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Chapter 13 Chapter Three (2)

doctor zhivago 帕斯捷尔纳克 13801Words 2018-03-21
"That's what I'm talking about - Buyiskoye road. Buyiskoye village, how can you not know! That's where we turned the corner, and to get to us we have to go right, and go straight until Veredeniki. .To get to you, Uncle Haritonovich, I think we should go to the left, in the direction of the river. Have you heard of the Perga River? Well, it goes without saying! It is our river. To We went there along the river bank, straight along the river bank. Our town of Veredeniki is on this river, not far up the Perga River, and that is our village. The village is on the steep bank Well, the river bank is so steep! My place calls it a quarry. Standing there, I dare not look down, it’s so steep. It’s almost as if I’m going to fall. It’s not fake at all. People there can mine stones , making millstones. My mother is from Veredeniki. There are two younger sisters, Alyoka and Arishka. Aunt Parasha, Pelagina Nilovna, my mother is also with you Same, white and young. Uncle Voroniuk! Uncle Voroniuk! I beg you in the name of Christ God... Uncle Voroniuk!"

"What? Why do you keep calling me 'Uncle Voroniuk, Uncle Voroniuk' like a cuckoo? Don't I know I'm not an aunt? What do you want, please? Let me Let you go quietly? Tell me, don’t you? If I let you go, I’m doomed and I’m going to squat in a small house!” Pelagina Jagunova looked absently at something in the distance to one side, and said nothing in silence.She was stroking Vasya's head with her hand, and she was thinking of something, and she was playing with his light brown hair.She gave the boy occasional hints with nods, glances, and smiles, telling him to be wise and not to tell Voroniuk about it in public.She seems to be saying that after a while, the problem will be solved naturally, just rest assured.

As the journey extended eastward away from Central Russia, unexpected situations continued to occur.The train began to pass through uneasy areas where armed bandits were haunted and the rebellion had only recently been quelled. The train stopped frequently in the wilderness, and there were blocked teams patrolling around the carriages, checking luggage and documents. The car stopped again at night.No one checked the carriages, and no one was asked to get up.Yuri Andreevich jumped out of the heating wagon out of curiosity and at the same time fearing that something bad might happen. The night was dark, and for no apparent reason the train stopped by chance near a signpost in the normal section, with a spruce forest planted on either side of the embankment.Some of the neighbors, who got down before Yuri Andreevich, stamped their feet on the ground in front of the heating van, and told him that, as far as it was known, nothing had happened, that the driver seemed to have parked the car himself, The reason is that this area is dangerous. If the road inspection vehicle cannot ensure that the condition of this section is normal, it will refuse to continue driving.It is said that the passenger representative has gone to persuade him, and if necessary, he can put some money in.However, it was rumored that the sailors also intervened, and these people were going to mess things up.

While everyone was explaining the situation to Yuri Andreevich, the flat snow field next to the locomotive in front of the embankment was illuminated like a flash of fire by the sparks from the locomotive chimney and the ash box of the heating furnace.One of the flames suddenly illuminated a small patch of snow, the locomotive, and several figures running past the locomotive. The figure in front flashed, and it seemed that it was probably the driver.He ran to the end of the pedal, jumped up, and Changdu, who had crossed the buffer, was out of sight.Several sailors chasing behind then repeated the same action.They also ran to one end of the pedal, jumped up and flashed in the air, and disappeared when they fell.

Fascinated by what he saw, Yuri Andreevich walked towards the locomotive ahead with several other curious people. On an empty roadbed in front of the train, what they saw was this scene: the driver was standing in the smooth snow on one side of the sleeper, half of his body in the snow.The sailors surrounded him in a semicircle like hunters chasing wild animals, also half buried in the snow. The driver shouted: "Thank you, little petrels! It has come to this point! Pick up the gun and point it at your fellow workers! Why do I say that this car can't go any further? Comrades passengers, please testify, what kind of place is this? .Anyone can screw the railroad spikes out here. Fuck you, what are you doing, is it for me? I'm just driving for the guys, not for me, but for you, lest anything happen to them. Good intentions are rewarded like this. Come on, shoot me, you gunpowder! Comrades passengers, please testify that I won't even hide."

