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Chapter 7 volume six

Iliad 荷马 10201Words 2018-03-21
After the gods left, the Achaeans and the Trojans continued Fierce struggles; on the plains, crowds of fierce battles One rises and the other falls, and the two sides throw bronze spears at each other, The battle was between two great rivers, with the currents of Sansos and Simmoes. Ajax son of Telamon, stronghold of the Achaeans, first Break the ranks of the Trojans, and bring hope to your fellows, and fell the best warrior among the Slakai, Tall and burly Akamas, son of Osoros. He hurls his spear first, and hits the bristle-topped helmet, the strong horn, The copper point pierces the forehead, bites deep,

Crushing the skull, a thick black mist blinded his eyes. Diomedes of the Howling Battlefield struck down Axulos, son of Deuslas, who lived in strong Arisbe, Abundant family resources, guest friends all over the world, open The house on the side of the road welcomes every guest and friend. However, none of them is standing by his side at present, for him. Fend off the wretched death—Diomedes took their lives, Axulus and his companions from Calesius, The driver of the chariot; they both went to Hades. Then Euryalos slew Dresus and Opheltius, And pursued Eseppus and Pedasos, the goddess of streams

Abarbara bore them to Bucorion the mighty, Bucorion, son of proud Laumedon, grew, though his mother gave birth to him secretly in the dark. That day, while shepherding the sheep, Bucorion and the nymph slept and made love, The latter conceived and gave birth to a pair of boys.Now Megistius Ouroalos son of God broke their strength and softened them both. The toned limbs and legs stripped off the armor on the shoulders. The valiant Polypoites slew Astyalus; Odysseus slew Pidutes from Perkote, With his bronze spear; Deucross killed noble Aretaion. Antilochus son of Nestor slew Ableros,

With shining spears; Agamemnon, commander of all armies, brought Eratos down, Dwelt by the Saturnioes, the long stream, Steep Pedasos.The warrior Letos hunted down Flaccus on the run; Euryopoulos ends Melancius. At that time, Menelaus of the Roaring Battlefield was captured alive. Adriestus - frightened steed gallops across the plain, entangled in a strange willow clump, cracked the warped carriage, Broken at the root end of the pole, broke free from the shackles, and moved towards The city wall galloped away, startled the reining horses in that area, and jumped around alive and well.

Their masters were flung from the wagon, on the edge of the wheels, with head and face down, and mouth gnaws the dust; Menelaus, The son of Atreus, with a long spear in his hand, stood beside him. Adriestus threw his arms around his knees, and begged: "Take me alive, son of Atreus, and receive a full ransom. My father is rich and rich, and the wealth in the house is piled up like a mountain, Bronze and gold and hard-wrought gray iron— He will delight your heart with gifts beyond measure, If it is heard that I am still alive beside the ships of the Achaeans. " What he said moved Menelaus' heart.

