - hurry! " He cursed loudly, and the sons were afraid of the old man's power, Pull out the mule wagon with slippery rims, newly made, The craftsmanship is exquisite, and a large wicker basket is tied to the body. They unhooked the mules' yokes of yellow sheepwood, With a solid knot, with a guide ring; fetch the yoke rope (with the yoke), nine cubits in length, Wedge the yoke firmly into the smooth pole, on the protruding rod head, then slide the guide ring over the peg, Tie on the knot, three times each, on the left and right sides, and finally Pull the rope taut and loop it under the hook at the rear end of the pole. Afterwards, they brought out inestimable gifts from the room and piled them on the On the smooth mule cart, ransom Hector's body.then, They yoked mules with strong hooves, and a pair of hard-working beasts, A shining gift from the Murians to Priam. At last they drew out Priam's steed, and put on a yoke, Lao Wang personally cared for the good horses he raised, in front of the smooth stables. In this way, in the towering palace, they set up the chariot, and took the place of the envoy and Priam: The two of you are very preoccupied with your travels. Then Hecube came to them, with bitter sorrow, In his right hand he held a golden cup full of sweet wine, So that they may pour out sacrifices to the gods, before going on the road. She stood in front of the steed, and counseled Priam, saying: "Take the wine glass and sprinkle it to your father Zeus, begging him to keep you safe. Homeland from the stronghold of the enemy, since you disregarded My will, I insist on going to their ships. Pray, to the son of Kronos, the cloud-sweeping god, High on Mount Ida, overlooking the land of Troy; beseech him Sending a bird of omens, his swift messenger, The feathered bird, the most powerful among birds and most beloved by Zeus, appeared in right, so that once you see it, you can Trust it, and go to the swift ships of the Danai. But if thunderous Zeus does not send you signs, his messenger, Then, I will beg again and again, begging you not to Go to the ships of the Algives, even if you have the obsession to go! " After hearing these words, the godlike Priam replied: "My lady, I do not wish to refuse your entreaty; I should raise my hands and beg Zeus for mercy. " After the old man finished speaking, he told the servants around him Pour out the water and rinse his hands.The maid came forward, Carrying a washbasin and pitcher.he cleans hands, took the wine glass from his wife and stood In the middle of the courtyard, praying to the gods, pouring wine, Looking up at the blue sky, he opened his mouth and recited, saying: "Father Zeus, great god who watched us from Mount Ida, glorious example, great symbol of! Promise me that Achilles will welcome me with love and have