There were all kinds of shouts from the crowd on the embankment.Some people shouted in panic: "What's the matter with you?...Be sober...Nothing...Who would let them do this?...That's how they are...Scare..." Others shouted provocatively: "Don't pay attention to them, Gavrilka! Don't slack off, it's full gas!" The first sailor to pull out his legs from the snowdrift turned out to be a burly man with brown hair and a very big head, so his face appeared flat.He turned to everyone without haste, and said a few words in a very low voice, with the Ukrainian words in it like Voroniuk:

"Excuse me, why are you all gathered here? Aren't you afraid to drink the northwest wind, citizens? It's so cold, go back to the carriage!" In the unusual circumstances of this late night, his very calm attitude made these words It looks a little ridiculous! When the dispersed crowd was gradually returning to their respective compartments, the brown-haired sailor approached the driver, who was still not quite sober, and said: "Don't get nervous, comrade pilot. Before you get out of the snow nest, drive away." The next day the traffic was smooth, but slowed down from time to time.Fearing that the heavy wind and snow would bury the rails and cause the wheels to slip, the train finally stopped in a lifeless field, and all it saw was the ruins of the station that had been destroyed by the fire.On the façade of the ruined wall blackened by smoke, the words "Lower Kelmys" can be made out.

Not only the station building retains the traces of the fire.Behind the station, too, was visible an empty snow-covered village, and the desolate clearing which separated it from the station. The outermost house of the village was charred, and a few logs from the corner of the neighboring house had fallen and were thrown indoors; Broken household items.The snow, filthy with soot and ashes, exposed patches of blackened and bald ground, and the sewage that flowed in froze, freezing together some burnt and broken wood and the traces of fire and fire fighting. Villages and stations have not been completely cut off from human habitation.Human figures can still be seen in one or two places.

"Is the whole village on fire?" The train conductor who jumped onto the platform sympathetically asked the station master who came from the ruins. "Hi. Congratulations on your arrival. It's a fire, but it's worse than a fire." "I don't understand what you mean." "Better not to ask." "Could it be Strelnikov?" "it's him." "What mistake have you made?" "It's not us at all, it has nothing to do with it. It's our neighbors who have brought us together. See the village in the back? They are the culprits. It's Lower Kelmis, which belongs to Usterhamginsk Township Village. All because of them."

"What's the matter with them?" "Several heinous crimes. Driving off the Poor Peasants' Committee, that is one; resisting the order to deliver horses to the Red Army, and, you know, all the target shooters were on horses, that's another; disobedience to mobilization Ling, this is the third pile. You see, that's it." "So that's what's going on, I understand. That's why you got bombarded?" "that is." "A gun from an armored vehicle?" "That's not it." "What a pity, what a pity. But that's not what we're talking about."

"Besides, it's over. There's no more good news to cheer you up. Stay with us for a few days." "Don't be kidding. I'm not just sitting in this car. It's a supplementary soldier for the front line. I'm not used to parking." "This is not a joke. Look for yourself, these snowdrifts. It took a week for such a big snowstorm to blow over the entire range. There was no one to remove the snow. Half the village was wiped out. Let the rest You can’t even finish it.” "Ah, you are empty-handed now! It's bad, it's bad! What now?" "We have to find a way to clear the way for you to go." "Are there a lot of snow piles?" "I can't say too much. It's snowy one by one. The wind is blowing obliquely, and there is an angle with the roadbed. The middle section is the most difficult, and it takes three kilometers to deal with. That place is really nerve-wracking, and the pruning is quite thick. Then There is nothing in the past, the woods are blocked. The section ahead that needs to be dug does not matter, because it is flat land, and the wind blows away the snow." "Well, to hell with you then. What a mystery! I'll park here and let everybody help." "I suppose it must be so." "But don't disturb the sailors and Red Guard soldiers. There is a whole truckload of conscripts and nearly seven hundred ordinary passengers." "That's enough. Just bring in the shovel and start. We don't have enough