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Chapter 3 Section 3

childhood 高尔基 9771Words 2018-03-21
After I got well, I gradually realized that the status of gypsy in our big family is quite special. Grandpa scolded him more than the two uncles. In private, grandpa often praised him: "Ivan is a good player, this kid is promising!" The two uncles were kind to him and never played any tricks like they did to Gregory. Pranks on Gregory were played almost every day.Sometimes it is to burn his scissors with fire, sometimes to set a nail with the end up on his chair, or to put two kinds of cloth of different colors at the hand of the almost blind old craftsman, waiting for him If you sew cloth of different colors, you will be scolded by your grandpa:

Once, while he was taking a nap in the hammock in the kitchen, some villain had smeared red paint all over his face. This kind of complexion was difficult to wash off. For a long time, Gregory had such a funny and scary face. These people tortured him in endless ways, and Gregory didn't seem to take it seriously at all, saying nothing. Before he took scissors, thimble, pliers, iron, etc., he always spit on his hand and took it tentatively. This has become a habit.He also wets his fingers before eating with a knife and fork, and the children laugh when they see it. After being scalded, his face would immediately become wrinkled and wrinkled, and his eyebrows would be raised high until they disappeared on the top of his bald head.

I don't remember my grandfather's attitude towards his sons' pranks. Every time, my grandmother would pump her fist and call them: "Smelly shameless devil!" However, the uncles often cursed Gypsy in private, saying that he was not good here and there, that he was a thief and a lazy man. I asked my grandma what was going on. She patiently explained to me: "You don't know that, they will split up and open their own dyeing workshops in the future, and they both want Fanyuxijia, so, are they both in front of each other? "That he can't work! What a fool."

"They are afraid that they will open another dyeing workshop with your grandfather, which will be very detrimental to your uncles." "Your grandpa saw out the bit of their scheming. He purposely said to them both, 'Ah, I'm going to buy Ivan an exemption, I need him so much, he doesn't have to go into the army!' " "This will make your uncles very angry!" Grandma laughed silently when she said this. Now I am sitting with my grandma again, just like when I came by ship, she comes to tell me stories every day before going to bed, telling her own life like a story.

It's very interesting, when it comes to things like the separation of the family, grandma speaks in an outsider's tone, as if she is very far away from it all. She talked about gypsy, and I knew he was an abandoned child. One spring, on a rainy night, I picked it up from the door. "Oh, he's frozen and wrapped in a ragged apron!" "Who threw it? Why did you throw him?" "His mother has no milk, and she heard that a family died young after giving birth, so she put her own baby here." There was a silence. "Oh, my dear Alyosha, it's all because of poverty!"

"Of course, there is still a rule in society that unmarried girls are not allowed to raise children!" Your grandfather wanted to send Vanuciga to the police station, but I stopped him, so let him raise it by himself, this is God's will. "I have given birth to 18 children, and if they are all alive, they can stand on a street!" "I got married at the age of 14 and started having children at the age of 15, but God took a fancy to my children and took them to be angels! I am distressed and happy! " Tears welled up in her eyes, but she laughed softly. She was sitting on the edge of the bed, with black hair draped over her body, tall and bulky, with fluffy hair, she looked like a big bear with a beard who was led to the yard a while ago.

"God took all the good boys, and the rest are bad!" "I like small things, Ivanka just kept it like this. After the baptism, he grows more and more juicy!" "At first, I called him 'The Beatle' because he looked so much like a Beetle when he crawled all over the room!" "You can love him with confidence, he is a pure man! Ivan is always amazing, and I love him more and more. Every Saturday, grandpa will punish the children who have made mistakes this week, and then he will go to evening prayer! The kitchen has become our world. Gypsy got some black cockroaches from somewhere.He made another set of horse faces out of paper, cut out a sled, ah, great!