mercy on me Difficulties.Send me a bird of omens, your swift messenger, Your favorite feathered bird, the most powerful of all birds, appears in to the right, so that once I see it, I can Trust it, and go to the swift ships of the Danai. " So he prayed, and the wise Zeus heard his voice, Immediately he sent down a goshawk, the most ominous bird of all birds, The gray-colored marauders are called "black eagles". Like the facade of a rich man's house, sealed off Tall treasury, fastened with heavy bolts—the eagle unfolds Wings, one on each side, are so broad, flying over the city, Appears on the upper right.People look up, Everyone was elated and refreshed. At that time, the old man couldn't wait to get on the carriage, Drive through gates and echoing colonnades. Mules pull wagons with experienced Idaeus took the reins and ran first; the chariot followed Follow along, the old man raised his whip to urge the horse to run fast, Through the city; loved ones all follow, Weeping and weeping bitterly, as if he would never survive after he died. When they both ran through the city to the wide plain, The senders turned back to Ilion, Priam's Sons and sons-in-law.Of course, Zeus, who Shen Lei spread far and wide, would not ignore it at that time. They, the two Trojans who drove the plain.Looking at the old man, Zeus felt pity, and immediately greeted his beloved son, saying to him: "Hermes, it is your pleasure to accompany mortals, for which none of the gods Not your passion; you love to hear the tales of mortals, those who please you. Go, lead Priam, to the Achaeans Deep ship, don't let any of the Danai Seeing or noticing your whereabouts, enter the camp of the Son of Peleus. " Zeus said so, and the leader Algiphontes obeyed. Then he put on fine sandals, made of gold, Never corrupt - wearing it, immortals and gods across the sea and The boundless land base is as brisk as a gust of wind. He took up the scepter - with it, Hermes can charm the mortal Tongmou, as long as he is willing, can make the sleeper open his eyes. Taking this scepter, mighty Algyphontes went like a wind, In a blink of an eye they were on the surface of Troy and the Hellespont. He walked on his legs, and from there, in the form of a young prince, With a stubble beard, it is the most prosperous years. Then, as the two drove through the tall tomb of Iros, They rein in the horses and let the animals drink water along the edge of the beach. At that time, night covered the earth; in the darkness, the messenger saw Hermes is coming from not far ahead. He cried aloud, and said to Priam: "Think in your mind, scion of Dardanus, and think--now, it is When you have to be careful! I see a man - I fear, he will tear us apart, here and now! Haste, let us flee with the chariot; or else, Just hug his knees and