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Chapter 60 come out of the past

Sometimes, as we get older, we think that things will always be the same and change.We don't realize that the way we approach things has changed.Men and women are tired of love, they don't want to get involved in the vortex of relationships again, they think that every relationship is the same.actually not.This is because we repeatedly walk the same old path.Once we take the time to learn from our past mistakes, we have reason to believe that future relationships will be better. Polina is a professional manager of a telephone company.She said: "I met my husband, Karigo, at a dinner party. A friend of mine introduced us to each other. But at the time I was tired of being in love and I wasn't interested in dating again. In Before this, I was divorced twice. However, I found that there is something different about Carriage. In fact, his appearance does not attract me at all, but he is the most beautiful person I have ever seen Interesting person."

"Karigo is seven years older than me, but it's just the age gap between us that adds to my charm and makes me more attractive to him. I'm a bit precocious for my age. He always takes a different approach to things. The thoughtful and caring way he handled it was something I never met again. His insight into the world was so unique that I couldn't help admiring him." "I realized that I just needed someone more mature than me to motivate me. In my previous relationships, I'd always been guided by sexual attraction, but this time, even though we didn't have sex in the first place, I thought he was very interesting. He started pursuing me. After dating for a while, love finally came. I was surprised to find that I also felt a deep attachment to his body. Our relationship took a while to develop , but today, many years have passed, and the fire of our love continues to burn."

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