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Chapter 15 Chapter Three (2)

"My dear, I am deeply sorry that I have been entrusted with the task of negotiating, because we are best friends. Your marriage has failed, and you can never hope for a reunion. Don't go to Grandlieu again. The door of the mansion is closed. If you want to marry Clotilde as your wife, you can only wait for her father to die, and her father is an extreme egoist, and he will not die so soon. Hold on for a long time at the table. Clotilde is going to Italy with Madeleine de Leuguer-Schollieux. The poor girl loves you so much, my dear, that someone must be by her side. .to avoid accidents. She wanted to come and see you, and made a plan of escape . . . which is a consolation to your misfortune."

Lucien did not answer.He kept looking at Rastignac. "However, isn't it unfortunate?..." His countryman said to him, "you can easily find a girl as noble and beautiful as Clotilde! . . . I will marry you again. The Granlieu family never wanted to receive her, and she couldn't bear it. She has a niece, Clémence du Rouffre..." "My dear, I have not been on good terms with Madame de Serich since the last supper we had together. She saw me in Esther's box and turned against me. I did not make amends." "A woman in her forties doesn't have a long time with a handsome guy like you," Rastignac said. "I know this sun-setting scene . . . for ten minutes on the horizon." , and it will last ten years in a woman's heart."

"I've been waiting a week for her to write me a letter." "Go to her house!" "Now, it's time to do that." "You at least go to Van Noble's? That rich man of hers is going to buy Nucingen for supper." "I know. I'm going to her," said Lucien gravely. The news of Lucien's unfortunate incident was immediately told to Carlos by Asia.The next day, Lucien, Rastignac and Nucingen came to the home of the fake rich man. At midnight, Esther's old dining room was filled with nearly all the characters in the play.Only Esther, Lucien, Perard, the mulattos Condanson and Pacal knew the respective stakes hidden under the beds of these torrents of life.Pacal came to serve his mistress this evening.Asia, carrying Perard and Condanson on her back, was invited by Madame du Van Noble to assist her cook.Péllard had given Madame du Noble five hundred francs to get things done.When he was seated, he found a small note in the napkin with the following words written in pencil: When you enter the table, the ten-day deadline has expired.Perard handed the note to Gundansong behind him, and said to him in English: "You put my name on this?" Gongdansong read out Mane, Tecel, Phares by candlelight ◎ these days word, and put the note in his pocket.He knew that it was extremely difficult to decipher pencil writing, especially a sentence arranged in capital letters, because the strokes were like mathematical symbols, either curved or straight, and the habit of handwriting in cursive script could not be recognized from it.

◎According to the Bible, Belshazzar, the regent of Babylon, saw these three words appear on the wall when he was feasting.It means "count, measure, and divide", which indicates that his kingdom is about to collapse and his people are in danger. There was nothing cheerful about this supper.Perard looked visibly preoccupied.Lucien and Rastignac are the only ones present today among the rambunctious and merry-go-round youths.Lucien was unhappy and thoughtful.Rastignac had lost two thousand francs just before the meal, and while he ate and drank he considered how he might recover the money after the meal.Surprised by such a cold atmosphere, the three women looked at each other in blank dismay.This boredom makes the food tasteless.Eating supper, like watching a theater or reading a book, has its own chance.The last dish is fruit ice cream in candied fruit.Everyone knows that this ice cream has a pyramid shape and is served in a small glass with all kinds of small pieces of delicious preserved fruit on the surface without affecting its shape.The ice cream had been ordered by Madame du Valnoble at Tortoni's, a well-known shop on the corner of the rue de Tabe and the avenue.When the food came, the cook asked the mulatto to pay the cooler.Seeing that the delivery man's request was not very natural, Gong Dangsong threw a sentence: "Aren't you from Tortoni's store?" Then he went upstairs immediately.Pacal had given the ice cream to the guests while he was away.As soon as the mulatto came to the door, a policeman watching Sparrow Street called out from the stairs: "Number 27!"