Four black horses galloped on the yellow table with a sled, and Ivan drove them with a stick and cried: "Ha, drive the car to invite the archbishop!" He cut another piece of paper and pasted it on a cockroach, and chased after the sled: "They forgot to bring their pockets. This is a monk, and he is still chasing him!" He tied a cockroach's leg with a thread. The cockroach kept nodding its head while crawling. Ivan laughed loudly: "The deacon has come out of the parlor to go to vespers!" He also has a little mouse, which he hides in his bosom, and feeds it candy and kisses mouth to mouth. He said confidently:

"The mouse is a very clever animal, and the house god likes it very much!" "Whoever raises a little mouse, the house god grandpa will also like him!" Ivan can also juggle with cards or coins, and when he does, he yells louder than any other child, just like us. Once at a game of cards, he was a "big fool" several times in a row, but he was so angry that he pouted, they must have changed cards under the table! "Hmph, who knows how to deceive people!" He was 19 years old, older than the combined ages of the four of us. On festival nights, Gypsy is an active figure.

Generally speaking, at this time, grandpa and uncle Mikhail would go out to visit.Uncle Yakov came into the kitchen with his banjo. Grandma has just laid out a table of sumptuous dishes and a bottle of vodka.The wine bottle is green, with delicate red flowers carved on the bottom of the bottle. Gypsy dressed in festive costumes, busy around. Gregory walked in softly, his glasses gleaming. The pockmarked face of the nanny Yebiangnia became even redder. She was as fat as a jar, with strange eyes and a voice like a trumpet. Occasionally, the long-haired deacon of the Uspinier church, and some people as smooth as barracudas, also came.

People have enough to eat and drink, and the children have candy in their hands, and a cup of sweet sprinkles! The carnival scene is getting hotter and hotter! Uncle Yakov carefully tuned his banjo, and asked as usual: "Everyone, what's up, I'm going to start!" Then, with a flick of his curly hair, he seemed to stretch his neck, squinted his hazy eyes, gently plucked the strings, and played a tune that made every muscle move. This song is like a rushing river, coming from a distant mountain, rushing in through the cracks in the wall, shocking people, making people feel sad but not without excitement! This song makes you feel pity for the world, and also deepens your self-reflection. Adults become children, and children become adults. Everyone sits and listens, silently meditating. The air froze. Sasha of the Mikhail family leaned over to his uncle with his mouth open, drooling continuously! He was so engrossed that he lost control of his limbs and slid from the chair to the floor.He put his hands on the ground, listened like that, and got up again. All the people were fascinated by what they heard, and the occasional low cry of the samovar only deepened the sadness of this artistic conception. Two small dark windows stared at the night sky outside, and the flickering lights made their eyes change. Uncle Yakov's whole body froze, except for his two hands, which seemed to be moving under someone else's arrangement: his right finger was vibrating on the black strings, which was hard to see with the naked eye, like a happy bird flying rapidly. The wings are flapping; the left fingers run on the strings very fast, which is unbelievably fast. After he drank the sprinkle, he often talked and sang: If Yakov were a dog, He will bark non-stop from morning to night. Aww, I'm bored! Aww, I'm worried! A nun walks down the street; An old crow stands on the wall. Aww, I'm bored! The crickets chirped in the cracks in the wall, The cockroaches thought it was noisy. Aww, I'm bored! A beggar drying his foot-bindings, Another beggar came to steal! Aww, I'm bored! Aww, I'm bored! I can never stop listening to this song, and when he sings about beggars, I don't know how, and the grief makes me cry. Gypsy also listened to his uncle singing like everyone else. He inserted his hands into his black hair, bowed his head, and panted. Suddenly he exclaims: "Oh, if only I had a good voice, I'll sing like hell!" Grandma said: "Come on, Yasha, don't torture people!" "Come on, let Vanuciga give us a dance!" Everyone did not always agree to her request immediately, but Uncle Yakov often pressed his hands on the