tools now. We have sent people to the nearby villages. We can get them." "My God, it's a terrible thing again! Do you think it can be done?" "No problem. As the saying goes, unity makes strength. This is the railway, the main artery of traffic. Don't think so." The road clearing work lasted three days and three nights.The Zhivago family, including Newsha, actually participated.This is the best time on their road. There is an inner, indescribable atmosphere about the place.It makes people feel that the place still retains the legacy of Pugachev, the leader of the peasant uprising in Pushkin's writings, and the barbaric features described by Aksakov. The destruction of the village and the nonchalant attitude of the few remaining residents add to the mystery of the place.The villagers were terrified, and they all avoided contact with the passengers on the bus, and they did not communicate with each other, for fear that someone would inform them. The work of shoveling snow is not carried out by all passengers at the same time, but in batches.There are guards around the work site. To clear the snow from the route is to divide people into small teams and start from each end at the same time in different sections.Each cleared area ended up with a snowdrift separating adjacent teams.These snowdrifts should be saved until the end of the work on the whole line and then shoveled together. In the cold and sunny weather, the passengers were sent out to work during the day and returned to the carriages for the night.The labor is shifted in short intervals, so it is not tiring, and there are many people working because there are enough shovels.This kind of easy labor brings people only a kind of enjoyment. The place where the Zhivago family participated in labor was an open area with beautiful scenery.From the embankment they were on, the land sloped gently to the east, then rose in undulating waves to the distant horizon. On a hill there was a solitary house with no shelter on all sides, surrounded by a garden.It must have been colorful in summer, but now the sparse trees offer little protection to the house from the frost and snow. The snow layer in that area is more round and flat, but judging from the undulating slopes, it is impossible for the snow to cover the slopes. When spring comes, it will definitely turn into a small stream along the curved valley and flow to the dry bridge under the roadbed. In the culvert, the latter is now covered in thick snow, as if it were a baby sleeping there wrapped from head to toe in a fluffy blanket. Is there anyone still living in the house, maybe it has been destroyed, and it is empty, has it been registered by the township or county land committee?Where is its former owner now, and what happened to it?Maybe they have lived in seclusion abroad?Or died at the hands of the peasants?Or perhaps by virtue of the good reputation he has earned, he has made arrangements in the county as someone with expertise?Would Strelnikov forgive them if they had stayed until the last moment?Or was he punished along with the rich peasant? The house, which arouses people's curiosity from time to time on the hill, stands there sadly and silently.No one was asking and answering these questions at the time.The bright sun shines on the boundless snow, which is dazzlingly white.The shovel sliced ​​squarely off of it piece by piece!How like grains of diamond dust the dry snow flakes loose when shoveled!This can't help but remind people of the distant childhood. The young Yula wore a light-colored long-eared hood with silver ornaments on his head and a small leather jacket with black sheepskin trimmed with curly hair. Pyramids, square columns, butter cakes, castles and caves were piled up in dazzling snow.Ah, how sweet life was at that time, and everything around us was so hard to see and enjoy! The impression of three days of outdoor life is full and rich.This naturally has its reasons.Every night, what is distributed to those who participate in labor is freshly baked fine flour bread brought from where according to unknown regulations.The fragrant bread is crispy and glowing, with cracks on both sides, and a thick layer of browned crust underneath, with some small grains of cinders on it. Everyone loves this dilapidated station as much as a short stop on a snowy mountain trip would make one linger at a cabin.Its location, the appearance of the house, and some of the features of the damage have been etched into the memory. When we returned to the station in the evening, it was sunset.The setting sun is infinitely loyal to the past, and it is still gradually sinking in the old place behind the