"What's the matter?" Gong Dangsong asked, and hurried down the stairs. "Tell father his daughter's back. But, my God, what's happened! Tell him to come, she's going to die!" When Gundanson returned to the dining room, the old Pelade, already drunk, was eating a small cherry on top of the ice cream.The health of Madame du Vannoble was being toasted.The rich man poured himself a glass of Constance, and drank it down.The news that was to be communicated to Perard disturbed Contangson's mind.Nevertheless, when he returned to the dining room, he was surprised to see Pacal staring intently at the rich man.The eyes of Madame de Chamby's servant were like two fires.Although this discovery is important, mulattos cannot delay their affairs.When Pellard put the empty glass back on the table, he bent over his master.

"Lydie has come home," said Condanson, "and it is very bad." With a strong southern accent, Perard cursed in the most French-sounding French curse.All the guests present were shocked.Knowing that his words were inappropriate, Perard admitted that he was disguised, and said to Condanson in standard French: "Find me a cab . . . I'm going." Everyone got up and left. "Then who are you?" Rixian asked loudly. "Yes! . . . " said the baron. "Bisivo told me that you are more like him than him when you pretend to be British. I still don't believe what he said." Rastinek said.

"Some bankrupt has revealed himself," exclaimed Du Thier, "I expected it! . . . " "Paris is a strange place! . . . " said Mrs. Du Van Noble, "a businessman who has gone bankrupt in his own district can go to the Champs-Elysées as a rich man or a dandy without being punished. Punishment! . . . Oh! I am so unlucky that bankruptcy always follows me." "It is said that a beautiful girl has a bad life," Esther said calmly. "My misfortune is very similar to Cleopatra's. It was the adder that entangled me." ◎Cleopatra: Queen of ancient Egypt.

"Who am I? . . . " said Perat at the door, "hey, you'll know! For, if I die, I'll come out of the grave again. Every day and night to pull your feet! . . . " He kept his eyes on Esther and Lucien as he said these last words, and then, taking advantage of the astonishment of all, he walked away briskly.He wanted to run home in a hurry without even waiting for the carriage.On the street, Asia, wrapped in a black turban like the women who came out of the ball at that time, blocked the spy with his arm at the gate of the carriage. "Father Pellard, call for the Last Sacrament!" she said to him, and the voice foretold the disaster to him.

There was a carriage parked there.After Asia got on the carriage, the carriage sped away like the wind.There were five carriages in total, and Pellard's men knew nothing about them. Corentin returned to his country house.It is one of the most peaceful and beautiful places on the Rue Vigne in the small town of Bache.There he was seen as a businessman with a passion for gardening.When he got home, he saw the coded letter from his friend Perard.He ignored his rest, boarded the carriage that brought him back again, and asked the coachman to drive to Sparrow Street. When he got there, he saw Carter alone. From the mouth of this Flemish woman, he learned that Liddy had disappeared. Pellard and himself were taken aback by such a lack of foresight.

"They don't know me yet," he thought. "These people can do anything. Be sure to find out if they're going to kill Pellard. If so, I can't show my face again..." The more despicable and shameless a person is, the more he values ​​his own life.Such a life becomes moment by moment a kind of protest, a kind of revenge.Corentin went downstairs to his own house, disguised as a feeble little old man in a little dark green dress and a dog-tooth wig.Out of friendship with Perard, he returned on foot.He wanted to give orders to his most loyal number men.He was walking along Saint-Honoréaut, intending to go from Place Vendôme to Rue Saint-Roch.At this time, he saw a girl in front of him, wearing slippers, dressed like a prostitute: she was wearing a white blouse and a nightcap, and she was sobbing from time to time, mixed with some uncontrollable complaints.Corentin took a few steps in front of her and recognized her as Liddy.