piano, clenched his fists, shook his hands, as if something had been thrown from him, and shouted loudly: "Okay, let's go worry and worry!" "Vaniga, you go on stage!" Gypsy pulled his clothes, straightened his hair, and walked carefully to the middle of the kitchen, with a red face and a slight smile: "Play faster, Yakov Vasilyich!" The guitar sounded crazily, and with the rhythm of the storm, Gypsy's boots took small steps, shaking the dishes and bowls on the table. The gypsy is burning like a fire; with its arms outstretched, it dances like a hawk, and its footsteps are so fast that people can't tell them apart! He suddenly screamed and squatted on the ground, flying around like a golden swallow before the heavy rain, his shirt trembling, as if burning, emitting a brilliant brilliance. The gypsy danced wildly, and if the door was opened, he could dance out into the street and dance all over the city! "Come across!" cried Uncle Yakov, beating time with his foot on the floor. Gypsy yelled out a playful jingle in a loud voice: hey hey! I can't bear my pair of broken straw sandals, otherwise I would have gone far away, leaving my wife and my child behind. People couldn't help trembling after him, as if there was fire under their feet, and shouted after him from time to time. Gregory patted his bald head and muttered happily. He bent down to talk to me, his big soft beard covering my shoulders: "Oh, Alexey Maksimmovich, if your father had lived, he would have danced like a fire!" "He's a delightful fellow!" "Do you remember him?" "Can not remember." "Oh, don't remember!" "Before, he danced with your grandma, hey, wait!" He said and stood up.He was tall and thin, like an icon. He bowed to his grandma, and said in a rough voice that is usually hard to hear: "Akulina Ivanovna, do me a favor and come out and dance around!" "It's like before with Maxine Ivanitch. What's the matter with you? Let me dance, isn't it a joke?" She shrank back. But everyone unanimously asked her to come out and dance. Suddenly, she made up her mind. She stood up neatly, straightened her dress, straightened her body, raised her head, and danced happily. She cried: "Just laugh, laugh as much as you want!" "Yasha, change the tune!" Uncle stopped in response, leaned forward a little, and immediately played a slower tune. Gypsy stopped for a while, ran to grandma, squatted down, and jumped around her. Grandma stretched her hands, raised her eyebrows, looked at the distance with her eyes, and slid on the floor as if floating in the air. I was very amused and laughed aloud. Gregory pointed out a finger and nodded me, and everyone looked at me reproachfully. "Ivan, stop making trouble!" Gypsy obeyed Gregory's command and sat on the threshold. Yevgenia raised her voice and sang: Monday to Saturday, The girl weaves lace. Tired to death Only half breath left. Grandma is not dancing at all, but telling stories. She was thoughtful, staring into the distance, her huge body was supported by two seemingly small feet, and she groped forward. She stopped suddenly, something in front of her surprised her, made her tremble! Immediately, she was radiant again, with a kind smile on her face. She leaned aside, bowed her head, held her breath, and listened intently, smiling! Suddenly, she spun up, she seemed to be much taller, strength and youth returned to her all of a sudden, everyone's eyes were attracted, she showed a kind of blooming flower-like beauty in a strange way. The nurse Evgenia sang again: Sunday noon prayers are over, Dance till midnight. She was the last to go back to the door, But the good night is short and Monday again. Grandma finished dancing and sat back to her original position. Everyone praised her all the time, she straightened her hair and said: "Forget it! You probably haven't seen a real dance yet." "Once upon a time there was a girl in our Barachna whose name I can't remember, but how she danced I'll never forget! It makes you weep with joy!" "Just take one look at her, and you'll pass out with happiness. I'm so envious of her!" "Singer and dancer of the first rank in the world!" said Evgenia solemnly, and she began singing King David again. Uncle Yakov put his arms around Gypsy and said: "You should go to the tavern too, go dance there and drive people crazy!" "Oh, I just hope to have a good voice, as long as I can sing for 10 years, I can even become a monk in the future!" Everyone started drinking