beg him to show mercy! " After hearing these words, the old man was confused and dazzled with fright. The fine hairs all over his body stood upright on his body with bulging veins. He stood upright, staring at the chest, but luckily the god stepped forward in person, Holding the old man's hand, he asked kindly: "Dare to ask, Abba, on this god-given night, where mortals sleep soundly When you are driving a horse, where are you going? Are you not afraid of those fierce Achaean soldiers? They hate you, are your enemies, and loom before your eyes. If any of them sees you, transport this many Treasure, through the dark, ephemeral night - have you ever wondered what the consequences will be a scenario? You yourself are no longer young, and your squire is an old man, Powerless to repel the trouble-seeking man. However, I will not harm you, on the contrary, I will help you Turn on people who try to harm you.You look like my beloved father. " After hearing these words, the old king, the godlike Priam, answered: "Yes, my boy, that is the case, and you are not mistaken. However, a certain god still stretched out his big hand to protect my head, Send me a traveler like you, a wonderful sign!Look at your figure, amazingly handsome, and Such a bright mind—how lucky your parents were to have such a son! " After hearing these words, the guide Algycintes replied: "Yes, old man, your words are coherent and quite right. But please tell me, tell me the truth, Do you want to take all these precious possessions with you Send it outside the city, let someone else take care of it for you, and keep it on your behalf? Perhaps you are fleeing from the city, abandoning holy Ilion, Frightened and terrified at the sight of such a great fighter, the best of you, has fallen dead, Your son, a strong man who never gave in to the Achaeans in battle. " After hearing these words, the old king, the godlike Priam, asked: "Who are you, noble young man? Who were your parents? How can you speak so boldly about my ill-fated son, about his death? Decent? " After hearing these words, the guide Algyphontes replied: "You are testing me, old man—asking me about great Hector. I have seen him appear many times, in the battle; and saw him, on that day, driving the Argives back The sea ship, wielding a sharp bronze weapon, kept killing and slashing. We stand and watch, amazed - Achilles Keep us out of battle, out of anger at Agamemnon. I am Achilles' entourage, come here, sit A solid sea vessel.I am a mermaidon, and my father's name is Pollux, rich and rich, is old, like you. He had six sons, I am the seventh; we rock Cast lots, and I won the lottery.right now I am Just came to the plain from sea ships: at dawn, The bright-eyed Achaeans will besiege and fight. They sit idle in their camps, restless, the Achaeans