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Chapter 5 volume four

Iliad 荷马 10572Words 2018-03-21
At that time, the gods were sitting beside Zeus and conferring. Paved palace.Goddess Hebe is giving them Pour out Nektar one by one, and the gods hold up golden cups, They persuaded each other to drink, and looked down at the city of the Trojans. Suddenly the son of Cronus opened his mouth, intending Enraged Hera, in a provocative tone, sarcastically said: "Among the goddesses, two are the patrons of Menelaus, Hera of Argos and Athena of the Boeotians[●]. Athena of the Boeotians: Literally translated as "Athena of Alarkemene"; Nai was a town in the territory of Boeotia that housed the altar of Athena.

Look at these two, sitting here, watching, Yo.She is content with herself, but Aphrodite, who loves to laugh, is always Inseparable to protect her darling from dead spirits— Just now, she let Paris, who thought he was going to die, escape by a narrow margin. However, the fruits of victory have undoubtedly belonged to Menelaus, whom Ares loved. Now, let's consider where things are headed, Is to provoke the fierce battle and pain again Fight, or let them conclude a peace treaty and make up. May this end please you all, and bring joy to every god, Populate the castle of King Priam,

Make Menelaus return home with Helen of Argos. " Zeus said so, but Athena and Hera whispered to themselves, Sitting very close, plotting what to do to the Trojans. Athena sat silent, sullen, To Zeus, her father; furious rage tore her heart. However, Hera couldn't bear the anger in her heart, and said to Zeus: "Son of Cronus, terrible king, what did you say? Trying to make my efforts come to nothing, in vain? I have sweated and exhausted my steed, To muster an army, and to send sorrow to Priam and his sons. Do it, Zeus, but we and the gods will never agree. " These words disturbed Zeus greatly, and the Gatherer of Dark Clouds replied:

"Insatiable Hera! Priam and his sons How much pain and wrath have you caused you, Can't forget to destroy Ilion, destroy this strong castle? It seems that you don't want to appease the fury in your chest unless you break open the city gate, smashed down the tall walls, devoured Priam alive and his sons, with all the Trojans. Do what you like, but remember, don't let this fight It will bring you and me sorrow in the future. I have one more thing to tell you, you have to keep it in your heart. In the future, whenever I want to destroy a city, As long as I am willing, your beloved soldiers live in it,

Don't come forward to cover up and direct my wrath, but let me let go, For I have given you this promise, even against my will. Under the sun and the stars, where mortals live Of all cities, holy Troy is my most cherished castle, and Priam And the bravery of soldiers holding heavy (wooden) wooden spears and spears in his hands. There, my altar never lacks enough offerings, no Cupfuls of libations, sweet smokes—this is our right. " After hearing these words, the lady of the bull's eye and the goddess Hera replied: "Excellent! There are three of my favorite cities in the world,

Argos, Sparta, and open Mucaine— Squeeze them, whenever they arouse your anger. I will not defend them against you nor complain about your actions. In fact, even if I complain and don't let you destroy them, Nor will my efforts be of any use—you are stronger and more powerful than I am. Still, you shouldn't make me work hard for nothing; I am also God, and my genealogy is your family, Cronus the scheming is also my father, and I am his noblest daughter, Reflected in two aspects, birth order and relationship with you - I was Honored as your mate, and you are the king of the gods.

So, for this matter, you and I have to make allowances for each other, I to you, you to me, and the other immortal gods will Follow suit.Now, command Athena at once, To the field where Trojans and Achaeans fought, To make the Trojans break their oath first, Injure the Achaean soldiers who won the battlefield. " She spoke, and the Father of men and gods accepted her advice, Immediately ordered Athena, using words with wings: "Go, to the ranks of the Teloyes and Achaeans, To make the Trojans break their oath first, Injure the Achaean soldiers who won the battlefield. "

The words of Zeus encouraged Athena, who had already been impatient, She set off hastily, rushing down from the summit of Olympus, like a scheming son of Kronos thrown A meteor, a harbinger of sailors or a great army, The radiance was radiant, bursting out dense sparks. Just like that, Pallas Athena swept towards the ground, Settled between the two armies, the onlookers were stupefied, The Trojans, who are good horsemen, and the Achaean soldiers, who are strong in gauntlets. In the procession, people will look at their neighbors in surprise and say: "Look at this momentum, are we going to face a cruel war again,

Noisy struggle?Faith or Zeus, the regulator The god of war in the world intends to make our two sides reconcile? " Some people will mutter that the Achaeans and Trojans in the team are strong. Athena in the form of a warrior, Laudocus, son of Antenor, A mighty gunslinger appeared in the ranks of the Trojans, Looking for the god-like Pandaros, hoping to find him. She wandered through the crowds, and found Lucaon's son, a noble and valiant fighter, Standing tall, surrounded by teams of strong, shield-wielding warriors Soldiers brave, follow him to this place, from the coast of Essippus, where the water is rushing.