old white Zen forest by the window of the operator's duty room. The outer wall of the house had collapsed from the inside, but the debris did not fill the room, and the rear corner opposite the intact window remained empty.Everything was still there, undamaged, including the coffee-coloured wallpaper, the tiled stove and brass covers on chains over the rounded vents, and the property registration form hung on the wall in a black frame. The sun sinking into the horizon seems to have unfortunately touched the tiles of the stove, adding heat to the coffee-coloured wallpaper.The afterglow hangs on the wall, and the shadow of the white Zen tree seems to have covered it with a woman's shawl. On the other side of the room there is a sealed door leading to the reception room, on which there are still words written probably in the days or not long before the February Revolution began, which read: In view of the fact that there are medicines and dressings in the room, please do not enter the room for the time being. For the above reasons, this door is closed.Ustnemda Senior Physician So-and-so would like to this notice. After the last snow was shoveled away, the hilly snowdrifts between the various sections were wiped away, and the flat track stretching straight into the distance could be seen.On both sides of the road, white ridges were formed by the thrown snow, and the outer edge was inlaid with two forest walls composed of black pine. As far as the eye could see, groups of people with shovels stood all over the track.It was the first time they had seen all the passengers together, and they were amazed by the number of people. Although it is getting late and night is coming, it is said that the train will leave in a few hours.Before the departure, Yuri Andreyevich and Antonina Alexandrovna walked for the last time to admire the scenery on the cleared line.There was no one left on the roadbed. The doctor and his wife stopped and looked into the distance for a while, exchanged a few thoughts with each other, then turned and walked towards their heating truck. On the way back, they heard the fierce and sad shouts of two women cursing each other.The couple immediately recognized the voices of Ogreskova and Jagunova.The two women and the doctor and his wife walked in the same direction, from the front to the rear of the train, but on the other side of the train facing the station.At that time Yuri Andreevich and Antonina Alexandrovna were walking to the end of the roadside woods, separated by a continuous carriage.The two women were always not very close to the doctor and Antonina Alexandrovna, a little in front or behind them. Both of them were very excited, but the energy exerted by each was increasing and decreasing.This is probably due to the occasional sinking in the snow while walking, or the weakness of the legs and feet. Due to the unsteady footsteps, the voice is sometimes high as a shout, and sometimes low as a whisper.It can be seen that Jagunova was chasing Ogrezkova, and she may have moved her fist after catching up.The well-chosen invectives she hurled at her opponents were more shameless than the harsh, crude curses of a man, in the sweet voice of this graceful lady. "You bitch, you bastard!" cried Diagunova, "wherever you go, she'll follow right away, wriggling and winking! You bitch don't think I'm enough of a fool, Still wanting to stare at that poor child, trying to seduce him, you must destroy this child." "So you are Vassenka's legitimate wife?" "I'll let you see how powerful my legal wife is, you shameless plague god. You don't want to walk away from me alive, don't let me commit a crime!" "Yo, look, there's teeth and claws! Put your hands back, madman! What can you do to me?" "I'm going to kill you, slut, stupid cat, shameless thing!" "Call me anything. Of course, I'm better than a cat or a dog, that's all. You're an unusual man with a title. You were born in a sewer hole, married under a cracked door, and conceived with a big mouse." The womb was born with a thorn... Sentinel, sentinel, good-hearted people! This fierce bitch is going to kill me. Hey, save me, this girl, and protect me, a lonely person..." "Go away quickly. I can't stand it, it's so disgusting." Antonina Alexandrovna urged her husband to go away. "It's not going to end well." Suddenly, the terrain and the weather changed all at once.The plains have disappeared, and the road now is between hills and mountains.The north wind that had been blowing for a while also stopped, and warm air came from the south, as if blowing from a stove. There are patches of woods on the terraces of the hillsides on both sides.The railway