"I am a friend of your father, Mr. Conquille," he said in his own voice. "Ah! Now I have someone I can trust! . . . " she said. "Pretend you don't know me," continued Corentin, "because we are being followed by a vicious enemy, and we have to disguise ourselves. Tell me what happened to you..." "Oh, sir!" said the poor girl, "I can tell you, but not to anyone else... I've been defiled and spoiled, and I don't know why! . . . " "Where are you from?..." "I don't know, sir! I escaped in a hurry. I walked down many streets and turned many turns, and I always felt that someone was chasing me... Whenever I met an honest-looking person, I asked him to go. Boulevard ◎ How to get there, so as to go to Heping Street from here. Already gone... what time is it?" ◎Refers to the boulevard between Bastille Square and Madalena Square in Paris. "Half past eleven," Corentin answered. "I escaped at dusk, and I've been walking for five hours! . . . " cried Liddy. "Okay, you will be able to rest in a while, and see the kind Carter..." "Oh, sir, there will be no more peace for me! All I want is peace in the grave. If people think me worthy of going to a monastery, I will go there and wait for this peace..." "Poor little girl, did you resist with all your might?" "Certainly, sir. Ah, if you knew what a gang of vile people I've fallen into the hands of..." "Perhaps hypnotized you?" "Oh, yes!" said poor Liddy, "I'll get home if I keep on going. I feel weak all over, and my head is befuddled. . . . I thought I was in a garden. . . " Corentin picked up Lydie.Liddy had lost consciousness.He carried her up the stairs. "Carter!" he yelled. Carter came out the door, uttering a cry of joy. "Don't be too happy!" said Corentin in a tone of reprimand. "The girl is very ill." Liddy was put to bed and Carter lit two candles.By candlelight, Libian recognized her bedroom.She was a little unhinged, singing beautiful dance preludes, and shouting and uttering the terrible words she had heard.Her beautiful face was streaked with blue and purple spots.The past life was so pure, but these ten days suffered such shame, and she intertwined the memories of the two.Carter was crying.Corentin paced up and down the bedroom, stopping every now and then to check on Liddy. "She's paying her father's debt!" he said. "Is there a god? Well, I don't have a wife, and that's right... a child! I'm sure, as some philosopher said, A child is a hostage delivered to disaster!..." "Oh!" said the poor child, sitting up in bed, with her beautiful hair disheveled, "Carter, I shouldn't be lying here, I should be lying on the sand at the bottom of the Seine..." "Carter, you can't cure the child if you cry and look at the child like this. You should go and get a doctor, first the city hall doctor, then Mr. Desplein and Mr. Bionchon... it must be treated This innocent girl..." Corentin wrote the addresses of these two famous doctors.At this time, someone came upstairs.He is familiar with every step of the staircase.The door opened, Perrad was sweating profusely, his face was purple, his eyes were bloodshot, panting like a dolphin, he rushed from the door to Liddy's bedroom, shouting: "My daughter is here where?……" Seeing Corentin pointing sadly, Perard looked in the direction of the finger.A flower which a horticulturist had lovingly cultivated fell from its branch and was trampled under the feet of a farmer's iron shoe.Liddy's situation is like this flower.This image was reflected in Pellard's heart full of fatherly love.You can understand how much he suffered.Big tears fell from his eyes. "Someone is crying, it's my father," said the child. Liddy could still recognize her father.She stood up.She knelt before her father as the old man slumped into an armchair. "I'm sorry, Papa! . . . " she said, and the words cut through Pellard's heart like a knife, and at the same time he felt a heavy blow on the top of his head. "I'm dying! . . . Oh, these rascals!" were his last words. Corentin wants to save his friend.He saw Pellard draw his last breath. "Poisoned! . . . " thought Corentin. "Ah, here comes the doctor," he said aloud when he heard the carriage. The man who came was Condanson, who had lost his mulatto disguise.He was hearing Liddy say now: "Father, don't you forgive me then? . . . It's not my fault! (She doesn't realize that Father is dead) Oh, his eyes are so staring I..." said the poor mad boy.After hearing these words, Gong Dangsong was stunned, as if he had become a statue. "His eyes should be closed." Gundanson said, putting Perard's body on the bed. "We're doing something stupid," said Corentin, "take him to his own room. His daughter is half mad, and if she finds him dead, she'll go mad, and she'll think she killed her father. " Lidi saw her father being taken away by others, and stood there blankly. "This is my only friend!..." After Pelad's body was put on the bed in his bedroom, Corentin said with emotion, "The only thought in his life was greed for money, and that was for his daughter!  … …Gondanson, this has a lesson for you. Every profession has its own morals. Pelad should not get involved in personal affairs, we just run public affairs. But, whatever happens, I swear, " He said, with a tone of voice, a look, and a gesture that terrified Contenson, "to avenge poor Perard! I must find the man who killed him and disgraced his daughter! . . . for my own sake." , considering that my time in this world will not be too long, I will take the risk to get revenge, and I will ask these all able-bodied people to shave their heads and go to the beach square at four o'clock in the afternoon!..." ◎The beach square in Paris was the place where prisoners were executed at that time. "I will do my best to help you!" Gong Dangsong said excitedly. There is indeed nothing more exciting than the sight of a man who was cold, prim, methodical, whom no one had seen the slightest emotion in twenty years, be so emotional at this moment.This is a red-hot iron rod that melts everything it touches.This is Gong Dangsong's heart was touched. "Poor old Conquil!" he went on, looking at Corentin, "he used to give me food and drink... yes... only those who have vices are good at doing it--he used to give me ten francs Let me gamble..." After these two eulogies, the two men who wanted to avenge Perrade heard Carter and the city doctor go up the stairs and went to Liddy's room. "Go to the prefect of the police," said Corentin. "The king's prosecutor may think that this is not a condition of legal responsibility. We can have a report written to the Paris police, and there may be some usefulness." "Monsieur," said Corentin to the city doctor, "you will see in this bedroom a dead man who, I do not think, died in a normal way. At my request, the prefect of the police department will be here shortly! Will you please be present?" The autopsy was performed in his presence, trying to find traces of poison, and you will be assisted in a moment by M. Desplein and M. Bionchon, whom I have sent to treat the daughter of my dear friend, who is in a more serious condition. My father was worse, though my father was dead..." "I don't need the help of these two gentlemen to see a doctor..." said the city doctor. "Oh, that's good!" thought Corentin, "--sir, let's not quarrel about this matter." Corentin continued, "In short, my opinion is that the one who just killed the father and the one who ruined the daughter Same gang." At dawn, Liddy finally fell asleep from her extreme fatigue.At this time, the famous surgeon and the young doctor both came.The doctor in charge of the death appraisal has opened Pellade's body and is looking for the cause of death. "Before waking up the lady patient," said Corentin to the two eminent physicians, "you may do a favor to a colleague who is doing an inquest of death, which will certainly be of interest to you, and your opinion will be of great importance to the autopsy." Records are certainly not superfluous." "Your relative died of apoplexy," said the doctor, "with evidence of severe cerebral congestion . . . " "Gentlemen, please examine carefully," said Corentin, "to see if there is any poison which would have the same effect." "The stomach is completely full of food," said the doctor, "and I cannot see any trace of drugs unless analyzed by chemical instruments." "If it is fully confirmed that it is a symptom of cerebral congestion, given the age of the deceased, it is a reliable cause of death." Desplein said, pointing to the large amount of food in the stomach... "Did he eat here?" Bion Xiong asked. "No," said Corentin, "he came here in a hurry from the boulevard to find his daughter raped..." "This is the real poison, if he loves his daughter," Bionchon said. "What poison could have such an effect?" asked Corentin, not giving up his idea. "There is only one," said Desplein, after he had examined everything