Just as he was about to hand Adriestus to his entourage, When bringing back the swift ships of the Achaeans, Agamemnon came running and shouted: "Why, relented, my brother? Why is it so Take care of our enemies?Perhaps you also had the Trojans Love, in your home? !No, a man cannot be spared a violent death, Escape from our grasp - even a boy in mother's womb, Never let go!let the trojans die Laid off, no one to mourn, no trace left! " The hero's rebuke is justified, and the words are moved brother.Menelaus pushed out the warrior Adristos, mighty agamemnon shot pierced him in the flank, and struck him on his back,

Then he kicked his chest and pulled out his (wooden) wooden spear. At that moment, Nestor let go of his voice and shouted to the Algives: "Friends, warriors of Danai, servants of Ares! Now is not the time to plunder; do not stagnate, Thinking about how to drag as much of the war gift as possible back to the ship. Now is the time to kill the enemy!After the war, in leisure time, You can strip off all the attributes on the corpse, in every corner of the plain! " The words made everyone muster up their courage and strength.actually, Facing the war-thirsty Achaean soldiers, the Trojans may flee into the walls again,

Fleeing back to Aerion, stumbling with a burden of terror, Had it not been for Helenus, son of Priam, the most efficacious soothsayer, Standing beside Aeneas and Hector, he said to them: "You two chiefs, guide the Trojans and the Lycians Masters of battle, for in all respects you are An outstanding hero, whether it is combat power or planning. Therefore, you two should stand firm, and it is also advisable to go out and visit, and take Falling warriors gather at the gates—be quick, don't let them Throwing into a woman's arms, to the ridicule of our enemies. As long as you muster your armies,

We'll stand firm and fight the Danai, Although the army has suffered heavy losses, we have no choice but to fight against the city. But you, Hector, hurry back to the city, tell Our mother, calling all noble women, On the heights of the castle, before the temple of gray-eyed Athena, Open the holy chamber with the key, at her choice, Take the largest one you can find in her hall. The most beautiful gown, her favorite treasure, Spread in the lap of Athena with beautiful hair.let her promised to sacrifice twelve young cows in the temple, Cow that has never been scourged, but God has mercy

Our castle, take pity on the Trojan women and the helpless children. May she drive the son of Tydeus from holy Ilion, This crazy shooter is frighteningly strong! This man, I tell you, has become the strongest warrior among the Achaeans. Never were we so afraid of Achilles, chief of the army, It is said to be the son of the goddess.this person must be Killing crazy, no one can compete with him, fight him! " And so he spoke, and Hector listened to his brother's advice, Immediately jump out of the chariot, put your feet on the ground, fully armed, Waving two sharp spears, walking through every team,

Encourage the soldiers to fight, and push the frenzy of war. So the Trojans took action and stood up to Achaia's courage. The Algevi began to back off, turned around, and stopped hacking, Thought some god, descended from the starry sky, Side with the Trojans—they are gathering so quickly! Hector raised his voice and shouted to the Trojans: "High-minded Trojans, illustrious allied companions, With manly courage, my dear friends, with furious fighting spirit! Hold on till I get back to Aerion and tell The elder counselor and our wives, Ask them to pray to God and promise rich sacrifices. " Saying this, Hector, with his shining helmet on, set off, The black leather bumps against the ankles and neck, the rim around the shield, Surrounding the huge shield that bulges in the center, its edge. At that time Glaucus son of Hippolocus and Tydeus son Came to the open space between the two armies, with the madness of fighting. They came face to face, approaching aggressively, Diomedes of the Roaring Battlefield spoke first, shouting: "Which of mortals are you, my friend? How shall I Never saw thee, in the field where men strive for honor, there has never been.Now, you are far away from the crowd, in a hurry He rushed forward and faced the projected long spear. Unfortunate father, your son will fight against me! But if you are some immortal god from the clear sky, Then, I tell you, I will not fight any god. Even the mighty Lucurgus, son of Druas, He also ended up short-lived for trying to fight the gods. This one who took the nymphs, nurses of the wild Dionysus, Drive down the sacred Noosa Hills.they throw away stick, lashed by fierce Lucurgus, With cattle sticks!Dionysus was terrified, plunged into the waves, and hid in Thetis's arms, Terrified, his