The kings could not curb their will to fight. " After hearing these words, the old king, the godlike Priam, said: "If you are really the attendant of Achilles son of Peleus, Tell me, then, truthfully, whether my son Still lying on the side of the ship.Maybe, Achilles His limbs were amputated and disassembled, and fed to the domestic dogs. " After hearing these words, the guide Algyphontes replied: "Old man, neither dogs nor vultures have devoured him yet; He's still lying in the tent, Achilles' Next to the ship, intact.Today, he is lying there At the twelfth dawn, the body has not rotted nor been wormed Erosion and Bite—these scourges always consume the bodies of fallen fighters. Yes, every morning, every day, Achilles brutally Dragging him to run quickly, around his beloved companion, his grave, but Hector's body cannot be destroyed.After that, you can see with your own eyes, His skin was as fresh as dewdrops.The blood has been washed away, There is no damage to the body, and all the wounds have been repaired and filled—— Those openings were pierced by many people, using bronze guns. The blessed gods so cared for your son, Though he is dead—the gods love him with all their hearts. " After he finished speaking, the old man beamed with joy and replied: "My child, sacrifice to the gods, with suitable gifts, There will be profits in the future.Let's just say my son—he, isn't it just a dream, Never neglected the gods who dwelt in Olympus, in his halls, Therefore, they remember his piety, even though he is no longer alive.bring it on, Accept this exquisite cup, please protect My safety, if God pleases, send me Go to the camp of the son of Pei Jones. " After hearing these words, the guide Algiphontes replied: " "You see me young, old man, you come to test me again, but you can't Convince me to accept your offer behind Achilles' back Gift.I was afraid in my heart that he would respect him, so I dared not To rob him of what was his—it will bring me misery later on. However, I am willing to guide you sincerely, even if To glorious Argos, with swift ships, or alone You and my legs.Be assured, no strongman dares to despise your guide, Show your fist! " Saying this, the god of kindness, joy and blessing jumped from behind the horse. And up, grabbing the whip and reins, blowing out Great strength poured into mules and harnessed horses.they drive Come before the ditches and parapets that guard ships; The sentries are busy preparing meals. The guide Algyphontes put them all to sleep, Then opened the door swiftly, and drew the bolt, Introducing Priam and a car full of shiny gifts. They went all the way and came to the residence of the son of Peleus, a tall The camp, the myrmitons built together, for their king, Split a large section of pine, pad the reeds of the