The goddess stood beside him and said to him in winged words: "Smart son of Lucaon, would you like to hear my words? If you dare, shoot an arrow at Menelaus, You will earn honor and gratitude for it, in the presence of all The face of the Trojans, especially Prince Alexandros. If he beholds war-loving Menelaus, son of Artesans, Shot down by your feathered arrows, lying sadly flat on the pyre, You can take the glorious battle gift from him before others. Come, strut yourself, and bow the noble Menelaus—be quick! But do not forget to pray to Apollo[●], the glorious archer and wolf god, and tell him,

●Apollo, the wolf god: It may contain the meaning of "the guardian god of the shepherds".According to the original text, it can also be used as "birth Apollo in Lucia" solution. When you set foot on the land of your homeland and return to the sacred castle of Zelea, You will honor him with a solemn sacrifice of the first-born lamb. " Athena's words robbed him of his wisdom. Immediately he took out his strong, slippery bow, and from one end The horns of the wild goat—when the blue goat steps down the rock, He sent a sharp arrow into its chest.He wears a disguise, Hiding on the rock wall, an arrow pierced the goat's chest and knocked over the rock face. The horns on the goat's head were sixteen palms long, A skilled bowmaker bound it, Grind the surface until it is polished and translucent, and install a gold-cast string ring. Pandarus rested the corner of his bow on the ground, and bent the bow, Wind up the strings; some put shields in front, those brave companions, Lest the warring sons of the Achaeans suddenly stand up and shoot arrows before him War-thirsty Menelaus, son of Atreus, rushed at him. He opened the lid of the pot and took out a feather, Never used it before, sending arrows of pain. Swiftly he put his deadly arrows on the bowstring, Prayed to the glorious archer, Apollo, the wolf god, Promise him to set foot on his native land and return to the sacred castle of Zelea. A generous sacrifice, the first-born lamb, will be offered to the gods. He opened his bow with luck, holding tightly the notch of the arrow and the bowstring made of beef tendon, The string was pressed against the chest, and the iron arrowhead touched the bow shaft. He drew his weapons into an arch, and borrowed a great bow Shouting and groaning, the strings singing loudly, the feathered arrow against the sharp head Flying out, with fury in his arms, he roared and rushed towards the crowd in front of him. Yet the blessed, immortal gods have not forgotten you, Menelaus, and especially daughter of Zeus, blessed in battle, Standing in front of you at this moment, defending you from the meat-biting arrows. She shifted the point of the arrow away from your flesh, moving briskly, Like a mother flicking away flies, for a sleeping child— She herself strikes, directing the feathered arrow to the golden lacing, The two halves of the breastplate join together and overlap. Relentless arrows smashed into strong knots, Penetrating the finely woven strips, Breaking open the finely crafted breastplate, and approaching the Inner armor - this is the most important armor on a strong man, used to protect The lower body and the impact of the spear were blocked, but the flying arrow had enough energy to pierce through it. The arrows drive straight in, picking apart the flesh of the strong man, Emit thick black, gushing hot blood. like a Maionian or Carian woman, with bright red paint Painted ivory to make the cheeks of the rein, though many rein Drooling over it, it lies quietly The back room, as the treasure of the king, is subject to double Cherishing is not only an ornament for horses, but also can add glory to the rider. Just like that, Menelaus, the blood on your strong body Thighs, your calves and well-defined anklebones. Watching the thick black blood gushing from the wound, Agamemnon, king of the people, trembled with fear, War-loving Menelaus himself was quite surprised, trembling with fright; However, when he saw the straps and barbs on the wound Outside, the lost courage returned to his heart. Mighty Agamemnon weeps and shakes the hand of Menelaus; The partners gathered around, whimpering and sobbing.Agamemnon cried: "Dear brother, the oath I swore brought death to you, Leave you alone, fighting before our eyes, against the mighty Trojans. Now the Trojans have shot you down and broken our oath. However, our vows are not child's play, the blood of the lamb will not be shed in vain, There will be retribution for a poured clean libation, the right hand that is clenched is not in vain Remuneration! If the god Olympus does not settle this matter at once, There will be