whole body trembled violently, frightened by Lukulgos's chasing and scolding. But the carefree gods, furious at his violence, The son of Cronus blinded him; soon after, Lucurgus died, hated by all the gods. So, I have no intention of fighting the lucky gods. However, if you're a mortal who eats cannibalistic fireworks, then Might as well come closer, so that you can receive the hammer of death as soon as possible! " After hearing these words, the noble son of Hippolocus replied: "Son of Tydeus, grand-hearted son, why do you ask me about my family background? The life of a mortal is like a settlement of leaves. The cool wind blows away the old leaves hanging from the branches, but one day When the spring breeze blows, the branches will sprout dense new green. The same is true for people, a new generation rises and an old generation dies. However, if you want to know more about my genealogy, To be true, then listen to me, although in many people's minds, these are already familiar anecdotes.At one end of the horse-grassy Argos stands a castle, named Ephra, the homeland of Sisyphus son of Aeolus, Sisyphus, the shrewdest mortal who ever lived, had son Glaucus; The latter, in turn, was the father of the valiant Bellerophontes. The gods gave Bellerophontes a beautiful face and Charming demeanor, but Proetos deliberately harmed—— Only because the former was far stronger than he--drove him out of the Algive Homeland, the territory that Zeus conquered with the scepter. Confronting the handsome Bellerophontes, wife of Proetus, the fair Anthea Passionate and wanting to have sex with him, but the latter Upright, awe-inspiring, strong-willed, unmoved. So she came to King Proetus and lied: "Kill Bellerophontes, Proetus, or what do you live for? The guy tried to sleep with me and I flatly refused! " Such a lie angered the king.but, The king did not kill him, so as not to frighten his own heart, Instead, let him go to Lukia, with a note [●] that wants him to die, depicting ●Marker: This is the only example mentioned in "shuhua". On a folded plate, densely packed symbols are enough to make him die in a foreign country. The king asked him to hand over the plates to Anthea's father, so that he would surely die. end.Blessed with God's escort, Bellerophontes has a safe journey Come to Lucia.When he reached the swift-flowing Santhos, King Lucia, who ruled over a vast territory, received him warmly; For nine days in a row, there were continuous sacrifices and feasts, and nine fat cows were killed. Yet when the tenth dawn revealed its rosy fingers, The king began to question him, asking him to show what he had brought, The code that Proitus, his son-in-law asked him to bring. When he knew his son-in-law's sinister intentions, he treated the comer Issued the first command: to kill the unconquerable Monster Chimera, this beast comes from the gods, it is not man-made, With the head of a lion, the tail of a serpent, the figure of a goat, It spewed out blazing flames, which was extremely terrifying. However, Bellerophontes slew Chimera, obeying the divine omen. Afterwards he fought the glorious Solumi; In the struggle with ordinary people, he said that this battle is the most difficult and crazy. Then, he broke through the third trap set by Lao Wang and killed the man who refused to give up his eyebrows in the war. Yamazun girl.After the triumphant return, the king set up another poisonous plan, Choose the best warriors in the vast Rugia, Ordered them to block the road and treasure - none of these people survived, Slain by the valiant Bellerophontes. Later, the king learned that he was a descendant of God, brave and powerful, So he kept him and made him his son-in-law, He was given half of the rights and interests, which belonged to the king's share. The Rugians set aside a piece of land, bigger than anyone else, He is in charge of the fertile cultivated land and orchards. The wife bore three children to the valiant Bellerophontes: Isandros, Hippolocus and Laudamia. Laudamia was in love with Zeus, who was wise and decisive, To him was born Sarpedon wearing a bronze helmet, as strong as a god.after, Bellerophontes - even a man like him - is subject to all the gods The hatred of my soul wanders in the plains of Areos, all alone, Mental and mentally haggard, avoiding the hardships of life. As for his son, Isandros, and the glorious Solumi During the fight, he died at the hands of the war-loving Ares. Artemis with the golden bridle killed Laudamia out of rage. Yet Hippolochus bore me—he was my father, I tell you. He let me come to Troy, and repeatedly told me: Tell me to fight valiantly, to be more tenacious than anyone else, to excel, Not to disgrace my predecessors, who grew up in Ephra And the most valiant hero of vast Rugia. This is