swamp, Spread a thick, thick roof; round the hut, They fenced out a spacious courtyard, densely packed for the king's master. Line up the poles.The one that blocks the door is a Pine, it takes three Achaeans to tie it, It also takes the strength of three people to pull it out and open the door—three ordinary Achaeans; as for Achilles, he alone can drive it through the hole. At that time, Hermes, the god who helps mortals, opened the gate for the old man, Carriages full of shining treasures, a redemption gift for swift-footed Achilles, Jumping down from the horse, he said to Priam: "Old man, I am an immortal god, Hermes, stand by By your side.My Father sent me down to guide you on your journey. Now, I'm going home, I don't want to be here Before Achilles' eyes, this move would arouse anger—— Let a mortal entertain an immortal god face to face. But go forward and embrace the knee of the son of Peleus, pleading, mentioning his father, his fair-haired mother, And his son, to soften his heart. " Hermes said, and turned back to the ridge of Olympus. Priam dismounted from his horse and stepped on the mud, Leave Idaeus standing guard Riding horses and mules, he himself stepped forward, towards Zeus The battalion, where beloved Achilles used to sit, went.he found warriors Sitting inside, there are some other partners, away from his position, sitting flat—— Only two men, Automedon the mighty, and Alkimos, descendant of Ares, At that time, he was busy beside him.He just finished eating, After eating and drinking, the table was still standing in front of him, the king Priam Stepping into the camp, out of sight, approaching Achilles, arms around his knees, and kissed his hands, which The terrifying, murderous hand has killed many of his sons and daughters. Like a strong man who kills his homeland, with Extremely ecstatic, fleeing to another country, begging A rich master who astonishes the beholders, Achilles looked at Priam with a stunned expression at this time, looking at Priam like a god. Ordinary people; everyone looked at each other in amazement. Then Priam spoke, in the language of entreaty: "Think of your father, the godlike Achilles, who and I Same age, crossing the pale yellow threshold, painful twilight years! People in the neighborhood must be worried and embarrassed about him, but no one at home Stand up and save him from misery and disaster. However, when he heard the news that you are still alive, There will be waves of joy in my heart, and I hope that the owner will be born day and night, Desiring to see his beloved son, he returned to his hometown from the land of Troy. As for me, my fate is full of dangers.The best son I ever had, in Wide Troy; but, I tell you, they are all gone from me! I have fifty sons, when the Achaeans marched here, Nineteen from the