carefully, "and that is a poison native to Java, taken from some hitherto unknown shrubs. , the poison was used to smear a very dangerous weapon...the Malay dagger...at least there is such a legend..." The police chief is here.Corentin confided to him his suspicions, told him in which house and with whom Perard had supper, and asked him to draw up a report.Then he told the sub-chief about the plot to kill Perard and why Liddy had been murdered in this way.Corentin then went to the poor girl's room, where Desplein and Bionchon were examining the sick.He met the two doctors at the door. "How is the situation, gentlemen?" asked Corentin. "Send the girl to a mental hospital! If she becomes pregnant and fails to regain her senses after childbirth, she will die of mental depression. There is no other way to cure her but to give her motherly love. If you can arouse a mother's love..." Corentin gave each doctor forty francs in gold.At this moment the police chief tugged at his sleeve, and he turned to the chief. "Doctors believe he died normally," the official said. "Because he's Daddy Conquille, it's more difficult for me to report. He was involved in many things, and we don't quite know who to blame.  … Humanoids are often 'ordered' to die.  …” "My name is Corentin," Corentin said, leaning into the Chief's ear. The chief was startled involuntarily. "Let's write a report!" Corentin continued, "This report will be very useful in the future, and it is only reported as a confidential material. I know that the crime has not been investigated yet, and it is impossible to conduct a pre-trial... However, one day I'm going to bring the criminals to court. I'm going to watch them, I'm going to catch them on the spot." The police chief bid farewell to Corentin and went away. "Sir," said Carter, "Miss is always singing and dancing, what should I do? . . . " "What happened? . . . " "She knew her father had just died..." "Get a cab, and take her to the Charenton Asylum. I'll write a note to the Inspector-General of the Realm at once, so that she can be properly placed there. The daughter goes to Charenton, the father to the public grave." Corentin said, "Go and order a poor man's pivot, Condançon... Now, Don Carlos Herrera, let's compete! . . . " "Carlos?" said Condanson. "He's in Spain." "He's in Paris!" said Corentin in an indisputable tone. "He has the genius of Spain in the time of Philip II. I have the ability to arrest everyone, including the king." ◎Philip II (1527-1598), King of Spain from 1556 to 1598. At nine o'clock in the morning on the fifth day after the rich man's disappearance, Madame du Valnoble sat on the edge of Esther's bed and wept, because she felt that she was going to slide down the slope of poverty. "If only I had a fixed income of a hundred louis! With this money, my dear, I could go to some town and live in seclusion, and marry someone there..." "I can make you the money," said Esther. "In what way?" exclaimed Madame du Vannoble. "Oh, of course it's natural to do. Listen: you pretend you want to die, and you pretend to be. You call Asia, and you offer her ten thousand francs in exchange for two small black glass beads. It contains a poison that kills a man in a second. Bring me this, and I'll give you fifty thousand francs..." "Why don't you ask her for it yourself?" asked Madame du Valnoble. "Asia won't sell it to me." "Isn't it for yourself? . . . " said Madame du Valnoble. "Also a possibility." "You! You live in joy and luxury, and the house is yours! Now there will be a celebration for you, which people have talked about for ten years! Nucingen will cost twenty thousand francs for it. It is said that on that day, People eat strawberries, asparagus, grapes... and melons in the middle of winter in February... a thousand crowns worth of flowers are placed in each apartment!" "What do you say? The roses on the stairs are worth a thousand crowns." "They say your clothes are worth ten thousand francs?" "Yes, my dress is made in Brussels, and Nucingen's wife Telfina is so angry that I'm going to make it into a bride's dress." "Where is the ten thousand francs?" asked Madame du Vannoble. "Here's all my pocket money," said Esther, smiling. "Open my dresser, and it's under my curling papers..." "People who talk about death seldom kill themselves," said Madame du Valnoble. "If it's to murder..." "Murdering someone's life? Where did you go!" Esther said what she