my genealogy, my proclaimed lineage. " After hearing these words, Diomedes, who was screaming at the battlefield, was very happy. He plunged his spear into the fertile ground, and spoke Said cheerfully to the soldier's shepherd: "It is good that you are my friend, my guest; our friendship goes back to the When older generations lived.Noble Oinius received the valiant Bellerophontes remained in his hall for twenty full days. They exchanged beautiful gifts as a token of friendship. Oinius gave the guest a shining leather belt, crimson in color, Bellerophontes returned a golden cup with two handles, To be left at home by me, before I leave. Of Tydeus, my father, my memory is very dim— I was a child when he left home; then the bravery of the Achaeans Died tragically in Sebe.So, in the heart of Argos, I am your friend and Master, and in Lucia, when I set foot in your land, you are my master and friend friend. Let us avoid our respective spears, even in close quarters. The Trojans for my slaying, and their famous allies, As many as an ox hair, I will kill them, whether they are the prey of the gods or my own. A quick step to catch up with the opponent. Likewise, the ranks of the Achaeans are mighty—kill them, if you can. Now let us exchange our armor, so that it may be known, We have been guests and friends since our grandparents. " After the two finished speaking, they both jumped off the chariot from behind their horses. They shook hands tightly and exchanged oaths of friendship. However, Zeus, son of Cronus, stole the mind of Glaucus, Make him exchange the golden armor for Diomedes son of Thodeus Copper clothes, the former is worth a hundred fat oxen, while the latter is only worth nine oxen. Then, when Hector came back to the place where the Skaya Gate and the Oak stood, The wives and daughters of the Trojans came running, Surround him, asking about their sons, brothers, friends and husband.Hector told all the women to pray to God, One after another; yet grief awaits many wives, unfortunate people. Then Hector came to Priam's majestic palace, With a clean stone colonnade, there are Fifty bedrooms, of polished stone; The rooms are connected, and in the room sleeps Priam's Sons, lying next to their beloved wives. On the other side of the chamber, facing these rooms, the bedrooms of his daughters, twelve in all, of polished stone, The rooms are connected, and in it sleeps Priam's Son-in-law, lying next to their gentle wives. In the palace, Hector's mother meets her son, a A generous woman with Laudike, the prettiest of her daughters. She took her son's hand tightly, called out, and said: 'Children of play, why leave the field of fierce battle?Why are you here? See how these sons of the Achaeans have tortured you— Damn thing, forced to fight under our city!i know it's your heart Drive you back, stand on the top of the castle, raise your hands, Pray to Zeus.But wait till I bring the sweet wine, Sacrifice Father Zeus and the gods, and then, You can also use wine to strengthen your body and moisten your thirsty throat. To a weary man wine will give him inexhaustible strength, For a weary man like you, fighting to defend the living people of the city. " And tall Hector, with his shining helmet of brass on his head, answered: "Bring me no sweet wine, mother dear, You will make me stagger and lose the strength to fight. And I am ashamed to offer wine to Zeus with unclean hands, Shining wine—a man bloodied and filthy, Why can you pray to Zeus, the son of Cronus and the god of dark clouds? Go to the Temple of Athena, blessed of the marauders, Gather the noble-born old women, bring the sacrifices to the gods, Take one of the largest you can find in your hall. The most beautiful gown, your favorite treasure, Spread in the lap of Athena with beautiful hair.also, promised to sacrifice twelve young cows in the temple, Cow that has never been scourged, but God has mercy Our castle, take pity on the Trojan women and the helpless children, Beg her to drive the son of Tydeus from holy Ilion, This crazy shooter is frighteningly strong! Go, mother, to the temple of blessed Athena, the marauder, I'm going to find Paris and ask him to fight, if he will obey my admonishment.May the earth swallow him up, at this very moment! Olympus the great god kept him alive and growing, and made him a great evil, To the Trojans, to bold Priam and his sons! If only I could see him fall into death's palace, so, I can say that my heart has broken free from the pain! " Hector whispered, and the mother entered the hall, and commanded Maid, summon all the ladies of the city, and She herself descends the fragrant chamber, where There is a delicate woven robe, from Xidong Women's handicrafts - the godly Alexandros himself made them Bringing back home from