belly of the same woman, and the rest from Other women give birth and live in my palace.tough Ares softened their knees, most of them, Leave me only a good boy, to guard my castle and my men— He fought to defend his homeland and died at your hands a few days ago, My Hector!For him I came to the ships of the Achaeans, I bring you an inestimable gift, and plan to redeem my children from you. Fear the gods, Achilles, think of your father, Have pity on me old man!I am more worthy of mercy than he; I have endured things no other mortal in the world has ever done: Kiss your hands with my lips, the soldier who killed my son. " The old man talked about it, and in Achilles' heart, the desire to cry for his father was triggered. passion.He took the old man's hand and gently pushed him away; Memories like smoke shrouded their hearts.old man huddled in At the feet of the son of Peleus, weeping Hector the murderer, And Achilles sometimes mourned his father, sometimes mourned The death of Patroclus; mournful cries echoed in the camp. When great Achilles has had enough of bitter tears, The wailing passion then left body and mind, He got up from the seat, held the old man's hand, and Fu stood up, looked at his gray beard and hair, felt pity in his heart. Sending words with wings, he opened his mouth and said: "Oh, poor old man, what pain and misery your soul has endured! How dare you come alone to the Achaean boat, look me in the face - I killed your son, so many Brave boy?Your heart is like a block of iron.bring it on, Sit down this armchair; in spite of pain, let us, Yes, let you and I bury our sorrows in our hearts, There will be no benefit in mourning and mourning like this. Such is God's weave, the thread of life, for the unfortunate mortal; Our life is full of ups and downs, but the gods themselves have no worries. There are two urns, parked on the grounds of Zeus' palace, containing Different gifts, one filled with blessings, the other filled with misery. If Zeus, who loves thunder, mixes these two urns, give it to one A mortal man, then, has his bad times and his good times. However, when Zeus gave to mortals all that was taken from the urn of misery, Then the man will leave his homeland, be driven by a rumbling hunger, and walk on the shining Mud, wandering everywhere, despised by gods and men. The fate of blending also befell Peleus.The gods gave him piles The shining gift, from the time of his birth, set him above all beings, and with his riches, All that he has, rule over the soldiers of Mermedon.Furthermore, despite being 凡人,神们却给了他一位长生不老的女仙,做他的妻伴。 然而,即便在他头上,神明也堆起了苦难。他没有 生下一整代强健的王子,在他的宫居里, 只有一个注定会盛年夭折的孩儿——我不能 照顾他,在他的暮年,因我坐在特洛伊城下, 远离故土,给你和你的孩子们带来愁难。 你也一样,老人家;我们听说,你也有过兴盛的时候, 你的疆土面向大海,远至莱斯波斯,马卡耳的国度, 东抵弗鲁吉亚内陆,北达宽阔的赫勒斯庞特水域—— 人们说,老人家,在这辽阔的地域内,比财富,论儿子,你是 首屈一指的权贵。 