embankment passing through here had to start climbing, and then turned into a gentle decline in the middle.The train was panting and driving hard through the woods, as if an aged forest ranger was walking on foot, leading a group of tourists who looked around and were interested in everything. There isn't much to watch just yet, though.The depths of the dense forest still seem to be immersed in the quiet sleepiness of winter.Only occasionally, a few bushes and big trees shook the snow from the lower part of the body silently, as if getting rid of the collar around the neck or untiing the collar. Yuri Andreevich was completely haunted by uncontrollable drowsiness.For the past few days, he had been lying down and sleeping on the upper bunk, and when he woke up, he was thinking about something and hoping to hear something.However, nothing has been heard yet. Just when Yuri Andreyevich couldn't get enough sleep, spring Nana came and melted a lot of snow.The snow still started to fall on the day they left Moscow, and it never stopped all the way. In Usternemda, there were three full days of shoveling, which really covered thousands of Russians with layers of incredible thickness. Heavy snow in inner space. At first, the snow melted from the inside, quietly and unnoticed.When half of this uncanny workmanship is completed, it will no longer be possible to cover it up.Miracles began to appear, and there was already warm and humid water flowing from under the loose snow layer.The deserted jungle is full of energy, and everything there is awakened. The world where the flowing water wanders is vast.It flew down from the cliff, formed a pool of clear pools, and then overflowed in all directions.For a long time, its dull sound resounded in the dense forest, and the mist of atmospheric chlorine rose.A stream of water meanders forward in the forest like a snake. When it encounters obstructed snow, it goes under and flows smoothly on the flat ground. Once it falls down, it will be accompanied by a wave of water dust.The land can no longer hold any more water, so the dazzling centuries-old spruces that soar into the sky suck it in with their roots, leaving behind the dried beige foam around the roots, as if It's the residue left on the lips of beer drinkers. The sky was also stained with the drunkenness of spring, and it was covered with patches of dark clouds.Black, felt clouds hung low over the forest, and from their lower legs dropped warm, earthy showers that washed away the last shattered black ice from the ground. Yuri Andreevich awoke at last.He moved his body to the small square window with its sash removed, put his head on his propped elbow, and began to listen to the sounds outside. The train is getting closer and closer to the mining area, and the population in this area is becoming more and more dense, the interval is shortened, and the number of stops at the station is becoming more frequent.There is also a greater flow of people on the bus, most of whom are short-distance passengers who get on and off at the middle station.People with shorter journeys don’t need to settle down to sit for a long time and lie down to sleep. At night, they just stay in the middle of the carriage near the door for a while, whispering to each other about local things that only they know, and then change trains at the next one. Get off at a point or at a small stop. Yuri Andreyevich drew a conclusion from the fragments of conversations of the local people who were constantly changing in the carriages in the last three days, that is, the White Party elements have gained the upper hand in the north and have taken or are about to capture Yuriakin .Besides, if the rumors are true and he does not have the same surname as one of his companions at the Meliuzyevo hospital, the man who directed the White Party forces in this direction was the same Galio whom Yuri Andreyevich was very familiar with. Forest. Until this rumor was confirmed, Yuri Andreevich said nothing about it to his family, so as not to worry them in vain. At the very beginning of the night Yuri Andreevich was aroused from sleep by a vague but rather strong sense of happiness.The train has stopped.The station was shrouded in a still, half-dark white night.There is a certain slender and magnificent atmosphere permeating this primitive night.It shows that the place where the train stops is open, and the station is located on a high ground with a wide view. Along the platform several figures walked silently past the carriages, talking softly to each other.This, too, aroused a tenderness in Yuri Andreevich's heart.From the careful footsteps and whispers, he felt that