vodka, Grigory drinking a lot.Many people toasted him.Grandma said: "Be careful, Grisha, you'll be completely blind if you drink like this!" Gregory said seriously: "Go blind, it's useless for me to have eyes, I've seen everything!" He drank more and more, he didn't seem to be drunk yet, but he talked too much, and he always mentioned my father when he saw me: "He has a great kind heart, my little brother, Maxine Savadeitch..." Grandma sighed and said: "Yes, he is the Son of God." Every word, every thing, every expression and every action of people deeply attracted me, and a sweet melancholy filled my heart. Joy and sorrow always go hand in hand, they are inseparably intertwined. Uncle Yakov may not be particularly drunk, he tore his shirt, pulled his hair and light-colored mustache: "What kind of day is this, why do you want to live like this?" He beat his chest and feet, and burst into tears: "I'm a rascal, a bastard, a stray dog!" Gregory suddenly roared: "That's right, you are!" Grandma was also drunk, holding her son's hand: "Come on, Yasha, God knows best what kind of person you are!" Grandma looks very beautiful now, with a pair of smiling black eyes swaying warm love to everyone. She fanned her red face with her scarf, and said like a song: "Lord, Lord, everything is so good! It's so good!" This is her sigh from the bottom of her heart. I was amazed at how carefree Uncle Yakov behaved.My grandma, why is he crying? Beat yourself up and scold yourself? "You don't have to know everything in this world right now! Sooner or later you will." Grandma, uncharacteristically, did not answer me. This made my curiosity even more insatiable.I went to the dyeing room to ask Ivan, but he kept laughing and didn't answer, just squinting at Gregory. In the end he got anxious and pushed me out: "Get out! Haunt me again, I'll throw you into the dyeing pot, and I'll give you a sex too!" Gregory was standing in front of the stove at this time. The stove was wide and low, and there were three cauldrons on it. He was stirring the pots with a long wooden stick. Dye field dripping from head. The fire was burning fiercely, and the hem of his colorful leather apron reflected the flames. The water was gurgling in the pot, steam was rushing towards the door like a mist, and a cloud rose in the yard. He raised his bloodshot eyes, looked at me from under his spectacles, and said to Ivan in a rough voice: "Hurry up, get the firewood, what's the use of having long eyes?" Gypsy went out. Gregory sat on the paint sack and beckoned me over: "Come!" He hugged me onto his lap, his beard covering half of my face: "Your uncle committed a crime and beat his wife to death! Now, he has been condemned by his own conscience, understand?" "Be careful, you want to know everything, it's very dangerous!" I feel very natural with Gregory, just like with my grandmother, except that he always scares me a little, especially when he looks through the lenses of his glasses, as if his eyes can see through everything. "Then, how did you fight?" "When the two of them were sleeping at night, he wrapped her head and feet in a quilt and beat her to death." "Why did you fight? He can't explain it himself, right?" At this time, Ivan came back with firewood, squatting in front of the stove and roasting his hands. Gregory didn't care, and continued: "Maybe it's because she's better than him, and he's jealous of her!" "They don't like good people in their family, and they can't tolerate good people!" "Ask your grandma, and you'll know how they want to kill your father! Your grandma will tell you everything, and she doesn't lie. Although she also likes to drink and sniff snuff, she A saint." "She's still a little silly, you have to keep close to her!" After speaking, he pushed me, and I went to the yard. My heart is very heavy. Vanuciga caught up, took my head in his hands, and said in a low voice: "Don't be afraid of him, he's a good man!" "You're going to look straight into his eyes from now on, he likes that!" All of this is unsettling. I remember my parents didn't live like that.They do everything together, cuddling shoulder to shoulder. At night, they often talked and laughed for a long time, and sang loudly while sitting by the window, which made passers-by on the street come to watch. Those faces looking up reminded me of dirty dishes after a meal. But here people rarely smile, and occasionally someone laughs, and you don't