severe punishment in the future; those who violate the rules will pay a heavy price, With their own heads, and their wives and children. I know it in my heart, I know it in my soul, The day will come; when holy Ilion shall be destroyed, Together with Priam and his strong soldiers holding long (wooden) wooden spears and spears. Zeus, son of Cronus, sits in the heavenly house, in the lofty court, Aegis, who himself will wave the chastisement, over their heads, out of righteous indignation at this fraud.All this will happen, inevitably. However, I will bear great sorrow for you, Menelaus, If you die, stop the life limited by fate. I will return to dry Argos in disgrace, Because Achaia's brave soldiers will immediately feel homesick, And we, for this, shall have to leave Helen of Argos to Priam and Trojans, give them credit.As for you, the soil of Troy will eat your bones, Because you have died here, leaving behind the achievements of the expedition and the unfinished battle. Some trojan kid will happily jump on The tomb of Menelaus, proudly shouting: 'May Agamemnon vent on all his enemies in this way Fury—like this time, lead troops here in vain, Then he returned home after working hard, and returned to his beloved hometown, The ship was empty, leaving brave Menelaus behind. ' This person will talk nonsense like this, I am so angry that I want to hide in the ground! " After hearing these words, the brown-haired Menelaus said in relief: "Be brave, and don't frighten the Achaeans who will fight here. Sharp arrows miss, shiny belts Frustrated its edge, under the corset and coppersmith An elaborate plastron blocks its impact. " After hearing these words, the mighty Agamemnon replied: "May it be as you say, Menelaus, my brother. Anyway, the healer will come to heal your wound, lay The prepared gunpowder stops the piercing pain. "After all, He turned to Talsubius, his divine messenger: "Tarsubius, with all speed, call for Machaon, Son of Asclepius, skilled healer, Injured Menelaus son of Atreus, war-thirsty— Some archer skilled in the bow, some Trojan or Lycian shot him: For Sagittarius, it was an honor; for us, it brought sorrow. " After listening to these instructions, the envoy respectfully abides by them, Walking among the soldiers in bronze armor, Looked for the brave Machaon, and saw that the latter was Standing there, surrounded by teams of shield-carrying Soldiers brave, march here with Machaon, come from Trica, where the horses are rich and rich, The Messenger stood beside him, and spoke, in winged words: "Action, son of Asclepius, mighty Agamemnon wants you past, To examine the wounds of Menelaus, the leader of the Achaeans— Some archer skilled in the bow, some Trojan or Lycian shot him: For Sagittarius, it was an honor; for us, it brought sorrow. " These words aroused Machaon's passion.them Through the crowds, rushing through the vast camp of the Achaeans, Come to the arrow of the brown-haired Menelaus Wounded place—the chiefs formed a circle and guarded Beside him; the healer stood still among the crowd, a godlike mortal. He drew the arrow from the clasp of his belt, swiftly, The sharp barb moved backwards, cracked and broken. Then, in turn, he loosened the belt and the corset below, and the plastron that the coppersmith made for him, Find the wounds of the fierce arrows, Suck out the blood stasis inside, and apply an analgesic gunpowder—— A long time ago, out of a friendly wish, Glorious gifted this medicine to his father. While they were busy tending Menelaus at the Howling Battlefield, The heavily armed trojans were advancing. The Achaeans re-armed, and the thought of battle again took possession of their minds. At this time, you will not see the great Agamemnon sleeping Or shrink back, don't think about attacking-no! Agamemnon desires to fight—and men gain fame by doing so. He left behind his steed and chariot, shining brightly of brass, The horse was panting, and his assistants Eurymedon and Pelaus the son of Putolmaeus, the son of Ptolemaeus. Agamemnon ordered him to keep the horses close by, in case of emergency— Fatigue may weigh on his limbs, shouting and commanding a vast army. He spread his legs and strode through the camp. When I saw those Daqin drivers who were tightly reining in the fast horses and eager to fight, He stood beside them, and eagerly encouraged: "Heroes of Aljivi, don't let up, keep fighting enthusiasm... Father Zeus would not help a lying Trojan— They first broke the oath of both parties, Eagles will devour their bright flesh. And we, we'll take their beloved wives and helpless Children, with our sea-ships, after this castle has been sacked! " However, when he found someone trying to avoid