this was a kind of respect for the late night time and concern for the people sleeping in the car, which seemed to be the case before the war and earlier times. In fact, the doctor's feeling was completely wrong.Like everywhere else, there was a din of voices and heavy boots on the platform.There is a waterfall near Muguo, and the fresh and comfortable air it sends expands the scope of the white night, and also makes the doctor feel a sense of happiness in his dream.The constant roar of the waterfall drowned out all sounds at the station, giving the latter an illusion of silence. Although the waterfall was not expected, the mysterious and powerful local air made the doctor fall asleep again. Under the bunk two men were talking.One asks the other: "How is it? Have everyone quieted down? Did you teach those people a lesson?" "The shopkeepers, are they?" "Yes, they are the grain dealers." "They're all honest, very obedient. In order to make an example to others, one of them was dealt with, and the rest were all honest. The fine was also paid." "How much is the fine for a village?" "forty thousand" "You're talking nonsense!" "Why am I talking nonsense?" "Good guy, forty thousand!" "Forty thousand poods." "Well, you've done a good job, good job! All good job." "Forty thousand poods of finely ground flour." "Come to think of it, what a coincidence. The location is not mentioned, it is the first-class place to do flour business. Along the Reniva River up to Yuriakin, from one village to another, all The docks are all grain purchase points. Brothers Sherstobitov, Perekatchikov and his sons are all wholesalers!" "Be quiet! Don't wake people up." "Ok." The speaker yawned, and the other said: "Lie down and get confused for a while, how about it? The car seems to be driving again." At this moment, a deafening rumble that rapidly grew louder came from behind, drowning out the roar of the waterfall.On the second track next to the parked train, an old-fashioned express train blew its whistle and caught up at full speed, flashed a few lights, and then disappeared in front of it without a trace. The following people started the conversation again: "Well, it's time to drive. Enough parking." "Quickly" "Probably Strelnikov. It's an armored express with a special mission." "It might be him." "He dealt with counter-revolutionaries like a beast." "He's going after Gareyev." "Who are you chasing after?" "The chief of the White Party, Gareyev. It is said that he brought a group of Czechs to guard near Yuriakin. This guy occupied a pier and stayed there. Commander Gareyev." "Prince Galileev, perhaps, you have misremembered." "There's no duke with that name. Ali Kurban, I'm afraid. You're confusing." "Maybe it's Kurban." "That's another matter." Towards daybreak Yuri Andreevich woke up again.He dreamed of pleasant things again, and his heart was always filled with a joyful sense of relief.The train still stopped, perhaps at a new station, or perhaps at the same one.The sound of the roaring waterfall is still the same, very similar to the previous station, maybe another one. Yuri Andreevich then fell asleep again.But in the drowsiness, he could vaguely hear the chaotic shouts.It turned out that Kostoyed had quarreled with the captain of the escort team, and the two shouted at each other.The atmosphere outside the carriage became better than before.There was a smell in the air that wasn't there before.This smell is very strange, it seems to be unique to spring, and it is also like a burst of grayish-white thin and sparse snowflakes floating in May. Not only does it not appear white when it falls, but it makes the ground darker.There seemed to be something gray and transparent and fragrant in the air. "Ah, it's thick plum!" Yuri Andreevich guessed it, although he didn't wake up. Early in the morning Antonina Alexandrovna said: "Anyway, Yura, you are strange. You are made up of all kinds of contradictions. Sometimes a fly can wake you up, and you can't close your eyes all night until dawn. It's noisy here, It's noisy, it's messy, and you can't wake up. In the night, the cashier Prituliev and Vasya Brykin ran away. Think about it, and Diagunova and Ogrizkova .Wait a minute, I haven't finished. And Voroniuk, yes, yes, ran away too, all ran away. Look at this. Listen to me again, how they escaped, acted together, or How to separate them is a complete mystery. It is conceivable that once Voroniuk found out that the others had run away, in order to avoid responsibility, he would of course find a way out for himself. But what about the others? All of them voluntarily or was someone coerced? The two women, for example, were