know what he is laughing at. Loud, threatening, whispering is the way of speaking here. No one of the children dared to play loudly. They were ignored and cared for, and they were as insignificant as dust. I feel like an outsider here, and I always feel like I'm sitting on pins and needles. I watched the occurrence and development of everything with great concentration.Grandma is busy all day long, and most of the time she can't take care of me.So I followed Gypsy's ass, and our friendship became deeper and deeper. Every time my grandfather hit me, he would block it with his arm, and then show me the swollen place: "Oh, it's useless! You still get so many beatings, and I'm no less beaten than you, forget it, I don't care about it from now on!" However, next time it will be the same, he will take care of it. "Don't you care?" "Hey, who knows that when the time comes, my hand will stretch out unconsciously..." Later, I learned another secret of his, which added to my interest in him. Every Friday, Gypsy would put the bay horse Shalap on the sled and go to the market. Sharap is grandma's baby. It has a bad temper and only eats good things. Gypsy put on a fur coat that reached to the knees, put on a big hat, tied a green belt, and set off. Sometimes, he didn't come back very late.The family members were very anxious, ran to the window, used steam to melt the ice flowers on the window glass, and looked out. "You haven't come back yet?" "No!" Grandma is more anxious than anyone else.She said to her uncle and grandfather: "It's all right now, you guys will destroy everything including people and horses!" "Shameless stupid pig! God will punish you! " Grandpa muttered: "All right, all right!" Finally, Gypsy is back! Grandpa and uncles rushed to the yard, and grandma, smoking snuff desperately, followed behind like a big bear. She became clumsy at such times. The children ran out too, and everyone happily unloaded the sledge. There are everything from chicken, duck to fish. "I asked you to buy everything?" Grandpa glanced at the things on the sled with sharp eyes and asked. "I bought them all." Gypsy jumped up and down in the yard to keep warm, flapping his gloves. Grandpa scolded severely: "Don't break the glove, it was bought with money!" "Did you get the change back?" "No." Grandpa took a turn around the sled: "I see, you brought back a lot of things, it seems that some of them are not bought?" "I don't want that." He frowned and left. The two uncles rushed towards the sleigh enthusiastically, and took down fish, foie gras, veal leg, and large pieces of meat. They whistled and weighed the weight: "Good boy, all you buy are good things!" Uncle Mikhail jumped up and down as if on springs, sniffed here and there, squinted his eyes, and licked his tongue. He is the same as grandpa, very thin, slightly taller, with black hair. He copied his hands and asked Gypsy: "How much money do I give you?" "Five rubles." "I see these things cost fifteen rubles! How much did you pay for them?" "Four rubles and ten kopeks." "Well, ninety kopecks went into your own pocket." "Yakov, look how good this kid is at saving money." Yakov shivered in the cold air, blinked his eyes, and smiled: "Vaniga, buy us some vodka for her." Grandma took off the harness and talked to the horse: "Oh, my little boy, what's the matter? Kitty, are you being naughty?" The tall and strong Sharap shook his mane, rubbed his white teeth against his grandma's shoulders, stared happily at his grandma's clothes, and neighed in a low voice. "Shall I have some bread?" Grandma stuffed a large piece of bread into its mouth, then put on her apron and picked up the crumbs under the horse's head. Watching it eat, grandma seemed to be lost in thought. Gypsy came over: "Grandma, this horse is really smart!" "Go away, don't wag your tail here!" Grandma later explained to me that the things bought by Gypsy Gypsy were not as many as those stolen. "Your grandfather gave him 5 rubles, and he only bought 3 rubles, and he stole the rest of the 10 rubles!" "He just likes to steal. Like a joke, everyone praised him for his ability, and he tasted the sweetness. Who knew that he would develop the habit of stealing things! " And your grandfather, who loved suffering since he was a child, is very greedy now, money is more important than anything else, so seeing things coming to his house for nothing, he is naturally overjoyed. "And Mikhail and Yakov..." At