the hateful fight, Then he would be stern and scold viciously: "Hey, Argives, fighters with strong bows, why are you timid? You still want to shameless! Why stand here dumbfounded, bewildered, like a herd of doe, Running across a vast meadow, weary and exhausted, Standing still, losing the last bit of courage?like this, You stand as you are, lost in a daze, devoid of the will to fight. What are you waiting for?Want to wait until the Trojans corner you Shores of the gray sea, hurry back to where you park your strong stern ships, Then see if the son of Kronos will stretch out his big hand to protect you stand up? " In this way, Agamemnon walked through the ranks, reorganized and arranged the lineup for the battle, Through the dense crowd, to the Cretan ranks; The warriors were actively preparing for battle, and gathered around the brave Idomeneus. Idomeneus, like a strong wild boar, stood in the front row, And Meriones urged the team behind. Seeing this, the king of the people, Agamemnon, rejoiced, Immediately, in a tone of appreciation, he said to Idomeneus: "Idomeneus, I honor you more than any other Danai, The gallantry of a gallant horse, whether in battle or in any other action, Still at our Feast - Chief of the Algives Shake the king's drink, the sparkling wine, in the shaker. Even the other long-haired Achaean chiefs Drank your share, and your glass is always full, Like mine, drink as much as you want and enjoy it to your heart's content. Come on, get ready to fight; let everyone see, your usual self-respect is not bragging! " After hearing this, Idomeneus, king of the Cretans, answered: "Son of Atreus, believe me, I will be your strong and reliable comrade in arms, As promised at the beginning - that day, I nodded my head. Go, summon other long-haired Achaeans to war, To strike swiftly, the Trojans have destroyed swore that this matter would bring them death and Grief—they have trampled our vows. " And so he spoke, and the son of Atreus rejoiced, and went forward, Passing through the dense crowd, I saw two Ajax, big and small, Heavily armed, surrounded by a large group of infantry. As a shepherd watching his goats sees a cloud from a hill, Pressing towards the shore from the sea and air, with the might of the westerly wind, Although hanging over the sea and sky in the distance, he has seen the cloud cover black, better than black paint, Across the ocean, gathering a whirlwind; Seeing this, the shepherd trembled all over, drove up the flock and hid in the cave. And so the procession ran around the two Ajax, Crowds of dense crowds, strong and blessed young soldiers, A piece of blackness, carrying a shield and spears stacked vertically, facing the war ferocious.Seeing this, the king of the people, Agamemnon, rejoiced, cried out, in winged words: "The two Ajax, chieftains of the Argives in armor of bronze, I don't need to give orders to you two--urge you? That's superfluous; you've mobilized your men for bloody battles.oh, O father Zeus, Athena, Apollo, if All my subordinates have this spirit, then, King Priam's castle will be against us Bow your head, be captured and looted by us! " Having said that, he bid farewell to the two, and continued to visit the chiefs of the army, Behold Nestor, the articulate orator from Pros, Busy in rectifying the team, urging the partners to move forward, Divided by the chiefs, tall Pellagon, Alastor, and Cromeus, With Haemon the mighty, and Pias, shepherd of the warriors. First, he puts the chariot of the chariot first, with the horse and the chariot, Let many brave infantry follow the rear, As the backbone of the battle, and then drive the timid to the middle; In this way, even if someone is greedy for life, they have no choice but to bite the bullet and fight. He first commanded the drivers of the chariots that they Hold the reins tightly, don't let the frightened horses disrupt the brave formation: "No one is allowed to rely on his mastery of art or rely on his own bravery, Out of ranks, to fight the Trojans alone; It is also not allowed to abandon the battle and retreat, so that the enemy will be forced to attack. When the gunner in the vehicle encounters an enemy tank, To stab the opponent with a spear - this is close quarters, fierce combat. This is how your predecessors stormed castles and broke down walls, With this tactic, this spirit. " The old man speaks loudly, using his old experience from previous battles to motivate his subordinates. Seeing this, the king of the people, Agamemnon, rejoiced, cried out, in winged words: "Old man, may your knees be like your heart Full of youthful pride, I hope you are as strong as ever. Alas, the inevitable old age of mortals weakens thee; Bingyong