以后,上天的神祗给你来这场灾难, 城外进行着古无止境的战斗,人死人亡。 你必须忍受这一切;不要哭哭啼啼,没完没了。 哭子痛心,于事无补——你能把他带回人间? No way.用不了多久,你会有另一场临头的大难。 " 听罢这番话,年迈的王者,神一样的普里阿摩斯答道: “不要叫我息身座椅,宙斯钟爱的王子,只要赫克托耳 还躺在军营,无人守护看管。把他交还于我, 不要拖延,也好让我亲眼看看,看看我的儿子。收下我们 带来的赎礼,洋洋洒洒的礼物!享用去吧,回到 你的家乡;你已放我一命,让我 苟延存活,得见白日的光明。 " 其时,捷足的阿基琉斯恶狠狠地盯着他,说道: “不要惹我发火,老人家!我已决定把赫克托耳 交还于你;一位信使已给我带来宙斯的谕令, 我的生身母亲,海洋老人的女儿。 至于你,普里阿摩斯,我也知道——不要隐瞒—— 是某位神明把你引到此地,阿开亚人迅捷的快船边。 凡人中谁敢闯入我们的营区,哪怕他是个 强壮的年轻汉子?他躲不过哨兵的眼睛,也不能 轻松地拉开门后的杠闩。so, 你不要继续挑拨我的怒火,在我伤愁之际, 免得惹我,老先生,结果你的性命,在我的营棚里, 不顾你这恳求者的身份,违背宙斯的训谕。 " 听罢这番话,老人心里害怕,服从了他的指令。 裴琉斯之子大步扑向门口,像一头狮子, 并非单行,身后跟着两位伴从,壮士 奥托墨冬和阿尔基摩斯——帕特罗克洛斯 死后,二位是阿基琉斯最尊爱的随伴。 两人从轭架下宽出骒马,带入 信使,老王的传话人,让他坐在 椅子上,然后,从溜光滑亮的骡车里 搬出难以估价的财礼,回赎赫克托耳的遗躯, 但却留下两件披篷和一件织工精致的衫衣, 作为裹尸的用物,在他们载着遗体,回转家门之际。 阿基琉斯大声招呼女仆,净洗尸身,抹上清油, 但要先抬至一边,以恐让普里阿摩斯 见到,以痛子的悲哀,丧子的 愤怒,激起阿基琉斯的怨恨, 杀了老人,违背宙斯的训谕。 女仆们洗净尸身,抹上橄榄油, 掩之以一件衫衣和一领漂亮的披篷。 阿基琉斯亲自动手,把他抱上尸床,然后, 由伙伴们帮持,把尸床抬上溜光滑亮的车架。 接着,他悲声哭喊,叫着亲爱的伴友的名字: “不要生我的气,帕特罗克洛斯,倘若你听说此事, 虽然你已坠入哀地斯的府居:我已把卓越的赫克托耳 交还他钟爱的父亲。他给了我分量相当的赎礼, 我将给你拿出一份,像往常一样,符合你的身份和地位。 " 言罢,卓越的阿基琉斯走回营棚, 下坐刚才起身离行的靠椅,雕工精致, 靠着对面的墙壁,对着普里阿摩斯说道: “我已交还你的儿子,老人家,如你要求的那样。 他正息躺尸床,你老马上即可亲眼日睹他的容颜, 在破晓时分,登程上路之际。眼下,我们宜可进用晚餐; 即便是长发秀美的尼娥北,也不曾断然绝食, 虽然她的六对儿女全被杀死在她的官居里, 六个女儿,六个风华正茂的儿子。阿波罗用银弓 射尽她的儿子,出于对尼娥北的 愤恨,而发箭如雨的阿耳忒弥丝杀尽了她的女儿, 只因尼娥北自以为可与美貌的莱托攀比, 讥贬后者只生了两个子女,而她自己却是这么多儿女的母亲。 然而,虽然只有两个,他俩却杀了尼娥北所有的儿女。 一连九天,死者躺倒在血泊里,无人替他们收尸 掩埋——克罗诺斯之子已把所有的人化作石头。 [●] ●把所有的人化作石头:可能指卷人此事的人们。 到了第十天,神们下到凡间,把死人收埋。 而尼娥北,虽已哭得死去活来,仍然没有忘记吃喝。 现在,在岩壁耸立的某地,荒漠的山脊上, 在西普洛斯的峰峦里——人们说,那里是女神们息身的去处, 长生不老的女仙嬉舞在阿开洛伊俄斯的滩沿—— 化作石头的尼娥北仍在苦苦回味着神祗致造的忧愁。 来吧,尊贵的老先生,我们也一样,不能忘了 吃喝。当你把心爱的儿子拉回伊利昂, 那到候,你可放声痛哭,用泪水洗面。 " 言罢,捷足的阿基琉斯跳将起来,宰掉 一头雪白的绵羊;伙伴们剥去羊皮,收拾得干干净净, 把羊肉切成小块,动作熟练,挑上叉尖, 仔细烧烤后,脱叉备用。 奥托墨冬拿出面包,就着精美的条篮,放在 table; meanwhile, Achilles distributes the roast. 随后,他们伸出手来,抓起眼前的佳肴。 When their desire to eat and drink is satisfied, 普里阿摩斯,达耳达诺斯之子,注目凝视阿基琉斯, I am amazed at his handsome, tall and straight body, just like 神明一般。与此同时,阿基琉斯亦在注目凝望达耳达诺斯之 子普里阿摩斯, 惊慕他高贵的长相,聆听着他的言淡。 当他俩互相看够了之后,年迈的王者。 神一样的普里阿摩斯首先发话,说道: “快给我安排一个睡觉的地方,宙斯钟爱的壮勇, 以便让我躺身床面,享受酣睡的愉悦。 自从我儿死后,死在你的手下, 我就一直没有合过双眼,总在恸哭 哀悼,沉湎在受之不尽的愁郁中, 翻滚在院内的粪堆里。Now, 我已吃饱食物,闪亮的醇酒已浸润 我的喉管;在此之前,我啥也没有碰沾。 " 老人言罢,阿基琉斯命嘱女仆和伙伴们 动手备床,在门廊的顶面下,铺开厚实的 紫红色的褥垫,覆上床毯, 压上羊毛屈卷的披盖。女仆们 手握火把,走出厅堂,动手操办, 顷刻之间铺出两个床位。捷足的 阿基琉斯看着普里阿摩斯,用讥刺的口吻说道: “睡在外头吧,亲爱的老先生,不要让阿开亚人的 头领看见。他们常来常往,坐在我的 身边,商讨谋划,履行他们的职限。 如果有人见你在此,在这飞逝的黑夜, 他会马上告诉阿伽门农,军队的统帅, 从而迟延回赎遗体的时间。 此外,告诉我,数字要准确,你需要 多少日子,埋葬卓越的赫克托耳? 在此期间,我将罢息刀枪,也不让阿开亚兵勇赴战。 " 听罢这番话,年迈的王者、神一样的普里阿摩斯答道: “如果你真的愿意让我为卓越的赫克托耳举行隆重的 葬礼,那么,阿基琉斯,你要能如此做来,我将 感到由衷的高兴。你知道,我们被迫挤在城里,苦不堪言, 砍伐烧柴要到遥远的坡地,而特洛伊人都已 吓得腿脚酥软。我们将把他放在宫内哭祭,需用九天时间。 准备在第十天上举行葬礼,让大伙吃喝一顿; 第十一天上,我们将堆坟筑墓;到了 第十二天,两军可重新开战,如果我们必须兵戎相见。 " After hearing these words, the swift-footed warrior and the excellent Achilles replied: “好吧,老人家,一切按你说的办; 我将按兵不动,在你需要的期限。 " 言罢,阿基琉斯握住老王的右手腕, 使他不致担惊受怕。接着,二位来者, 普里阿摩斯和同来的使者,盘想着回城的方略, 睡寝在厅前带遮顶的门廊下, 而阿基琉斯则睡在坚固的营棚里,棚屋的深处, 身边躺着美貌的布里塞伊丝。 