Xidong, crossing the ocean of Haosen, on that long voyage, He also took back the noble Helen. Hecube brought up an embroidered robe as a gift to Athena, This robe is exquisite, the largest and the finest workmanship, Glitter like a star, tucked away at the bottom of the dress. Then she stepped forward, leading a troop of briskly walking ladies. When they came to the temple of Athena overlooking the city, The beautiful Ceano opens the door to welcome Daughter of Gisius, wife of Atenor the trainer, Promoted by the Trojans as the priest of Athena. With a sharp cry, the women raised their hands to Athena, The beautiful Ceano held up the woven robe and displayed it on the The knees of fair-haired Athena, facing Daughter of mighty Zeus, in earnest words: "Queen, Athena, defender of our city, pride among goddesses! Break the spear of Diomedes, let him Fell down in front of Skaya!we will immediately Sacrifice twelve young cows in your temple, Cow that never got a whipping, but have mercy Our castle, have mercy on the Trojan women and the helpless children! " So she prayed, but Pallas Athene did not accept her entreaty. As they prayed to the mighty daughter of Zeus, Hector went to the house of Alexandros, A luxurious residence, planned and built by the owner himself, with the same The best craftsmen, the most skilled of the fertile ground of Troy. They built a bedroom, a hall and a courtyard, Near the houses of Hector and Priam, towered on the heights of the castle. Hector, beloved of Zeus, approached the house, spear in hand, Stretched to a length of eleven cubits, the top of the pole shone with a branch The bronze spear point is held in place by a golden ring. He found Paris in the bedroom, busily arranging the fine armor, His shield and breastplate fiddled with his curving bow. Helen of Argos is sitting with her maids, To direct their work--beautiful weavers. Seeing this, Hector cursed, using insulting words: "What are you messing around with! Now is not the time to concentrate on being angry! Soldiers are falling in masses, fighting before our siege, Die tragically under the steep city wall!It's all for you, the raucous Killing sound, this desperate struggle around the castle!You deserve to be the first to bear the brunt, Bingyong who stands in retreat in a hateful fight, wherever you see him. Take heart, don't let the merciless fire destroy our towers! " After hearing this scolding, the godlike Alexandros replied: "Hector, your accusation is just and reasonable, not excessive at all. That being the case, I have something to explain here, please be patient and listen to what I have to say. I stayed here not out of hatred for the Trojans Instead of rage, I want to immerse myself in grief. However, just now, my wife persuaded me with tender words; She advised me to return to the battlefield, and I felt I should. Shengwudingjia, this time it belongs to you, next time it belongs to him. Well, wait for me, let me put on my armor; Otherwise, you can take a step first, and I will follow up. I think I can catch up. " After hearing these words, Hector with the shining helmet did not answer, It was Helen who spoke in a warm and gentle tone: "I'm a bitch, dear brother, hateful and wicked. I wish I could, on the day my mother gave birth to me, A fierce wind swept me Deep mountains and canyons, or plunge into the roaring sea, let the peak waves swallow My body, so that all of this will not happen before our eyes. But since the gods have set these pains and predestined the course of events, I hope to marry a better man than him, Know restraint, know the disgrace of those who talk about Taoism. However, this person has no solid insight, and will never There will be no such ability.Therefore, in the future, I dare say, he will suffer. Come in, my brother, come in and sit in this chair; You have suffered the pain of war more than anyone else, For me, a shameless woman, and ignorant and reckless Paris. Zeus doomed us both to a sad fate, so that, even in posterity Years of life, let our filth be the content of poetry! " With the shining helmet on his head, tall Hector answered: "Don't let me sit near you, Helen, though you like me, you persuade not me.My heart urges me to hurry, to help the Trojans Bingyong; after I left, they eagerly expected my return. It's time to give this guy a boost, okay?let him hurry, to catch me before I leave town. I'll go back to my own home first, look at my My loved ones, my beloved wife and my newborn son Lang, For I do not know if I shall be reunited with them again, I wonder if the gods will let me die at the hands of the Achaeans. " Saying this, Hector with the shining helmet strode away, Anxious like a spark, he came to the well-built mansion, but Andromachei with white arms was nowhere to be found, She has a