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Chapter 61 The Fourth Factor of Emotional Response: Empathy

The fourth factor that generates an emotional response is empathy.Soul mates share common values, which makes them resonate extremely easily.It is this element that encourages us to be the best we can be.When we are with our lover, the most important thing for him or her is to empathize with us. Your partner's values ​​are ones that resonate with you, deeply encourage you, and relate to God, family, work, entertainment, politics, money, character, sexuality, and marriage.You are able to see the good in your soul mate's humanity and respect and adore his or her values.What I'm saying here is that the two of you should have the same values ​​doesn't mean that your thoughts and feelings on a topic have to be exactly the same.Rather, it means that you should be able to respect each other's views and opinions, and compliment him or her for thinking so.

If there are two husband and wife, one is a Democrat and the other is a Republican.Although they have different ways of approaching things, they both value having a fair and just government that really works for the people.But if one person supports dictatorship and the other supports democracy and republic, then there is definitely not enough resonance between them to have mutual spiritual connection. The most common place people find their soul mate is in church, in a synagogue, or some other place of worship.This is due to the fact that people who share the same values ​​are attracted to a particular spiritual place.Here, they are able to meet people who resonate with their spiritual values.

The reason why Robert has a soft spot for Lucia is because their values ​​can resonate.Robert, an engineer, puts it this way: "I met my wife, Lucia, at church. We took a few classes together and then walked out. I noticed that she turned away immediately and walked away. It was urgent, but because I fell in love with her at first sight, I wanted to know her more and understand her. I think that having a common belief made it easier for us both to accept and trust each other. There are so many differences between us, but we But shared beliefs about life and family. I respect her values ​​and I want her to be the mother of my children. I feel so lucky to have met her in my life. I think that’s what love is all about."

Having shared values ​​allows us to agree with someone.This will help us overcome the various challenges that are inevitable in any relationship.As our relationships inevitably go through their ups and downs, we can always recall a deep resonance with the other person's highest values ​​in the depths of our souls.This integration allows us to make appropriate compromises and concessions without giving up who we are or what we hold most dear.So, by going to those places where our values ​​can be supported, we can surely also meet our soul mate.
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