took over your age, and you became a young man in our team! " Nestor, charioteer of Grenia, answered: "Yes, son of Atreus, I wish I could be like As strong as when I brought down the great Eroferion. However, the gods will not grant all benefits to mortals at the same time; If I was young and strong then; now I am a white-haired old man. Still, I will stand in the ranks of the charioteers and urge them to fight, By admonition and command--this is the right and honor of old people. Young gunmen will fight with spears, these are farther than me Young and strong, full of confidence in his own strength. " After hearing these words, the son of Atreus rejoiced, and went forward, Behold Menesius, son of Peteus, master of war, Standing idle in the crowd, doing nothing, surrounded by Athenian soldiers roaring on the battlefield. Odysseus the resourceful stood near them, Around you lined up the ranks of Kephalenians, by no means vulnerable skirmishers, Standing and waiting, not yet hearing the cry of battle, And the sequence of going to war has only just been formed, just beginning to unfold, Achaean soldiers preparing to fight and Trojans taming horses.so, They just stood and waited, waiting for another Achaean army to go into battle, Falling upon the Trojans, a fierce battle began. Seeing such a scene, the commander-in-chief of the whole army, Agamemnon, reprimanded him, Let go of your voice and use words with wings: "Son of Petheus, king blessed by the gods, and you, A scheming, shrewd and greedy leader, what's going on? Why stand here, cowering, looking left and right? You two should be at the front row of the line, Facing the flames of war.do not forget, Whenever the Achaeans set out a feast for their chiefs, You two are always the first to receive my invitations. You let go of your bellies and devour the roast meat to your heart's content, Drink the wine as sweet as honey. But now, you want to enjoy watching Ten bands of Achaeans fighting with pitiless bronze spears! " Hearing his words, the resourceful Odysseus the wolf looked at him fiercely, and said: "What is this, son of Atreus, popping out of your teeth? How can you say I hold back, in front of us The Achaeans aroused the fierce god of war, and overthrew the Trojans, who were good at taming horses when?Look, if you like and will, The father of Telemachus and the first warrior of the Trojans, A good horse trainer, kill you and me!Put away your nonsense, your bluff! " Seeing Odysseus angry, mighty Agamemnon He replied with a smile, retracting his reprimand: "Son of Laertes, son of the gods, wise Odysseus, I should not reproach you too much, nor order you; I know you have good intentions in your heart.You and I see the same thing. Don't be surprised, all this will disappear in the future, If we just said something that hurt feelings. May the gods throw our angry words into the clouds! " Saying this, he said goodbye to Odysseus, and continued to visit the chiefs of the army, Behold the son of Tydeus, the mighty Diomedes, Standing in the well-built chariot, behind the steed, Beside him stood Thanelos, son of Capanius.seeing Diomedes, Agamemnon commander-in-chief of all the armies spoke, Let go of your voice and use words with wings: "What is this, son of the experienced horse trainer Tydeus? Why do you hold back and stare blankly at the empty path where you are fighting? This was by no means the work of Tydeus, crouching shyly behind, He always rushed ahead of his companions, striking the enemy. This is the title of others, those brave men who witnessed his charge.I myself have never seen, I have never met him, but people say he is a hero second to none. Yes, he came to Mukainah, but not to fight, But as guest and friend, with godlike Polynekis, In order to gather a group of brave soldiers, go to destroy the sacred wall of Saibei. They talk and talk, begging us to set aside an army capable of fighting. My countrymen are more than willing to help, to make the comer's wish come true, But Zeus sent an ominous omen, which made them change their minds. In this way, the troops who fought against Saibei set off, walked all the way, and came to On the banks of the Asopos River, there are luxuriant grasses on the bank and reeds on the riverbed. There the Achaeans bade Tydeus go ahead with a message. Hastening on his way, he met a great crowd of Cadmerians, In the halls of mighty Eteocles. Thudeus, who tames the horse, though the people are strange Without changing his face, he faced many strong men of Kadmea and challenged them Use every ounce of strength to compete with him.He easily beat All opponents, in every event - Athena gave him strength. This angered the Cadmians, who