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Chapter 56 reacquainted

Tribeca, a librarian, told me: "I'm finally out of a two-year relationship, and I'm starting to hope that the next week will be a quiet one, a time for myself. The alone time is spent praying, meditating, and concentrating on my favorite book. I feel like I've had enough men all the time, and I say to myself 'this week, it's my week to be in love with God '." Just then, out of the blue, Tommy, an ex-boyfriend in Tribeca, called her.You know, they haven't been in touch for four years.At the time, their relationship lasted for a year, but they eventually went their separate ways.Tribeca once loved Tommy deeply, and was heartbroken to learn that he found a new love.

Tommy told Tribeca about his experience over the years on the phone: It turned out that Tommy got married not long after leaving Tribeca.His marriage lasted only two years, and now he's a bachelor again.He had no intention of calling this time, just to say hello to Tribeca.Hearing Tribeca's voice again during their phone conversation, Tommy immediately realized how big a mistake he had made leaving her.At the end of the call, he told her: "After all these years, it feels so good to talk to you again. I feel so much love for you now. It's as if there are so many beautiful little angels Sing in heaven."

Just one phone call made Tommy realize he was ready for another relationship with Tribeca.He's ready to enter stage three of dating her because he's matured, he knows what he wants, and he'll immediately feel the full range of his emotional response to her: physical, emotional. , intellectually and spiritually.He sincerely wanted to give their relationship a chance to develop.He had matured from his past relationship experiences, so that he knew immediately that she was the right one for him. Although Tribeca was very moved, she still said to him: "I'm going to spend this weekend in church, and I'm going to leave this time to God." Tommy didn't deny it repeatedly like the hairy boy, Instead, he excitedly said, "That's right. That's why I had to call you. I'm the answer to your prayers." Hearing this, they both smiled happily.Tommy's intention to go to Tribeca's house was so determined that Tribeca finally granted his request.It took him six hours to drive the car at a fast speed, and he arrived at her house.In the meantime, he also got a speeding ticket.

They met each other very late and talked all night long.A month later, they were engaged, and six months later, they were married.Tommy and Tribeca were deeply in love once, but then, it was not the best time for their love to blossom and bear fruit.Now they realize that they are soul mates, as they both have experiences that can only be honed over time.
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