wanted to say when her friend hesitated. "Don't worry," Esther went on, "I don't want to hurt anyone. I There used to be a girlfriend, a very happy woman, and she died, and I'm going to follow her... that's all." "You are stupid!..." "Is there any way, we agreed with each other." "Don't worry about it, just refuse to pay the debt!" My girlfriend said with a smile. "Just do what I say, go! I hear a carriage coming, this is Nucingen, he's going crazy with joy! This man, he loves me... why do people love us and we don't What about others? Anyway, they are trying to please us in every possible way." "Ah! here it is!" said Madame du Vannoble. "This is the story of the shrewdest of all fishes." "why?……" "Because people can't figure it out." "Hey, come on, my darling! I must get the fifty thousand francs for you." "Okay then, goodbye..." In the past three days, Esther's attitude towards the Baron de Nucingen has completely changed.The monkey became a female cat, and the female cat became a woman.Esther was so fond of the old man that she made herself charming.Instead of teasing and biting, her words were filled with hints of tenderness, which engendered confidence in the clumsy banker.She called him Fritz, and the banker felt that Esther had fallen in love with him. "My poor Fritz, I have put you through so much pain," she said, "I have worn you out. You are so patient and wonderful. You love me, I can see that, and I will repay you." .Now you make me like it. I don't know how it happened, but I like you more than I like a boy. This may be the result of personal experience. After a long time, people finally find that happiness is the wealth of the soul. But for happiness And being loved is no better than being loved for money... Plus, young people are so selfish, they think more of themselves than us. And you, you only think of me. I am you My whole life. So, I don’t ask you for anything anymore, I want to prove to you what kind of person I am who doesn’t value material interests.” "I haven't given you anything," replied the exuberant baron, "I'm going to give you a thirty-thousand-franc annuity tomorrow, . . . It was) my wedding present..." Esther embraced Nucingen with such affection that he turned pale.He didn't take aphrodisiacs. "Oh!" she said, "you don't think I'm doing this for your thirty thousand francs annuity. It's because now... I love you, my Fat Frederick..." "Oh, my God! Why did Xi (Xi) test me... If nothing else, how happy I should be in the past three months..." "Is this a three percent or a five percent interest rate, honey?" Esther asked, running her hand through Nucingen's hair and making it whatever she wanted. "Three percent... I still have a lot more." So this morning the baron brought the national bonds.He had come to lunch with his dear little girl, and to have her instructions for the next day.This unusual Saturday is a big day! "I'm here (for you, my beloved wife, my only wife." The banker was radiant and said happily, "This is for you to pay for food and housing for the rest of your life. money..." Esther took the paper without seeming agitated, folded it, and put it on her dresser. "You should be glad you finally see me taking what you have, old pervert!" She patted Nucingen on the cheek, and said, "I can't expose you any more, Because I've shared what you've said about the fruits of your labor...it's not a gift, poor boy, it's a return...well, don't look like you're on the exchange. You know I'm love your." "Esther Tess, my Bank of America man, my Angel of Love," said the banker, "never say anything like that to me again... You see...the whole world thinks of me as a thief, I don't care, almost as long as I'm () an upright (straight) banker within your limits...I'm loving more and more you." "That's what I thought too," said Esther, "so I won't say anything to trouble you any more, my precious elephant, because you've become as innocent as a child... of course, big bastard , you have never been innocent, what you were born with should reappear, but it was buried too deep, and it came out again after sixty-six years... was hooked by love. This This phenomenon happens to old people...that's why I finally fell in love with you. You are young, very young...Only I understand this Frederick...Only me!...Because you are fifteen Became a banker... In middle school, you lent a classmate a marble, and the condition was to return two... (She sees him laughing, and