this point, she waved her hand, took a sniff of snuff, and said again: "Liaoya, things in the world are like lace. And the lace weaver is a blind old woman, so you know what you weave!" "If a thief is caught, he will be shot to death!" There was a silence and she continued: "Oh, where is the truth!" I found the gypsy the next day: "Will they beat you to death?" "Catch me? It's not that easy!" "I have a sharp eye and a quick hand, and a horse runs fast!" He smiled when he finished speaking.But immediately frowned again: "I know stealing is bad and dangerous, but I just want to have fun and relieve boredom!" "I don't want to save any money either. Within a few days your uncles will take all the money from me." "Just take it away, I'm full anyway, and money is useless." He took my hand and said: "Ah, you are very thin and your bones are very hard. You must have great strength when you grow up!" "You listen to me, learn the guitar, let Uncle Yakov teach you, you are still young, it will not be difficult to learn!" "Although you are small, you have a big temper. Do you dislike your grandpa?" "I do not know either." "Except for the old lady, I don't like anyone in their family, let the devil like them!" "Do you like me?" "Your surname is not Kashlin, your surname is Peshkov, and you are from another family!" He suddenly put his arms around me and said in a low voice: "Oh, if I had a good voice, I could set people's hearts on fire!" "Okay, let's go, little brother, I have to work!" He put me on the floor, stuffed a handful of small nails into my mouth, and fastened a piece of wet black cloth tightly to a large square plank. This is the last time I talk to him.Not long after, he died. Here's the thing. There was a big oak cross in the yard, leaning against the fence, where it had been for a long time.It was there when I first arrived. It was quite new then, yellow and yellow.But after autumn, the rain drenched it black.There was a bitter smell of oak, which added to the mess in the crowded and dirty yard. Uncle Yakov bought this cross, and he made a vow to carry it to the grave himself on the first anniversary of his wife's death. It was a day when winter had just entered, a very cold day with severe wind and snow. My grandparents took their three grandchildren to the cemetery early in the morning. I made a mistake and was locked up at home. Two uncles in black fur coats lifted the cross from the wall. Gregory and another man put the cross on Gypsy's shoulders. Gypsy staggered and stood still. "How about it, can you stand it?" Gregory asked. "I can't tell, it's very heavy!" Uncle Mikhail cried out: "Open the door, you idiot!" Uncle Yakov said: "Wanika, you are not ashamed, the two of us combined are not as strong as you!" Gregory opened the door and told Ivan: "Be careful, don't get tired!" "Vald donkey!" Uncle Mikhail yelled in the street. People laughed.Everyone seemed happy to have the cross carried away. Gregory took me to the dyeing room, carried me to a pile of wool ready to be dyed, wrapped the wool around my shoulders, smelled the steam coming out of the pot, and said: "Your grandpa may not beat you today, but I look very kind!" "Hey, little guy, I have been with your grandpa for 37 years, and I know his affairs best." "In the beginning, we were friends and did business together. Later he became the boss because he was smart and I couldn't." "However, God is the smartest, and he laughs off all the cleverness in the world." Although you still don't know why others do or say that, you will gradually understand. "Orphan, what a pain!" "Your father, Maxine Savadeitch, knows everything. He is a priceless treasure!" "That's why your grandfather doesn't like him!" I was very happy to hear Gregory babbling like this. The golden light of the fire in the stove made my face red, and the room was filled with misty steam, which rose to the planks of the roof and turned into gray frost. See a line of blue sky. Wind Boy, the rain has stopped, the sun is shining, and the sleigh is walking on the street, making a piercing sound.Cooking smoke rose leisurely, and light shadows slid across the snow, as if they were also telling something. Gregory the beard is tall and thin, with big ears and no hat, he looks too much like a kind wizard. He stirred the paint and continued his conversation: "Treat everyone with integrity, even if it's a dog, you have to treat everyone equally..." I looked