此时,其他神明和驾驭战车的凡人 都已酣睡整夜,吞吐着睡眠的舒甜, 惟有善喜助信的赫耳墨斯还不曾屈从睡的催捕,心中 思考着如何护导王者普里阿摩斯 离开海船,躲过忠于职守的门卫的双眼。 他悬站在老王头上,对他说道: “老人家,你全然不顾眼前的危险,睡躺在 敌营之中,只因阿基琉斯不曾把你伤害。 是的,你已赎回你的爱子,付出一大笔财礼; 然而,你家中的儿子,将付出三倍于此的财物, 回赎你的生命,要是此事传到阿特柔斯之于阿伽门农 耳边,传到所有其他阿开亚人的耳朵里。 " 他言罢,老人心里害怕,叫醒使者。 赫耳墨斯套好骡车和马车, 亲自驭赶,迅速穿过营区,谁也不曾注意到车马的踪迹。 然而,当他们来到清水河的边岸, Zeus the father, the immortal god, the edge of the swirling Sansos, 赫耳墨斯离开他们,回程俄林波斯的峰巅; 黎明抖开金红色的衫袍,遍撒在大地上。 其时,他们赶着马车,朝着城堡行进,悲声哀悼, 痛哭流涕。遗体由骡车拉行。城墙里,谁也 不曾首先见到他们,无论是男人,还是束腰秀美的女子, 谁也不曾先于卡桑德拉,金色的阿芙罗底忒一样的姑娘, 早已登上裴耳伽摩斯的顶面。她看到 亲爱的父亲,站在马车上,由他的信使和传话人 陪伴。她也见到尸架,骡车上的那个人, 于是尖声嘶叫,声音传响在整个城区: “来呀,特洛伊的男子和妇女!看看我们的赫克托耳—— 倘若你们,你们曾满怀喜悦,看着他生还家园,从杀敌的 battlefield!他给我们带来过巨大的愉悦,给这座城市,所有的 子民! " 听到此番喊叫,人们倾城而出,包括男人 和女子,个个悲苦异常,痛不欲生。 他们在城门边围住运尸进城的普里阿摩斯, 赫克托耳的妻子和尊贵的母亲最先扑上 轮圈溜滑的骡车,撕绞着自己的头发, 抚摸着死者的头脸;众人哭喊嚎啕,围站在她们身边。 此时此地,在这城门之前,人们会痛哭终日, 泪流满面,直到太阳西沉。 要不是老人开口发话,在车上高声叫喊: “闪开,让骡车过去!稍后,当我 把他放入宫居,你们可尽情恸哭举哀。 " 他言罢,人们问向两边,让出一条过车的通道。 他们把赫克托耳抬人那座著名的房居,把他 放在一张雕花的床上。引导哀悼的 歌手们坐在他的身边,唱起曲调 凄楚的挽歌,女人们悲声哭叫,应答呼号。 白臂膀的安德罗玛开引导着女人的悲嚎, 怀中抱着丈夫的头颅,杀人的赫克托耳: “我的丈夫,你死得这般年轻!你丢下我, 宫居里的寡妇,守着尚是婴儿的男孩。 You and my offspring, a pair of unfortunate people!我知道,他不会 长大成人:在此之前,我们的城堡将被荡为平地, 从楼顶到底面的墙沿!因为你已不在人间,你,城堡的卫士 保卫着城内高贵的妻子和无力自卫的孩童——不幸的人们, 将被深旷的海船运往陌生的国度。 我也一样,随同被抢的女人;而你,我的孩子, 将随我前往,超越体力的负荷,替一位苛刻的 主人,干起沉重的苦活。或许,某个阿开亚强人 会伸手把他夺走,扔下城楼,暴死在墙基边, 出于内心的愤怒,因为赫克托耳曾杀死过他的亲人, 他的兄弟、父亲或儿子——众多的阿开亚人已面贴广袤的 大地,嘴啃泥尘,倒死在赫克托耳手下! 在你死我活的拼杀中,你的父亲不是个心慈手软的儒汉。 所以,赫克托耳,全城的人们都在悲哭你的死亡; 你给不幸的双亲带来了难以言喻的痛苦和悲难。 但尝苦最深、悲痛最烈的是你的妻子, 是我——你没有死在床上,对我伸出你的双臂, 也没有叙告贴心的话语,使我可以终身 怀念,伴随着我的哭悼,无论是白天,还是黑夜! " 安德罗玛开纵情哭诉,女人们答之以悲戚的呼喊。 接着,赫卡贝引唱起曲调凄楚的哀歌: “众多的儿郎中,赫克托耳,你是我最钟爱的一个。 在我们共同生活的日子里,你是神祗钟爱的宠人; 他们仍在关心爱护着你,虽然你已离我而去。 捷足的阿基琉斯曾抓过我好几个儿子, 送过奔腾不息的大海,当做奴隶,卖往 萨摩斯、英勃罗斯和烟雾弥漫的莱姆诺斯。 [●] ●烟雾弥漫的莱姆诺斯:莱姆诺斯岛偶有火山爆发。 然而你,他用锋快的铜枪夺走了你的生命, 拖着你一圈圈地围着坟茔奔跑,围着被你杀死的 帕特罗克洛斯。然而,即便如此,他也没有把心爱的伙伴 带回人间。现在,你横躺在厅堂里,宛如 晨露一般鲜亮,像被银弓之神阿波罗 击中放倒的死者,用温柔的羽箭。 " 赫卡贝一番哭诉,引发出哀绵不绝的悲嚎。 接着,海伦,继二位之后,引唱起悲悼的挽歌: “在我丈夫的兄弟中,赫克托耳,你是我最亲爱的人! 我的夫婿,亚历克山德罗斯、神一样的凡人,把我 带到特洛伊——唉,我为什么还活在人间,在那一天之前! 我来到这里,已是第二十个年头, 离开故土,我的家乡。However, 你对我从来不会说话带刺,恶语中伤。 而且,若有别的亲戚说出难听的话语,在王家的厅堂,若有 我丈夫的某个兄弟或姐妹,或某个兄弟的裙衫绚美的妻子, 或是我夫婿的母亲——但他的父亲却总是那么和善, 就像是我的亲爹——份总会出面制止,使他们改变 成见;用你善良的心地和温文尔雅的言谈。so, 带着悲痛的心情,我哭悼你的死亡,也为 自己艰厄的命运。在宽广的特洛伊大地,我再也找不到 一个朋友,一位善意待我的人;所有的人都回避和我见面。 " 海伦一番哭诉,众人悲声呼嚎。actually, 普里阿摩斯,年迈的王者,对着人们喊道: “特洛伊人,现在,我要你们上山伐木,“运薪回城!不要担心 阿耳吉维人的伏击,藏裹杀机的人群。Achilles 已经答应,在让我离开乌黑的海船、登程上路之前, 保证决不伤害我们,直到第十二个早晨,黎明降临的时节。 " 他言罢,众人拉过牛和骡子,套好车辆, 迅速集聚在城堡的前面。一连几天, 他们运来难以数计的烧柴。当第十个黎明 射出曙光,撒向凡人的世界, 他们抬出壮勇的赫克托耳,痛哭流涕,将遗体 平放在柴堆的顶面,点起焚尸的火焰。 当年轻的黎明,垂着玫瑰红的手指,重现天际时, 人们复又围聚在焚烧光荣的赫克托耳的柴堆边。 当聚合完毕,人群集中起来后, 他们先用晶亮的醇酒扑灭柴堆上的余火, 那些仍在腾腾燃烧的木块,然后, 赫克托耳的兄弟和伙伴们收捡起白骨, 悲声哀悼,泪水涌注,沿着面颊流淌。 他们把捡起的白骨放入一只金瓮, 用松软的紫袍层层包裹, 迅速放入坟穴,堆上巨大的 石块,垒得严严实实,然后赶紧 堆筑坟冢,四面站着负责警戒的哨卫, 以防胫甲坚固的阿开亚人提前进攻的时间。 他们堆起坟茔,举步回城, 再次汇拢聚合,分享奠祭赫克托耳的盛宴, 在宙斯哺育的王者、普里阿摩斯的宫殿。 就这样,特洛伊人礼葬了赫克托耳,驯马的英壮。 (Finish)
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