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Chapter 55 where men feel needed

Armed with this knowledge, a man can intelligently meet the woman of his dreams where she feels most receptive to what he has to offer.By volunteering in the community, he might find the perfect woman for him.By helping the procession overcome difficulties, he will meet many women.When a woman has the opportunity to feel the benefits of a well-organized man, she begins to feel herself developing feelings for him.Whenever the situation forces a need for a leader or organizer, you should stand up and seize this good opportunity to attract women's attention.Even though your soul mate might not be among them, someone might pay attention to you and he or she will eventually bring you to her.

Whenever the situation is compelling and a leader or organizer is needed, you should stand up and seize this good opportunity to attract women's attention By being a daddy to a friend's child, or taking the child for a walk in the park at different times, women will be attracted to you as bees are to honey when they see you.Seeing your kind and leisurely demeanor with children, women will immediately think like this: "This man is really gentle and considerate. He is so responsible. Look, he also helps friends take care of children." Of course Well, if that's not in your nature, if you don't like babysitting at all, and you're just pretending to do it to win a woman's heart, then you don't have to force it at all.My advice to men is not to create instant attraction for you, but to help you find women who will have lasting attraction for you.When you show your responsible side, a woman has the opportunity to feel attracted to you.

By being a daddy to a friend's child, or taking the child for a walk in the park at different times, women are attracted to you as bees are to honey When you do this, you don't have to worry about her thinking you're married and dismissing you.Instead, she'll come up and talk to you about this sweet baby.She'll ask you lots and lots of questions about the baby, which gives you a lot of opportunity to explain that it's not your baby.When she finds out that you're still single, she'll be thrilled.If your friend doesn't have kids to babysit, you can borrow someone else's puppy and take it for walks in the park at different times.

You will be most efficient at finding the right mate where women will depend on you for a specific kind of support.Whenever there is an emergency in the community, such as a fire, flood, earthquake, storm, typhoon, or hurricane, these are the perfect times for you to step up and provide your services and you may find a wife you want. When a man is in uniform, it helps women become emotionally attached to him.The uniform represents: the man in front of him has a certain purpose, he is confident, and he has a sense of responsibility.When you wear your uniform, it shows that you take pride in what you do and that you love what you do.These are huge attractions.You should also wear your uniform on your days off, or whenever you can shed your uniform.

Women like men in uniform, so whenever a man can get rid of his uniform, he should wear it By putting yourself in situations where you are needed by women, children, and the elderly, you can present yourself to women at your most heroic side.When she expresses her gratitude and acceptance for your efforts, you can feel that there is some kind of bonding between the two of you. Sometimes, you don't get the electric shock right away—unless you actually do something in the first place to stimulate her to respond accordingly.Her warm response makes you feel that by serving her, helping her, you gain her trust, approval, and appreciation, all things a man needs to feel in order to grow a relationship.

Likewise, when a man demonstrates confidence, purpose, and responsibility for his actions, a woman will feel that she has feelings for him.His efforts convinced her: "I can get care and consideration, understanding and respect from him, and if I associate with him, then my emotional needs can be met." Let's take an example to see the emotional response How was it inspired? Harry, an acting teacher, said this to me: "I first met my wife, Judy, in one of my teaching classes, and she was a good student. I fell in love with her at first sight, but I could only see her during lectures, and this short meeting couldn't stop me from missing her. So, I started thinking about asking her to go out alone. God, I can't breathe when I think about it. It was going on and on, and I didn't know what to say to her. Finally, I mustered up all the courage, walked up to her after class, and told her that I wanted to help her read the script. It was really a memorable event. Moment." Instantly, a spark of love was born between us.

"The following week, I gave the class a romantic script and asked them to rehearse it. After class, she asked me shyly if I could help her read the script again. Of course I said yes. When we were together, I'm such a tongue-tied idiot that I can't get a nice word out of my love with Judy, but I'm a schoolteacher and I can read a script. It's someone else's script, but when I put my heart into it Judy was completely captivated when I read it. To this day, I am still very grateful to Shakespeare. I remember that day, we smiled at each other, and from then until today, we have been smiling at life. To this day, I still help her with her scripts. I am truly blessed to have a skill that she deeply appreciates."

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