whipped the riders of the fast horses. They laid an ambush and stopped him on his way back, gathered together a multitude of strong men, Fifty people, ruled by two chiefs, Son of Haemon, godlike and handsome Maion, and Polyphontes, son of Autophorus, fierce and valiant in battle. Yet Tydeus sent the gang a ignominious death, Killed all ambushers, with one exception— Following the divine omen, he let Maion live alone. This is Tydeus, Aetolia the mighty.However, his The son is not as brave as he is - but he can argue cleverly, making his father unmatched! " Agamemnon spoke harshly, but strong Diomedes did not answer, Has been subdued by the noble king, by his insults. But now the glorious son of Capanius spoke, and answered: "Do not lie, son of Atreus; you know all this well. Dare we say, we were far superior to both of our fathers. It is my door, Saibei who broke through the seven doors, although Compared with the previous time, we brought fewer people, but the city wall was stronger. We obey the signs of the gods, and accept the help of Zeus, But they died because of their own recklessness and stubbornness. So, in honor, you must never compare our father with us. " After hearing this, strong Diomedes looked at him fiercely, and said: "My friend, don't shout loudly, listen to me. I don't Complain about Agamemnon, our captain, He spurred the Achaeans into battle with their strong greaves. It is his glory, if the Achaeans defeat the Trojans, Captured the holy Yin Lyon.but, If the Achaeans fell in droves, he would suffer greatly. Come on, let's open our hearts and embrace the fierce battle! " After saying that, he lifted his legs and jumped off the chariot, with his feet on the ground, fully armed, With the movement of the body, the bronze armor on the chest made a terrible sound. Such a majestic power, even a general with a heart like a rock, will tremble when seeing it. As a mighty wave hits a roaring beach, The west wind rolled up the top of the peak, and washed it away one after another, First raise the head of water on the sea, and then fly down, Shocking against the edge of the beach, the sound is like rolling thunder, and the water waves arch, Hitting against the abrupt rock wall, bursting out splashing waves, The ranks of the Danai, one after another, swarmed, To the battle; the chiefs with their own subordinate.They marched silently - unimaginable So many warriors, frightened by the majesty of the leaders, all Shut your throat tightly, without saying a word, and move forward solemnly, with your whole body Bronze shimmers, wearing finely crafted armor. The procession of the Trojans is another sight: like a flock, tens of thousands, Crowded in the farm of a well-to-do rich man, bustling, Waiting to offer pure white fresh milk, squeezed by human hands, Hearing the lamb's call, bleating, and going on and on— Just like this, the Trojans shouted loudly and crowded in a wide and long procession. They have no common discourse, no common language, So the conversation was disorganized; soldiers and warriors were called from many different states. Ares urges them on, while gray-eyed Athena urges Achaia The soldiers are strong. Fear drove them, and riots and violent strife— The sister and partner of the murderous Ares— When she raised her head for the first time, she was just a little girl, and gradually Grow up until you walk on the earth with your feet and the blue sky above your head. Now she sows hatred between the two armies, Walking in the flow of soldiers aggravates people's suffering. At that time, the two armies met and fought fiercely on the battlefield of slaughtering people. Shields and spears clashed, and the bronze-armored The samurai fight each other, the leather shield with a bulging center Squeezing to and fro, the din of battle roaring; With cries of pain and cries of victory, The wailing of the slain, the cry of the murderer, the green blood on the muddy ground. Like two savage torrents in winter, rushing down from the ridge, Going straight to the valley, the mighty river merges into a torrent, With the rolling waves from the source, flying down to the bottom of the valley, The sound was like thunder, reaching the ears of the shepherds on the distant hillside—— With such momentum, the two armies fought each other, shouting loudly, exhausted. Antilochus was the first to kill a Trojan leader, The brave warrior in the front row, Echaipolos, son of Salusias. He threw his spear first, and hit the horsehair-topped helmet, the strong horns, The copper point plunged into the forehead of Ecaipolos, biting it deep, Crushing the skull, a thick black mist blinded his eyes. He fell to the ground, dead in the fighting, like the