jumps on his lap) Well, you can do it Everything you will do! Oh my gosh, go loot other people's property.. Do it, I'll help you. One doesn't have to bother to be loved, Napoleon beats a man like a fly. The French pay taxes, whether it's To you, or to the state budget, it's all the same to them! ... However, you can't have sex with the budget, that's it... -- go ahead, I've thought about it, are you That's right...according to Berengri ◎, it is to shear the wool from the sheep, which has long been recorded in the "Bible"...Hug your Esther (Moss)...Ah! By the way, you put Tai Give that poor Vannoble all the furniture in the Rue de Bouquet! Besides, you'll give her fifty thousand francs tomorrow... It will increase your value, understand, my cat! You've put Falex to death. ◎, People are going after you... You will show Babylonian generosity by doing this... All women will talk about you. Oh!... In Paris, only you are great and noble. That's how people are, they Will forget about Falex. In short, this is investing money in prestige!  …” ◎Belang Rui (1780-1857), French poet and songwriter. ◎ Nucingen bankrupted Falex.Falex was traveling abroad at the time. "You are right, my celestial (envoy). You know silver (people)." He replied, "You will be (is) my staff from now on." "Yes," she said, "you see how much I care for my man's business, reputation, and honor... Go, go and get me the fifty thousand francs..." She wanted to get rid of Monsieur Nucingen, so she could call in a broker and sell the bonds that night on the Exchange. "Why should I go at once? . . . " he asked. "Goodness me, my cat! The money must be put in a brocade locket and covered with a fan. You say to her: 'Madam, here is a fan, I hope it pleases you... 'People think you are just Ducalai, but you are more than Boron◎!" ◎Bojon (1718-1786), French financial director, witty and romantic. "Well said (well)! Well said (well)!" exclaimed the baron, "I've become witty (this time)! . . . Yes, I'll do what you say . . . Poor Esther did her best to play her part.Exhausted, she sat down.At this moment, Europa walked in the door. "Madame," she said, "Monsieur Lucien's valet, Celestin, has sent a servant from the Maracay..." "Call him in! . . . Oh no, I'll go to the antechamber." "He brought a letter from Celestine to Madame." Esther hurried to the hall to look at the errand, and found that he was indeed a errand. "Tell him to come downstairs! . . . " After reading the letter, Esther sank down on a chair and said weakly, "Lucien wants to kill himself..." She added in Europa's ear, "The Show him the letter." Carlos Herrera, still in his salesman's clothes, came downstairs.Seeing a stranger in the hall, he immediately fixed his eyes on the servant. "You told me there was no one!" he whispered into Europa's ear. Out of caution, after looking at the servant for a while, he immediately went to the living room. Unbeknownst to "The Ghost," the well-known chief of security who arrested him at the Vauguet apartment had a new opponent.This opponent is this fake servant.He is said to be replacing the Director. "They're right," said the fake errand to Condanson, who was waiting in the street, "that the man you've described to me is in this house, but he's not Spanish. on our prey." "He is not a Spaniard, nor a priest," said Condanson. "I'm sure," said the security agent. "Oh, if only we were not mistaken! . . . " said Condanson. Lucien was indeed away for two days, and they took advantage of this opportunity to set a trap.However, he came back that evening, and Esther calmed down. The next morning, when the prostitute had just come out of the bath and was back in bed, her girlfriend came. "I've got those two beads!" said Van Noble. "Really?" Esther said, sitting up, resting her tender elbows on the lace pillow. Madame Du Noble gave her girlfriend two black currants. The baron gave Esther two famous Italian beagle dogs.A great contemporary poet made this kind of dog popular for a while, and finally it was named after the poet.The Housewives was very proud of having these two dogs, and also reserved their ancestral names for the puppies: Romeo and Juliet.These two animals are very affectionate to people, they are all white and charming, and it goes without saying.它们与房间十分协调,具有良好的生活习惯,表现出英国式的循规蹈矩。艾丝苔呼唤罗密欧,罗密欧跑过来,它的爪子是那样纤细、柔软、稳健而有力,简直像钢条一样。小狗望着女主人。艾丝苔做出要向它投掷一颗丸子的手势,以引起小狗注意。 ◎指拉马丁。
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