suspicious. But who could have killed whom? Did Diagunova kill Oglezkova, or did Ogre Did Zikova kill Jagunova? No one knew. The captain of the escort ran from car to car. "You guys are so brave," he shouted at the top of his voice, "you dare to give the departure signal." I want to demand in the name of the law that you are not allowed to drive until you find the escaped person.' The train conductor ignored this. He said: 'Are you crazy? My train is to replenish soldiers on the front line. Important and urgent task. How can I still follow your command! Thank you for thinking!' So both of them blamed Kostoyed. As a cooperationist, he should be a person with brains, besides, besides, But he didn't stop the dark-eyed and unconscious soldier from taking this fatal step. 'You're still a populist!' said the captain. In my opinion, Kostoyed was not responsible. The conductor said: 'Really! Interesting! According to you, the prisoner should put the guards under control? That’s really letting the hen crow for the rooster.” At that time, I pushed you from the side, pulled your shoulders, and shouted to you: “Get up, someone is running That's right!' You can do it, the cannon can't wake it up... Sorry, let's talk about it later. Now it's... ah, it's amazing!...Papa, Yura, look at it, how spectacular it is!" Beyond the window through which they lay looking, a boundless expanse of flooded water unfolded.Somewhere the river overflowed the embankment, and the water on one side had flooded to the roadbed.Because you look down from a very high bunk, the illusion of shortening the distance is created, and the smooth running of the train is like sliding directly on the water. Its smooth surface is only stained with a layer of iron blue in a few places, and the rest is left to be chased by the warm morning sun with mirror-like oily spots, really like a cook using oil soaked. Feathers spread all over the hot pie. In this seemingly boundless waters, the cloud feet of arched white clouds also sink into the water together with those grasslands, potholes, and bushes. In the middle, a narrow strip of land can be seen, and the trees on it seem to be double images suspended between the sky and the earth. "Duck! It's a domestic duck!" cried Aleksandr Alexandrovitch, looking in that direction. "Where?" "Beside the island. Don't look there. Go there, go there. Oh, hell, fly away, scare away." "Oh, yes, I see. I have something to say to you, Alexandr Alexandrovitch. Let's find another time. The laborers and the two ladies in our car are very nice, They all ran away. I don't think anything will happen, as long as you don't trouble anyone. Run and run, it's like water always flowing." The white night in the north is over.Everything was clearly seen, but everything seemed to lack self-confidence, a hill, a forest, and a cliff seemed man-made. The forest has just been dyed with a layer of light green, and several thick plum bushes in the forest have bloomed.This forest grows on a small flat land sloping away from the cliff below. Not far is the waterfall.But it can't be seen from every direction, only from the edge of the cliff in the direction of the grove.Vasya was too tired to go there, and was terrified and surprised at the same time. There is nothing around that can match this waterfall.This one-of-a-kind spectacle makes it awe-inspiring, as if it had life and consciousness, transforming into a mythical dragon-serpent, plundering tribute and leaving the region to itself. The waterfall that fell into the air was continuously split into two strands by the sharp teeth of the protruding hanging rock.The upper water column seemed to have almost stopped, while the lower two streams kept swaying slightly to the left and right. The entire waterfall always seemed to be about to slip, and then straightened up again. Just about to slip, it immediately Stand up again. Vasya put the sheepskin coat under his body and lay down on a clearing in the forest.When the dawn was getting brighter, a large bird flew down from the mountain, spread its heavy wings, glided smoothly over the woods, and then landed on the top of a fir tree not far from where Vasya lay. .He looked up at the blue neck and blue-gray breast of the dharma bird, and murmured bewilderedly, "Wild pigeon." That's what the Ural region called it.Then he stood up, picked up the sheepskin jacket and put it on his body, walked across the open space to his companion, and said: "Let's go, auntie. Look, I'm frozen, and my teeth can't close together. Oh, what are you looking at, are you frightened? I'm telling you the truth, it's time to go. To adapt to the environment, toward Walk in the