foundation of a crumbling wall. He fell suddenly, mighty Elephinor, son of Calcodon, The great-hearted leader of the Abantes took his feet, Drag him out of the guns, try to go as fast as you can Snatching and stripping the armor, but things backfired, the act of stealing the armor was decided at the beginning. While he was dragging the corpse, the brave and mighty Agnol spotted him His coercion—the latter bent over, his side free from the protection of the battle shield— Sending out the gun, the flash of the copper tip softened his limbs and legs, Soul breath left him.In order to compete for his body, the two sides launched a battle. Fight bitterly, the Trojans and Achaeans are as strong as hungry wolves, Pounce on each other, people rush and kill, people die. Ajax son of Telemon kills son of Ansermion Seymour Aesios, an unmarried young man in his prime.mother put him Born on the banks of the Simmoes, with her parents Descended from Mount Ida to tend their sheep. Therefore, the child was named Seymour Isios; however, he could no longer Repaying dear parents, nurturing grace; his life is short, Shot by the magnanimous Ajax, On the right breast—for he charged— Next to the teat, the bronze spear pierced the chest and shoulders. He overturns the dust like a poplar tree, It grows in depressions, on large swathes of grass, The trunk is smooth, but the top branches are overgrown; A cart-maker cut it down, and with a shining Iron ax, ready to bend him into a wheel and load it into a refined chariot. The poplars lie on the shore, drying on its banks. So Seymour Isios son of Ansermion lay on the ground, At the hand of Ajax, when Antiphus, the shining breastplate, The son of Priam threw a spear at Ajax, and across the crowd, The point of the spear never hit the target, but it hit Leukos, Odysseus Brave mate, hit in the stomach - was dragging a Corpse—he let go of his hands and fell over the corpse. Seeing his friend fell to the ground, Odysseus was furious, Jump out from the front row, with a shiny brass helmet on his head, Stepping forward, staring, waving Shiny spears.The Trojans flinched, Facing the bravery of throwing guns.He was shot, struck down Demokoon, bastard son of Priam, From Abydos, from the swift chariot. Odysseus shot him down, out of anger at his companion's death, The copper point pierces the temple, pierces the brain, and from the other side A thick black mist covered his eyes. He immediately fell to the ground with a bang, and the armor clanged on his body. The leaders of the Trojans began to retreat, including the glorious Hector, And the Argive roared and dragged the body back, Rush into the depths of the enemy.At that time, Apollo was furious, seeing this The scene, from the high top of Pergameus, aloud the Trojans: "Cheer up, Trojans who tame the horse, don't be in battle Surrender to the Algives!Their flesh is not stone, nor Pig iron, which can block the copper spear that bites the flesh.Go out and stab them! Achilles, son of Thetis the fair hair, has long since ceased fighting Don't come out, be with the ship, indulge in the bitterness of wrath! " On the castle, Apollo cried out, and the daughter of Zeus Tritognea, most glorious goddess, now prowls the field, He encouraged every Achaean who retreated before the battle. Then the fate of death seized Dioris, son of Amarenchus; A rough stone fell on the right leg By the ankle, from a slakai's gallant throw, Peros, son of Ibrathos, from the land of Aenos. The ruthless stones broke the tendons on both sides and leg bones; he fell on his back in the mud, Stretching out his hands, begging the rescue of his companion, his beloved friend, Breathe out the soul breath of life.The stone-throwers came to him, The strong man Peros, with a spear pierced his navel, smashed out his intestines with a pan, The floor was smeared and a thick black mist covered his eyes. Peros hurried back, and Soas the Aetolian Shot him in the chest, above the nipple, copper tip pierced the lungs; Soas rushed forward, and put the heavy Spears drew out his breast, drew swords; pierced His belly ended his life, but Never stripped of armor - Pelos' companions stood Beside the friend, Slakai, with his hair tied on his head, is fighting bravely, holding a long and thick spear, Stab him from the body, powerful and haughty as he is. It forced him to step back and stagger. In this way, two brave men lay side by side in the dust, their limbs spread out, One was the chief of the Slakai, the other in bronze armor 厄利斯人的王贵;成群的兵勇倒死在他们周围。 其时,如果有人迈步战场,他已不能嘲讽战斗不够酷烈, 任何人,尚未被投枪击中,尚未被锋快的铜矛扎倒, 转留在战阵之中,由帕拉丝·雅典娜 牵手引导,挡开横飞的矢石和枪矛。 那一天,众多的特洛伊人和阿开亚兵壮 叉腿躺倒在泥尘里,尸身毗接,头脸朝下。
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