baby and a beautifully dressed maid, Appeared on the top of the city tower, weeping mournfully. Finding no wise wife, Hector went back to the door, Standing on the sill, asked the maids; "Come here, servants, and tell me the truth, Where did Androma with the white arms go?in my Some sister's house, or with one of my brothers' daughter-in-laws in beautiful dresses wife together?Did you go to the temple of Athena - Troy Where are the long-haired ladies comforting the cruel goddess? " As soon as the words fell, a diligent housemaid replied: "Hector, since you want us to tell the truth about her whereabouts, please listen: She did not go to the house of some sister or brother's daughter-in-law of yours, Nor went to the temple of Athena - Troy Where fair-haired ladies comfort the cruel goddess, but to Aerion's generous tower, for she had heard Our side is getting exhausted, and the Achaeans are getting braver and braver. So, she has rushed to the tower quickly, like a Crazy woman, a nanny follows and takes care of your son. " Hearing what the maid said, Hector left home immediately, Hurry back along the flat street you walked on when you came, ran through the wide city, to In front of the Skaya gate, he planned to go straight to the plain in one go. At that time, his wife, rich in dowry, came running to meet him, Andromache, daughter of bold-hearted Ethion, Ethion, who lived at the foot of the wooded Prakos, Sebe, below the peaks of Prakos, ruled over the people of Kylicia. It was his daughter who married Hector with the bronze helmet on his head. At this time, she and her husband reunited after parting, accompanied by a maid, Carrying a boy close to her breast, a newborn baby, Hector's son, the jewel in his father's palm, fair as a shining star, Hector called him Scamanderius, but everyone else called him Astoanac Si [●], ●Astuanax: meaning the master of the castle. Because Hector, alone, defends the castle of Troy. Gazing at his son, the warrior smiled and stood silently; Andromache leaned against him, tears dripping, Holding his hand tightly, calling his name, said: "O reckless fellow, my Hector! Your valor will cost you your life! You don't pity your young son, nor do you pity me, the unlucky widow who is about to become a widow. The Achaeans are swarming, and they will rush up immediately, kill you.If you die, run to your destiny, I still have What words?It's better to bury it in the soil. Life will no longer leave me warm, only Grief, for I have no father, and farewell to my noble mother. Great Achilles sweeps through the fortified castle of Cylicia, Sebe, the towering gate, killed my father Ethion.He killed my father without stripping His armor—he still had a little respect for the dead— Burned the body, together with the suit of finely crafted armor, On the ashes a tall tomb is built; the nymphs, Daughter of Zeus with Aegis, planted elms around it. On that day, my seven brothers, living in the same The relatives in Fangjuli have all gone to the underworld of the god of death, grazing snow-white sheep and shambling fat cattle— The swift-footed warrior, the great Achilles, slew them all. He took my mother, queen of wooded Prakos, brought here, together with other gains, later He released her again and received an incalculable gift.mother died in Her father's house - Artemis, flying arrows, took her. So, Hector, you are my young and strong husband, and My father, my honorable mother and my brothers. Have pity on me, please stay within the parapet, Do not make your children orphans and your wives widows. Take your men to the fig tree, that part of town The defense is the weakest, the walls are low and easy to climb. There have been three dangers, and the enemy's best fighting spirit, by The famous Idomeneus, and the two sons of Atreus and the valiant Diomedes led, trying to open the gap from there. Perhaps, a master who is proficient in divination gave them advice; Perhaps, impelled by passion, they are rushing recklessly. " Hearing these words, the tall Hector answered, with his shining helmet on his head: "I'm thinking about these things too, ma'am. But if I'm like a Dodging battle like a coward, I will be my father and brother in Troy In front of the Trojan women with fluttering skirts, I feel ashamed. My heart will not agree with me to do so.I know what a strong man does, brave tenacious.Forever fighting with the Trojans in the front row, For myself, but also for my father, to win great glory. I know it in my heart, I know it in my soul, The day will come - when holy Irion shall be destroyed, Together with Priam and his strong soldiers holding long (wooden) wooden spears and spears. However, the future end of the Trojans will not make me sad Grief, even for the misfortune of Hecube or King Priam, Even the misery