up at him and felt very divine. The heavy-looking glasses were pressing on the bridge of his nose, and there were many blue bloodshots on the tip of his nose, which was the same as that of grandma. "Ah, wait a minute, what's the matter!" He suddenly closed the furnace door with his foot, listened for a while, and then rushed into the yard with a stride. I also ran out. Gypsy was carried into the kitchen. He was lying on the floor, and the light from the window was divided by the panes, one fell on his face, on his chest, and one on his legs. His eyebrows were raised, and there was a strange light on his forehead.His eyes stared at the ceiling motionlessly, only his dark purple lips moved, spitting out some red foam.Bright red blood flowed from his mouth to his face, down his neck, and finally to the floor, where he was soon completely soaked in blood. His legs were bent in agony, blood glued them to the floor. The floor was wiped clean, and the bright red blood flowed like a stream on it, crossing the rays of light, and flowing to the door. Gypsy was lying upright, some fingers were still slightly scratching, the blood on the fingers glistened in the sun. The nurse Evgenia put a thin candle into Ivan's hand, but Ivan couldn't hold it at all, the candle fell down and fell into a pool of blood. Evgenia picked up the candle, wiped it off with the corner of her skirt, and stuffed it into Ivan's hand. There was a lot of chatter, and I was a little unsteady, so I grabbed the knocker. Uncle Yakov walked up and down tremblingly, saying in a low voice: "He fell! Caught! Hit on the back!" "When we saw that it was not good, we quickly threw away the cross, otherwise we would also be smashed." His face was ashen, his eyes were dull, and he was exhausted. Gregory roared: "It was you who smashed him to death!" "Yes, so what?" "You, you!" The blood pooled on the edge of the threshold and gradually turned black.It seemed to bulge. Gypsy kept vomiting blood bubbles, humming in a low voice, the voice became smaller and smaller, and the person became thinner, flattened, and stuck to the floor, as if he was about to sink into it. Uncle Yakov said in a low voice: "Mikhail has gone to call Papa!" "It was me who hired a carriage to pull him back! Well, fortunately, I didn't carry it myself, otherwise..." Evgenia was still putting the candle into Gypsy's hand, and the candle's tears dripped into his palm. Gregory roared: "Okay, you just put the wax on the floor, idiot!" "Hey!" "Take his hat off." The nanny took off Ivan's hat, and the back of his head hit the floor with a heavy bang. He tilted his head to one side, and more blood flowed out from the corner of his mouth. I waited for a long time, and when the gypsy had rested, I stood up, sat on the floor, spit and said: "Bah, it's so hot..." But no. On the third day, he was still lying there, losing weight continuously. His face turned dark, he couldn't move his fingers, and there was no bloody froth on his mouth. There were three candles stuck by his cap and two ears, and the flickering yellow flames shone on his disheveled hair. Yevgenia knelt on the ground and cried: "My little pigeon, my little baby..." I felt very cold and very scared.He crawled under the table and hid. Grandpa was wearing a raccoon down coat and walked in with heavy steps. Grandma in fur coats with fur collars, Uncle Mikhail, children, and many strangers poured in. Grandpa threw the fur coat on the ground and shouted: "Bastards! What a capable lad you've ruined! In a few years he'll be priceless!" Clothes on the floor blocked my view, and I crawled outside and touched my grandpa's feet. He kicked me, raised his fist and waved at the uncles: "You bastards!" He sat down on the stool, sobbed a few times, but did not shed tears: "He is a thorn in your side, I know that!" Oh, Vanuciga, why don't you know?idiot! "I said, what to do? Well, what to do? Why does God dislike us so much, eh? Old woman?" Grandma lay on the floor, stroking Ivan's face and body with both hands, rubbing his hands, staring into his eyes, knocking down the candles. She stood up slowly, her face was darkened, her body was also dressed in black, her eyes were wide open, and she growled terribly: "Get out! Get out of the way, you nasty beast!" Everyone went out except grandpa. That's how Gypsy died. It was buried silently. People gradually forgot about him.
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