direction of the village. When we get to the village, our people will not let us be wronged, and will protect us. If it is always like this, we will starve to death if we have not eaten or drunk for two days. I am afraid it is Wu Luo Uncle Newk's got into some trouble, he's the one to be chased. I've had bad luck with you, Aunt Yu, and you haven't said a word for days and nights! You're so sad you can't talk, for God's sake You see, what is there to be sad about? Let’s say Aunt Katya, Katya Ogrezkova, you didn’t mean to push her from the cart, she fell on her side, I saw it. Later She got up from the grass, all right, got up and ran. So did Uncle Prohor, Prohor Kharitonovich. They will catch up with us, we will be together again, and you What are you thinking? The main thing is not to worry yourself, as long as you don’t do this, your tongue will work again.” Diagunova held out her hand to Vasya, got up from the ground, and said softly: "Come on, my boy." The car made a squeaky noise, and crawled towards the mountain on the high roadbed.路基下边是新生的混杂林,树冠还没有铁路高。再下去就是一片草地,不久前被水淹没过。混了泥沙的青草地上东躺西卧地排满了做枕木用的圆木。大概是哪个采林区伐下来准备用木筏送走,让大水冲到了这里。 路基下边的新生林几乎还像冬天那样光秃秃的。只是在那些仿佛一滴滴蜂蜡似的嫩芽上,杂乱地生出了一种像污垢又像赘疣似的额外的东西。然而也正是这些额外的、杂乱的污物才是生命,靠了它们才会用枝头浓密的绿叶装点林中开始生发的树木。 一处处的白禅艰难地挺起躯干,伸展开的对称的锯齿形叶片像箭羽似的指向四面八方。它们的气味是可以用眼睛看出来的。那一层发亮的就是散发出气味的木醇,是熬制清漆的原料。 铁路很快就要靠近那大概是木料原来被冲散的地点。在一个孤形的树林地段,地面上见到了一层木料的腐质粉屑和碎木片,当中还有一堆堆三丈来长的圆木。司机就在这片伐过的林地刹了车。列车颤动一下,就稍有点倾斜地停在弯道的中心。 机车拉响了几声很短的嘶哑的汽笛,接着又有人喊了些什么。其实,不用听这个信号,乘客们也都知道,司机停车是为了储备燃料。 各节取暖货车都拉开了车门。下到路基上的人,数量不亚于一个小城镇的居民,但是前面车厢里那些应征的军人除外,他们不参加这类全体动员的临时劳动。 那一堆堆的木柴有些不好往煤水车上装,一部分太长的圆木还需要锯开。 机车乘务组那里有锯,于是就分给自由结合的每两个人组成一组。教授和自己的女婿也分到了一把锯。 从那几节开了车门的军人车厢里,不时有笑容满面的脸孔探出来。还不曾受过炮火洗礼的海军学校高年级的青年后生们,似乎是出于某种误会才遇到这些有了家室、但只受过一点军训而同样没有闻过火药味的神情严峻的工人。为了排解烦闷,他们和年纪大些的水兵们一起,有意地大声开着玩笑。大家都感觉到考验的时刻临近了。 这群说说笑笑的军人朝那些锯木头的男女乘客大声开着粗野的玩笑: “喂,老爷子!你去跟他们说,我是个吃奶的孩子,妈妈离不开我,还干不了力气活儿。喂,玛芙拉!小心别锯开了裙子,那可要受风啦。喂,那位年轻姑娘!别往林子里去,还是嫁给我吧。” 树林子里有几个用削尖的木桩绑成的十字形,把它两根木头的一端理到土里作支架。有一副架子是空着的,尤里·安德烈耶维奇和亚历山大·亚历山德罗维奇就准备在这上边锯木料。 这时正是春天,土地刚刚从积雪下面显露出来,却几乎还是半年前被雪覆盖时的那种样子。林子里散发着潮气,遍地是隔年的落叶,仿佛是来不及打扫的房间,到处是撕碎的旧单据、信件和表册的碎片。 “来回锯的次数不要太多,不然会累的。”医生对亚历山大·亚历山德罗维奇边说边锯得慢了,接着就提出休息一会儿。 林子里响着其他人吱吱哑哑的锯木声,有的一来一往听起来报协调,有的间断不匀。在很远的什么地方,头一只夜写在试它的歌喉。另一只鸽鸟却是隔了很长时间才叫一声,像是演奏一支不大通气的长笛。就连机车的气阀也学着咕咕叫的白鸽,向上喷吐着蒸汽,仿佛育儿室里酒精炉上煮沸了的一壶牛奶。 “你曾经说过有些事要谈谈,”亚历山大·亚历山德罗维奇提醒说,“没忘记吧?那是路过一片水泛地的时候,看到几只野鸭子飞起来,你似乎有所考虑地说:'我想和您谈谈'。” “啊,不错。不知道怎么能说得简单明白些。您看,我们越来越深入到内地……这里整个地区处在动荡之中。咱们的目的地就要到了。还不清楚会面对一个什么样的局面。为了防备万一,彼此应该取得一致意见。我指的不是个人的信念。这种问题不可能在这春意盎然的树林子里通过五分钟的交谈就说清楚,或者作出什么决定。我们彼此是很了解的。咱们三口人,包括您、我和东尼妞,目前是和另外许多人一起活在这个世界上,彼此的差别只是对外界环境理解的程度木一样罢了。我要谈的不是这个常识性的问题。我想说的是另外的事。我们应该事先约定今后在某些情况下如何处置自己,为的是彼此不要因对方的行为而脸红,不会由于对方而感到羞愧。” “不用往下说了,我明白。你提出这个问题,我很高兴。这正是需要谈一谈的。好吧,听我跟你说。大概你还记得冬天有一个大风雪的夜晚,你带回来印着第一批法令的号外传单。也还该记得,当时我们对它是有一种多么罕见的无保留的态度。这是坦诚直率赢得了人心。不过,这类事只能存在于创业者头脑的原始纯洁性之中,只能存在于宣告胜利以后的第一天。政治的诡计多变第二天就可以把它翻个里朝外。所以,我还能对你说什么?这种哲学对我是格格不入的。这个政权是和我们对立的。人们并没有问我是不是同意这种破坏,却对我表示了信任,因此即使我的行为举止是出于不得已,我也有责任这样做下去。 “东尼娜问了几次,我们会不会误了种菜园的季节,会不会错过播种的时机。怎么回答她呢?我不了解当地的土质。气候条件又是什么样的?夏季太短,究竟能不能种熟什么? “是这样,不过我们到这么遥远的地方来,当真是为了种菜园?甚至连'跑七俄里去喝一口粥'这句俗话都不完全适用,因为遗憾的是此地有三四千俄里之遥。不行,坦率地说,我们如此长途跋涉完全是有另外的目的。我们到这里来是应付当前情况的权宜之计,要想方设法把外祖父一辈留下的森林、机器和用具彻底抛弃。我们来不是为了恢复它的所有权,而是为了靠几个戈比谋生,所以才把千百万卢布公有化,并且一定要过当前这种莫名其妙的乱糟糟的生活。这似乎就像让人光着屁股去赛跑,或者强迫忘掉已经识的字那样悻于清理。不对,私有制在俄国已经寿终正寝,至于我们个人,也就是格罗梅科一家,早在上一代就和敛财的欲望分了手。” 由于闷热和空气木新鲜,简直无法入睡。医生满头大汗,在湿滚滚的枕头上翻过来、侧过去。 他小心翼翼地从铺位上下来,为了不惊醒别人。悄悄地拉开了车门。 粘乎乎的潮湿空气迎面扑来,仿佛在地窖里撞上了蜘蛛网。“有雾,”他一下子就猜到了,“下雾就肯定是火辣辣的热天气。怪不得喘气都这么困难,心里也像压了块重东西似的。” 下到路基上以前,医生在门边站了一会儿,听听周围的动静。除了悄无声息和雾气以外,列车仿佛还被一种空旷、废弃和被遗忘了的气氛包围着。因为列车停在一条最偏僻的线路上,在它和车站站房之间还隔着那么多轨道,就是站台那边天坍地陷,在列车上什么也不会知道。 远方隐隐约约地传来两种声音。 后面,也就是他们来的那个方面,听到的是均匀的噗噗的响声,仿佛是有人在漂洗衣服,又像是风吹动一面潮湿的旗子扑打到旗杆上似的。 前面传来的是隐约的隆隆声,经历过战争的医生听了不禁打了个冷战,于是就聚精会神地听下去。 “远射程火炮。”医生听到这种均匀平稳地滚过的低闷的隆隆响声,下了判断。 “原来是这样。靠近前线了。”医生心里这么盘算着,摇了摇头,然后从车上跳了下来。 他往前走了几步。过了两节车厢,列车就中断了。机车带着前边的几节不知开到什么地方去了。 “难怪昨天他们显得什么都不怕的样子,”医生在想,“大概已经感觉出一到地方就要立刻上战场。” 他打算绕过车尾,再越过线路找一条到车站去的路。 在车厢拐角后面,一个持抢的哨兵像从地底下冒出来似的站在眼前。 “到哪儿去?通行证!” “这儿是什么站?” “什么站也不是。你是什么人?” “我是从莫斯科来的,一个医生。带着家眷,坐的是这趟车。这是我的证件。” “你那证件骗不了人。黑糊糊的我才不看哪,别伤了我眼睛。这么大的雾,你没看见。一里地以外就能看出来,你没有证件,也能知道你是个什么样的医生。你们那帮医生正在那边使唤着十二时的家伙哪。真应该正经地敲你一顿,不过还没到时候。趁着还有条命,快回去。”. “大概是把我当成另外的什么人了。”医生认定是这样。和哨兵吵一架毫无意义。不错,最好是离开这里,还来得及。医生转身朝相反的方向走了。 他身后的炮声停止了,那个方向是东边。雾中升起了太阳,不时从浮动的昏漾雾气的间隙露出头,仿佛在浴室的水汽当中偶尔闪过光着身子的人影。 医生顺着列车的一节节车厢走着,到了尽头还继续向前。他的两脚一步步越来越深地踩在疏松的沙地上。 噗噗的声音均匀地越来越近,地势随之平缓下降。又走了几步以后,医生在一个由于雾气而显得轮廓很大的不清晰的物体面前停了下来。再走前一步,尤里·安德烈耶维奇才在昏暗中看出迎面是拖到岸上来的几条船的船尾。他是站在一条大河的岸边,水面的涟调缓慢无力地拍打着渔船的船舷和岸边栈桥的木板。 “谁让你在这儿闲逛的?”岸上另一个哨兵发问。 “这是什么河?”经过方才那场遭遇,医生本来不想再打听什么,可是禁不住又脱口而出。 哨兵并不回答,却把哨子放到嘴里,不过还没来得及吹响。他本想吹哨叫来的先前那个哨兵,原来一直尾随在尤里·安德烈耶维奇后面,现在就径直走到同伴身边。两个人同时开了口: “这回没什么可说的。是个送上门来的家伙。'这儿是什么站,那儿是什么河?'真能打马虎眼。你说,是索性让他下去洗个澡,还是回车上去?”
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