of the brothers—they were numerous and fought bravely— I know they will die at the hand of their enemies, among the dust of the ground. What makes me unbearable is the thought of your pain: some one in bronze armor Akaiya Zhuangyong will drag you away, let you cry, and take away your freedom. In Argos you have to work at someone else's loom, Draw water by the springs of Messes or Huperia, Going against your will—the hard work you have to do weighs you down. In the future, someone will say this, looking at your bitter state of tears: 'This is Hector's wife, in the blood of Aerion's He was the bravest of the Trojans who tamed horses. ' Yes, someone will say so, and it will stir up new sorrows in your heart, To lose your husband, a man who can keep you from being a slave. May I die and die, and sleep forever on piles of piles, So as not to hear your wail, your scream when you are dragged away. " Saying this, glorious Hector stretched out his arms to embrace the child, The latter retracted into the embrace of the nanny, a woman with a beautiful waist, Crying, terrified at my own father's attire, Afraid of his bronze armor, and the horsehair on his crown, Stitched on the top of the helmet, in the eyes of the children, it swayed the majesty of the townspeople. The dear father laughed loudly, and the respected mother pursed her lips; Glorious Hector immediately took off his helmet, Lay it on the ground, shining the sun's rays.he picked up Beloved son, bowing his head and kissing, swinging his arms, Let go of your voice, and read aloud to Zeus and the gods: "Zeus, gods, promise that this child, my son, Then come out like me, distinguished among the Trojans, As strong as I am, rule Aerion mightily.in the future, people Will say something like this: 'This is a great man, even better than his father. ' When he returns triumphantly from the battlefield, let him take the battle salute and plunder himself The enemies he slew comforted the mother's heart. " So saying, he gave his son to his dear wife, who Take it with both arms, hold it tightly in front of the fragrant crisp chest, Tears glistened in his smiling eyes.Seeing this, Hector felt pity, Touched her, called her name, and said: "Poor Andromache, why are you so sad, so sad? No one can throw me from the Hades of Hades unless it is fate. As for fate, I think no one can break free, whether it is Warriors, or cowards - it holds us back, since we were born! Go back and take care of your own work, your looms and your yarn-spools, and your housemaids, Make them work hard.As for fighting, that's a man's business, Of all men born in Ilion, above all I, I, Hector. " Saying this, Hector brought up the mane-studded crowned helmet, while his beloved wife went home, Looking back frequently, tears welled up. She hastened back to the house of Hector the Slayer, In the solid courtyard, many maids were found gathering Inside, seeing the return of the master, he howled loudly. So they mourned for Hector at his house, While alive, convinced that he would never come back, Dodge the hands of the Achaeans, flee from their onslaught. At the same time, Paris did not dare to stay in the tall house for a long time; He put on his glorious armor, of shining bronze, Running through town, his quick legs filled him with confidence. Like a young horse in a stable, full on the trough, Breaking free from the reins, galloping across the plain with a rumble of hooves, Go straight to the bathing place I often go to, a long river with clear water, The horse's head is held high in high spirits, with a long mane on the back of the neck Drifting, intoxicated by my own strength, run away With swift legs, he pounces on the pasture, where young horses love to go. So Paris, son of Priam, from the The top rushes down, armor shines like a glowing sun, Laughing loudly, walking fast, in a blink of an eye and overtook great Hector, his brother, who was still there, He didn't immediately leave the place where he talked with his wife just now. Godlike Alexandros spoke first: "Brother, I am late, and have taken your time; I didn't arrive in time for your request. " In his shining helmet, tall Hector answered: "What an incredible eccentric; a fair man would not underestimate your role, in the fierce battle, because you are a strong and brave. However, you automatically withdraw from the battlefield, unwilling to continue fighting.when heard Our warriors, those Trojans who fought for you, When I ridiculed and insulted, my heart would throb. Well, let us go to battle together; these disputes will be settled later, If Zeus agrees, let us gather in the hall and raise Liberty's cup, to the immortal gods above—in our Drive off the gauntleted Achaeans, beat them from Troy! "
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